iTtL,'_r'rc . snmumo mm in Kingston than the (ii ItuiUM0gtiw.i'.st, pun! nnn of Hun... '9'" n "A... Mr. CUltRHeeoritendvutut theBill when introduced had received the assent of both sides ot the House, and no amendments had been suggested until the third reading. It had been stated that the Government hmlpaaucdt-he law in order to unjustly widen their Iniloeaoo, but this would be soon to be false on looking at the fact that the amount of umual revenue from licenses had decreased by $30,000 since the law cumointo force. He was pleased to he" the testimony oftho hon. member from Kingston. Ho believodthnt if the testi- mony from on the cities were heard it would be found lo be in favour of the pres sent. law. l . ."'-"- -7 -- .7 "'N.'_'-i"M"i-- -_...- W. - IDIWOIICI'S, and we of them wax u Consor- vutivo, as Mu also the License lnapector. Mr. ("Hill") said that he understood that tho Bill in question Gd been for the pus-pow of reducing the number of taverns, and to take out of the hands of the munici- pal corporations the licvnsing puwurs. n was Mango that. the member for East Grey and cum: on the Opposition side of the House, now so strongly ohjccling to the principle ot the Bill. had spoken in favour of and suppmtcd it. Mr. ROBINSON Mid if there ever Was anything more than another which showed him what straits the Opposition Were driven for charges tom-go against the Gov. ernment it was their conduct in the pre. sent discussion. (Hear, hear.) The license law was never admimstcn d in Kingston so well as at present." one time the churgu had been made against the Commissioners that they had used their position to "in an election, but this chap; had had to be. withdrawn in the newspapers. ilo could certify that there Wcro not throc mum rc- Mr. LAUDE'R-wi, did not approve of the appointment of Commissioners. Mr, CALVIN chimed that the present system of tuning licences by Commissions did not meet the approval of the people. lie held in his hand a lelter trom n magis- trate saying be would resign if the law were not repealed. It was contrary to the very principle of liberal government to take the authority from the people and give it into the hands of two or three men who, perhaps, never visited the county in which the licence wen granted more than twice a year. It won ridiculous to suppose that the County Council: did not beet know what they wanted. The present rystem resulted in there being no house of accommodation along a stretch of " miles of ,rell.ttaeelled road in his coun- ty. He claimed that in many other in- stances the Government had taken privi. leges out of the: hands of the people, and made them refer to this House for every change they desired to effect. Mr. MORRIS said he had been unable to arrive at it definite conclusion as to whether in the opinion ol the Governnwnt Commis. sioners and Inspectors should hold munici- pal otlico or not. lie remembered the time when such men as the late member oi Par- liament for South Bruce and the late leader of the Dominion (inmrument held seals in this Home, but the friends of gentlemen opposite endeavoured, successiully, to get e measure passed which compelled them to resign their seats in this House, and thus the Province lost the services of these men. Norma the case of trroipotsitiot" far in.. ferior, they were willing to let one man 0c. cupy both. What he desired, however, was simply to know the Government's policy in the matter, as there seemed to be a dilietu once of opinion among tlwmselvu. people had a} that gentlemen? With regard to the genenl question, the Government had been urged on all hands to remove the appointment of Commissioners from muni- cipal bodies.' It was notorious that the Inspector! previously appointed were not useful officers, and the change was made both in the interest ot temperance and of respectable inukeepers themselves. It was quite probable that some Commissioners had made mistakes, or new not as efficient as was desirable, but his wonder "are, not that such cases should occur, but that they had been so extremely tow. lie was Butts. fied, however, that the general opinion of tho public was that this law had been a succesa. v Gl (y u-d by $30,000 since the law NCO. He was pleased to has: uy ofthe hon. member from Ho believodthnt if the testi- - - ppt \'VW. them was a (longer. \WQSL -- .. V.. "u "no estimates, before they diucllsscd the latter. Mr. WOOD said the estimates had Just arrived. They could not be prepared earlier. He (expected to present the abstract to. morrow. It was not customary to present it before the discuearon on the cstimatea. Mr. MOWAT said that if the hon. mem- ber for lmnduu desired tho dircursion post- poned till the ar tollowing the "Moment there was no ohiccttou to that. tir. curmuc was of "mm. a.-. AC, one MoEwen. He explained that when' the present law was introduced the Commissioners decided to reduce I the number of licenses, and with that now had withdrawn licenses from two respectable houses. When it was subsequently decided to add another license to the list, the Commissioners had naturally given it to one of the two houses which had formerly been clogod. Mr. Melliwen had in the meantime built a very 1 good house and had applied tor a license. Ilia application had been supported by petitions from the Town Council and from the citizens, but the license had not been [granted for the reason given. The town, 1 however, was growing, and no doubt Mr. i Mchlwen would Secure his liccnSu when it l was found advisable to increase the number ot hotels. lie believed the Act was work- ; ing well, and that Municipal Councils were , glad to be relieved ot the responsibility of , grunting and withholding licenses. On motion thor Were referred to the Committee of Supply, Mr. MEREDITH thought tho Home should have the abstract of tho receipts and expenditures for 1878, as wall as the outimntos, before they discussed um lath"- Mr, MEREDITH stated that he would not press the motion, bot ho announced that he would, at a later stage, an: the House to assent to a Bill disqualifying Commissioners and inspectors tram holding municipal oliicea. The motion was then withdrawn. TAVERN AND SHOP LICENSES. Mr. PARKlitLL moved for an order of tho Housa for a return showing the Iiuilt- ber of tavern and shop licenses isisneil in each of the scvornl municipalities of tho county of Silucoo, including the townships oi Tecumseh, Adjala, Mono, and Mulmur, detached therefrom lor electoral pttrpoticu; also the amounts received by the several Boards of License Commissioners ot the counties of Simcoc, Luirerin, and Caldwell, and the amounts of money that have bean paidoverto tho schrul municipalities in the said counties out or the "come fund in each and _ year since 1874. Mr. MOWAT presented a message from "in Honour, transmitting the estimates for 1879. W Mr. CLARKE (Norfolk) was sure it was the tooling of the country that in justice to all concerned the License inspector should not hold municipal oilict:r--. (Oppo- sition cheers) .- thOugh there Wits no- thing illegal about; their holding those positions. lie thought this principle had been pretty well. tsclinowledpwd and carried out. If anything could surprisehlm in the inconsistency of the Uppositiott-Hhear, hear)--" would be the speculum of the members on this occasion. Referring to his hon. tiiottd'titir1r. Calvin) speech, he thought that gentleman was go. ing track in his ideas at legislation. In proot of this he quoted a speech of his on the occasion of the discussion upon the passage of the Bill, in which he had ap. proved ot the appointment ot Coat. inisiilonerl by the Government. He quoted other Opposition speeches to the sauna effect. With regard to the expenses, he quoted the returns to Show that this law was tutltusuppottitig. Ile was sorry to we the organ of the Opposition at. tempting to have the Saturday night clause removed from te, Act, for this was perhaps tho most impo "iii clause in it, and had been of almost incalculublo benciit to tho working classes. Mr. CALVIN explained that he had been in favour ot total prohibition, but he Ad not think the Cuttuuissiouetg were "lady to bung that about. TH E ESTIMA'l ES . of opinion that the