The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 11 Feb 1879, p. 7

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F on ags t , dov fpi : Aks-- w -- y ce t f of 1864 which he had upon his desk told a / different story. Ho then read from these | journals, showing that in the yeas and nays | upon the report of the first Committese | Bir John A. Macdonald and _ Hon. Yohn -- Saudgficld -- Macdonald had voled | against -- tha _ resolution, tbhat on the same day the Macdonaid Government | was defeatod, and Sit John had changed his | views and gone in with others 4o consubi-- | mate Confederation . t ) | Mr. MORRIS asked the hon. gontloman | if the members of the Reform party were ; nct opposed to the union of all British | North America whilo the Consorvatives | supported it ? Mr. CURRIE said some of the mombesn\ of the Rotorm party were in favour of &| union of the two Frovinces leading toa federation of the whole. (Cheers.) Further discussion took place upon this point. Mr. CURRIE proceeded to quote the amounts submitted by the Opposition aud the amendment submitted to show that : they were not in accordanoe with the cor-- ' reet figures. Mr. Sandfield Macdonald with 'all his faults was a man of great economy, | and his Government was more economical than any Conservative Government would be in the future, In 1873 the Blake Gov-- erament asked for $2,322,000, and in all that amount the Opposition could only find it in their hearts to object to one item, «n amount of $500, part of Mr, Speaker's salary, He knew tho Government had been asked both in and out of Com-- mittee to increase the s@alaries of officials whose political sympathies were | with the members of the Opposition. -- (Cheers.) It was remarkable that this re. ! solution followed very much a statament of ' page 6 of a certain pamphlet which had lately been issued, It seemed that the l ' Opposition had been furnished not only with their financial thunder, but also with the forms of their motions, by parties out: side, With regard to the bugbcar of direct taxation, he believed if it were necessary to impose such a tax the people woula cheer-- fully submit to it, Mention had been made ' of thg Government's majority, . When | they first came into powor they had a majority of one, which had been increased from among thoir opponents to about twonty--five, but a majority which it was not very safe to depend upon, At the | general clection they were returned with a * lgood majority of about sixteen. Ontario was Reform to the core, '_ Mr., MEREDITH--Thoy showed it last September. Mr. CURRIE beliered Ontario would not want any Conservatives to take charge of her money. He had watched tho course of that party for some time, and had come to the conclusion that though when in Opposition they were parsimonious, when they got into powoer thoy were not by any means so caroful. Last Septomber they bhad a national policy to place before the ' country, but they would be in a diffcrent | position the next election, He believed the Reform pariy would be triumphantly re-- turned to power by the people of Ontario, (Cheers.) ~ Mr. ROSS imoved the adjournment of the | debate, which was carried, | The House adjourned at 11;10, NOTICES OF MOTION,. | w Mr, Lyon (Algoma)--On Tuesday noxt-- | . Select Committes to counsider the following | _ resolutions, and with instructions to report to the House thereon ;:---- That the growing importance and increasing popu-- lation of the Electoral District of Algoma, together | with the diversity of interests arising from diffor-- |. ence of soil, climate, and the ocoupations of the MR people, in a region of such vast extent, ronder it | expedient that the said District of Algoma shoul be subdirided to the end that it may be more ful.l; _ npnnntod in the Legisiature of Ontario, ' 2 That it is expedient that the presont Elootoral District of Algoma shall be abolished, and that the Provisional District of Algoma shall bo subdivided fe: ie amanaemiee which will by an Electoral Districty hnd chall return ono member to the Provincial Logislature, 4 Attorney--General Mowat--Bill to amend the law as to the limitation of actions, : D .|__Also, Bill respecting Steam Hceating Companies. Also, Bill to ameud the Municipal Law,' Mr, Fraser--Bill to make cortain pro--] AJ visions respecting the practice of the Courts, aanenemmemenenmnmmnestemmnmmem anmnctes 6

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