® the law, aund that it was a mere matter :fa:onveniel'xco whether the House met in January or at an carlier time. He appre-- hended that it could be gasily shown 'f'"fitxw | laws they had passed with referon'cc 0 Een | goma were coustitutional and valid. i. "l": provislon that the elections there shoul( be held between the 20th May aud the 19th November was introduced -- for !he' conve-- nience of the clectors ot that district, and the people of Ontario, through their repre« sentatives in the House, were all assenting parties to it, 'They had a right to pass that law and he did not remember that any ob. jection _was raised at the time by hon. -- gentlemen opposite, His hon., friend _ had suggested a number of possible cases in which it would be incon-- | venient for the rest of the Province that there should be no complet.he House olcclted l except during the six months when an clec. tionpiu Ajggoma could bo held, and ho | then proceeded to state what the duties and | functions of a Licut.--Governor were, If the | Lieut.--Governor were to do all the wrong | things whickh the law allowed him to do, ' they had better not havo one at all, (Hear, 'hear.) But the prerogatives of the Crown wore helid in trust for the peoplo, and were to be cxercised in such a way as not to aftect the spirit and intention of the law. _ 'The evils which his hou, friend had pre-- tended would occur if the Liout.--Governor were to act in such a way that there would be no Houso for cleven or twelve months were evils which they were not to assume. It was very unlikely that the Lieutenant--Governor would cause such a | Stute of things. Mr, DEACGN--Suppose you are hope-- lessly defeated next January; you caunot appeal to the country, becauso you cannot have a general election until next Jane, Mr. MOWAT said they might have a general election next May , Mr, MEREDITH--Suppose you ars de-- feated in September. Mr, MOWAT said in that case the Liout.-- Governor would have to consider two things, If the majority of the House should have coufidonce in the next Government, it would be reasonable enough to give them a chance to go tho clectors if they could do so at once; but if the laws did not admit of that, it would be for the Lieutenant--Governor to consider whether the opposite party should not take charge of tho Government at once, because that party would be shown y the vote to have the confidence of the country, Mr, DEACON--How would you get your supplies itsyou were defeated in November ? Mr,. MOWAT said thero was a | diflicuity theoretically, but not prac-- tically . The British House of Com-- mons votcd the supplies in such cases, The custom was to vote the supplies necessary to carry on the government while a general | election was poudiug, or else tho business | of the country would be stopped. If the | Act passed in 1876 were not in existence, there was still the British North America Act, providing that the Houso should con. tinue in existence four years from the re-- |-- turn of the writs, and the Crown might still |-- choose to make the Algoma writ returnable ata later date than tho other writs, so that without it Parliament could not be complete. HMe thought ho had said sulli-- cient to show that there was no intention to deprive Algowa of the rights of repre= sentation, but that those rights should be-- |-- gin at the same time as those of the rest of |-- the Province, No one ventured to exciude | Algoma from representation for one day. |-- It never had been done; our own statute had not made the change, and such an at«"| tempt would be unconstitutional, and i fact a tyrauny, (Oneers.) * S Mr, MEREDITH movred the adjourn« | ment of the debate, iy The motion was carried, and the House |_ adjourned at six o'clock . ; enepennnmmmemmmmmmsemenmememmenmetouy | ; PUBLIC AccoUunts comumiItTTEE®E. | This Committee met this morning, | | Present, Messrs, Clarcke (Wellington), chair« ) ! wan, -- Williams, Gibson, Forris, Striker, | i Hardy, Harcourt, Deacon, Woods Wills, | : & j j i + 1 s' 1 Mg.redx_th, Momu, aud Merrick. 'The im= ) ; migration accounts for 1877 and 1878 were | ; | brought down at the request of Mr. Mere. | dl.lh, and Mr. b'pcncc! of the Dopartmcnt,was ; exaintued in connection therewith, -- In the | x