The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 12 Feb 1879, p. 4

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occurred, and the evidence all pointed to the conclusion that it was purely the result of accident. Harsh treatment of' ex-conviots might have the effect of inciting thomto destroythe Prison where thty had been immaredd but he did not think that Inch would bu the leanlt of allonling them cm- ploymeut after the expiration. of their terms. He would be sorry if the rum-ms shovml that such individuals wc-o em- ploy_ed " foreman, bat "may: that no - . """ ""--'A (Nun thuil' um- Mr. WOOD said that he w" aware ot only two fires happening there of late years. One ontalled a Very small loo, and the other was the large one which had taken place quite recently. Respecting the Brockville Mutual Build- , ing tiocietr.--M r. Cole. Respecting the Yorkville Loop Line t. Railway C'omptutyc--hir. Lauder. I To extend the limits of the town of T Wallortou..-Mr. Smolair. p10)": I. IVlUmv-e, _.._ n - . possible harm could accrue from their tom- pornry employment in the Prison. There could be no objection to the motion, and returns would be brought Jolt n at as early at date as poasrble. Mr. BEACON learned horn what had been mentioned in the motion that the services of prisoners alter the expiration of their terms ot imprisonment Wcrc required in the Prison. The question of the em. ployment of ex-prisoners in the Prison was one upon which he would not exprels an opinion, but he thought there could be no doubt that it aiforded an opportunity to them of becoming acquainted with the con- struction of the prison, and they would thus have a better chance of escaping if they were sent to the Prison again. He quoted an extract from the Mail containing charges that ox-prisoners were employed in the Central Prison, and an insinuation that 3:0 numerous tires there were canned by cm. . Mr. BEACON did not approve of such articles luring published, and rather agreed with the lion. Treasurer that prisoners alter the expiration of their terms oigor- Vico_ ought not to no ostracized. The lnntlmi manic by tho hon. member for West Toronto was for the purpose obtaining in-. trrrniailon, apd should carry . Mr, HARDY had before stated in the House that he. had no personal know. ledge of the prisoner Collingwood, and had stated iron: information given him by the Inspector of Prisons that he was nuploycri for a week or ten days to finish at piece of work in the prison, and he had since learned that he ((Joiiinizwood) had been or toyed tor a further term of two days. 'gne letter in the Mail "a doubtless written on the supposition that he (Mr. Hardy) had the unpervimon of the Central l'i'ilon, which of course was 5 mistake. Of the other prisoners mentioned in the mo- tion he knew nothing. The motion was carried. PARIS LXPOSI'I'ION. Mr. MASSIE, moved for an order oi the House for copies of the reports from Mr. J. Kormun no Commissioner " the Paris lax. position of 1878. Carried. It being six o'clock tho Speaker left the chair. 'rue following mint: Bills wine ad ranced a stage F- To extcnd the powers of the Haudun-. liaud Mutual Fire lusumucc Company.--- Mr. Harcourt. To incorporate the Waterloo, Wellington, and Georgian Bay Railway Coinpany.-- Mt. springer. Respecting vermin dam on Betsrvt Creek and other streams in counties oi Hastings and Addiugton.--Mr. Paris. To amend the boundary Imus bf thc of Itigerauu.--air, Crooks. To incorporate the Grey and Waikclton Railway comttattr--M r. Landon To incorporate the Ontario Steam and Heating Coiuptutr-hlr. Willi-nun. Respecting the municipality --Mr. Lyon. To incorporate the Prudential Life. As. sumac: Company of Lrnttsrio.-tis, Wil. hams. After recess, Respecting the Whitby and il PM VA'L'E n 1LLS, of Shuninh. Johcaygeon : totrtt . Respecting Billings' Bridge, and tolegal- we the conveyance thcrcot to the, Ottawa and Gloucester Road Company. -t Mr. Monk. Respecting the Walkerton School Lands. I .-..Mr. Sinclair. To empower the trustees under a Deed _ or 135155 glide .lyitwcyn 'l'ktrutig a . i the Town of Lindsay, and others to ' ce") .in lauds thcruin 'n'ieauoticd.--Mr. Wil. PRIVATE BILLS, ' In this Committee to-day the Bill to in. I corporate the village of Drummondville and the South Ward of tho town of Clifton i under the name of the Village of Niagara _ Falls came up for further consideration, the ' preamble having been declared proven at a former meeting. Mr. Kerr, toiicitor for i those ?ppo!iingitlits Bill, presented petitions l front Ibo placed which were proposed to be incorporated against the Bill, and asking i for a ro.corttfuleration of the preamble, i which request, however, was not granted. itairiairi?/xurnaion Com pany.-UIr. Paxton Bupecting the Whitby, 1"eart Perry, and Lindsay Hallway mewwyr, f-NI-tt To ii,ttg',1.'gt'. the Windsor and ssex Centre ailway Uompany.--Mr. White. To legalize a. certain by-law at the Town of titrathroy.---htt1 Hay. To incorporate tlt, egt.--ytr. McGowan. Mr. Mowat's Bin providing for the exten- sion of the tight of taking security from guarantee comp-mics was considered in Committee and passed without amend. meat. MECHA'SlUS' INSTITUTE PROPERTY. The mu introduced by Mr. Wood to an- thonzc the issue of scrip for railway grants in certain cases was passed in Committee without amoudmgg}. a UARANIEE comuxms. The Bill introduced by Mr. Mowat re- specting the power of Mechanics' Institutes and Library Associations to deal with their real estate was also passed in Committee without amendment. The discussion on Mr. Wood's motion for Committee of Supply was then re-. sumed, the report of which is unavoidably held over. 0. mm ordered to be paid by the convicting junice In each can, the cons imam-ed in the General Sessions in .'each case. PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEES Alto, a statement. of all timbers cut on trespass since the Order in Council of and Dec., 1870, "as passed on which the penalty duty of ten cents per cubic toot was not charged. Mr. Meredith .-Order of thy Rouse tor a return irottt the several counties in the Province, showing the number of appeals to the General Sessions trom connctions or orders mac-Hm: Jasm- and Servant Act, or an} Actor the Legislature ot Dunno under which more is an appeal to the said "anions. The; amount of the fiao or costs Mr. 00oaoghue---0n 1syirltsy next-ad. dress tor a return of the number otprisone" tlogged in the Central Prison during the years 1878 and 1879 up to the present date; by whom so sentenced," any were-whether by the Judges who sentenced or by the Warden of the Prison-tuid for what offence. Also Order ot the House for c--. l, Copy of the Order in Council of 2nd Dam, 1870, subjecmiug timber cut on Crown lands gillxout "cum: to a penalty ot $100 wir thousand cubic, feet on squarc timber, and tr per standard 5. wing. 2. A statement of all fittott and penalties exacted under the said Order in Council on the Ottawa or any of its tributaries, with the names ot the parties ti'oed,the quantity oftimbcr cut, and the amount exacted in each case, mental reports. rcportx of agents, ind Icon). plalnts of aggrieved parties in reference to the said lines up to the lat February, 1879. NU'l'lULS Oh' MU'I'IUN. RAILWAY SLLUP. of all c0rrr'sp0ndertco, depart? it?! the Town of Mount For- Tottoxro, Feb . Jrsi,'ti'i,?ihf:5i'siC'Aii,'i if}

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