r, Fo' 'i T . _ ' . V f n- ,, ' . I Mr. LAUDER declared that the Gavan). 1 late .ccym,.its,i.yy,f, of Agtctbud,' I' til: l r I l ment were stultifyiug themselves us Re- l Principal of-the college. den; 't tighten de T .'. I formers in refusing to Minn the resolution the knowledge of the oyer m, a . _ ,1? proposed. signcdly withheld by the ti',vg,1"ehe', ._, . . T . . ke the public be ieve t a ft , Mr. BOSS said that l 9"?" l ma . . .. . ' . - * there we; not tycert,itictk $31,333:: : :21; Institution was working mom satisfactorily , . list it was accompanied by a letter. The th.ep " rrpj11t,.e,'a.y . . . -red : system was, therefore, quits satisfactory.' ' Mr. CHOUKS said he ,'.y,iyl,1,1,iti,l,"f/,h"d'l', ,, tf. The practice of requiring foremen to swear to ussume all the censure to whichuie bad ll to the correctness of pay-lists was never cum"? m veytrd, to this matter. it/lit " . pursued by large contractors. 'd' dime to ttJlt,'h til'Oifl 'Pr "5903:; hid; & w do war a mo rec ouitttineottrtecr After a few remarks by Mr. Cameron, the it l, le b' t f ll did he desire to make amendmentto the amendment was carried I .1111: (as o a I ti' c- . At l on the followin division . Mr. Johnson the scape-goat ot the 131153 1', YEAB. News gm" nt a... to It th . tion. (Hour, hear.) Anyone who lieardttlle .. - . tt in Bax r e, true is -o" ICI ' ' CE, . a 1e! ,1 BoMeld, Chisholm. mum! oFiiiiUtGi tGi', 1 rincipal's staicrnent must admit th1 it i i o."" Crooks, Currie, Dawson, DorOohe, Farm, mm". was the least to blame for the irrcgu at Y " 'l'lr' Ff")? ("'it','g JPh"i",','spr,g,', "rt,',',',',: thatlmdoécurred. The simple facts were, - - ar u a, 0 gm nu r. sue on . . , 'sltlfr2li','r, irhaa". drama, Muster, ' Miller: that at the end of three months after Mr l Mowst, O'Donogliue, Purdue, Patterson tyork), l'ux- Johnson went to the College the funds ap- i gen, ,',t,it,?tttd,ytJlt,'lt'c tr'im8.att'., s'yttriryIt.r, propiated for the por were exhausted, and l l 225hlllf', tp,,,,):'),'.'""'""' Widdobsld, Wil- the usual means were used to supply_th§ I Nxxs.--Meaara., Baker, Banana", Bonner. Broder, deficiency, VIZ: "I overdraft was obtaine T r, Brown, Calvin, Cameron, Code, Courts, Creighton, _ irom the bank, With the understanding that Ws' t',tiyge'ft,'e,rs 2395",?- ',J.uak/,'y, KN}? lewd", I it would be covered in the ordinarv way by " 0113 A e ugh ..i l their" P. our; titmcue , . . . . . . , r., ' Tr ' ~ 's'i2,"o'c,.U, Meredith, 'Merrick, More: (j,),,'"],,'?")'),,),' tmappropriation ot the Legislature. 'lhiswas h ' ?ttt.ersetih'-), Preston, Scott, 'l'ooley, Wigls, not done; there being an absence of those " Wulr--81. [ business moqés of bringing the matter to F There-solution as annulled wad concur- the attention of himself or the Minister 3 red in. of Agriculture, it was overlooked. He was _ , Mr. Wm)!' my", .:Thrt, the item of perfectly willing that any impui'tial person _ . . r l t', , 'e _ tr.,,t, ' '. _ A _ should examine the facts which fully ex- , $l-!,..U) ice the Aoduilulmu holy: i-e L. " . . . , . . I curhw, in " cuscd any omissmn or irregularity which , . ' . had taken )laco Mr. CIllvUC,' ITriN more". in mnondm-mt 1. , . F "Thrt t m M, ii, iu' NJ", tul trt ft ".0," . (i Mr. 51errick'ie amendment to the amend- " dollars. which Would ho requir: d Co Int-oi, I went wag lost on the ',l'erig,e,f,i1or'oli,T, T ' Tr s " , . n Ycss.--Metrsrg. Baker Barr on tor r0 er [to "DRUM" "with " i "A?" l l'mmrou Code, 'c1rtifiiiii'n, livac'ou, 'n'li'2r,tG'tifii,' Mr. oilil.'RiC'li, moxed in nine'rhnent to i 1:r,,koi,',y, km", Lauder, v1rs,i.o/cit.'i"lrs,tt'tl,rtlyri1i,1Mioij') n, t" , , : u. . , s. ttl ,1, " F." . ' . "13.". lelim-rhn Meredith, Merrick None, Patterson 13- , c; "i." 1'it ',f,i.r1rr,.1,ttr,C", (rf/O/rl,':,):,,',",','," .v'ti: ", sex), l'rusion, Scott, TONCY: "Yiglel Willa-M. I . . - I" ' ' / . " T rr', s: ' tr t i. C' ',' . F. r , Nays.-Mts,sarg. Appleby, Ballantyue, Baxter, be "Mimi to Ih't. tJ.ilrltrtlott i-- 1'l:ip'y dine l Jiethune, Chisholm, Clarke (Wellington), Cole, 7 regrets that CV17); i-I the ill ,a"-r,cirVty ' groom, Currie, Dawson, Derucho, Ferris, Finlayson, ' . Por p, '.", 1oricti t "; i,' "l., P.' if, 'ibson Urahniu. Hardy llargrait May Modulus maniitVJLI ,1 Ill) ' n '. i if] Ci, I. ', . H k, U \ Hunter}, Lain-,liron, 'fi'ccriiiJ'i," 's'di'iild,ii'i2i"ii", _ iatyw sunt 01 ht tt tly tiatllu 'lo ' L- ifvti'dl'.» .ii 1 Master, Miller, Mount, o'I'utroghtte, Pardee, Pat. . . from the Punks in 137.; r gamut ll," hiriiion (York), Paxton, Robinson, {(055, Sexton. Siu- at , _ _ ., . A' I . r, -cr. .. . . e a r "utotsirsstirr, Sprinxcr Sirimr Watterworth, I - 'ttgit'.:',:,',)-?-:-'-:-"-'-,-'-,'-.,-:'-', ' "I J,",':":,:'",, Y, iii/dui/iii,' wimamu, Wilsim, ifiii,1'rui". 'il,','),' I'l 'll h? 11tii'l'iu'li', 1mm}, large Mr. MILLER Moved in amendment to i ' I',2r,'ll a? $3 (1j'o0'llll"l,'l,n' over expended in the amendment, "That all the words after i Cry ', t _ ' . , ' . _ _ . r M l the run: 1871i for the maintenance of tho 'that be billlth out, and .the following l F i A Gi, 1 c "or in l. for 'some reason Words hemmed to the resolution y.-." It at» i ' it "a; hadmiiot'h (if o'0iai'L' d that over pours that the sum of five thousand dollars r . C' i C' l i l - l d . . ' i' . " . " " ' 1. expenditure had not been mentioned to the "tulf'onm, It'. being m the Clamtdian. Bank Ca" a , -. oi (oinmeice was ahsolutcly required to I House. The Government had been derelict carry on the institution until the end of I F i . . . mw'u -.. "ssui 1't _".'."",'":." ..- . E 'd Signs-1333:? J," it t, a": u.)c'1"::"::]x'll' "It, I lei t; and it is bvlicved that the said sum I to 1878 vavhil ' ti, , fl'f,v'/i'1. ind all the while was duly expended in the public interest; " i to mi int'rosbt (l,cd it ' rind it also appears by tho proper vouchers J . , 1 , C' " - A. . in that behalf that the said sum has not' I V Mr. Ili'l;i)\ reicrrcd to the statement of inn-nimble been put into any appropriation; . l 7 g Mr. Johnson, Principal of the Agricultural therein"- it is exps diunt that the said uppro- ' ' a i , College, made before the Public Accounts printiou be intuit-J) , _ ' ' ' I I I V . . g . -1 . t , ' , ii ef',',':,',,""):'," t,1.ji.'lu",?i) It? 'Cl':')":'),'?,'. '1 he niiwmlmn-nl to the amendment was i u l m L h Tt itiB "Y?P " H ' '." curried on the following: division _ l, . , He repeated thet,ul,stanre ol Mr. Johnson is in" -.-Nec:crs h l , V Il ll; tv ', ' 2 statement P tshow how tlut overdraft was in.. mums, 'i"-..i{ii{, "p,i111',?ir,, (33.91::- '/ltui'//ydi'i,' , curred. l ouch-l., WI re produced before Cor, I-'stly, t'urriv'. Humour, lh-rochc, Ferris, Fin: , , the Committee Shimmy, that it was for the "rpm l",',':': 1ti'i,irl' llurniy, .Hzlrgl'ai'i, Hay, ,1 , payment of articles required in the tnainhm- slr'.',,'),',,",'),",';,,',,,'),,",.',' [r, /lriy,t.,"uie,".,il.', 13%,; 'ietg'ue,cillttt . l , anco ot the institution, and not. one i;:ullib<'r l:""'."'."" iroti-s, Jraxtoy, "05.11150", ifai,"iii?ii', ' , of the Loliiniittm' iliipulud the correct- .t1y,'tir,rit1'yi',:,1ie'6rsii1'i,r1i,yq.; Striker, Watter. I t ness of thotic' vmxviu-rs or the Ito.. worth, Widuiticld, M'illiatiis,Wileott,Wuod--4a [ r. I. _', . I.. ' _, ' ., * FB' .-. NAYii.--Neclrg. Baker Parr Boulter Broder g ',"s' yye1y . for. .Y,': . L}.l'.t!"l"""- . JPN". (tamer-on. Code, Comte, irviiiiii'n, iGiiiGi,'iiirifi'"r,' _ new two Brilllliilh ot obit L tion to th matter (wrong, 11arkiu, Kean, Louder, Lung, iiiri/iriii1 ? , --tirst. that it was irregular to make the (hi;di;l.<'::cx_),Manlougziil'(hinicoc).Me owaii,Mere. , ' t . . " ' rrPgq ' .-, tr b ' F . ' (liti, Merrick, Monk, " Sullivan, Patterson (Essex) _ 1 - orerdrc.ft without Unit. having u u a volt mum". Wot/tFey/lor/Its-ge'. t t If, or itin 1871; and wound. that it should n ' , " . . l , 'J- 't in; Int-n i',r,rdi I' the Fstixvntes tor the . "3:1de "Wing resolutions were concurred I ( It ' ' tet " .. b" rr _ ' in W1 tou; onositi n'.-. , E _rc.j, "following your. lle showed, by reierenei s F, . i H . o T, 'il' to Mr. Johnsou's evidence, that it was too ll ""0350 of "orhs at the tiorernmettt ' ' tatc to have ibi- sum plan-ed in tlwEitimates oe,", 039nm, S4,000' * ifor "37.3 when Mr. Johnson culled the atten- (lensrrueiion and repairs of Colonization ii, tion of the Minister of Agriculture to it, roads,885,t00. . " ttbout the 20tli of Uccetuber, 1374? that Mr. WOOD moecd the resolution grant ' are iii-undo; oi thel 'li'cua'ilirer. had never mi! $50,000 for L'nforcseen and Unpvovided , etnl (a 'I to. . t n Ji,", gloat in the expenses. ' ' regu at "an in writing cit ter Iy Mr. John- M " s . . - " ' . .. . . r.ME01t v' . '" , u sift: or the Minister or Agsiculttore: and that the mid ')1efh?t1itv,1i,ii,ettvit1,n.e1s:,i,',i,'tt,t $1, "* no notice from the bunk was received till in but be referred b l not now concurred Fl 1877. No one was particularly to blame iii, W1 1 . . ace t.o tfin',',':,",',?,' of ' p , I l . , . . p. .. 'l . rao' to e, with instructions am d - .1 A or t no matter; it md more y been ovinu some bvreducin th en the I ' iookul until 1577. when, the attention of the not to leave so 'li) e sum by $39000 80 as, f . Treasurer having been called to the irregu- expended at the ll) 1fll.e, as $00,000 to be F Grity, the amount was at once placed in the ment and in o 0 it?" W'IIOf.th9 Gown-n- ; Estimates. At its worst, the matter was 'iiii'iry' 'llllu'll,if25"t'l Ill, to principles for- "s. merely an error, there had been no charge T of public iiii27v" shoiill 1noblm'ge exPcfiditure _ i, oi'wrong-doing in connection with it, and direct vote of yariia l e male w.ithotsta A 'l no one disputed that the $3,000 was pro- particular applicatidlilimdf ".1n,itioeinsr the l ', perly expended. (Ultcers.) tion," b taid N'propria. k i mi. MEREDITH thought the Provincial Mr Hone ti ." . 1 i, Secretary was not justiticd in attempting to I the amendinerlit 23:12:32!in 1tl11t'rge to 9 throw the blame of this neglect on the . ' - 01189, aving t _ during the last sndpresent Parliaments l, i' F I 'i'.?. "h. . ' I w -, J