The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 18 Feb 1879, p. 2

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f s '\M'; on 2 Tonn 9 -- es 9 F " Mge P e y Agt y x > w 7 stt etited Enbe:. i 39 3 4 7 _Cet a A oi s ce\ w o M ie ie P +!% n x Te o stleis l arh t .. ~ 4 -- Aile 7 qi abiee t P bw i Huct its affairs, and thought the peopl - e e es +mA ie l Ontario would have --no o:gn to regret oghx | Mr. MOWAT--If you will get the Dominion to do ts 74.;,',;3;' -\;',;;3',/,.- » change. Bo _ far as the School Boards it I shall bo very glad to leave it to them. : z'é%fi?w ' ;e.;% n:mt;fgetk t&? g:::{:ugy ugogniafd their The Bill was read a second time., ycA A""'" f whom they were | PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. tip e A e l slocted ; but when they came to school ins | s s e ie ie 4 .. s and county and township Councile it oughtpet:w;: Mr. WOOD said it had been thought that ltwou'lfi v 'éx a s Pn understood that in matters which, underthe law or bo impossible to have tho Public Accounts broug [ f io wegulations, were entrusted to those bodics, it was ¥ down before the end of the session, but he t'oun'l B $utk <yal \ to them primarily that the disappointed ratepayer that by employing an extra staff of assistant ,fa& <iaa should look. 1% was they who should dispose of leaving in abcxanoe some of the regular work of the 4 \al ~ woatters of that kind, and the only responsibility f Department they would be able to bring the Ac-- | _ K which ntufcho:l to) the gencral jurisdiction was the * | counts down in timo.s U(Sh;ern.) f framing of the law or the r tions in refer-- ' PPLY, ence to the duties and mvonmfluu of those local _ The House then went into Committes of Supply. - & bodies and ofticials. 'The matter of sohool accommo-- l i ¢ s Aation was one as to which the statute was entirely The item of $56,652 for the Asylum for the Insane, recommendatory, and the only provision as to rural \ Kingston, was passed. -- ¢ .choo:izcmt?"t'a ut:';:': t.'l;;:{hl'kl\ouh;l pnlxvid;mm- > A'fi:lflr reg}alrd tgl the sum of $39,979 'for the Insane 6 roda n for two-- 8 r school po on , sylum at Hamilton, P % was a subjoot of comp}aint in some parts of the wz * s gountry that, the Inspector enforoed thete refult Healg Wwire movramodaned in Iny prace it berar | - Pematmnoee of the seotione. °* 1e had " tnken very n ammeeee n Tok dow thkk thoke wore io oacting # @reat care in revising the regulations for the purpose f i f J' i it perfootly oloear that it was necessary to appoint special officers. In other ;hel.:-mt:l:: dared" Lk m:okeol;pfine&oynt:;:yo:. and minor imatters an increase had been necessary. ) | $7 & schoo! section with an andus demand for school The item was carried. | Foh®maiee Tok Retth oxtanye wt . e seup of Mip ol oas roted for the matatenance ' y o Asylum at Orillia. < ;ducstion. He went further, and had sug-- s icd --to (the Inspectors the advisability (sglgt;xo)regud to the vote for the Contral Prison ( h !:'dis::ussion on all those matters, and had done yer UIs ®verything to provent the carrying out of a manda-- Mr, WOOD explained that it had been found ne-- tory construction on such clauses in the School Act cessary to cmploy an assistant engineer at a salary of : P ~ ms ho had referred to, Moreover, if Inspectors | $4090; the change in the nature of work done re-- ®~ ghould so far fail in their duty as to carry out their | quired a reduction of $13,000 in the cost of material; i e * predilections in favour of cither party in any politi-- ' otherwiso matters remained as herotofore. » j * al contest he would, if a caso of that kind were | ** Mr. MEREDITH thought the Committee wore | : fimugm to his aitention, necessarily d.syhaggo tha | * entitled to more information concerning this 4: bffender from his position. After alluding further institution,* as it was one in which the is the duties of Inspoeciors and the qualifications ne-- poople were feeling considerable interest, It | lss ssary to the pasition, ho discussed the question of was a heavy drain upon ths resources of | E/ wnship as against section boards of trustees. 1t the Province, and the people felt that if;this institu-- J A t as a strong arguiment in favour of the township tion had never been established the criminals would 3 P ards that the per copite coaflot (*d\llc;\t;ng children be in the Kingston Penitentiary. $.; nder thoir managcoment was leas than under sce-- T || y' b&(»'n:al boards, lnu regard to the question of text-- Mr. WOOD said that the institution had been pro-- & tooks Chore was boneiierania iidlonity, ut the reso. jected by the Sandfield Macdonald Government. It |V 3B » Yition he had come to acon After taking charge of . f ;:': qs'::: ;';'t' ;;'t":h'i';"i':;:ft."'t'? °°";'°t" would be in . en the Dopartmont was to protoct the schools from be-- | woufd be in the sounty nol:%;xoon'efleut ";:g{ °th°:; ag !>: ing troubled by unauthorized text--books, and that | relieve the counties of %ea o mapAs tzA fey' H & .= no text--books should hbe nuthorized unless thoy were | jtistice Wak Detter ldmini:t{er:fipen';}?\' and b";ld'; : > ataudard works of thoir kind, and wore woll got up hbeon unfortunate in its contracts, but that was h rd. f ', s as to their mechianical exacution. He had also taken ly the fault of the Government 'f['h: h:l ::o':y i.'rox; * 4 3 t§'° m'"ti"'"d that fls newly authorized :""'b{"'k up the pail--making industry and had sold the ma-- A w wl d shou ind a place in any school unless s 3 . . by -- consent 'of | the . trustcr:| and _ fuspec-- up iys thafinnt of Rplige & Song, who paie Rowige . C T9 > tor. After the Council of Public Instruction p, d they furnishing th m Cein]. * Th * f §¥ had been abolishod, only fourteon now books price per dozen, they furnishing 'omuten&l. e g4: wore suthorised out of lY 7 f c e ho old Hisk brick--field was at work making brick for the build-- _ ~<l fx Cutained forty--nins. of & int of forty i _ the o ing of the new reformatory; the shoe--shop, tailor-- P t | § ined et (rt'y nine, of which twenty--aight wore'i'e- shop and others were also being conducted. ¢ ined--twenty absolute] d cight visionally. e & 33 _ These new mx'{.b,,oz.uwo"é :?,t mét.',,'dc'é"&, l|,u forocyd Cesm Mr. BELL thought still furthor information should hi C n > upon the schools ; on the contrary, it was distinctly bo given, as the public folt thero was something | & P 5 --> | understood that the matter of 'oxcluding the old wrong in this institution. He would read a letter | 5 } P | fext--books was one entiroly for the school boards and . which he had received. 8 w* | iqlxl)fictorn'._ rHJ; coucludu% by sdrofertinoo &o tl;: | Mr. HARDY--An anonymous lotter ? § 4 *3 4 | highly satisfactory state of secondery education &n s 4 k | the Province, the convonience with v{hioh it could & %:'&?:_:2;;?:6_&'2: givre you the name at the 3 ie | be obtained, and the small oxpenso connected with | e is f ; { .. "kes ;ml system. e moved the second reading of the hllr- !'IIAREY objecte?_to the reading ofd tbi-hlettcr [ & .\ ill." (Applause.) unless the hon. member was propared to lay the | | fs n > . _ Mr. BELL thought this a mostimportant Bill, but whole l":';' before ':he House. 1. 6 x he was sorry to see that the ballot system in school * Mr. BETHUNE did not know what was the regu-- 8 : S elsctions was not provided for in the Bill, as had been lar Parliamentary practice, but he believed that it 4 A petitioned for by the Council of Toront» and other | was not correct to submit a letter under these cir-- }' d 1 Am vplaces, In Toronto in seven out of nine cases the cumstances. % 8 + R :Jrelii.;:?:l w:rii :logusecc:l:»ye "&".3"3";'33', .'hv:e;?;%?dl:g t Mtr. };iu]iDY said it might be an ex--convict who 4 * $ ® ® aUS Bic | wrote this letter. * & shortly after the regular municipal elections. It would | m _ g / also savo a groat doal of exponse if the elections | Mr, BELL--It is not from an ex--convict, | ps «s f were held on the same day. | Mr. WOOD maintained the objection, for it , was BP ), 'The Hill was read a second Hime. :(i:: :::rr :n: t'mslloule and the| institution t read{such | ) The Speaker left the chair at 6 o'clock o uk k » Mr. HARDY said perhapg this was a letter makin j ONTARIQ SHIP CANAL a charge aguingt some officer of the institution. ang After recess if so how could that charge be answere ':l'here ' M "'IDD;.FIELD 4. * That the petiti t 4 wore not only ex--convicts v?:hho werd diuat?s?'xed with . PX ;1 ) moved, | at the pe ll,O'l ge!s" * the Institution, but there wore discharged keepors 4 P e Huron and Ontario Ship Caral Company be re-- and others ; and the hon. member for Wost Toronto 4 P forred to the Standing Cominittee on Printing, with fi } A 6 * * had no right to bring a letter beforo the House and t is instructions to order the printing of the same; also thus give it 'his onsonoment which might be from j the sere petition was seferred do sontint o6 £ye nome an utterly inicredible person. f bers,"" which was carried f Mr, MEBEDITH objected to the Provingial Sec-- ; o arks i retary making anhy suth insinuation as tiut against [d LICENSED VICTUALLERS, ; the hon. membor for West Toronto. It was his daty | | Mr. HARDY presented the petition of the Li-- to assume that that hon. gentleman would not brin f | counsed Victuallers, praying that they may be al-- | forward any document unless '%e thought i; wouls ' | lowed to keep open their places till cleven gq'clock on | be to the interest of the groviuoe. | l | x Saturday night, | Mr. HARDY said that the hon. momber had be-- | | 5 j TAUSTEXS. | fore read a letter which connected bas (Mr. Hardy's) | 1 $ The Bill to authorise cortain variations in deeds | nagno:_v&tl:flthe Contral Prison in a most unfair and to trustees of religious societies, introduced by Ar. | unjustifiable manner, and he could not tell but the P Nowat, was read & second t'uno' § present letter was of the same nature. Ho would iE Ee » MUBTGAGE?S f nsl;{ the ruling of the chair upon the question. * ~ t f * «* r. LAUDER quoted the Parliament B f The Bill to give mortgagoes certain powors rnow show that hon. members had the right t,.o?e:l&"f:oz ' h commonly inserted in mortgages came up for a 30-- books and letters 6r other documents except news-- E ' cond reading. papers. * 3 ; Mrt. M.OW':T up'lnlned that th:o objolft o& lthtm" ' After further discussion, j t f was to give the mortgagoo power to sell without ap-- awe*s p i $ 4 plication to Chancery, and to give other powers, and "!:Tr. C[l{,&uI RMAN ruled that if this wore a lettor ' C reading of the Bill. -- of any public momeont, and if it referred to the pre-- moved for a second roading , sent Jevate, the hon. member might read it wholl ' Mr. MEREDITH }upmrtomt:sdn;n. but he sug-- ue or in part. & & wholly | i t C iiocecdings in vach cassse * ts en A9t demsion of is oV MDDonl®d 14 the House from the 1 chair upou 0 followi 1;-- \| . Mr. CURRLE was glad to know that the mortgage * That an hon. inombey of thig Houge has .'f:&:i.m | suits in the Province were to be put an end to. He read a lottor unless prepared to rdu: the whole d | * » instanced an undefended caso in which infants were ment, including the 5gmm and so laceofl':. ' H mtoren}t.od, &ln whli:h tht:l c::tl amounted to almost House in possession of the wholo of such lext'ter 4 io T as much as the mortgage de o s | Mr. WHILTE approved the idea of making a tariff | u'lf:x: tl?: ?I:Tl:'t:;e:'?&t ::la(: dnil .';ms.gzlkcr having i of charges, because he had found that a sale under l | ' Afr. MEREDUPH thought the At & t power of sale was very costly, should give his view upon this subjoot. --_" *Leuoral | The Bill was read a fooond time, \ Mr. MOWAT said he bhad always been unwillin | REGISTRATION OF DEATHS. ' ":dflsl:? a Que:{tion ot this kind without further con | | The Bill respocting the registration of deaths in-- sideration, is impression from the ar | 1 troo.c'l'uood by Kf.-- Mowat came up for a second ::::u':i?n:::fttl;n?:;lz':"':ge be llx;lilttet of 3533"?:'- '»if' ( reading. | _ lackibe ol as olrimed by the hon. UE Mr. MOWAT oxplained that under the Act it was n i0 1 oit boronto. He would like to have U nocessary for clorgymen attending funerals to give R :. <Be sider the point, iL particulars of the doath to thetlt&g.i:htu:fi g'h"e1 élil: «of~ | M""l hon. members--Adjoum, adjourn. ; | provided that a simple notico of, ath sho N r, PARDEE said he thought it would be well Fi J cient. adjourn in order to gi to . ' 'Me. MEREDITH sald it was a question whother Speaker, the Chairman of é'&'é'mi'::.'"'.':';,,;:gm;'g # § the cost of these statistics should be borneml;y 'tl"' of looking into it. h y /4 rovince, There had been some mention made of a Mr. MEREDIT & s f)ominiou Burzeau of Statistics, and it would per-- view of the impor:fncooo :t? ltll::edul::tfm suggostion in | haps be well to loave the solution of the facts to the Cries of oi ¢ ion, | ( Dominion Government., Question, question ; Adjourn, adjourn.* < C . h 4 i U

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