and Guelph would carry oh the * >--@%¥ : additional sums to make up the amounts Te , * | work if it were found | possible. _ received before 1874, 'The six institutions | _ _ _ f They would secure by circular and other. . that receiyed extra aid were of the nature | __ _ _ / # wise information upon different systems of of Orphans' and Boys' and Girls' Homes, | _ & farming and other matters connected with etc,, the increased aid to which, he thought, | _ _ _ _ -- agriculture in various parts of the Pro-- was extremely necessary to proeserve the e o E 4 . vince. This work was being carried out in unfortunate classes aided in them from T * i . the Bureaus of Agriculture in the various : starvation and discase. He thought the § it | States, and the results were found to be country would acquiesce in the increased J 6: | most satisfactory, and the Bureaus of great aid being paid to the distressed and afflicted, assistance to farming throughout the coun-- and if the amounts were to be reduced, it ¢ fs: try. It had been found impossible to do would have to be done by other hands than F anything in the matter last year, as the hf" (Cheers.) ts #* } s head of the College was tovu busy to carry on e cere Mr. LONG contended that Kingston re-- | & c the work, ceived $500 more than 'Toronto, and $200 | ' * . The item was carried. ;nore than Hamilton, each of which had a t with maant to the item $107,350 tor o UAE mt oile in m ies I _ Ave Arts, Literary, and Scientific purposes, ; they should be divided fairly among the | ~A . _Mr. LAUDER wished to know why an | cities of the Province, He deprecated the § §\ : increase of $4,000 had been made in the | fact that an attempt was being made to C §§£ 5.. vote to Mechanics' Institutes. make political capital out of this discussion. ; h4 ;' ~~ + Mr. WOOD explained that the item was Mr. CLARKE (Nortolk) was glad to ! ~ based on the estimate of Prot,. Buckland. * hear the straightforward speech made by | N wl 1t was thoupght is would require this sum the Attorney.Goneral. He believed that | 3 R for the purpose,. aid should be given to the county poor-- 4 A 'The item was passed. houses, for many of them did more work $ f On the item $23,870 44 for Hospitals and and had a iarger number of inmates than ' t Charities. many of the institutions that were assisted, , ' p-- Mr. MEREDITH objected to the amounts fi';,p';f? t,:'f";,':m:';gzg,, io is coanigt j + u s y. He '€ voted as supplementary grants to charitable thought if support were given b litical N iastitutions over the amountsallowed them favour his institution wofild h. 4 po ME s $ by astatute, The House of Industr t i avo reccived ' ; / m * Pss aid long ago. t Kingston received $2,200 a year for the last is Af * } i Fi. fivre years, while the entire local contribu-- Mr. WHITE thought this dlscu;cs'non 1e n tions were only $2,585 71. In one year the should be perfectly free from political 4 $ -- whole expenditure in that institution was bias, It might be vyery well tor ; Tok $19 40 less than the grant. 'The grants to hon. | genflowen opposite. . _to ~appen! 8 f the hospital at Hamilton and to other insti. to the House on the ground that tutions were also in defiance of the statute the Opposition were deslroug of tfgkm_g < % passed expressly to regulate the expendi-- away the support of theso charitable insti-- , I t ture in that direction. _ He did not know tutions, All that his side of the House 4 U whether or not the fact that the hon. mem-- desired was that the grants should be [ R ber for Kingston was a warm supporter of fairly distributed. He read from a calcula. | the Governt 7 is tion to show that while the House of CK { . fovernment had any influence in de-- Providence, Toronto, spent $8,000 more & f x r a (ing» I ? 4 o :i;l:l;x;:&t;t:?o:mouut graated to the King than the Government grant, the Kingston *¥ ' i ) o House of Industry spent only $400 more. Br a aasa Mr. MOWAT said that his hon. friend This would show that the grants were not | had assumed that the amount spent on fairly distributed. He believed the chari. 1 n | charitable xustltun'ons.was spent without table institutions of the country should re-- % ' | :::::re;ciet tlg the Ll:u;x_ty Axtcll Act, b'l:t he ceive aid, NP 5 staken in taking 1at position. 1 r " i0 1 | Schedule A of the stutuu;g embmcgd hospi-- b l:; (;SI;IE t:ac;:'egrh't'::isg?'fgnf:? ma}'? < Z 14. F | tals, of which there were tweive, ten being '\ tlren .we:t gn to show that tgou;in th: '{,v § 3: ' h ie aofe Th ht nholoh remgand a\ _ $otntry charitivedidnot recerre aid directly) 17 | charitable institutions, such as the House of they. id ind ieokify Tor in geach solly a M Providence and the l['ouse of Industry, the | charity & l:;'lge pe;cetntagg (:)fthzl:e {:lctl.cnits s ' ts /A number being twelve, and only two receiv= | ce "olmcon:fif::egc'ye:u He bchlo)ev ésth: | BB 4 ing aid otherwise than in conformity to the | Lo o ngt C iLe ingni 5 wey 1 EL | pre s x amounts pard to the city institutions were | «6 statute. 'The third schedule comprisea ith th 1| | institutions such as the Boys' and Girls' hoii ie Poiinaric qo t """ 4O Onds i6 | e Oe AOTS SAO HICAE id by private subscription. ; Homes, twenty--six in number. _ Of P8o {<adat y s f | t.hggu only six were not ai(le% accord» Mr. MLRI"DIPH said he dld not sympa-- § ing to the provisions of the Act. thise with all the attacks made upon the /( With the exceptions he had mentioned, Govérnment, and he did not disapprove -- hNR L the Act was carried out strictly, All new the Act, but he thought there was one defect -- [(E institutions were aided precisely as the in it which he would pointout. Theamount . | TR | statute enacted, and no increases had been of grant might be said to depend upon the | | k made in the grants to any institutions since extravagance of the institution, for -- [ e the Charity Aid Act was passed which had it the cost of the maintenance was not | 1 R not been required by the provisions of the so much a smaller grant was given,. . This i '-, ds Act. The statute provided for assistance was a direct premium upon extravagance. J E: § not only apco:-ding to the work donp, but Mr. FRASER said the hon, gentleman | §1 ud P also according to the amount contributed had not discussed this Kingston question f ' .} 1 ~ C from other sources, _ He denied the in.-- very intelligently. 'The amount to be | SV ./ weses sinuation that the amounts which were paid for one year was based on the work of i8 m \; ntSs paid tothe Kingston Hospital were influ-- the year before. 'Thus the amount for 1876 §0i4 |; § ) enced in any way by the political leanings was based upon the work of 1875, and it i $ fl 8 w of the member for that city. He contend-- | might be found that too much was given. i 1;_'1,-;' F ed that it was not advisable to lessen the 'There was no other way of framing the EU L 3 a amount granted to charities and hospitals, Act. -- He claimed also that the full facts i 5 y | ad the circumstances of the times not only had been laid before the House when these 386 2 ; | pressed harder against the poor people matters had been voted upon. If the hon. i $hl | of: the Province, but also lessened gentleman had pleased he might have C | the ability of the better.--off classes to re-- urged this matter in former years, . These * 16 & ul | lieve their necessities, 'The hospitals at facts had not been hid from the House, and ; ! Kingston and Hamilton were especially de. everybody must have known that these in. P | serving of ard, and these werse the only P stitutions were receiving more morey than | cases in which aid was given to institu. they were entitled to under the statute. It f tions enumerated in the first schedule of was claimed by these charities that they de-- p a ts# the Act beyond the amount fixed by the served larger grants on account of the statute, -- Of the institutious mentioned in amount of outside work they had | p*~ the second schedule, the only two that were | done. No one really believed, he ven. 6 receiving amounts above the fixed grants tured to say, that the Government were | were the Houses of Industry at Toronto and influenced by political motives in the | ks Kingston, and those amounts were paid in amount given to Kingston. 1t would not 6 order to: make the grant the same do to have reduced the amounts to these |\ as _ was. received . before 1874. He institutions; it would have resulted most | | did not think the Mouse ought to harmfually to the country, so it was resolved | | take advantage of the Act for the _pur-- to reduce them at a future time, : A | pose of depriving the poor and afilicted Hon. Mr. MEREDITH--How long will * * | of the means of warding oft starvatron . Qt tixis continuc'? y | the third schedule under this Act, twonty» Mr., FRASER agreed that this should not $5 six institutions were aided, and to twenty always continue, but it had not been inter-- .ifi was given in accordance with $3 the provisions of the Act, and the remain-- | ing institutions were only granted the | ol