way Company--Mr. Meredith. " L. C. & L. ST. CLAIR RAILWAY. The Bill respecting the Leamington, Comber, and Lake St. Clair Railway Com. pany--Mr. Wigle--was read a second time, EARLY CLOSING. Mr. SPRINGER asked whether it was the intention of the Government to introduce during the present session a measure to amend the license law, changing the hours tor inukeepers to close, Mr. MOWAT replied in the negative. (Hear, hear.) s BEET SUGAR. Dr. SPRINGER asked whethor it was tho intention of the Government during the present session to introduce a measure granting aid to beet sugar mauulactories. Mr. MOWAT said the Government had the matter under consideration. coUNTY JUDGES' FEES. Mr. SPRINGER asked whethor it was the intention of the Governmeat during the present session to reduce the fees al-- lowed to County Judges for Probate under the Revised Statutes of Ontario to the ori-- ginal fees allowed under the Consolidated Statutes of Upper Canada. Mr. MOWAT sarid that there had been a proposition before the Government for re-- ducing the fees of County Judges, but the matter was still under consideration, and ho could not at present say whether or not such a measure would be introduced during the present session. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, Mr. CREIGHTON moved for an order of the House for a return showing the number of justices of the peace in each of the elec-- toral distriots of Ontario on the 1st day of July, 1878 ; also, the names of all justices of the peace appointed in each of such dis. tricts from the lst of July last uutil the present date. 'The _ hon. gentleman said the subject had been before the House for some time. A great number of justices of the peace were being appointed ihroughout the Province, and he thought that not only the House but the country should bave some information as to how many magistrates there were at the present time. HMoe accused the Government of making these appointments with a view of influencing the coming elections. Mr. HARDY said the information asked for by the hon, member would be brought down as soon as possible, 'The report would be a very voluminous one, and of course would take a long time to put into proper form;, and it might not be ac-- komplished this session . & f THE MUNICIPAL ACT. Mr. SEXTON moved the second reading of the Bill to amend the Municipal Act. Ho explained that the object of the Bill was to define the accommodation which County Councils were bound to provide for oftficials, including official assignees, and to U F woul L Wl NC ccly cer t kn regu.fn.t,?) the share of the expense betweon cities and counties of Courts when held in cities. The Bill was read a sccond time and referred to the Select Committee on the Municipal Act, to which Committce was added the name of Mr. Sexton, CROWXNX COUNSELSY FEES, Nr. SEXTON moved the second reading of the Bill to amead cap. 84 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario respecting the tees of counsel in the administration of justice, The Bill was read a second time and re-- ferred to the same Committee as the pre. yious Bills Mr. SPRINGER moved the second read. ing of the Bill to amend the Municipal | Act, which proposed to make it permissive | tor towns to clect a less number than three l Councilors fer each ward. Mr. MOWAT said that the proposal to lessen the number of Councillois would require careful consideration, He would, however, congsent to refer the Bill to the Select Committee on the Municipal Act, with the addition of the names of Messrs, Ross, McLaws, and Sinclair, which was ac. cordingly done. MUNICIPAL LOAN FUND SCHEME, Mr. FRASER, in absence of Mr. Wood, moved that this House should to.morrow * llsalfintoa Committee to consider MVYAY . ) ons cy resolve itself into a Committee to rOWN COUNCILORS, 3 a certain proposed resolu! the Municipal Loan Fund yried. Mr. WCOD moved the second reading of the Act respecting the Andrew -- Mercer Outario Reformatory. -- Carried, Gas COMPaANIES. Mr. MOWAT moved the second reading of the Bill to extend the powers of Gas Lompanies, He said that the Bill proposed to give Gas Companies power to nse their existing works for the manufacture and supply of the clectric light now being per-- fected, -- He had also thought it right to introduce a clause into the Bill making it necessmy for Companies to obtain the con-- sent of municipal® Corporations before gaking advantage of the Bill . The Bill: was read a second time, LIMITATION OF ACTIONS. 3 RAILWAY ACT. The Bill to amend the Railway Act of Ontario--Mr. Fraser--was passed through Committee. ANDEEW MERCER REEFORMATORY Nr. MOWAT moved the second reading of the Bili to amend the law as to the limitation of actions. 'The object of the -- Bill was to remedy an _ error which was made in the revision of the statutes, 'The statute limiting the time in which plaintifis outside of the country might bring certain actions as compared with plaintiffs within the country had beon abolished, but the abolition had been over» looked in the revision,. 'The Bill would place the law upon the samo footing.As before the revision, and would not affect actions now pending. j The Bill'was read a second time. : EQUALIZATION OF ASSESSMENT. Mr. MOWAT moved the second reading of the Bill to amend the Municipal Act in relation to appeals from the decision of County Councils as to the equalization of assessment. Asthe law now stood the ap-- peal was to the County Court Judge, but considerable dissatisfaction had been eX« pressed at giving so much power to one man, and he had deemed it advisable to change the law in that respect. The Bill provided for the establishment of a tribunal consisting of the County Court Judge, the Warden and the Sheriff of the county, He believed that these officials, having exton-- sive local knowledge, would be better able to deciae on questions avising out of assess-- ment than the Judge alone could do. 'The appouintment of the Warden would be satisfactory to rural municipalities, as that official would be likely to be thoroughly | acquainted with the value of property in | the rural parts of the county. . 'The second section of the Act was intended to give the right to municipal corporations _ to _ offer rewards _ for the apprehension of criminals. The third clause enacted that no property.owner Of lessee interested in or holding shares in any company should be qualified to vote on any by--law to grant a bonus to a company in which he was so interested. 'The fifth provided for the survey of lands in some cases which were not provided for by the law as it now stood. Mr. MEREDITH thought it would be ' objectionable to appoint the Warden of a county on a Board to revise the equalization of assessment, for the reason that he was the representative of & particulat municipality, and might perhaps be prejudiced in favour of that municipality, He thought the Registrar of the county or the Warden ot the adjoining county would be a much better person than the Warden. He ap-- proved of the remainder of the Bill, D se ue 20 us c in Mr. RICHARDSON said that the Pill was a step in the right direction ; but ob-- jected to the appointment of the Warden on the Assessment Board. Mr. BOULTER suggested that the County Council should be allowed to nominate one member to sit on the Board, instead of the Warden. Mr. ROSS also objected to allowing the Warden to sit on the Board, and thought the Registrar should be substituted. He also considered that municipalities should have the power to order a new survey of their territory, where existing surveys were not clear and distinct enough tor the purpose of registration . Mr. GIBSON agreed with the suggestion | resolution relating to Fund Scheme, Car-- the Bill