. ssm it e otes e eelatatiney ... -- ' § wowr memermmm m omm ns ons ---- + cS t en mmmmmmmmmas «M m taeice *',.". ONTARIO LEGISLATURE, | _ . Bs ' rsrafeich ) *; l %'a;fho, spontuneoltlu« vbecloomo a:corded to | - v I Excellency has en rendered more THIRD PARLIAMENT--FOURTH SESSION. than 'otdinari-lyywarm and enthusiastic by mmfi | t::le fact that he is accompanied by his illus. Lecistarivs Agsersuiy, ous consort, Her Royal Highness the Toronto, Jm;. 9. Princess Louise, whose presence is a fresh The folltth sessl o proof of the deep interest felt by our gra-- ssion of the third Parlia-- cious Sovereign in the welfare of her Cana-- ment ot Ontario was opened this afternoon glllan subjects, an: a sen;wed pledge of the by His ' Honour Licutenant--Governor Mac-- close and loyal bond w ich unites the peo-- donald, who left Government House & few &'lzrgi :he Dominion to the Empire and the 3 s + . . :;li:"';' lll:',fome thl:ee o'clock, Within Nor can I refrain from expressing the arllaiment grounds a guard of sympathy we all must feel in the bereave-- honour, consisting of a detachment ment which has casta cloud over the earlier of the Tenth Royals, with the band days of the residence of Her Royal Highness of the rogiment, was drawn up. 'The amonk U€. % Toronto Field Battery fired th It is a sgbjept for congratulation that the ; 7 e customary long--pending© controversy between Ontario | balute, and Quebec. respecting the division of the The gathering within the Chamber lé:b:i;& d«;lbt- and assets ofl the Province of Was --u o ol nada has since your last Session been | ev'e'r nusu'}:l{) ( numerous and brilliant, closed by the judgment of the Privy Council | y available space both on the to which the case was submitted, The con.--| foor and in the galleries being :finfio% of Otnta';'io cl(llu.:;bbeen sustained, and ; occupied, and mary being unable e he advice tendered by their Lordships | obtain standing room. imong thcwl::dictsg ho He: Mijesty aliitued the Yalldity of bus | n the floor of the House--whose dresses o o t | woere generally of black out of re.| It is also my pleasing duty to call your spect to the memory of the late | attention to the settlement by arbitration of P rincess . Alice--sWere'. 'Migo : Macdonald | the northern and western boundaries of and Miss Ida Macdonald (who occupied | Ontario gince you last assembled. _ The seats near the 'Throne) Mrs Alexander decision '"of the arbitrators declares the Mackensie, Mrs. Moss, Mrs Macpherson, boundaries of the Province to extend to the Mrs Dobell, and Miss Isabei Macpherson, waters of Hudson's Bay on the north and to Mr§ Geo Brown and the Misses Brown, Mrs the north--west angle of the Lake of the | Mowat, Mrs Macleunan, and Miss Mowat, Woods on the west, these limits embracing | Miss Fraser, Miss Crooks, Major aud Miss an area of many thousaud square miles Evans, Mrs W P Howland aud Miss How-- boyond the limits to which the claim of the land, Miss Michie, Mrs Sutherland Taylor, Qominion since 1871 would have confined Mrs Gordon Brown and Miss Brown, Mrs us. You will be invited to approve of a Alex Mauning, Mrs C 8 Patterson, Mrs measure having for its object the preserva-- Kenncth Mackenzie and Miss Mackenzie, gion of order, the administration of justice, Mrs O'Reilly, Mrs J D Edgar, Miss Morris, and the encouragement of settlement and Mrs Burton, Mrs W B Mcfllurrich, Miss onterprise in this territory, I have reason Vankoughuet, Mrs Fred Plumb, Mrs Walter po bolieve that the outlay necessary to Beardmore, Mrs John Cawthra, Mrs Henry Becure these objects will be more t.ha.n com-- Cawthraw, -- Mrs F _ W Jarvis, etc. peusated by the revenue to be derived from Among the gentlemen present were:-- "L'L?"'i?"'y * Chief -- Justice _ Moss, Chief Justice The illustration of our Provincial system Hagarty, Chancellor Spragge, Mr. Jus, of education exhibited at the Universal Ex-- tice Morrison, Mir. Justice Pattergon, position held at Paris during the past year Mr. Justice Burton, Mr. Justice Gwynne, was onc of the most interesting features of Hon D L Macpherson, Hon Geo Brown, Hon the Canadian Department, and produced a Wim McMaster, Hon G W Alian, Hon Alex very favourable impression upon all who Mackenzie, Hon Edward Blake, Rev Dr witnessed it. 1t is encouraging to know Ryerson, Rev. Dr 'Topp, Judge Mac. that not only are the efforts to promote vhe kenzio, Hon John McMurrich, Mr J A Sim-- liberal and usetul education of our people mers, Consul to the German Empire ; Hon at home increasingly appreciated by them, W C Howells, Consul to the United States ; but that the Province of Ontario has by this Mr B H Dixon, Consul to the Netherlands ; means gained no small honour and distinc-- Dr J G Hodgins, Sheriff Jarvis, etc., besides tion in the eyes of the world at large. the members of the Government and the I am glad also to learw that through the House. energetic efforts of our people to make the At precisely three o'clock, His Honour, Canadiau Exhibition at. Paris successful, a attended by Captain Grant, Lieut,--Col. stimulus has been given to several brauches Durie, Lieut.--Col. R. B,. Denison, Licut.. pf manufacturing industry in Ontario, and Col. G. L. Denison, and Lieut,.Col, Alger, that a considerable trade is likely to develop entcred the Ghamlicr, and having taken his itself as the result of the more widely--known geat upon the throne, was pleased to aeliver valuo and 'excellcnce o'f certain classes of the following our manufactured goods. f k I desire to commend to your continued SPEECH :---- attention the subjects of municipal assess-- | Mr. Speaker and Gentliemen of the Legislative ment, of exemptions from local taxation, Assembly : and of sanitary laws and arrangements,. I It is with much pleasure and satisfaction The recent discoveries in the application | that L once more meet you, assem bled for of artificial light to domestic purposes, and ' the discharge of those very important func-- tpe proba_blllt_v that t_hg progress of scien-- | tions which, under our Constitution, devolve tific inquiry may lead to 1mp§1t§nl: changes | upon the members of a Provincial Assembly. in the method of heating an lighting our itvi streets and buildings, have suggested the It would have been most gratifying to me advisability of providing by a general Act bad 1 been able to congratulate you upon, & the powers necessary to enable companies | complete return of financial and commercial io make such changes in their arrange-- prosperity to our country, . But while a par-- ~ _ ments as may be necessary to meet the tial renewal of trade and a moderately good | ublic demaunds harvest bave afforded a measure of reliet, | P ol * & inls and i variou» causes have checked our progress, | The proceedings at election trials and in and compelied a longer endurance of a connection with the 'rc:cullcatlon and ad-- period of depression , justment of the voters' lists have suggested j the expediency of some supplementary pro-- While, however, our agriculturists are visions, which will be embodied in a mea-- suffering from the low prices of grain and sure to be submiited to you, other produce, itis most satisfactory to notice f ill b bimitted to for the the alrcady extensive and growing trade A Bill wil edfsu 'm' C ."ht"o'; lt' | between Ontario and Europe in live cattle, | purpose of 'e'xten ing t;: n,.l 0 v? lng horses, sheep, meats and dairy products, in | for School lrlustees '°h fise N a"te;.';hp": 4 which many of our enterprising citizens are | liamentary e ec.to'rls who have not hitherto 1 now engaged, with, I trust, profitabie results | enjoyed that privi ege: ; f to themselves, and certainly to the benefit You will also be invited to consider a | of the country at large, Bildl tl(: siulx)plify ttu:i la.w:brel'atmg ytote;];lxrlx::', | You will, I know, have shared in the aud thereby to render the jury 8) 6 | genecral fceli'ng of ple'asure ckcited by the costly, without impairing its cflicwncy'. ; gelection, as the successor of the Earl of The new Reformatory for Women will be | Duflerin, of a nobleman so distinguished for completed during the present year. You his personal worth and his varied attain-- will be asked to approve a measure tegu{red | ments as the new Governor--General of Ca-- to legalize the appiication of this building