W s is t t lig pre enoat io Te ~ o hi m aulyt oi ies ' ¥ ONTARIO LEGISLATURE ' M mewmen n zs aomcen THIRD PARLIAMENT--FOURTH SESSION, l maimnntciamer AGQbruc mm mmmnm Lxosnartyvs Assesxery, January 21. j The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'ctock, . _ Prayers were read by Rev. Father Borgen. t PETVFIONS. The following petitions were presonted : ---- By. Mr, Chisholm--UWrom the 'l'm.s-tccis of the FToronto General HUBP""]), for an A('F to remove doubts as to the validity ot certain detbentures. j By Mr. McMahon--From Win. Hoskins and others, of Hamilton, for an Act to in« corpogute the Provincial Lund Surveyors of OQutariQ. i § By Mr. Code--From the County Council of Lanazk, that fower grand and petit jwors may be soclected for County Cogrts. By\Mr. McCraney--From the County Councit of Kert, tor an Act to amend 'll'x': i Act incorporating the ric and Haron Mail-- way Company . Atso--From the Town Council .of Mmlh-. rog, tor an Act to legalize a certain by --la w in favour of one Richard Pincombe. By Mr. Hay----From Roger Hedlcy and others, of 8t, Mary's, for an Act to alter the boundariecs of St. Mary's. By Mr.Waiterworth--From the Strathroy, Port Franks, and Port Stanley l.Lullym_v Company, tor an Act to extend their time for building the road, By Mr, Wigle----From George Wilson and others, of the township of Coichester, in the county of Essex, dor the division of the township, By Mv. Meredith--From the Council of | the village of Griimmsby, tor ainendiments to | the Municipal Act respecting the enturce-- | menut of statute labour, | By Mr. Fersis----From the village Council of Brighton, for the same, Also--Froim the vi'llage Council of Col-- borue, for the same,. By Mrc, Williams--From Alex, Manning and others, for an Act to incorporate the Ontario Steam.--heating Company, By Mr. Currie--From the 8t. Cathavrines and Welland Canal Gaslight Co., tor an Act to extend their powers, | By Mr. Harcourt--From the Town Council | of Nlagars, that the Bill relating to the| Queenston and Grimsby Road Co. may not | pass. 1 | By Mr. Bethune--From the Consumers | Gas Co. of Toronto, for an Act io amend | their soveral Acts of Incorporation, | 4lso--l<'r0m the Oitawa City Passonger Ruilway Co., that the Bill reepecting the Company may not puss, | By Mr. O'Donohue--From the City Council of Ottawa, for an Act to amonu the Act in-- corporaiing the Oitawa City Passenger Kailway Co, Also--I'rom the game, for'an Act to vest in them the powers accorded to tho Ottawa Water=Works Commission. Also--l:'rolu the same,(for an Act to enable tlx.e,m to aid the construction of a cerlain | bridge, | Also--From the Union St. Joseph of Oita. | wa, tor an Act to amend their Act of Incor-- | poration, ! By Mt, Morris--From the Hand--in--Hand | Mutual Fire Insurunpc Co, of Toronto, for ' an Act to amend their Aci of incorporation. ' EXPLANATORY, a Mr, SNET._S]NGER and Mr, MoeMAHON --aade corrections ot the reports of their speeches in the Meil, 'Lhe latter gentieman remarked that what he had said a ppeared to be gavbled in that paper, THE ADDRESS, Mr. PAXTON resumed the debate on the Addrem:. He expressed sincere regret that Hon. Nr, Cameron bad left this Mouse, for lu' bim they bud_uu honourable and honest opponent, and his high character bad been Of great advantage to the members whom be lod, In the high position ho now occu-- l?leld Mr. Cameron would, he believed, per-- {onm his duty honourably and impartialiy Bo far as his sucee | beli successor was concerued, he elteved he was disposed to discuss the questions that came before the HMouse in a tair and gentlemanly manner, -- Me regret.