The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 31 Jan 1879, p. 2

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P 3 s a V, ~ n e Nx To C F j Seceenepie ue "-- e «i ~ o9 us . 7 Sn & '~"'> $ 9 y h " «s > m -- o -7,;1'"""';7':.'3 fni"" r' y k ¥ > e o A =. a ..'--;;'J.-.'?x,,'" set" n fpe s 3 -- s the defect, which, according is i e € r s + ig to his hon. > y " Criend, exigted in the village 'of Bheibuarne. Messrs. Chishoim and Widd'ifiel.d. 4 Ailcorrespondence except that of a contiden. Mr. BELL--I have no objectiou. 4 l | E tial nature wouid be produced. The hon. The motion was carried, | [ gentleman was mistaken as to his having j TURE ] -- ieen informed that he must unot uppoin'; DURATION OF THE LEGISLATU -h-' | -- Couservatives as magistrates, Nothing of ' Mr. MEREDITH resumed the debate on A . s $ & F o , | f the kind had occurred. this question. He exbpresued surprise that | 3. "D Io Pu + P to | , Mr. MEREDLTH said the question touch. the lm'u.'membor 244 n'nont should hold ; _ nome of o o A the opinion that the House could not pro. Ww | E: rd upon by his non,. friend was an lin-- s in th ? | portaal oné, alld ons in Tefata {o6 which fie geed to business in the absence of a single NE | C ubt , and one galud 10 Whic member, and also that the duties of the ® w i thought the Governameut had not adopt-- House might be discharged after the House '- : | . ff:' is the p;'upcr} f gourso.. ""\Z 1'"'.(1 ceased to have a legal existence, He re-- M | § o in the habit of using theit grebted the partisan view which had been | | power of . makie . PE We to taken of the question by hon. gentlemen ' | the position of magistrate ; for the pur. opposite, and the fact that the d{)voflumvnt ' { pose of aiding in the election of their had considered the matter betore tlu.. 17th | s 'I '~P°l'¢%".§ wfl',','& -- %fl ER!;O'M» otf September showed that they were coun-- } | \ bugnt xy:)t to be made upon parly StTOURGS; templating linking their fortunes with the j | as magistrates ought to be the bost mss Dominion -- Government. -- But it had | | & } who could be found without respect to thelr been stated that a (gentieman . who | BDa | molitical opinions. 'wis engazed in organizing the Reform * f ':} é Mr. S'l'l:l.libli'. remarked that when he | party -- during the -- last clection hud' in | was suggesting names to the Atlorney-- sent to his chiet a declarstion that Ontario | t | Geunetral of individuals to be appointed as had gone mad on the protection uestion, | ¥ | . f gone , question, | | | magistrates, hbe (the Attorney--Generai) had ; and it might be in view of that declaration (€) | told him that he would not issue a commis. that the Government considered the inad-- 1 i sion unless it contained the names of a visability of bolding the elections while | § large nuwber of Conservatives. that state of things existed., He admitted | Mr. MOWAT said that he had endeavour-- t the learning of the hon, Attorncy--General, | | «@4 in issuiug cominissions to appoint Con-- | but he summltqd that he bad not ausv:'ercu | i'u servatives as well as Reformers, although | the argument of the hon, mcmber'forlctcr- | § | tho selection might not have been made | l{""'"?a'l"f that one constikiencs might preé-- | ¥° | of geutlemen recommended by his friends | vent this 'l rovince from huvu.)g & Paclia« | ; AFB | opposite 1 meunt tor five or seven months in the yeat, | | whis | c n s s | except by the ad captaendum argument that f | Mr. W iDDIFI;;LD said that in making r¢« ! it \nl)um'bc 'y\.um,).l for this House to as-- , | commendations for magistrates in the Notth | sume to transact business in the absence of Riding of York the Attorney--General had | a representative for Algoma. -- He proposed | made the same sngyestion as he had to his | to discuss the question as it was affecied ) hon. friend, and the consequence was that a i by the PBritish North America Act, -- It 14 lirgo number of Conservatives were ap-- the contention 'of the hon,. member for E f ypointed, in proporUion, he bel'lc}'cd, io the Stormont were correct that this House counld 4 C strength of that party in the riding, not be properly composed for doing busi-- § & Mr. LAUDER had some acquaintance ness in the absence oft a single represonta« 4 with the village of Shelburne, and he agreed tive, it would follow that if oune momber of . e with the hon. member for Dufferin that | the MHouse of Lords or lh'c uuusc of Com-- 4 | appointments were withheld on poli(lcall |imons werse absent, legislation could not grounds. In some cases persons had been | there go on. He referred to fsc\"g'rul in= P appointed as magistrates who were unable | stances in the history of the English Par-- t' to rexi or write. Such a practice he con.--| trment in which this was done, ln 1895 F 4 P co o 1 3 sidered a reprehensibie one, when the House of Commons met, Knarcs-- | x Wir: MOWAT had never recommended borough r'"!' unr.a.prejwln'tc«}, '"f(;i "'d'* "0""'; | .. | B " any individuals uniess he believed them l'"'."""d'i'; ho. b"l'"."'_'"i .'t"'_' C ;" es | "; | capable to fill the position of magistrate. wait to be issuoed 1or UR consiPitg00}=/: . 343 | Of course it was impossible to get relined Mr. BETHUNE--The writ had issued in s | and cultured magistrates in all cases, but the first instance. & | the 09vernmcnb uid the best .they could, Mr. MEREDILTH said it was, but was | dE d | Ho believed the number of m_uglstratcs uns' not executed, -- In 1831 the Caernarvon case -- 1W * able to discharge their duties was much vecurred, in which a writ had been is-- ( larger amongst the Conservatives than the sued, but not excecuted, and the House ' _ Reiormers, -- (Hear, hear,) ot Commons ordered the issue of a new e Mr. RICHARDSON said in 1876 he had writ, 'When in our own Province, in 1841 | 10 preseuted a petition sign=ad by a large num-- the House progeeded to business in the ab-- FQ | ber of slectors of bis county recommending sence of a returu from the county of Keut. ' '? / | the appointment of a certain geatleman The Dominion House of Umpmous, on thc. a r o | as magistrate, but no appointment had been 12th May, 1868, also dealt with the case of t | made, and no explanation had ever been humuumh&u, for which no return had been 15M givou by the Government, made, and ordered a new writ to be issued. «l Mr. CHISHOLM thought hon. gentlemen Fhese instunces, he thought, conclusively © a T Apr disposed of the argument that the House | opposite recommended a course now differ-- * A | - s . could not procecd to business in the ab-- | & ent to that which they followed when in o a o . 4) t w 4 n | seuce of one representative, He submitted o 6 power, 'The last appointments they bad y, 4 J eovess 10 mado niumbered three hundred and thers | that the case cited ot the old Province of t } n le w i | Canida, in 1820, had no authority on this 18 were orly a very few Reformers amongst i. in hymag l «/y ; 1e¥ F + j poiut. 'The House of Assembily at that ; -- es | that number, (Hear, hear.) If the aum-- | . ns . f 3 | p 4 llare mor in nis | time was in coullict with the Governor, } \ ber of magistrates were increased in his | , ons y c ow arl l \| ' , | and, assuming itself to be properly consti-- U | county there would be verf lef people lef% tuted, elected & Speaker, resolved itself 4 to act as counstables. (Laughter. ) 'l'ho! LCYs * SPeS ' a [? ' i4 c into _ a -- Committee, _ and _ passed . a | 1 4 hon. member for Duflcrin was fond of resloution If the were not . a i finding ftault with the Government, <pe f Y i t a 4 Parliament -- how _ could they . periorm but he should remember that he was 2 dcts lecally 2 The Attorney--General § elected as their supporter,. -- (Hear, ;hear | these acts legally ?. 'The Attorney--Q6 d and no.) He was prepared to pl'u:(; that bad based his argument chiefly On the | h was the case words of the Confederation _ Act rolating 1 uucfl is * to the return ot the writs. If his construc. j ': The motion was carmed, | tiou were correet, the existence of l'a}rilm- ¢f sEPARATE SCHOOLS. \ ment would depend upon a _rcturm.u;.;-o! icer «ts d * s | t p_rupcxl_\' uncud'iu: to his dutiecs, 'The . Mr. BELL renewed the motion which he | | literal constraction of thesewords should, , :'nadc some days ago f"l\' rc'turus f'illlillls to | ) therefore, be contended, be abandoned, and } , Beparate Schools, which was carried, | | their intentional meaning sought for. It{e | $ 4 v | eve Gugli 4 e 6 wurox axp oxrArto srr caxan. | Noi o U ts wns dictiony hald io | | tat | case & c cle | Mr. BELL moved t.hfi? the petition of the t ' Canada from 1837 to the year of Contedera« | | Huron and Ontario Ship Canal Company, | tion, to show that on every occasion. the | 3 presented during . 'ihq present Sess101; be | date of the return of the writs ard the time l referred to a Bpecia }L;ol\lnmlx)ttce,':.o be com-- at which the Crown sumimoned Parliament | posed of Bgezslle'z:;s u;ilior ""IL';CP.C;:'{!'H%'Y, to mect were the same. \| L1 | e-'tl:;:r:ox'l C f Ciee .. 9 Ar. FRASER--AL the writs were re-- | | w ** OWA.'I' resumed that the C turnable on the same day . | & d ) om= s x in & , t R _M!'. :1" for theppUDpole of obtaining i:]- mi?. MEREDITH--Yes ; and it would.bc | | mittee . af} found that in no less than tive of these nine { formation,and not to make recommendations s y s , ' h he' Government With that under. cases did the Parhameut of Canada meet on ¢ | ""':n:"g he bad no objection to its appoint-- the day mentioned in the prociamation . ; § | . . ; & £0+ « P g ment, with the addition of the names of

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