The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 12 Feb 1879, p. 8

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rcaolu&ioms.'-. 4 The _ Opposition had a L i l'ro'vmce of Untuuo.. right to move any | resolution they | *I'he House adjourned at 11:30. pleased. 'The proper time to bring '11: such a motion as this was before going + into Commiitee of Supply. In the event * of a chauge of Government ;,-cut'h:mcur 9!" | *4 posite would do© the same thing,. ll_h;'l | I question is whether the lllc_'rg-f\sos whic bad taken place. could continue or \nOt. l The Premiocr hbad admitted that part of the | expenditure was not necessary, the only unavoidable ones being for legislation, C{"" governmont, and administration of justice. ! The 'Freasurer, in specifying what had been given back to the people, for-- l got to mention what had bcun' spept | on the House itself, The reason given for sponding what was not unavoidabm.was that the country had it to sponud. Direct ! taxation was, as stated in the resoiution, | inevitable, Mr, GIBSON --When ? I Mr, MORRIS--At a time uot fat distant» | The surplus accumulated by the Ssandfeld Macdonald Government bhad largeiy melted | away, and in throe or four years, if direct | taxation was to be avoided, borrowing would have to be resorted to. 'The Trea-- suror had in his budget speech not included the whole of the expenditure of 1878. He placed the deficit for the year at $154,000. The expenditure on special funds had not been includea. The actual expendituro ofi 1878 over receipts was $647,966. Mr, WOOD--Do theso special expendi. ; tures diminish the surplus ? | Mr. MORRAIS--The expenditure has en-- i croached on the capital of the Province to | the extent of nearly haif a million of dol-- | lacs, 'The ordinary expenditure for 1878 was $2,058,393, and tor 1871 was $1,. 223,000, an imcrease of $835,000. 'The time had come for taking -- stock of the afiairs of the Province. 'The Gov-- ernment had been compelled to pborrow $300,000 last year to tide over difficulties, The situation was a gravo one, and the necessity for a remedy was urgent.. Mr. Morrtisa concluaed his speoch with a refer-- once to the letter written by the Miniater of Education to his constituents in South Ox. ford. 'The Government had throwa down the gauntlet and expecfed the people to sustain them, not on their merits, but in order to afford help to the weak Opposition at Ottawa, Mr, MEREDITH wished to mako a per-- sonal explanation about the charge of "cooking" accounts, He denied the im putation of intent to deceive. 'The Bague-- nay fire expenditure was exceptional in | 187i. The special oxpenditure for the | gencral clection in 1871 was also excep-- tional. 'The exponditure for immigration deducted in 1878 was all in favour of the Government, _ 'The municipalittes' fund and land improvement fund should not | have been deducted in 1878, and were pro-- | perly deducted in 1871. | Mr. CROUKS rose to a point of order, | that Mr, Meredith was entering into a gene» | ral argument under cover of a personal ex-- | | planation , \ '_ Mr., LAUDER thon took up some time | in discussing a few items of expenditure to | which the Opposition had taken exception | in bygone years, one of which was the sum | of $1,045 for carpeting the rooms of the | Warden in the Ceatral Prigou, | Mr. FRASER briefly explained that this | item had been investigated by the Public | Accounts Committeo at the instance of Mr. | M. C. Cameron, who had abandoued it as soon as he found the plan of his own Gov-- | ernment had been followed, and had never subsequently referred to it. The carpet had cost a doliar a yard, and the large total cost was duo entisvcly to the size of the ron «, which were fewer in number than wasar igiaally contemplated, and were constructed according to the original plan | of the Sandiield Macdonald Government, This was a fair specimen of the charges made by the member for East Grey, The motion of Mr. Meredith was then put aud lost on a division by 45 to 31. |_ The House then wont into Committca, | but at the request of Mr. Meredith did not | proceed with the second item in the Esti-- ! mmates, that tor the oflice ot the Lisutonaut. l | Governor, ! _ Returns® were laid on the table of lh:'& | amount of money invested under the Tile | Drainage Act and ot the Order in Council | respecting the transfer of the 'Trent Kiver | works from the Dominion of Cauada to the t

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