The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Feb 1879, p. 3

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[\ . e : 7 p . NeCn N R S e § e S _ se C en en n nerapimemmmmiey uenmmenitopempemermnnmmenaner ith * r f *3 . 'w :\ %'"':_ -- 7 s xt aono ie o hoh 2 e .. P ovedd 8I.I'.AOY :::vuti! that to clause 6 should be add. ed confine himself to the question of order. C oeed _,, bound to expen:; e&'thag the Company should be 4 L Mr. MEREDITH asked that the cireamstances of yu"-- t within the Hmits impo.'ol::%. t%xnnwd by .towmhip. the appeal and the objection taken should be entered w o y | Mr. ROSS said that y the by--laws.? | upon the journals of the House, * <-- ~ t | was recoognized in the cl:u:ee:ymgfnrt?;:?;' 'fi':c?l': | BLACK KNOT. e e "'7: away wit ; o ch di , < is Hal } "hiZh':)v)v'x:&oi particular safeguards and guarantees Mr. CREIGHTON moved the second roading of ditions upon wll':' .dlslxacted from --the Company as con-- the Bill to prevent the spreading of black knot on t --." away with the.:' i 10y voted bonuses, 'The doing ! plum trees. |He briefly explained the provisions of 5 e edent, undes which mt would set a very bad pre-- | the Bill, which were similar to those of the Canada l P wards seek to which othor Companies m%ht after-- Thistle Act. The Bill also aimed at the extinction * $ ME HAY :;Otpo from their obligntions, of * yellows" in peach trees. v | . H said the matter had been very fully di Mr. ROSS stated that hbis experionce as a fruit-- _E : ! :u::;:ll in .:h. Railway Committee, and 4 0:3{1 dh'; grower had been that black knot was not at all in-- : I $ | Ships 2s hunxih houl to secure the rights of the town-- foctious, and thought that it would be inexpedient 1. f | thought th on. friend from Wost Huron, he to pass a& Bill of so stringent m character. J ols nal ght there was nothing in the cl With regard to the discase £f h y | C | act a t th clauses that would of peach trecos, I N e}'fi f » Hrg'sl(t;. cir interests. {: wk" lt"; doul::t So}:lrable that all fruit trees should | E T css . 8COTT said that the Rail e kept in a healthy condition, but it was very diffi-- 1 , 3 ol - thoroughly discussed the m:mol"' .infioTn:'viitl:': }::g cult to distinguish the !* yellows " from othetyafiec- 1 | h . :ll:. hy--laws of the various towm;hipl Sefore "then: tions;which were not so dangerous, t | § oozi d'"':d' mloqulmhy\l with their provisions, and Mr. CURRIF thought the provisiouns of the [Bill , . e or at the Bill was an oxpedient one as ro-- wore such as to render it advisable that the Bill ; f P"u d. | l)':O;lld be v'\(lth(lrawn. The effocts of the Bill were | A ues 1 r. MILLER agrood with the h that an unfortunate plum--tres grower might hay ? eA West Huron, that the principlo wik k ::ou:'!:rog;r to submit to his trees being destroyed, and be forced * $* and that the procedent would be very dangerous,. # t:ol;sz K{:o&vsgssm&benfia )to the overscer who oult in i After some further discussi $ * AMRAO f a § 6f to stind ssion, the Bill was allow dr:'v:r';;R:)xx?lEYJEAlt l'gope'd.tthe Bill would hbe with-- y . M 4 characterized it as the * p . e . . whe following Bills also passed through Commit-- TiH ho had over seen. (Hear, hoan.y ----= -- _ * *' F C px:~ Mr. WOOD said the hon. member for North h wl To incorporate the Ontario Veterinary Association was moving in the dirsction indicated tb ufe grn' P s --Mr. Beth 3 ; h 've? ¥ uit k o r. Bethune. Growers' Association, and he would support the j w To amend the Act incorporating the Hamilton and seagad r<.sa,dmg pf the PHL -- «i k | s D';:d"' Street Railway Company--Mr. Williams, $ '{':xet Bill w%:;: road a ge:;ond tfime. and reforred to a ; x% 3 spocting th o Select Committee, consisting of Messrs. 1 M / 6 --Mr.p:lou,l'gar. e Grand Janotion Reilwasy Company Graham, Dcacon,'and Creighton. 4 wWeod, Hose, ! E. B.Bflatinq to the Hamilton and Nocth--Wostern TILE DRAINAGE, ; h ® ilway Company--Mr. Williams. Mr. WOOD moved, ""That this House do t a ' i £ * u --mor» f ; is _fii_'?&?};fig JtllnoOWatebWorka of the city of Ottawa row resolvo itself into a Committee to cgnsf'ix;:g ra, ' '* ' 6 [ "ohe C 4 uo. ?'rjrtmu proposed fcsolution'rclative to the Ontario § § $ | Spo l;fl:%u::'x:\::t::n :gne 'aqd reporled. _ After the Tile Drainage Aoi.J)' Oarried. | 5 | j @ clalts REG4ISTRATION OF DHATHS. f' { Ki THE POINT OF ORDER, a N!l'- Mowat's }(;fllll reu;'ncting the registration of j j Mr. LAUDER, in ro a | eaths was passed through Ccmmittee, that had becnR'raiucd gl.-:a% :.xoig:\l:,. 833:,:(10'{;%!:6: i BUPPLY. | is L';&';'l"_"i:':de by Mr. Blake in 1859, whon he read a | The House then went into Committee of Enpply, | * h l egard to the construction of the London | the item under consideration being that of $67,270 - :g'gml:':i :;':)'%l"bfl ll':il'o (wve:iuuleuc with misman-- | for the maintenance of the Central Prison. M Y n | i ¢ > P » hame of the wiiter, ;;'E'BT:)(G ::::;fgd?hg:: ;'x': : | A | _On the item of $2,000 for the salary of the Supor-- T Pys sibility of the statemonts made in the lettet,pand | k M [ tuten dont of Induston oo fis E41800 p ; Te f the Speaker did not forbid the reading of the letter, x Mr. MEREDITH asked if the Superintendent was i s Mr. BETHUNE--No objection was taken. 8 ;os';{i":,:"'" man, and one capable of gecupyiug the h * * Mr, MOWAT said thero was a great difforence Mr. ";OOD ; eE t _ _ w t replicd that the Superintendent was a : fe . ?\f'ltx:-vr??hz c;;.::t whert? ihodum'i)'(l'"on was mado and good business man, and mads an excellent manager, 0 b-'('l'x raiaodplmt ::'::l :'.; ;e. \:vht-t ;xue gu:;:;xr%n':l:a: rl::;cei f gltlbo:gh pract'ic:;lly unncquain}ed with the different § up"s i 4 the House forbidding any member reading aletter 3 oi:cse: g:::;zod?:l:':{::n}'gmfil-n;'l'cll': } n .: thout giving the name of the writer, Hou. mem-- making. «iloring, shoomaking, and the manufac-- . | % + ;;i;;c(:.?okzttllln ;;;le:v ::' 'thetf;lg;mm had ruxcla:gui)zctd u&e ture of ~-- odenware, etc., did not exist. { t 8 a 0 to course, an: e contond= t O i ed that it would be most diuu«lnm;lguou: t()'~ the Mr,' JNG said heunders!ood'flnt the llbo?'r of ) \{ x : House if it wore allowed to be made a sink into the prigon Was o:ntso{gted for by Nelson & Sou, 'F hat /11 ¥ i. fs which anonymous charges made by convicts and ox-- beinfdfllo OIM.OO: alnm seo "l'hi the Government o 1e & 5 convicts might be discharged. He thought last shou plylsfi, e 't"y to the superintendent of -- Nee i es ... ** Aag night that his hon. friends the Provincial Secretary }l:dultryiw ien the contractors receired the benefit of | > 0 e . '"; t | aud the member for Stormont had considerably the o ids f } i . nc old | best of the argument, but, on .examination, he had Mr, WOSD, in answer to Mr. Bell, stated that, in i t t y not found that there was such a rule as the one for F my to aGertisaments for prison labour, they only | | 108 F8 | n k which they contended. (iear, hear.) The rule APPli@tions for 50 men. 'The Government have | ° 1p3 1 o appeared to have been at first that no printed matter :'.'"' in ©:templaiion the manufacture of cocoa mat-- | JSA Av NCY whatever shovid be read in this House, afterwards 1ng, "f"_'.x industry that would not interfere im the 'at e -,j:'s' : that no newspaper should be read, and Aually that no \ way Of jompetition with free labour,. | : , n epihee. ... | extract should ue read llxulvss ll'xwv';i relevant and did Tus;tem passod. | | not reflect upou anything that had been said or ! > | J ¢ done in this House. He had examined May on the ,, Co next itom takeg C "'."' mt" of $80,032 14 for | o # & f matter, and had found that the usage in the British | e maintenance of the Keformatory at Penetangui-- P C House' of Commons was that letters or extracts | sheno.. It passed without discussion, and the Com-- j E; therefrom might be read without the House being i mittoe r08¢, | | woe ' put in possession of the name of the writer, The | RETURNS. ' !' P f . We rules of the LMouse very often depended upon the | _ Mr. HARDY progented a report of the Inspoctor of | | f feale usago, and he bad foundsthat the usago, oven when the County Model Schools, and a return of the Liconse | / P l >' no objections were tuken,?m} been thati)l(iatten ;rero Lnspectors of the county of Simcoe. | | il : . .. read without the names of the writers being giveD. + d r m Ieamdes | , C s He had como to the conclusion that, however inad-- ! Mr. MOWAT moved the adjourameont, & [ i ' . A visable the reading of, anonymous letters might be, | _ The HMouse adjourned at 10:45. & | : : a there was uo rule by which the appeal might be | Hoeiiptinnsmesss § 4" p l sustained . NOTICES OF MOTION. P |j . Mr. NMNEREDITH congratnlated the hon.hleader s |/! 1F . of the Government upon having come to the con-- . w a f $ || ¢ 4 clusion that he had come to, and reforred to the MM'.' .Mf';":""o" Kridgy--Bill tof enoud ho _ ;.' . o ineffective arguments used last night by his hon. yorcqort 110 46 , 11 1\ ¢ i: fricnd the Provincial Secretary, a 2 H Bs § > Mr, HARDY said that ho did not retract bAl it C any part of the arguments he had_ used | 4 Y t e last night, but he had roferred then rather to | € M wl || f "'},:'_%,, y ' the bad taste that would be shown by such a course -- u Eet! se <~ thau to its infraction of the rules of the House, and ' e > had but followed up the point of order taken by the ts / hon, member for Stormont. i k 8 + & Mr. MORRIS was glad that the matter had beer. -- sottled so satisfactorily, It was his opinion that no J - member should read any part of alotter unless he was . 6 prepared to accoept the responsibility for the state-- #5 ; (c ments containod thorein. -- He thought that it would 164 ~ecp ie be desirable that the rule with regard to appoals 8 ; should be changed. It would bo much better if & § | yR | Parliamentary appoal were made to the Epeaker in # )( f the chair, instead of to the Houso, whero party con-- w T Pss t siderations might affect a decision. [ 3l in . BETHUNE said that after a careful examina-- > 1 ) Mr O § o | h " tA tion of the authorities on the eulject he had felt _ * bound to come to the conclusion that no such rule as | I J 6 be had imagined to exist did exist. He thought \ however, that it would be well if the rule could be 1P changed. | He would consent to the withdrawal of | the appoal. 1 f Mr. BELL said that the Information contained in ' | the letter he had proposed --to read _ came i t | from neither _A conmvict nor an _ ex--conmvict; | | on the contrary, it had come from as Lfood t a Grit as there was ON the floor of the House. (Iear, hoar.) He was quite prepared to assame the respon-- sibility of the statements made in the lottor. -- As ' ' | far as his honour was concerned, he was the guar-- s 1 | dian of it himself, and was quite prepared to keep it as bright as the bou. member who had uuntoq hin : ' last night. _. > P ® AMr. HARDY had no objection to the hon. gentle-- J 4P an .cntermg into a discussion of the question if he W _ s :e" permitted to reply, but he drew the aitention 18 of the Speaker o the fact that his bon. friend was [ | out of order. ' Mr. SPEAKER said that the hon. member must 1 j & 16

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