The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 11 Feb 1879, p. 5

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between the expenditure of the last yoar and that of 1874----a year upon the expen-- diture of which the country had pronounced tavourably to the Government--and the cx-- penditure of 1875 with that proposed for 1870. -- The total expenditure in 1874 was $2,342,178, and what was the expenditure in 1878 that justified the hon, the leader of the Opposition in saying that if the public funds were continued to be disbursed in the samo ratio, the exponditure in 1883 would be so cnormous a sum as the one he had mentioned ? 'The entire expenditure in 1878 was $2,408,534, as against §$2,3142,178 in 1§74, an increase of $66,000 in round au l o Couug ous s n B anan? e ta cce es Ne c o% cavew PC e TE D C ol O ue s B uind numbers. Xet that ingfease, multpiied by four, would, uccorujin?{o his hon. friond from London, raise the expenditure to three midlions and a haif in 1883. 'The cost of Civil Government in 1874--anod that -- wus an _ item _ the _ increase in which had been harped upon again and again by his hon. friends opposite--was $109,635, including all salaries paid in that year, lu 1878 it amounted to $118,038, or an increasse of about $9,000. Deducting the increase in salaries ot Ministers, the actual expendituro,for Civil Government in 1878 was less than in 1874. (Chcers.) Adding to the exponditure for 1874, the cost of contingencies and repairs, and the total wouilid be §147,108,whilo the same addition in 1878 only made a total of $149,199, or about $2,000 of an increase since 1874, If the miscellaneous oexpenditure under the head of Civil Government in 1874 were added to the amount already given, the total would be $159,163, and if thoe similar items wore added in 1878 it would be $158,713, or an actual decrease, (Cheors.) That included the increases upon eveiy. thing pad to members ot tho Gov-- etument, upon contingencies, and upon repairs, and yet hon, gentlemen op. posite asked the people of this Province \to withhold from the Government their support because they had decreased the l} expenditure for civil government (cheers), | aud if the sum of $6,700 for the five Min-- | isters were deducted from tho amount he ' had mentioned,the expenditurecfor 1878 was | g152,000 as against $159,000 for 1874. | (Cheers.) The cost of Logislation in 1874, | omitting the cost of the second session held that year, was $117,793, with the indemnity to members at $600. In 1878, including the increased in-- demnity, the cost under the same hoad was $126,458, and if the increaso, caused by the rise in the indemnity wore taken away trom that sum, the cost would be $108,858 as against $117,703 in 1874. (Cheers.) Yet the Government were asked to be condemned bocause they had made a decrease under the head ot Legislation. And it the cost otf the second session were added--a course which would be analogous to that pursued in their calculations by hon,. gentlemen opposite--the cost of Legislation in 1874 would be $176,283 as against a total of $126,458 in 1878, being a diffcrence in favour of the latter year of $50,000. (Cheers.) Ho included in that amount the whole of the sessional indemnity tor 1878, whereas if that amount wore taken away the difference in favour of 1878 would be : nearly $70,000, (Cheers.) For adminis. | tration of justice there was spont 'in 1874 $209,370, and in _ 1878 ©2905.365. _ an _ increase .of _ some. thing like $86,000. Of course the Govern-- ment could have controlled that expendi-- ture, and cut off that expenditure almost entirely, but that would be doing what the hon,. member for London condemned--it would be a step in the way of of direct taxa-- tion. -- For education there was spont in 1874 about $487,000, and in 1878 $556,000, or an increase of about $68,000; for Public Institutions, $286,000 in 1874, and $482,000 in 1878, or an increase of nearly ©$200,000. It was true that the (Opposition proposed a saving of a fow thousand dollars in the item, wine, beer and spirits, but the remainder of the oxpen: diture for that purpose could not be object. ed to, Ithad been said that the Govern-- ment were extravagaut in their expundituro upon immigration, but ho directed tho attention of the House to a motion that was made in 1874, to the cffect that the annual expenditure should be kept within the annug} revenue, and to an amendment moved thereto by Mr. Hardy, afirming the necessity thero was for not reduc-- ing the expenditure upon immigmuon, Every,onej who voled tor the amendment concurred in the Government's policy of encouraging immigration, and there was not a single nay recorded agaiunst it, the hon. member for London himself voting for it. In the year 1874 tho expenditure for immigration was $134,640, whereas in 1878 it was only $31,9%5--a whole hundred thousand dollars less than in 1874, and still hon. gentlemen opposite censured them for the increase in the expendi. tureo upon -- immigration, (Laughter.) If prosperity were about to come to the Province in the magnificent way in which hon. gentlemen opposite predicted it would, the present was & most inopportune moment for discouraging immigration of the right kind. It had never been com-- plained that & too liberal supply of agricul. tural labourers and servant girls came from the old countries, and these were the classes to the bringing out of which ths Govern-- mert mainly directed their attention. In 1874 the amount spent upon agriculture, arts, etc, was . $86,438, and in 1878 | go7,028 -- an _ increase _ of $10,590. | He did not think that & dollar of public | money had ever been better expended than | that which bad been expended on Hospitals | and Charities. _ Under that head the ex-- | penditure in 1874 was $43,000, and in 1878 | there was e}:pendud 3'70,673--an i?creue of EVE e n n mc E $27,653. _ Hon, gentlomen opposite would not say that that expenditure was a wrong one, For miscellaneous purposcs in 1874 there was expended $17,338, and in 1878 $78,901, an amount which the hon. gentle-- man bad left entirely out of account in - J a we cX i8 00 My s ANIREIE t 211002 Th oi ds taininiiintont ts " : his calculations. For Public Buildings | and Works there was expended in 1874 $409,438, and in 1878 ©$298,607--a decrease in 1878 of about $110,000. . On | Colonization Roads the figures were for 1874 | $90,762, and for 1878 $85,162--a decrease | in 1878 of $5,150, The Crown Lands ex-- penditure in 1874 was $78,908, and in 1878 $70,509--a decrease of $8,459. For Re-- funds the expenditures bad been in 1874 $163,506, and in 1878 $56,147--a decrease of g107,419. 'Theincreases were in expon. ditures which went to help the people, such as those on Public Institutions, Edu-- cation, and other items to which ho had already referred. 'Tho total increases in thess between 1874 and 1878 were $451,-- 491. The decreases were:--In Civil Govern-- ment $500 ; on Legislation, -- $50,000 ; on 1mmigration, $102,000 ; on Public Build. | | ings, $110,000 ; on Colonization Roads, !$5,000; on Cromn . Lands expendi« ture, $8,459; on Refunds, $107,000-- making a net Gdecrease in 1878 of | g384,799. The increases during that time ' being §451,791, a net increase was thus lett of $66,242, 'The estimated expenditure for 18g79 was $2,287,075, being imore than | g100,000 less than that of 1878. But the actual expenditure was always less than that estimated, therefore it was rot unfair to suppose that the expenditure of 1879 would be $200,000 or $300,000 less than the estimates, Yet the hon member for London was extremely afraid that the coun-- try was going headlong to ruin, He now proponcd' to _ make compari-- son between tho cstimates: of 1875 ard thoso for 1879. The estimated cost of civil government in 1875 was $152,. 000, and in 1879 $155,000. The figures for legislation were in 1875) $105,200, and in 1879 $111,250, or an increase of only $6,000 all toid, including the cost of the coming elections, which would be greater than those of 1875, The Administration of Jus. tive in 1875 was estimated to cost $211,. 000, and all the Government were asking for 1879 was $281,000. For education, in 1875, they asked $510,000, and were now usking tor $516,000, or an increase of $6,-- 000. In 1875 the estimate for Public Ian. stitutions was $367,000, and in 1879 $497,006 ' the cause ol the increaso being the larger| uumber of institutions they had to maip,. tain at the prosont time, -- For immigration the amount askod for 1875 was $122,000, %nq in l5l79 $27,000, or a decrease of $05,000, For Agriculture, Arfs, and Literary and Rcientific Institutions it was for 1875 $91,600, and in 1870, $107,850,. For Hospitals and Charitiecs in 1875 the estimates were $50,-- 000, and for 1879 $73,870. For miscella. noous expenditure they asked in 1875 $51,300, and now, $79,655. KFor unfore-- geen and unprovided the amounts for both _ years were the same, $50,000. For public buildings the amounts were re. spectively $124,300 and $129,100; tor pub-- lic works, $62,2507 and $31,000; for colonization roads, $98,300 and $96,300 ; charges on Crown lands, $86,700 and $73,-- 4

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