E: s w ns 2 ieiut BR e sc e -'« 1e .,.L;, uid 3 * f TARIO LEGISLATURE yes Grmeny done by the Coeeeipineat | . : ONT R'O l_ G'S 8 He referred to the proposed expenditure for | _ _ ' e 1879, and showed that 1t was less tnan in | _ 5 ;; sensmesdiamtan 18¥6, the last year of the late Chief Super-- t¥ . THIRD PARLI MMENT--FOURTH SESSION. intendent of Public Instruction. In con-- 1. . k s h Ssine, which b5° bad previvusty qiveh | 7 A e previousl ven. ts LIGISL';'I;:;:':-';;:;'F" 875 He said that he was conscious oj;' hgaiving iC ay , o + ?vea.ued the attention of thg Committee, but ateerieess . i ermenont saome ie 1. Mr. CROOKS continued his speech, He 5o the Edncation Departifient 4s lavaue , took up the item ot the increase in the cost would not have been lost, He 9 e':i oll: o .' of the training of teachers, which was first item, $220,000 for Public a (;n gv oo t $6,559. That item was a new one,, and it _ Schools, ' 'The hon. gentleman nd" Deparate ; involved the payment to successful students his seat' was greeted with loud °: o noal 2 0s A j on account of maintenance for one session A T19 o on ep id t 2t a Normal School of $2 per week, and the Mr. MEREDITH said the subject of edu. k4 payment eir travelling expenses, cation had always .b'een kept out of the k ? ENCuAtH 8",030. the payment to Coun. avrena of party politics, t:nd he trusted it Ks ty Model Schools of $2,000, and ot $1,362 to would always' be so. There could be no * ® Feachers' Associations, _ These Associa. doqbt that the system of education in On.-- : tions were fostered and encouraged as a tario was a very good one, but that it was y 1 ! -- means of preserving teachers in that full & very costly one was equally undeniable. 3 amouut of teaching knowledge so neces. There was no reason why the Opposition § sary to success, _ The expense of organizing should not criticise the expenditures to be i $ them, in which Mr. G. M. Ross was mainly wmade, He thought a saving might be } [E instrumental, was $1,860, and printing, effected in the item of $12,000 for schools | [E stationery, &c¢., made up the whole sum of in new and gpoor townships, 'The inspec. .' > $6,559. "'The expenditure for organization, tion of High Schools also cost $7,500, and C &o., would of course disappear in the pre. this might be reduced by the discharge of } sent year, He proposed also to do away one inspector, for he believed two men F with the practice of paying $2 per week to would be quite enough to do the $ studects attenaing the Normal Schools, It work. . With regard to the school had been shown that there was such a de-- «t Oltawa, he thought the Govern. s sire to obtain a thorough knowledge of ment were responsible for the increase ¥ tmh'mg that there would be no necessity of expenditure caused by it. He believed § _ for stimulating attendance at the Normal it would have been more useful it it had & > f:g::l:;l The ;:g;nd":'r; on account of been established in a central position, Fg -- annuated ers very much in. T i 5 creased. The gross outlay on t{at account | '[?::évfiAhI},fi({,E:;lt '::&:fl:;lcto x otice that 3 had increased in 1877 $29,341 as compared sion upon political questions t; r of discus-- ¢ 6 with 1871, but the excess of receipts in tion otf educational matters imae Eonsxdcm. f the latter year of $9,094 made the net in-- ducted in a fair and, unbiassed fier. us crease $20,247. 'IThe reason of the in. he was sorry that some newspa imamepiny, k creaso was the policy of 1871, which made phleteers had not adhercd t{)) fi:{ts Andram: i is compulsory upon every male teacher to cellent rule, (Hear, hear.) bt wfs on contribute at the rate of $4 per annum to by all that our 8)'st'em es dn as admitted the fund, 'The number on the pension list but it . was not uncou&:;exccllent war | ' b &5 in 1872 was 141, and had increased in 1877 of Aefects in _ it, Thi'm Ei waopay : < to 298. The total number of teachers was not a matter of :&r hO\vever, es placed upon the pension list was 478, but | ° this and all other Departm Dt 5t to i the actual uumber of pensioners in '1877 be hoped that improvement TOGId begig, E/ was 298; from this it would appear that the gested,and he thought the L: interer o7 fdg. number of aged teachers was becoming less cation had begun to carry i tl o efoce a very e rather than greater, 'The average length good improvement in t.h' 11;1"0 etf_ect l en s of service appeared to be from 20 to 25 introduced yesterday 'i'h; r clem Won 3 gesn. The law thus made a liberal meet the requiremcnt; not o lyatem eed E o:o:x'n;l;';i ttyo' '::y :ea(;her who, by old age schools in towns, but also nn{r:{ sifi':(;(: t 9 o longer able to con-- where grading was im ibl @ E tinue in h:- protession, -- The g' (oata s witlh fls of 6 6chool, Toronto, entarled an increatf:?ir;z: ;it?:zl;':i?:t :?::xtxl:l m" wmf P eeaboet p-- of $5,027, but the increase admitted of an petent board of "u.tee:pect? i es reponer k easy explanation. In 1871 there were six ora number of indiffer 'n': eol l oe fonclher's mll'lsiclllm;lho ¥0r1n8)?'ll znd six in the this system and take n;ay }::)i:nit:s i:ertu:zr § & In there were seve i 1 a e hy :!ll:;t:r:inin th; Iiormafl :chool--the :J;fi ::::ltli'on vlvlt;ulda beg:cegztx a (iiféze;ndl;g:lx;: : 8x g a Master of Science at a salary attendance of scholar d / i of $1,800--eight teachers in the Model h soed. But Jn the adjomine 19 Schoo!, and one clerk at $600, In 18;1 % e'pare:lltls "tmh:;d. gohiaps e E the buildings were enlarged and.the Model We ul)llll f. ad"t;lx: * Drsnts are o opetivhed E2 Bchool made to uccommociste 250 pupils :l:;gin::l:'n I:int e p;xrpnt. . ue wowin be f > ;nd upwards instead of 150 as previously tound )rolfablo da merive, competetr reapher f The next item he would deal with was the I y an aolive, competent feacher 3 i Depository stock,. 'The keeping ona'hand :::u:h:'zlle:%:: tfi:o:(:s" ml. in sau uo so large a stock of school apparatus, interested in hisg duties csu'; ie in io | i y prize books, &c., as was kept enabled latter case were apt to # Tople in_the | j E: . the Department to furnish schools with the éystemm, but '11)19 cfi:(?:np }ln.agmnst l j * 6 these supplies at halt cost, 'The figures best system' might be madsdo o ot? of ' CE showed that there was a large accumula-- being incefficiently carried el; 2s s school a s > tion of stock, there being on hand on the official, the three great d'oflli1 dibes s ma § \\ E> 1st January, 1879, stock to the value of _ had t.o, contend against oo bos sinoao E: $80,000. His intention was to prevent houses, irregular fm.enda'mr° Cne vanra E. that stock from increasing, and to bring it interest on the part of ncte E ib ieaand E #¥ -- down as rapidly as convenient, which he | to the first, cause ofp'mm n W 'th' M Mok ' : gg'xlx:dolbet;"thdo' gaving taken the direct | respect had 'been remov:gn:f;l??:p;rnl Shis ~4 rol of the Depository into his own | i T C Cl +A 'r_ ltl:;nd:l.l n the mau';gemex':t of the Depo':i'f | ::?)tt::)(? ;lotlll;: ?::glatt::: g\.;f:;"' Ah 0?'"';:" ty there was also an increase of $3,333. | £ the vill ¢ i Ti in 118 v Ex He had been endeavouring to ex lain the | Minist § Siake o oi oo Whivh the f 1 increage on the ground of the de P e Minister of Education had spoken yester. ._ of the whole school system, and't'fnli';l)t.:lalll; 2:;' utl'ot' laboug hmarket flce "ont Mitd j k also be explained in that way. In 1871 the mupe nl 19:1 To ul Pooe onl Noi f B minount of the receipts were $24,770, and in »4 ols i lvms well kn_own that the ' E) 187¢ $35,000, upwaras of $1 400 hege: echool was a most disorganized during some 4 C fucrease... The letters reocivad in seagons of the year on this account, A good ; 4 j eceived in 1871 were deal of complaint h € ' 6,327 and in 1877 7,679, and the number of o HLODILE fap a_d Nee Dt ol (hek $ sales in 1971 were 4,680 and in 1877 7,063 d ecy of the changs in text.books, (Hear, $\ It would thus be seen that the amount of eac), _ Tnis : lificelfyo c owas 'diot" . m Y3 3M work done in the Depository had greatly i\eza?ln&and t9re therpeople tor' Sorfeaty 3 E: increased. 'There were nine clerks in 1871 'd b en botore the people for 0 yeart, e § and in 1877 thirteen, In the Educa.tiox; anl i-':d' (armoey sverywhere coree farl 9 x Department the letters i g { authorikies 9lmost everywhere, 'The text-- s k partu nwards nuinbered book quest i E 12,395 in 1871 and in 1877 19,901; letters poi squsstion |owas montitely "Hoder . the l E) § omwaras in 1871 15, 200. ai in 1977 s1 3;1{'. ::'(ontll"(:l ofI the authorities: in each s A payments to the 'Treasury in 1871 $35.45) tl)x: ;lye.suddt 1y in ino oopnton o . and in 1877 $57,786. 'The Normal Scho ird--cl en tise in the qualifications of ow f at Ottawa had been an entirely ne chool third--class teachers had been a bad thing s ELE: diture of $14,092, us was also the omic for education in the Province. . He be-- _ L t for countidential ,Pnutiug $1 'ulg outlay lieved, however, that the standard was not ae . M ; » 1110,. which ; by any means too high, as any boy or girl »3@ f