® :4 t caliss .' s C :('\' ¢ s ', jnformation being given to the Sandfield k tionable items were referred. tg, '"{,'_.c't'.f; Macdonald Government upon the subject. s Commissioner of Public Works hadneg sertitih <a% & | s well as the Mr. SCOTT said that a report had been -- ' S inere proficust afentioned, -- Why did the propared by fio P sc S iO - ;:ox:'.1 t,(;t"t;ilc:lnany omit all these resolutions the subject, and handed by Him to that f . from _ his enumeration ? _ He (Mr. Government. 'lh: referred to a speech thqt s Scolt) denied, thereforg that the $UMS the Attorncy--General had lately made to his ' stated by the houn. gentleman were nl{t{hat :gnstnttx_cgtS, :?1 sth(;\;; thgtnl::r;gui ;;lpll:i;(ig > i D the Qpposition; e opinion tha e s | ::fi ub 4;:'11: s&:'!;f,?:t :::;db't;een shl:)gvon by a had n% authority to pass prohibitory or | wery casual examination of the Votes and restrictive liquor 1cglsl1tt1(l{1}, csp'ccmlly in ; | stt hi i ioat on e en on afte M ' would it appear from a thorough eXA * on, gentle & 2L AHi 1 tion of th::)lln? The hon, gentlemen bad a great deal of unnecessary legislation and said that he was ready for the trial, Well, litigation would have been prevented, and ; they were ready for it also on-- the the people of the country would not have Opposition side of .Ttll:" %_0';'"- i (Op-- been :wlt1 lily the ears "tlh"w wgy 1tn wl'llgfih osition _ cheers.) ey did not care the A upon e -- subject. 0 gg" soon it came: and ho venturedt sett;ylemcnt of the Municipal Loan Fund to think t «t they would be ready for i was also a matter upon which the Govern. many mouths before it came, and that hon. moent prided themselves. '1_Jmler the Act gentlicmen opposite would not be ready until | of 1859 there was a provision by which the very last day to which they could, by the unicipalities who had borrowed from the strictest construction of the British North ?und were to pay so much per &unum from America _ Act, postpone the day of their bat time forward. Some municipalities trial, (Cheers.) His opmion was, that they bad paid that sum regularly, but others bad could not, as a legislative body, ait after | allowed themselves to fall in arrears, and e 2nd of February next--(hear, hear)-- | the Government in scttling the matter g'd that after that day their powers as &n | made no distinction between the two classes, ' ssembly would be gone, and they would | as it would haveo been right to do. .- be nothing more than a body of gentlemen. His hon. friend in his speech at Wood-- 4 Section 85 of the British North America tock had also referred to legislation that l Act provided that ©every Legislative As-- :nd been required whon he came into sembly of Ontario and every Legislative As. Sower in regarg to the arrangement of con. lmnbl_y~ ot Quebec shall continue for four safuoncies. The only necessity that ex-- $ | years from the day of the return of the writs isted for such action was the necessity there l for choosing the same (subject, nevertheless, ':"s for § re-a;ran ement in f'wour'{)f his { to either the Legislative Assembly of On. h:n friénds (llgcar hear.) i He thought l tario or the Legislative Assembly -- of he represented four.fifths of the public i Quebec being sooner dissolved by the o 5 & Lieutenant--Governor of the Province) g'pinwn of Ontario when he said thet there naud no louger"> (Hear, Lcar.) Ho as no necessity for creating tfxosu six new read the proclamation for the issue con;mu{eh.ucs, and a that th"; m on ns of the writs on the 23rd December, 1874 nee red au 'x'c ua.l'wn than an i;l' f(;r thet $ last lgl;.cnerali clectioin', alt_m the pn;o- g;:%:gcmm the x.t ow L::lll»ir;::en(l;?tug:. Vin° | :e:,x:é'rlg:: hl'h(l)u?'.utd Ll"lc):(l:)'r'uar;,r lxg.;?.nti_ge ceht and lh;llgnd, in Simf:'uo, as having ; elections all over the Province were to be becon chzna:.,ul'mmu.u.t the slightest reason, hold on one day. _ An exception was made except that of a pglmcal nature, Jn fifteen } in the case of Algoma, for which the writ constituencies which had formerly polled was returnable in August of the same a majority of Conservative votes, the result ' year,. 'The Act also provided that the of the rearrangement was that the repre-- election in Algoma should take place untatioufa(tcuvard; was in favour py two between the 20th of May and the to one of the present Government,. He 30th November in each year, But these thought he had shown that his hon, friend exceptions could not influence the gencral had not made a very judicious selection in view. 'The opinion he held, he contended, the subjects he had chosen tor his Wood. was confirmed by the Government them. stock speech. As to the amendment pro-- i selves in issuing this proclamation, for if fosfl'd by the member for South Simcoe, he p : theroe was no Legislature in existonce how hought that the circumstances under f could it be called together on the 2nd of which it was brought forward were not such February ?(Hear, hear.) He ventured to think, as to render at all justifiablc the lan-- however, that they would take a different guage of the hon. the Commissioner for viow now, as circumstances had changed Public Works. (Hear, bear.) Such lan-- S irom what they were in 1875. guage was more appiicable to hon. gentle. | | A It' being six o'clock, the Speaker left the :xlnleg 01.1 the other side of the Igouse than t9 p chair, ose upen that, In the session of 1875--6, Aiter recess bon. members on his side of the House had n cAdiit * § expresgca themselves freely with regard to Mr. SCOTT continued his speech. If this question oi sugmenting the indemnity ' l the fact of the Algoma election taking place Of members. -- Hotr. gentlemen opposite § only between the 20th of May and the 30th were now at ail back ward in discussing the i of _ October _ was . to . influexi#e . the matter with closed doors, but they were un-- t entire _ elections, they would _ natur. willing to take advantage of the oppoitunity 3 ; ally couclude that a general elec-- to discuss it openly, (Hear, hear.) He | | tion could only be valid if held read from a speech delivered ' b m'g h9h I between those dates, which would be an member -- for -- Stormont iny JaLL r" absurd conclusion. If hon. gentlemen op-- 16Te," in _ wlhich -- he exprested l;? Y, posite were right when they authorized the | self * stumgly. in : avrour 10[" em s &b issue of the proclamation calling the House crease. -- Thai geatie: 'n; had not b o .".lf l :)%gother on the 2nd 'l.';eb.,11875, th(;:y would consistent in the L'\":l"."ls'l' be llfl(ivl(tki(;:'l;[)e(:;'l ' [ | & sls se us one atat mc thir questin--" Mn Jeri to "thooght they | oo in elistence aiter that Aite,| ;r:x;::x_c?t] 'cnl_ulcd to anything, and wishedi | and would be doing violen¢e to the inten-- | the ot-:::r" d',"l,"f . ul( t'll'" mdl::mmt_y , and but | { tion of the British North America Act. force for a ;'L,-(ixlxt'tiJ:' !.'chfi with 'eqhal i | (Hear, hear,) _ Referring to that paragraph for Elgin T.ad mkcn)' ; 1;:(. on, member + ; of the Address relating to the settiement of same pouit':»n as the 'm' e precisely the f the d}s;{utus between Ontario and Quebec, Tuont in 1 8.'7 'b .ut 'l~i"*10'fl- IU_embcr tor sStor. l he said it was long a vexed question. The approved 0; 1;15' 'tl- 3 constituents had not 3 Government of Mr, Sandfield Macdonald Bpad an expr C Chowg w;" and they had thus p had spent a great amount of labour upon Iituench P'}f"".')'fl of opinion in two con-- it, had brought it out from a state of chaos, gn ths ":fi wouh ns """""'me"llb)'lmcmbm -- and ultimately succeeded in having the o9 w ro er side of the House that . awardmade in1871. Hedidnot think thatthe Eho;, Ti (het e0o 5 O OL T . Pt 4 mane: ' k Government should be congratulated on Let thom °l tkmouut _of the indemnity, 3 the fact that it took them from 1871 to greach ook and see if the charge of 3 1878 to have that. matter brought before 'Op e and d"k'""o"" made against the j the Privy Council.. With regard to the wpp(':e"u'on by the Commissioner of Public y @cttlement of the boundary of the northern Y orks was a just one. In 1876, whonthore | | and western parts of the Province, it ap. wasa gencral expression in favout of an | peared to him that credit had not been imoreasgin the indgmnity,, he--ad saig, and,| given to the parties to whom it was due. he said. now,-- thal he did .ll({t_se\c;:\\fl".y"'; 4& very large portion of the information 't:mre qho'uld be such disparity between | upon which the boundary had beeu settled i ;llc m.('emmt'.' of. . members of, . this | was precured by the predccessors of hon. ouse and of that of the nembers | gentlemen opposite. ' g{w::\l;:t lIl(ou.:tlz tol t'uu;moua. . He , bad | | Mr. * un__ i m taken that ground, and he did not 3 MOWAT--IL am not aware of any | recedo from it now. Rut they were, hero'as ' f t