. IT%2-- _ Ee<=" M C * T 8 Nt sc -- IXt> y / P38 ¢""'f.":-"-i;;j'; .l R {EL ; 1 er xt e +. ~> F j "changed by the arguments of the hon,. . stantial manner, en e l ae f | Commissioner of Crown Lands, He h:i._ Mr. LAQDEB{ thou%l:)t l:hemteerl:deI;:i df;; | 1 <.% g £ | approved of the Government acting as . the building 0 thood mdcr i elgre t.he' = e > :'r:dcurs,hund tho:ght that supplies should ; oup}ht't"to wl::o prpasl;zed T e_ néked e s > e go ::ibT:."" l';o enwu':lflgml!:g hue a:lxe':g;y 1 ::l:e?her the tendering for supplies Was | P i~Fa 2 P gentl..men opposite admit that the con.. | condugtod in the same manner as that for | + | struction of colonization roads undér his | the bridges. a s is e 5 | i?x'x;isfl:filfi t!:le t_(.)ommlu'i)one:t-l of Crown 1' Mr-ifgifl(?Efi::;ld ';:lii::g&dfz:"';z:']:'°:n A } een of more benefit * were ue | iountry than under previous hovern::ent:.;? fl';]"fl in sufficient quantities to cover the ~Adl f t was not a fact that the Govern-- whole season . " ' ment used the patronage in connection Mr. LAUDER said that a large portion : 6: | with the building of the colonization --| of the expenditure had been laid out in the N f , : roads fur political purposes, as in his own district which his hon, friend from Mus-- o _ T & wo district some of the bitterest political koka represented, and called upon him to ¢ t" + e enemies he had were Tory overseors sent M | say whcther any of the contractors Of sR ;!" s ixlx mzre ::iy the Govelrnmem. to superintend | overseers there were Conservatives. P es the building of colonization roads. He 2%3' P e also held that such roads should be built Mrl Irkh::llifif Ra: a:'x:ve;l &rfixxgfiszldfif ¥* | according to the influx of scttlement, | He tractors, the former of whom especially | * | | adduced statistics to show that the district intcrested himself A M iller' A w | of Muskoka had not been so well treated as s eif against his (M+r. Millor 4) kE f | o vagt i election, and against the Government ® . _ some of the new districts in the way of 11. | & -- \ ' colonization road expenditure, as in 1878 | ge::mL";.UDER 4 hi tlong -- 4. R the sum of $24 94 per location only was . renewe is accusation R t 2 l; spent, wmfe in }Mgoma the ex;y)endi. that the Government exiiibited favouritism 4 ~ e | ture was $52 60, in Addington $192 30, to political supporters in granting contracts f 6 f L and in Renfrew $56 50 per location. 'There t(:lr cololx'xizabion road s&tlpplifi-s.ldlt) hfad b:len ' 5 P j was a fine section of country from the shown by an examination he efore the terminus of the Rousseau and Nipissing Pl:lbli%' Accouutst Commiittse in t187;1 tl;_at ¢ road to Mattawa, a road built through the Government awarded contracts jor ' " Cbelle which would cox'npleto the circle from supplies to political supporters though they _ id Toronto to Ottawa, and which was entirely were not the lowest tenderers, He accusea f E: closed to settlers as far as roads were con. the hon,. member for Muskoka of strength. Bsts cerned. _ He thought the Government ening himself, politically, by inducing the 10.3 ~ should set apart $25,000 for the purpose of Government to lay out the expenditure of | } wt } building a road there, as it would be of colonization road moneys in districts where | C | immense benefit to that section of the | it would benefit the oh. gcntlcman& '{1113: s Je * country, hon. Commissioner of Crown Lands ha ¢ $ ~ . e Mr. BELL was strongly opposed to the gone back uponfhis record, When in Oppo« | j 5 in Tosy aroinzies nos Armon cat i epauoancals on s brgon ' uce uatong o0 es wise than enders, e system o seiting apar f d 1 $ 4 c ie : sending circu{nrs to certain contractors was upon specified works, 1f the ex['c"d"",';; \ ' ns | an objectionable one, and laid the Govern. for 1878, on any works, were contrtl\;t%(: Wilm- < P tx€ | ment open to the charge of favouritism, the estimates of that year it wou I itE | _A , e 1 Mr. PARKHILL concurred in the coloni«= %ossxble to trace out any par'tlcfu a dis.- | | L se | zation road policy of the Government, and e had a letter in hls' dt:lskl Prx"i);gn is | 3 * § uce A thought that instead of $4,000 being set charged labourer at the Centra thin A fints EL s i apart for Manitoulin Island roads the sum had threatened to divulge Eom'a r% ent NhL .. c # should be $10,000,. 'The country benefitted would be unpleasant to t'lt': M:::lfoka a.mi ' s s 4 by the roads was one of much promise, and | and who had been iw'll{ uP Amagcedy ; a C > & would repay the increased expenditure, .| spent money to md.co on14a > 11 + .. h | Mr. LYON (Algoma) said that three hbun. Mr. WOOD denied that any such man | L '? : \ dred and seventy.--four miles of colonization had made threats to lxxlx:l. uad threst. > 4 g 1 n . / | roads had been comuupted in Algoma, and Mr. LAUDLB said the :qa" (os Guverd-- i 4' & > | twenty--four miles repaired, at an outlay of ened to bring an action. a&-fl'"rk 1/ i: $15,413. He hud'tmvcllc_d over those roads ment if not stfp'lylxgd with t';'? t'to the honkt [ --*Co himself, and was in a position to state that Mr. PAuDh'lu did not o .J(.;C. - . tOo | es | for every dollar that had been expended a member for East Grey criticising the ex-- k m . | doliar's worth of road had been built. p_endxtqre on qolonxza:txoxx roads, but he 1 C e | (Hear, bear.) He hopoed to see the policy did object to %"5 making such incorrect o $ +. sls | of the Government in this respect concur-- statements as the one he had made, The € p: /s red in, as it tended greatly to promote the man referred to had been tex'npomnly.em- y settlement of the wild lands of the Pro. ployed as a carpenter at the cem_r?l Prison, #-- 82 vince, There were millions of acres of | and his services were dispensed with because t e arable laind in Algoma lying unoceupied, ' he was not peeded nn),' longer, It was repre. | ie f and it colonization roads were constructed ! sented to him (Mr. Pardee) tl:at "N" man % immigration would be greaily increased, hfl(_i been empluyed upon the Grand I'rux{k ' , by © and these lands -- seitlcd upon withi kailway, and had had considerable cxpen-l | i5 rapidity. _ It would be much in the | cnc':led'tnat. fwou(lid t;; h'un to ]c:onduct. th'e' Tw interests -- of _ the country if _ young building of roads, He had applied for work, | f PS 1" man . inst sad of remaininog in the ci"(:s aud hnd ltated thM'- his tamllY were 11 Want, = f "a4y * of 'the older parts of the Province, wduld and he had been given work on one of the | t e i?mor "fi)o" those districts, un 'become Government roads in the enstern pmftoflhei A ts ty ! Rigeg | independent and beiter T;cnmibers of society country. No threat otf embarrassing the ET | % aPge s by making themselye$ homes,therc." With Government had been made,and the acunnof' t t .f y :. \ regard to tho purchasing of supplies, every-- the Government was ngF mflue'uced by any i t d n I thing but pork and flour could be purchased such motive as a desivre to dgonlccal "ily' : . i. * on 25 or 30 per cent. chceaper in Toronto than & "h"',gd"h"t "l:" (:nan might is l;C 05:- 3 (wila 4. in Algoma, He believed that the expondi. d°|2i'e'tfh"ttl 3 0\;ermfxlxcut "d senkr(;un #4) 1:1!3,* turse on colonization roads in Algoma had e t fo nc 1 4 t o e e Heoe on was _ | M y beoh such A§ to promote the very best in-- political supporters, fmd said that it was $ ! e d P i nmtenara leintap out of the question to ask tenders | ~~ 2 . ?("ix"" ;:f the settlers in that district, | ?':' the smaller articles, such as ten,\ y : I Jheers. 1 slsz s# j | sugar, &0., because only small quantities 5: & * ' | % Mr. LAUDER asked whether tonders had | w'i_e ;'equi'red, and it zms imp%ssible to ~M § . , | been received for the contract of building | keep the goods on hand, besides which, the e :. the Combermere Bridgo across the Mada-- |\ Government had no wish to take the % 4 iess : waska. C ' position of store--keepers. He repelled the Mr, PARDEE said that they had, and ox-- % accusation of the hon. member for East 3 | . plained the manner in which contracts | Grey that the expenditure had not been in l , were let by the Department, A | | accord with the vote taken for particuilar e certain number _ of experienced and | | works. If the hon. gentleman would | )Ef-:' | reliable men _ were known _ to the | '\ examino his (Mr, Pardce's) report, he ] | Government, and circulars asking for tend-- would find that in ninety cases out of a v i ; ers weresent to them. By awarding the con-- \ hundred the expenditure was made | tract to one of thesetparties the Government in accordance with the estimates,. | s { procured the services of an experienced The expenditure upon colonization roads | man, and one with whose record the Gov. had been economical and to the interests of | erument wore acquainted, and were thus the country. R | spared the necessity of looking up the his. | | u[n'y of the lowest tenderer, which they cfi;};fig'fgrcgrot'e&dfi&a;:gemyon. | | would have to do if any other system were prosonted the manuer in Which the 2x "ff:' ©% 1 adopted. 'The tollowing out of this course ture upon colonization roads h:dp!:)n i T. has resulted in the Department getting made. No one unacquainted with th Can l idges built in a most satisfactory and sub-- iC Ac l ® e Pup-- I bridge J lic Accounts could follow out any expendi.--