-------w--"-'_'_" ® : t c .'f, -:-'.'Tf:i' '*»I< _ travagance among the munictpalities b« "'"r'i:."'l; ; | would '.";','L"mf' d""i"""' address the Houso upon | The money should have been used in extending some of be points tumhw'q upon in the concluding ; * he back couniry, so as to givyes a | | clauses 0" the Address, Thero would be very liitle | ruliways in the t""'.l e frontier towns. Io to do tomorrow, and all that was desired was the | NA E'a"d.mgi e 0'1L * the _ Government _ 10 time to offer a fow observrations, not with a view to strong?y ooo . rith ho _ exomptio ns moving an amendiment, -- He therefore asked for an not doaling promptly with the .« o onb Ucurmment quostion, expressing his suspici e .l.":\?. ll'i't,f.m:'f" agjourmnment. * putting it off in view of the ap; Ne mt / f' o 1 to The House sccordingly adjourned at 12:45. While taxable property in Toronto had mersased to § P the oxtent of $700,000 in value, exem; 'L"". D "'!"""" had increased to tne extent of $600,000, and it would | rot do for the Government to iguore such an impor-- tant constitnency. With régard to '-im.--lr"lh 'h" advocated the application of voting by ballot to the election of school trustces, the grantiug to income votors of the privilege of voting for school trustegs, and the holding of their olection at the same time and places as the municipal elections, The Address mentioned the Reformatory for Womes,. and in no-- ticed that the Government had dropped the name of the *'*Mercer Roformatory," indicating that they were hbardly sure that they had possos-- sion of the mouey coming from the Mer-- cor éatate. lHe closed with a compliment to the how. memaber for Kast Toront . Mr. COUTTS thought that whon the people de-- manded a reduction in the indewmnity they, as sor-- vants of the people, should comply, o therefore intended to vote for the amondment to the amend~ ment, 54 Mr, MERRICK roge to his feot. ' Mr, MILLER moved the adjournment of the ds bate, Mr. LAUDER--The hov. genticman is out of order ; he has spoken before. Mr. MASSLE--I will move the adjourdtmant of the d*!'llte. Mr. LAUDER--I rise to a point of order, 'The hon. member for South Loods has the fa )r, and no motion can be made while ho has the floor . bet Mr. SPEAKE1 suggested that the hon, meomber for South Leods had botter himselt move the ad-- jJournment of the debato. Mr., MERRICK--I move the adjournment of the debate , Me, MEREDITH and Mr !,\!WH".R--'\"), n0. The members were then calted in and tho motion Wwas put, wiuon «-;lfi: two or throa meombers voted y 1t, 1t was thozefore, anid mucih laughter, declared lost, Mr, MERRICK then procsgeded with his spsech . H &1G it lrardiy ime rracefully from the party which had beon proven gunilty of dishonest acts to | accuse thy Opposition of double dealing in the in-- demnity auestion ts claimed that the prosent . Government had not followod in any partioutar the \ policy laid down by Mr. Edw ird Blake when he oc-- ecumed the position of leader of thet 'pposition In proof of this he clsimed that the grants to railways n ine dirst session under Reiorm rule had been voted en bia burthor, that undor the Sundficld Macdona'!d Governmen: 79,0600 omigrants had boeen brought into the country at a cost oi $1 18 per hoad . In tive years the Retorina Government had brought in 133,000 people and the cost had been $4 por head. He pointed out the freat proportion of legal gentio-- men occupying seats in the t atwnet, which was contwary to Ms. Blake's policy in formiug his Cabi« net, Phe _ arbitration -- had beon delaye d 10¥ a jong time, and the )vernment | were not eniitled to -- imuckh credii for having concinded the mattcr after so long & time. With regard to tho pumpblet of Senator Macpherson, fopts hon. genticmen on the other side of the id had found tault with i; on the score of its incorvec; ncss, but hs c hallenged any geniiecman to prove that any item in it was not subs.svtif lly cvrroct, aud not found in the public accounts. A vote was theon taken ou tio amendment to the amendment with the following result :---- ¥®as--Moessrs. Barr, Ball, Donlter, Brodery\MBrown, Calvin, Code, Coutts, Ureightoa, Deacon, Fleasher, Grarge, Huarkin, Kean, Laude mhong. McDougaii, McGowan, Meredith, Mer k, #onk, Morris, Mos-- | tyB, w'arkhill, Preston, Richarnizs , neoit, 'Tooley, | White, Wigle, Wilis--31, } Naxs--Messrs. Appl! '¥, Ballantyoe, Bishop, Hon-- | field, Chishoim, Ciarke CNortailky Clatrke (Welling-- | ton}, Cole, Crook s, Dere he, Ferris, l"i!vl:'\'-«nv, Fra-- ser, Gibson, Graham, Grant, Harcoutt, Hardy, Hay, liunter, Lane, Lyon t Algoma), Lyon (Iaiion), Mo-- Crancy, Mchaws, Mcl d, MeMahon, Massic, Mas-- ter, Milier, Mowat, O'Donsh i0, Patterson, Paston, Robinson, Russ, Sexton, Sine} ir, Snotsinger, Spring-- er, Nuriker, Watterworth, Wilinms, Wilson, Wood --45, Nr, WIDDITIRLD then moved, in amendment to the amenamont :« "That all the words after the word 'that' in the l amendment to tho clause now before the Mouse be | struck out, and there be addod to tho third paragraph | of the Addresa the following words :--'Ana we bea ' to assure Your Honrour that, baving regard to the efticiency and proper administration of the publjic service, thisy Mouse will use its best endecavours towards keeping the actual ¢ xpenditure ou Provin-- cial affairs within the revenue.'" Mr, MEREDIUTH submitted that the amendmont | jusi proposed was mat 'rially the same as that of the momber for Rast (ir y. l Mr. PRASKR said the hon. leador of the Oppo-- | aition was mistaken. This amendment proposed to | strike ou! and replace ceriain words, wherear the amondment of the membey for Kast Ch ¢y was simply | an addition. oo Mr, SFPEAKER ruled that the omendment juast I submiltea was in order A voto was takon, and the amendwent deciared to | be carried unanimously, | AMr. MEREOITH--I am glad that the hon. sentlc-- | men opposity hava been placed in #uch & position that they have been forced to voteo want of confi-- | dence in themselves. 'The leader of the Government | is compelied to taks up to His Exoo) oney the resolu-- | on that this Mouse desires that tho exponditure | shali be kept within the revenue. ' Mr. .?\1"\\' AT--Wa al w iys have kept tho annual | ¢xponditure within the re venue, and wa wil tell 1i J Exceliency that what wo h ive hitherto done wa | will continue to do for the tuture. (Cheors,y | Tho con """.':li'l')n of the Addres was then pro-- | cecdad \\'A:J'z (,;;n'n 'Inv k lause, each passing without ' comincrut until the 12th wa .')A.w.'(nr.', whoen ; Mr. MEREDTTH stated that soma hon. gontleman |