The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 17 Feb 1879, p. 2

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MMU'I"IIIJ(IJ'ILP;L ACT AMENDxrEXNT, m:xl;d not have the effect of decreasing 3 t. moved t : e o. * 3 Of the Bill to amend thuholtfsg?gi%aieaxl}:g /\ "| _ Mr. MOWAT concurred in the remark of y 4 He explained that the first amendmzni: the hon..gentlemanvgho s beiog Te ?;t' 4 provided for the reduction of the number of the salaries of the judges being fixe tz a wards in the towns and cities by vote of statute, they pould not. be reduced by a (\iro z 4 the ratepayers, and a -- reducti of the Committee, _ Some of fhe madgo® : ' K#y+ ction _ of cecently appointed had accepted seats on | tho number of Council 'eptesentatives the Bench wi j ing that they | | of each ward, Also to appoint the Bench with the understanding that they § D s PP a& would be paid the $1,000 additional. | .' eputy--'Treasurer in each county, to place # ingt in the hands of Municipal Couhcils the e Mr, BELL was in favour of continuing | | pumber of police oflicers, and other changes,. | ;111:;:3?;' l';':fi;'l'l'('l"t:;;': df°(" ;t ;'::I')'Ofi':i:z';: I Mr. MEREDITH said that in many of f & in t the cities in the Province thero had b'een | sala.x ies& He thought the judges were not "I| f an agitation for a reduction in the number io T e ut | | of wards, and considerable dissatisfaction \ _ _| _ _Mr, WILSON thought the Province had 6 f had been felt concerning the action of the | experienced no difticulty in getting able t 1 Police Commussioners. He bardly wished . lawyers to accept judgeships, and would 8 f to go so far as the proposer of the Bill as like to see the item struck out. ; . to the remedy, but he thought the matter Mr, MILLER would, if he voted for the -- pghould be weil considered, continuation of the item tin the estimates, C O€ ' The Bill was read asecond time, and re-- do so under protest, and would in future | | ferred to a Special Committec. vote against it, (Heat, hear.) Tho argu-- | f E. Mr. ROSS proposed a Bill to amend the | = ment of_ the hon, member fqr Stormont, that | § - Municipal Act, the change he desivred be-- | lawyers would not accept judgeships on a | | E ing with regard to the time between the | reduced sulary because they were in receipt , 8 day of nomination and that of election, | of a larger income from their profession, } allowing each County Council to extend . was a good one from the lawyers' point of | | that time to two»weeks when they deemed view, but he (Mr. Millér) contended that it advisable, and also to provide against the lawyers' fees were excessive. The ' unlicensea peddlers selling other than their Spperior Courts' judges were all able and ' CR own manuflactures in any country, glgultv-egucntedd men, but s?me of the | -- ' o s A hec. ounty Court judges were simply a disgrace _ UE se Bxlll ':'i}?lf"ag;fif:fi?&"me Snd 6 to the Beunch. Ho himself hafd);)cen inter-- ' i *I ; 4 ferred to the same *A ested in a case in the county of Kont where | | 4 4 { Mr. GRAIIAM proposed a Bill to ;;l:liqztxkl a judge had refused to sit upon the Bench [ . E t the Municipal Act to alter the provisions during the hearing of the case, and he had |HG concerning staiute labour, which was read consequently been unable to obtain justice. uk | a second lime and referred to the same \_ Mr. FERRIS said that there seemed to _ | Commilteq, z be no chance of a layman in the House ob-- | SUPPLY . | taining a redu::luox;i where judlges or lawye;l | . " P h Phinxs Lt 8 p & use i were concerned,. on, gentlemen on the | ' \'L'(l)xrll Into f'?{'mgi' 'm}\ gl(z,[!):)]:'h;hg( the front seats opposite and hon. gentlemen j v following " uns were yoted uft'\"'.vaomu €X. | on the Treasury bench united either in t ( ' MInnations thad bech IPI¥en :.-- silence or defence when gentlemen of the | priinations had been given : legal profession were concerned. The ? Court of Chancery, $20,545. t jJudges fixed the fees of the lawyors, and h Court of Queen's Bench, $19,520. tl;ehlawyders in t.hde Horsa fixed thefsalarie7 | ' anskt At Tias Plang. . CR : t of the judges, and so it wis a sort of mutua Court of Common Pleas, $5,360, enc t arrangement between the two classes under $ [F With regard to the item for Supcrior which the laymen suffered. He would 1 [ My 2 , Judges and Court of Appeal, $15,850, like to see the House fix a tariff of fees be-- EY --\~_ Mr. MERRICK thought that the amount yond which lawyers should not be allowed E'j ;g ' $13,000 allowances granted by 33 Vic., to charge, He was in favour of paying j z 4M 1 chap. 5, Ontario Statutes, was too high, judges ample salaries, but would like to see | Cfaf Ts considering that the salaries paid the their powers in the way of allowing liberal ';f»* : C judges by the Dominion Government had fees to lawyers curtailed by an enactmens } 08. i been increased, This allowance had been of the House, | MB R made when they were receiving $4,000 and Mr. MOWAT defended the County Court | ' a | $5,000, but had been continued even now judges from the charges made against them | that $1,000 had been added to these by the hou. member for Muskoka. 'They | W ? | amounts, If there were any argument to wero as & general rule competent and able ND ©| be urged why the judges shouid be paid men, and in some instances would grace a || OR ¥ increased salarios it should be urged before Superior Court, (Hear, hear.) He had 1 ,? | | the Dominion of Canada, It was a matter never heard that the gentleman to whom $ ; 04 for which the Province was not at all re. the hon. member had referred had been | | B l sponsible, He claimed that Hon, Edward anything but an able and competent man. t Biake had urged this view upon the coun-- ; ( It was not true that lawyers as & rule re-- 3 is# i try as against the Sandfield Macdonald | -- > ceived large incomes, but it was from 0O \ Government, | amongst those who did receive such in-- § | «* Mr. BETHUNT stated that all the gen--| comes that the appointments to the Bench VE tlemen at prosent occupying positions on tne; were made, and their salaries as jJudges 1§ Bench had given up good positions to serve | ought to bear some proportion to their | 194 the country, upon the understanding that | formgr incomes, It was also to lge.bc»rne |; | BBE their present salary and the allowance from | in mind that there were many offitials in \| 1 t the Province of Ontario would be con-- the Provmcg who were in receipt of much | §B°° . | tinued, If it were taken away, some of larger salaries than judges, and if they s (hEE them would probably leave the Bench. wanted good men for judges they must be Li' I There was a complaint at the present time ' prepared to pay for them, WH .. | that it was diflicult to get men who were | Mr. WHILTE agreed with the remarks of A! + leaders at the Bar to accept ajudgeship. Sir | the hon. Attorney--General as to County o t ' | John A.Macdonald, while Minister of J ustice | Court judges, He thought there was a in t ! of Canada, had allowed the extra allowance, ! | disproportion in their salaries as compated t 4 | so that gentlemen opporite could hardly j | with the Supferior Court judges, and advo-- | ,k' | found their objection upon the constitu-- | | cated the abolition of the Court of Appeal. : A | tional point. If, on representations from | Mr, MEREDITI was surprised that the * l this Province, t'he s.alnnesi,Were mCr_eased, suggestion that a fixed tariff as to lawyers' gll the other Provinces would feuife #n fees would affect the judges had uot been intrease of the same nature, so that on ac-- rebuked by tho hon. thse Attoriey--General. | count of the large proportion of the Do-- 'The attack on the County Court .judges was | minion revenue paid by Ontario the increaso undeserved, _ He did not think the salaties | --| NEE would really cost hor more hatt the presont of the Superior Court judges too large, but . --| We allowance, _ He compared the salaties paid objected to the basis upon which it was 1 to judges in Ontario with those of England paid, as they were now paid for services a| and other places, to .ti?w'tltxh?t t'l']':Y_uX":: which they did not in reality perform .. | $ss se s ces o0 4 Crowt doaL ol work Mr. MILLER said that his remarks as to NP | took, inun themselves a great deal of wor the County Court judges did f H I+ to this House upon estate ounty Court judges did not.refer to | | in 1 reports A t of them a&s a whole, but morely to the gentle-- »i! | Bill h was really in no way & part 0 man he had mentioned | § 4 their . He claimed that it would be a ; l + c !, " icce u. »ad policy and a positive breach of | It being six o'clock the Committee rose L aith to effect the reduction suggested, M;d. reported, and the Speaker left the WB F Mr. DEACON said that the salaries of gasitd | the judges being already fixed by statute, & '%ftell:;ecesa, y (s ; | | yvote to reduce the estimates in that respect i06 HMouse again went into Committee . j L I

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