, i', 4 ' _ ' ___._._- Mr. WOOD moved that the item of$4,- p, the Svdncy Exhibition, cspecia'lly after the tttit " forum expenses of thy works at the in declaration made by the, then Treasurer that Cemtrat Prison be concurred "lo iii' . ' F the pamphlet was distrreditaisie to the pub- Mr. WILLS moved in amendment, "That IB. . T lishcrs, after he had given the House an we the following words be added in the resolu. Bi l, suranco that no payment would be made ii. tion 'c-This House desires to express its I . respect of it out ot the public funds.' " opinioar-ust. That all moneys required I After some discussion, for the payment of labour and materials set _ i2: , MLOROOKS cxplainedthat thatyear when f:t, I' affirm" for "on "4'3;le should I acting inthe c?pyfrtyot'rreatiureritiG repre- wicfnslizsllc be (his? a'tTolth'l1, p333 ( it a . . . . t If» ain'tfitogxitxfit$323112;mgfiimg'écit; vouchers for the correct disbursement oil'the t] assisting manufacturers who Were going to iit')Ji" i,"J'litetdsut "0222011 (Blith- le El ! exhibit goods at the Sydney (Australia) declaration of the fol-man on other 'l. . I Exhibition. The Manufacturers' Association )"rson in chars of th works b' _ came to the conclusion that the Province 3,3,0}, y ifi.c t "eh "o ta I ' would be most benetitted by the issue of a e.' t "a fllf a a B. te t e amount r . . .. . of the said pay lists (and in some general Fa pamphlet explaining the naturo of Ontario manner) the work and material f t 'la') manufactures, for distribution in Australia, )1 " {of whicl ti, t V ' or. be tt5 i V and bhe1a'orerisrtaent through himself pledged V")? t A "9 1 . te. moneys. are, required, Bt ' . l their word to subscribe one thousand dol- ly.. ,1'ly th.e Engineer, Architect, or other - ' liars. When the pamphlet was issued he Clliicf (fit'/',1'iyeejte,.t, of the Works shall [ti i 'ound that it was not a very creditable pro- 15013:: if lic.',, $031,": ' sorrectncss ot the i}. i " 'duction; and therefore he thought that it pay ' , y g u , l Fd _ : i, would notanchrtlie l"lTo'oitosintended Mr. LLARKE (Wellington) mow-d, in! lift _' for. The present Treasurer was in- :micnduicnt to the amendment, "That all f b formed by the mill owners who the words 1ft,ety..thiatt be struck out, and the f :3; _ had supplied the paper that they 'ftltt1ty,yeytiie/ire.' In the opinion ofi IE: 7 l did so on the understanding that the Gov.. thit, i,t'fiii', a); Eycwtions 11?? taken by I , (ernment was to subscribe one thousand the ,'iitii, or 5 Department in connce. M, 'dollars. 'I'lieyhad presented their account lion with the, payment ot wages for work . lit _ for paper to the Monufucturers' Assiocietion, done, and for material, is both satisfactory if - and had failed to receive payment. That and 'mmeient.' " In support of the amend. 'i! " being an unincorporated body no redress nient to the amendment' he rclerred to the 53 from tlicmasa whole was obtainable, there. proceedings ot the Public Accounts Com. 4, , C' fore the Gorernmentdectneditto be its duty I mittee, and {said that the evidence taken El J to pay the amount promised. There was no , before that Committee touching the present IE , reason in the fact that the, pamphlet was a matter was satisfactory toevery businessman E , failure tmflicient to justify the Government who was a member ofit. Tho vouchers were Bi , in repudiating a promise. (Cheers) well authenticated, and every man signed a fig C "Mr. PARDEE narrated the facts which receipt for his wages on the pay list. This , had led to the attempt to make the exliibi- Wltte the /.Tffe generally adopted under E tion at Sydney a success so far " Canada's l the Dominion Government, and by all large Ki . exhibit was concerned. It was decided by employers of labour. (Cheer-s.) j ' I the manufacturers to get up a pamphlet l n being one o'clock the House ad.. g ' 'g; showing the extent of the industries and] journal. Bl ii' F manufactures of Ontario. The pamphlet ', -- 2 I would post two thousand dollars, plains iti bliCOND SITTING_ Iii, ' s' was irttheinjast of the Province in lov- "' " , ' Trs ' . " ' tre I 2f, . ' crnmcnt plml_.~i-d itself to bear one-half of l lb. slut".",' took the flu" at " o clock. 1 . ' the expense. The Treasurer discovered IAX EXLMITIONS- , iit after the pamphlet had been issued that it Mr. FERRIS presented the report of the Bi, r' was not suitable for the purpose. Committee on Municipal Taxation and Err-4 (B. The tnanuhtuurvm refused to pay the paper eruptions, which was adopted. 'ily-rl ' fl", ond 'te ny'll Jl'v'it'e, Came 2, 'll' mm ussrncrmo ELECTIONS. . Bi ' 'ol'ertttncn ., and sin ic Were ow .. . 433 " the paper bill, and toque-still the Liove,iav. J,", DA}: "iiLteed flange "Elinor it? 4 ' ment to pay the bill, as it had promised to t , (sleCOIlh "il tmg o 't' 15 ll li '0 1ttl butt? one-half the, oxpcnso. The honour of when .t 0 f C /,'7,.lr,', pg 0 cc an in? . the Province had been pledged, and it of members Ol the, f'.yii1o.1ir,t,/ume. :y 'tti' ' , Would have been repudiation on the part of 80 as to give Indians the franchise. It' !" Ri the Government to refuse to redeem its "cm not taken up now_ho fered that it '.il5l . budge because the pamphlet was a failure. would at" be taken up this sossron. ilil , Mr. (IL'l'Jlllu' argued that the Government 3ir. MOWAI lid,, not flu")? the PM?" MI , had acted in a constitutional manner when teould assent to his hon. friends Bill in its It , . tin-y mu this expanse front the vote for present tovttt. Ile hoped he 1sould act press It.), , . " uiiiorcseen and unprovi led." it. ' Il Mr. SINCLAIR moved in aincndmcnt to The "with? was dropped, and the HOW" 8ll the amendment, " That all the Words in proceeded wiih the orders of the day. B, the amendment after the Word 'rcsiolu, AID TO RAILWAY. its, , _ tion,' "has it first occurs be struck Mr. l'ARDlZE'S mu respecting "id tn cor. ilit , out, and the following substituted Min railways waspasscd through Committee, 'ht , ttlt,";):,'-,,,-',,',',?:?:?),?,' 18 of 'i'tivn,.i/,'/,1 131"" read the third time and passed. 'ie , li in Mor sale 0 ie 'rovincu raving con " , , , a E a pledged to a third party for the amount of . EONCVRRLNCL' IE' _ , one thousand dollars for the purpose ot The ,diyuss,io.t.t of the ',yet',r,tou1ts' to the 3% ' C, bearing part of tho cost of a pamphlet resolution rclating to the item rat the ex- Ei , F setting forth the mapufacturing interests lPenscs of the Works at the Central Prison it _ l _ ar1iadvantages of the Province of Ontario; ,1 was rosunied.' Aftcr t'cnuwlcs by Mr. ll ill, tii t l and as the niateiial for the same was sup. l and Mr. Merrick, :3: , plied by such third party, the payment of , Mr. MACDOUGALL (Simcoc) said it Bt "t the said one thousand dolltuvs was and is J was always and "vcrywhure conceded that Fl] ' justified!" public, works should not be carried on by if , The amendment to the amendment was (ire Government, but should be tet out by 55 carried Ott the following division F- public tender. He thought the resolution tg PtAs.--arestsm. AWN". Ballantyno, 1uxter, Bon, _ ot his hon. triend from Hastings (Mr. Wills) l J 1e,er/,1ey,eliijiiiiliri"ti1rrfl,1"; Clarke (Welling~ 'wus l one which every member of the , j Pyt,t,'ule, f.tltl, Currie. Down)", PM". Finlur House should willingly Mhan, and which Lit"ii _ . it's,"i?fi?i§;.5.'§,"ii'u"if.1$,'"i.'.'2;,'if§?§f.',filiii'ngf'i'li! cuum not be Construed into c Cettgarts on bt4 Million, Mosaic, Muster, Miller, Mowat, .o.'Oonhihue, the Government. There should be some. :',iii:' in???J'iil'§i°'€n§t°."";,'313.2" "$032101: 'ttt thing more than the simple signature of the l? 't'irw'l,'r"t'd" v1'1'lij'i'i'll'l,' "lt1li'iel1t,"'Tv1tte Wood. foreman at the bottom or the pay-lists. 'd/i: q ' q',' Nt It k B B ll I n" B d Mr. FRASER contended that the system 'iiii ' l.'f-r/ 1Pt, rer, aft. P 1 30 of. .70 ttr, followed now with regard to the certifying uu 2' " , ' " . . . t; ("ii,ii,"i,fit/,tt//'j,j'ijiiis,', f).'ivi'i'tlt)e;,.t.etitjaeiij,', of pay.lists was prccisely the Rune as that I,.,ir'iii V Ihung, Mcbppgall winging"? 'tieete,it21ifcvii,(r' , which prevailed undesi- tlic; Géwerliligent of _ " " LK'UOWIII.. or is, orrie ' .. on ' It ivan) I which the hon. member or 'out imeoe 's?.?2 _ . 'li1'c'"i,r,'o,"pitiriEi rotten, Itieittvcdwa, Scott, fooley, l was a member. l! read several pay-lisa, to (ii-iii"'] ' The resolution as amended was then con- I tslicns that all WW". guarantee of the." 'lie" curred in correctness was maintained. In the Public 'tit' .' ' Works Department, wherever Works could, gig ': _ be let out by tender that was done, which 5 is. was the practice pursued everywhere else. l i; i "as: . mi. _ ' M