' in Lake Sougog--Mr. Paxton. -- ' | _ To incorporate the Ontario Veterinary and Mcdicat Association--Mr. Bet hune, Respecting the re.consolidation and.liml- | tation of the debenture debt of the city of | 'Toronteo----Mr. Morris, ' To extend the powers of the city of To-- | ronto with regard to the making of local improvements, and othez matters--Mr. Morris. | To incorporats the Ontario Central Rail-- way Company----Mt, Brown, Toamend the Act incorporatiag the Con-- | aumers' Gas Company of 'Toronto, and the * Aots amending the sarmme--Mr. Beihurne. _ ; To amead the Division Courts Act--Mr, Curric. LIQqUOR LICENSES IN GREY, i AMr, BAlR asked whether any tavern or shop Ircenso had beeu granted in the county of Grey since tho repcal of the Diunkin Act. If so, what amount had been paid for such license ? Mr,. HARDY--Since the repcal of the Temperance Act in Grey application has been made by thoe board of Commissioners for licenases to be issued, Although I have no returns from the Commissioners, l1 appre. hend that licenses have been issued, 'The' amount proposed to be charged is dive. tweifths of the mmount ot the yearly | license, j NERCHR ESTATE, T | __Mr. FLESHER moved for an Ocder of the | | House for copies of all correspondence, | afidavits, or papers filed in the oflice of the | Aitorney--Gsneral from auy person or per-- | sons respociing the south half of lot number fourteen in ths tenth concession of the township of Tecumsch (part of the Mercer | estate), or from any person or persons | claiming the right to purchase the said haif lot,~--UGatried,. LAND IMPROYVEMNENT FUXD, Nr, GIBSON moved ior an Order of the House for a reiurn showivgy the amounts received in the Crown Lands Department \ on account of the Land 1mprovement Fund from 1861, when its payment to the muni. \ cipulities ceased, up tiil the 1st of July, 1867, trom whicu date it has been paid tll nouw .----Carriecd. ;' ONTARIO POULTRY ASSOCIATION. | _ Mr. WOOD moved that the House on to.rmorrew resolve itself into a Commit. tee to consider a certain proposed resoiu-- tion relative to the Poulity Associatiou of Ontario,.~----Carried. DEBAINAGE, Mr., WOOD moved that the House on to. morrow resolve itself Into a Comunitteeo to consider a certain proposed rusolution relat. ing to the Ontario AMunicipal Drainage Aci. ----Garried, j DURATION OF THE LEGISLATURE,. Mr, SCONT proposed to discuss the ques. / tion of the duration of the Lu-.rislur.ure, which he thought properly came up &s a question of privilege, Mr, MOWAT desized the hon. gentieman l to postpone the discussion to another day, | as he would have something to say on the matter, |__ Mr, SCOTT said the question was urgont, as if, according io one view, the Legisla-- iuro expired on the $nd of Februacy, a Bill ; would require to be iautroduced to leogthen it. | _ It was agreed that the question should be brought up to--mortow, The touse adjourned t 4:15, mm mtvmmme NOTCES OF MOoTiox,. § .M. Wills--On Friday next.--Committee | to enquire into i:lxo clatms of the hceirs of | the late John O'Carroll, of Bellsville, tor | | losses incurred by him in the Rebellion of | ' 1837--8. | Mr. Wood--Opn Friday noxt.--Bill to I| smend the Ontario Tusurance Act, and that ' respeciing Mutual Fire Inusurunce Come-- ' pauies,