* " id } ump (es's. | o on mrmremarstronmae the West Riding ot Kent," t e o ONT ARIO LEG'SL ATURE Mr. MERRICK thought some change a ought to bo made in the License Act to e sc ce ols ccan en is provide for the making and publishing of returns as to fines imposed for breaches THIRD PARLIAMENT--FOU 3TH SESSION, of the license law and the expense con-- conene cvmdfemmmnae . nected with the working of the Act, & Lrarsnarive AsssuBuy, Mr. HARDY said that much of what ;Monday 17th Feby .~ his hon,. friend ;icsi;;ed was already be. iPhe ASosaket: 100k Sus chair at three {Qro the public in the reports emanating Pp i rom the License Branch, Those reports W'clock. 3 Also showed the aggregate of fines collected Prayers were read by Rev. J, C. Antlif, in the counties, He had found, however, ¥ Yadle ? ) B.D. a great lack otf uniformity in recording the REPORTS BY JUD 18. cases in t\:}nch fines v:o;ew§$p:lfed anddtll:e * i Court of circumstances connected wi em, and he | ChRep:rts y:;g;nr:::':ivi :;d?:tgft::'mfi o:vi ng had therefore introduced a system b,y which Bil':?? T¥ such information could be accurately ob-- fe= i : t and furni To authorize the trustees of St. A_ndrew's ::x:;;&y"t.ho ggm;m::: n:e inl;rgi,?;:g:: Shurch, Williamstown, to Be:l certain land. to the publication of such reports, Respecting the property of the congrega. | Mr. MEREDITH asked whether an * 3 y y s l egy | * y .tbl.i); of tit. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, | security was taken from the Inspectors. puiés PETITIONS. ! Mr. HARDY replied in the affirmative. 'The following petitions were PTC-- | M Mr. .MEREDH l'l makediif ho PAbe ALY bsuted | ;a.ses in which a Commissioner or Inspector t---- | d been allowed a salary for acti By Mr. Coutts--From the ('fowu Council | B:creta:y to the Board. * M Sree of Chatham, for certain amendments to the | Mr. HARDY said the l A 4 s 1 * reo had been such Municipal Act respecting the mauintenance | cases, but the practice had now been put an pf poor--.houses. l end to By Mr. Preston--From the united coun-- | M .CODE 4 ties of Leeds and Gronville, to the same | Mr. said that cases had come to effect. %xsd k;&wle@ge w:x:ro largs sums which By Mr. Lyon (Algomay--From David L'i'cenae Xctll'?:): x:unre:':)eefix:' e;ro:x1 al?: imtlh: Miller and others, of Little Current, that the notice of Municipal Councils & € 'certain property may be relieved from tax-- x+ e Ation . proper}y miay o0 16 tuh MERRICK asked whethor it was the By Mr. Meredith--From the London ;: ou:teltoul:ngf ;2""?%:';1':!!:;!;; to "%tllplt;sz 'Real Estate Protection Association, for cer= annually by the Commission publishe tain amendments to the Bill before the Coubties, | He favoured the lutl ers in the | House relating to the debenture debt of « e T e latter course, tho London and Port Stanley Railway. .hfid;l' dugx]rztfii)lxltntlthogght that In:?ect&)rl e * s r _ o the Government the de-- By Mr. Bell--From the City Council of | tails of the receipts and expenditures, and ! 'Toronto, for certain amendments to the | of tho fines im + k i i sDectins nposed under the Act. fHe Bchool Bill now before the House respeciing ° also thought it unfair that townships in #he election of school trustees, | which the Dunkin Act was in force should INTRODUCTION OF BILLS. | be forced to pay their share towares the The following Bills wero introduced and | maintenance of the License Act, 'read the first time :-- | $ Mr.'MILL!fiR said it looked like pre-- y har. | umption on the part of alayman to cortect An Act tt_) amond thg Actlr'oqpectlng the hon, gentlcman who had just sat Dours, docks, etc.--Mr, McUraney. | down "i% mis aw. "but °L ]h {: ' To authorize investments in municipal | ho was right :vhen he ..aitd uutg&: 'A@ebentures in aid of stone or timber drain-- | townships which had passed the Dunkin Age--Mr, Wood. | Act could not be compelled to pay any To amend the Revised Statutes respect-- | portion towards sustaining a license inspeo-- ing ditches, watercourses, etc,--Mr, Mc-- gor, or towards the expense of enforcing the Grancy. license law, Buch had been the decision THIRD READINGS. | :f; él'f..il"ii"nifl, ypss which had come The following Bills were read a third | °_' Mr. HARDY s s ime and passed :---- | memrl;er for Muskdolls;:girx:e(ilx' w§tl: in s c Cataats € * 1 Ais interpretatio l;:"l'i'm"g ti'fi, ""f"'"'l'"l"y of Shuniah ! of the law. . He was aware of the docisio;l «=--Mr, Lyon (Algoma), | to which his hon, friend had roferred, but Respecting certain dams on Beaver he thought the learned judge had not heard Creek and other streams in the counties of the mattor argued beforo him by counsel Hastings and Addingtou--Mr. Fersis. | The law as it stood i onl law &9 I od provided that minor | To legalize a certain by--law of the town | municipalities which bad taken tpon them-- of Strathroy--Mr. McCraney. | 1)0"?. 'hf' responsibility of Enzssing the Respecting Billing's Bridge, and to legal. | uh':\l:e l(l)lt 't)llx "lcf'p'"'f"'" Act must bodr its | fze the conveyauce thereof to the Ottawa | law Withincifs g""g' of putting in force the | moad Gioucester Road Compauny --Mr. Monk,. i That in such loztxsehrisx;. ill:t:vast_well known ¢ ¢ x P ac Respecting the W alkerton Schocl Lands Temperance Act took place, tolront'h: futlhi «=bMr, Sinclair, pression and punishment of which it w% '©o empower the trustees of Thomas but right that they should pay Hi; Keenau to sell certain lands--Mr, Wilson,. I recollection of the practice was that'wlxen a To incorporate the Waterloo, Wellingto n ' township separated itself it was kept separ-- and Georgian Bay Railway Company--Mr. | ato. As to the case of Tilbury, he would Epringer. ,mak%xuqumes and bring down the corre-- The following Private Bills passed e P oer through Committee :---- thm'l MILLER adhored to his opinion, and To amend the boundary lines of the town co:u;;'.lt 333.'{' Inspectors throughout the of Ingersoll--Mr, Crooks. hadntlllz (::Vern e onnloohd Waas they To amend the Acts relating to the Brant. infructiox})s were tl;oin'tlotr c;o the law unless ford, Norfolk, and Port Burwell Railway | s is ,l',l o their notice, Company--Mr, Wilson,. i ARREARS ON 'TIMBER DUKS, Relating to the Toronto Hospital--Mr. | _ Mr, MEREDATH moved for an order of | Chisholm , | the Hou?(:l for a return, showing :--=1. The To authorize the sale of certain lands in s nledtn 1i el's?ns, firras, and companies the villige of London . Esst, Lherotofore .xrndebtcd to the Crown on the Ist day ot known as the Methodist Cemetery--M January, 1879, on accolint of timber ducs emetery-- MI, gM®und rent on b g. for T lewite * Meredith, 2. The lmouu: ?','"3'-;1131' imber limits, *"A of indebtednéss in F THIR LICENSE ACT. | 3. The balauces,ifany,duo by stxchea;:r:;;:- Mr. COUTTS moved for an "Order of the | glms-, d o Apanden, On _ 'Mh0 4st day ot House for a return of all corrspondence | 13??""' 18:'1,') , in each of the years since between any department of the public ser-- | (iv. wi '4.11 ll; o nature of the security, it | yice aud the municipalities of Kaleighand | ? y,t\lv m{, ]'.; a Province holds in sach case Tilbury East, oreither of them, with refer-t orl ie balance due, and the estimated ence to the cost of the licensing system in | yellie of «BCh SCYs 'Tho motion was carried,