The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 18 Feb 1879, p. 1

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- - """d".9_ - u may in the management ot than Wu tor .urutieurr, and l Io fair value for Mr mono, they Hatched tron their uh tho out vor cu mm or maim- - ""__...... B'-|'m.l Ichoolo Ming manned by the was that tho "new": felt tha which they can obtain I return 'um was to send their children he mound that this Principle regular attendance than the clauses in other systems. It wo In: baton the Home pantie tne of control over tho expo m tty people in mutant" glne work. no referred to the high honours which e Province had won at the late Paris Exposition mat the Contenutvtl Exhibition " Phllsdelphis echoot system of Ontario in its primary depart. Ient meseesed several distinctive features, the ttrst nd foremost or which was that the public schools ere entirely free; the second consisted in ell the ghouls being supported by s local rste chargeable Upon all the assessable property of the la. heuty; s thin] use that the management of the "hook Vane in the hands of the ratepayers tttern, "tree through their own chosen trustees; s fourth In that the School Bonds were aided and strength~ and by the municipal vwgnniutions: and'e fifth, thet tho expenditure incurred in the maintenance of the system was economical. They elso procured Very "tufartorr rennin in the we: of attendance lithont s remit to those stringent compulsory en~ Iota-outs which prevalent tmiter other systems; they recognised the religious principle, whilo at the some time plost'rving the fullest liberty of conscience l they permiwd fully the Advantages, and in Got the necessity, of proper Opportunities tor training teaoGrs--t" had an element of great importance in ; Drowning is uniform ntaudmd for the qualitieatioa l of "when; and to gm oohvrency to the wlaulr sys~ i an. they had the mutual authority which existed in I . e Eduosu'on lupurtment. After contending that I the whom merits of the school system dopeaded alnly upon the recognition of these principlns, he Emit on to give the results which had been socured the wey oi attendance upon the Public Schools. In 1811 the total school population in Ontario, from tin: ears of ego to twantymne inclusive, was (94 8M; and iA"/'4ff41li' attoniluuec was 490,8'io, nnd the awr- Oce sttendsnce 217,134. The per oeutege of the atten- dance at the whole school population use thus "l per cent, which sue a very high average and one which Very few comm-tor surpassed, Ot' the total number at children attendsng school warmly A fraction Were under the yous ot we, at por cent. were between an and'ton. " per cent. between eleven and six- n d c'vercGi. between wvonueu and twenty- tit'.' 'rd/iid,'; that an adulation imported by we kublio Scluooln wu not of an unuocoumly hurl: character was shown by the {not that "learnt bulk t ttus children we" comprised in the tirst, Iocond, tit third chases. Nlnety~uxno per mm. of the on- Ur. education at tho Province was curled on in the Salute Schools, ll walnut two per cent. in [lick ottoots, unltwo per cent. in college: and prlvalo Ichoolr. Alter ivuttr nu told: at the expendltun upon Public $5001- for current mainterianco and nag-Ital mount lino. 1868, he showed that the cost per pupil for mainlannnce only slnco that yen had risen from $3 " to $5 29 in 1877. He pointed out am the "new of local museum: in whoa) alum wan carried oven hither than in municipal government, and pocket-ed great adran. "can in that rennet comp-rod with tho English and "ttttt of tho colonial lay-comm Ono ttttee-t of the school. being manned by the people manual": _ was that tho "tower: felt that the only way in I which they can obtain . nln-n .., A __. -- RAILWAY CROSSINGS. Mr. FRASER introduced t Bill to amond the Bunny Act. 1]. explained that tt was intended to Ipply " ouc- when n railway nude: tho Juris- Ciouon ot the Province tic-ind to crou- or Join one under that of the Dominion and it provided um 'e,h"git'. in such cmcl shouid be left entirely with . . Railway Committee of the Dominion "oust. In In: when Only two Ontario Province railways were Mucotnud the Jurisdiction should remain with the Chtttmuturionor at Public Wed: of Usuario, u at pro- Ions. The Bill wu read a ftret time. AGRICULTURE AND ARTS. Mr. WAYNiItWoitTU introdumd an Act to "new! the Agriculturo and An- Act, which was and a that time. "I. CROOKS, in moving the second reading of the Bill respecting Public, High, and tiuparate schools. Emmet! to "gain to tho Home a numhcr of the htinguishiug natures of the educational "mm of Ontmo which had mi nod foe tho l'ronnoe so high I. Palm" Imon'gst other gnawed ll! my By Moms. Tools, and Merrick-Seven Orange 99th11:. Mr. DEROCHE presented the and Report of the Committee on Printing, which was adopted. M.. WOOD mounted the 9th report of the Com- an». on Indian, which wu Nomad. By Mr. Today-Tho mention of the County Coun- cil of Middlesex, praymg for cumin amendment: to the A-usertt Aer, also, from the ammo. respecting the tale of lands for um" or tax". Mr. FRASER presented the nth Report of the Committee on Private Bills, which was adopted. PETITIONS. Tho knowing petition: were prrteetstad - Br Mr. Br:tl--'1'lte petition of Thou. White Ind other» of Toronto, prayinc for certain amendmeuu "the Municipul Acl, rnlming to the property qmrliii- cu ton of aldtsrtuea and mayor, sud on other matters. By Mr. Iarmp--'rho panel" of the County Council or strum rospeming the, construction of "to Enron "a Ontario Sh'p (Tana). THIRD PARLlAM ENT~FOURTH SESSION. The kaor tool; tho ch 1ir at ' o' clock. Prawn were read by Rev. J. G Anna. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. - 7'. "av."- will"! a "on their "ihdois. A 6omttriaors of ca vita of maintaittirtg pubhc whack in REPORTS " COMMITTEES. THE SC HOOD SYSTEM. Luumuxu Magnum, Taxman. Feb. IO, 0} . ,,.-- .. u... "Les. Modal Schema, besides being economical in the matter of oxwuw. nupph-uu'mml wry valuably the work of the High Schuoil. and eloctud the beat results upon numbers and when". The end for which they wen utubliahod, And which they served In tttttjoin-tost with the Normal School: at Ottawa and Toronto, Watt the nupplylng of: "fticltsnt number of trained "when to meet the requirements of the Province. Mo then went into the manor ot tho juris- dlotmn oxen-ninth by the Department, and thawed that white. the responsibilm " *-..-r, - ' _ - _-" v. __.- u. yum wt Inst- uau. 1,554 out of the .5905 for second-clan, and my! fur third-clan, mum): in all a total "12,467. the average men for an seven Lei,', of successful candidates was II of .tirst-trlaaa, 22 of second-alums, 1nd,].545 of tltirdilass eWrti:leatort teachers. At that rule it would only take about four years to Bum-l] each of the 6,400 public whom. of the Province with u tcschar. The pro- blvm of providing alum-er counm ot training to all Mu, Wuhan " the l'mviuoo, time the Normal School at 'l'muuou ennui only qualify u very limited Mum- ber, Watt a very Important our, and to meet the dit. acuity the osmhhuhumm of County Model School: had been decldcd mun. Tho Logialaturo granted the sum ot $100 towards the founding of s Modal School in "our county "t the l'ruvinoo. ma in-N-tl Una .r.....-.'-_ .. - . .= - - --".-e v-nuuuu upon me country I coat of than: " per mile and All? per remake nude". During tLa Hod between t87t and 1877 there applied tor tint-cm: certificate. In tho Province 311, for second-clan an", and for third-chm 23,180, or a (on! of 28,537 or n the mu tt about 4.000 :5 Just. The maul: of the 01min;- tion "an: that my " out of the 313 pulled for ttrss dus, 1,554 out of the 5,965 for Iccond-clau, and [0.534 tor third-teiasrc "mun-"h. .1! - A_a . - _ . - .V._ TC'2""T't""""', nun IUD! " tudiuu to loam of the dimcultiea that obstructed bum in their work, pointed out that some of these imculuux, " to tlto mode of holding (runes lea-om and the manner of levying the snowmen". wen) propoord to be "modvut m the gill ho had buLmnwd to the House. The two economy in any school system was the securing of oftieittut taught". n required just an much peom taming to tit a teacher for his profusaion u t did any dulled mechanic or my mount-tom! nun. a (muted Into . detaxlod account ot the method of aiming teachers in England, which though an ox- emiw one was one wtuchwtu attended with the But results. Tho training colleges "on. entailed upon the country I coat of than! " per male and in? not remake student. During tLa Hod between t87t and 1877 there teye, tor tint-cm: Certificate. It.t tho Province 3". br "mama!"- r. MRK _...,, E., _ ___ wi- -'".""""."" "90AU [on with. The question of the employment of children of tender ycm in manufactories; to In. detriment of their hum: and the neglect ot their oduoution,.wao one which might " pom: future Hum be past-d upon by the Home. It had often been "marked that more was a danger in (yawning abildron of making thou: only "our Iooundroll " (man! training were not given them at tho lame Hum. But it could ttuttr.s said tint m. schools of ltto Province were entirely secular, and the nutme- Bad "gunman; that hud_beon {um-d were (mined With . a .viow of "co.geuiott the you priuetples of phvutltrttitr, while " the same time providing tor the fullcsi liberty of curmuirncu. An madman: of this prin- mm Witt, mum) in the exutence ot separate Schools, which lore tumuouy Iowa liberV ot out education: alayutcm. He pointed out the ber-in, that m..-" 7 . V- _..-. '"uL-IIUH- at Intern. He pomwd oat the beneilu that were oomwn'd upon the denomination uuppomng the Separate School! by than 'ntyitsasmutce, 1nd arm " l._ .14" - A - _ _ A t" things ethic-1!, contrary to .he can: it Ont-tic, in :Ihiclr tlm rural schoofu were doing but work of olementory education as antisfactorily as in Toronto Ind other titles. The cent per pupil in New Bruns- wick Was StM, which was no doubt extremely cheap, but which was partially accounted for by the but that as the system of the Province was at pro- lent in . trunnion state than was no provision ads for gregular course of training teachers. In gov. Scolia me cost pot pupil was $6 " It was tenor-11y complied that tho mumgoment of school well u of other attain was curled on tld great economy in England. In Englnnd there was "was obtained value for "pendi- ture, yet the cost are per pupil tn tho Board 'teh', Wu tlt " lid, and in Scotland " 19s [tl; n the alumni-y schools the cost was dlt LU id and in Edmund 21 its 13d. (such iigtumea, he thought, bowed conclusively that the cost of tho school sys- tem in Onuirio was not at all mtnvagant. Thea as to the result in nttondnnce he thought the ftgurss he Ind already given wcro quits suiafaNtorrituut he uguod tlnt than results won obtsiued with bathing more severe than n compulsory clause which was more lormidnhlu in wand than in rsulity, Thu gum clause» or the Scottish Act,it lard been thought, ould not be acceptable to tho people of Ontario) not would they conduct to more insular attendance than was now ohtained. There mjght,howa or, be ac- guton at some future time to comudet Author in mud to the question of 'emdayeerttysre were not 2011): ohatutil'e's which ue 'Leglulaturo could In: m_uoh in favour of the former. The ttoat pe' anti-1n pntuio was $5 " l in "unanimous " VII 48; m Michigan, tr 47; in New York, so 19 i in Mo. Fr M; uni in PennsylVani " 60. An ex- summon of the amount: per 'lrllt paid for cur-ram cxpendituro in 1877 in the various: citiol of Ontario 'ttttwed that in Toronto it wan $0 44, ingrtunilton tl 00. in Landon $5, in Kingston 33 83, and in "awn $8 " Al compared with theae amounts the can in Boston wu $20 94, in Lowell tit 79, in New York $21 99, in Cincinnati $20 80, in Detroit " 76, In Rochester " 03, and in other cities of the Uuitod 5261.03 annular sum. The but man)!!! of the tree school lyntom would doubtless be found in such cum " Boston and New York, but those were not fair upeciuwm of tho Amorioan public salmon. In tho rural unmet; ot tho Union . very Jttr!sreutyttiste 'k Ontario Emu tfast of some of "a. tt we supervision of Provinco when a to- nppuintod to mm tho America) Staten , Ind uG, :1:

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