an injurious question so long before the country. He did not doubt that they were ! & respectable class of men, but they had beon actuated by wrong counsel in this mattor. . 'The fact, he believed, would be apparent that the whole of this agitation was for political purposes, _ He was sorry to seo his friend Parkhill takeo consolation to himself for being oue of the promoters of a Bill keeping up an agitation so injuri« ous to the country, and merely to adyance & political party . t ut de#443: ~»Mr. Pargruu--I. say distinctly before this Committee that there is <no politics about it. | (Loud and derisivo laughter.) Mr. Bropzs claimed that <the responsi-- bility of any harmful agitation arising from the Bill was to be borue by those who op-- posed it. As to the occurrences in Montreal, the people opposing this Bill should have been the last to refer to thom, as it was, he believed, largely through their policy here that those sad events had been broughtabout. He reterred briefly to the provisions of the Bill as to property,and favoured its passage, In his opinion this Comimittee were not endowed with authority to say what body should or should not exist, and if the Orange body desired incorporation the Committeo's duty was plainly to grant their petition. Mr. Stycuram thought it a great pity that this matter could not be discussed in Com. miltee on its merits and without feeling. The Orangamen of the country were never tired of praising the conduct of the pre-- vious (Government in this connection, but | he claimed they as well as the present Go. | vernment had endeavoured to keep down the Orange body. When it was enaeavoured io pass a Bill incorporating the Society of Oddfellows, it had 'been opposed by the Sandfield Macdonald Government on the ground that it would open the way to the incorporation of the OQrange and uther Societies . A rote was then taken upon the question of whetherthe preamble should be adopted or not, resulting as tollow s :-- Yzas.«--Messra. Baker, Broder, Calrin, Codo, Dea-- , con, Lavder, Meredith, Merrick, Monk, Morris, | M;);tyn. Parkhill, Preston, Rosevear, Scoit, Tooloy _ Nays#.--Messtse, Baxter, Clarke (Norfolk), Cole, Cuprio, Finiayson, tibson, Grabham, Grant, flnrdy, Markin, Hay, McLaws, McMahon, Massioe, U'Dono-- ghuo, Pardce, Patterson, Paxton, loss, Sinclair, Snetsinger, Bpricger, Wattorwortbh, Widdifield, Wilson--25, The Bill was therefore thrown out, the costs, less the expense of printing, being reraitted. «qeennmmnnnmnonmennanemnmen anrmimmamtematieny