. * t ty o " e e e fanik. = un o ae *--'~'-~", enpee h Cfi ie (. .' P ';'. C ', T' dhincg y# s . h¥ 8 PA % ty Alg e 4 d ai "fs;'.'.vx{:,_..', se oo 8 sn u"j:. ~TNEPS L ¢ 3 % f k A,\_-',::';'"".e':}rg' '3«', « ons f he was ahcad of any legal gentlioman o (Hear, hear.) Sooner or later they had to _ . ! either side of the ulmue.g 'l'lgxe profess:on'f l be surveyed, and it made all at one | _ tilgontlémen of the House made no objec-- tinte Mhe. . gurveye would. bo cuiuch more M on to the salaries of judges or other mem. uniform, and could be .made . to suck / 2M bers of their profession, but when it came more . advantage than if dofie in parcels. wl to the salary of an intelligent layman they He did not contend that the country lying! _ _/ | | -- were anxious to reduce. What one of his | & between the Georgian Bay and the Hiver | "~*~--os degal friends would wish to take a Ottawa was a paradise, but it was reported v--/-- e Balary of $2,000 a year? He thought py the surveyors to blo lnrgplyl g_oo:l h:ox- agn; < the farmers of the country would not ap-- culturel purposse, . 1E way plats that grea in Ppreciate economy of that kind. He said inconvgnience would result from any town. -- wl that the cost of the farm was just one-- ships iu that tract being omitted in the 4 Bixth of a cent per head ofthe population, survey, . It was not the case that the Sand-- aud if they could not afford to pay this he field Macaonald Government bad sent out d not know what they could afford to pay. explorers betore making surveys; they r gon. members knew what a beneficial bnd.iu_vnrmbly had surveys made wherever 3 leffect was exercised upon the farming Of & their information led them to believe that p ~@ ;whole township by the presence of one Of surveys were required, is 38 two good farmers, and he believed the Col-- The item passed, as did also the item | A P > 34 Uege wmd hulVJeltbe samo °"°°'i;;" fa much $59,630 27 for Refund Account, C l ger e. Unless more scientific farming f s F F F E:" done aud a good rofation of crups 5 3: :'l,nled ei;em $50,000 for Unforeseen and C s .blerved the people of the older settled = o p . i k :i 'districts would grow poorer instead of richer. £ Mr, MEREDITH objected to the pay-- J e o FH. advocated the establishment of farmers' . * ment of gratuitiesto servants ofthe Govern. p Tt linstitutes, as in Michigan, whore the head f ment whose services bad beendispensed with P 'of the College met the farmers of different without the express sanction of the House, (A Isections during vacation and explained the or without a provision in the law to thut correct working of a farm. He thought effect, It had been shown that a number 'also that a model dairy should be estab. of such payments were made in 1877, é P J Eilhed in connection with the farm. Mr. WOOD said that the Government __----» i Mr. BOULTER said that if this discus-- had the right to grant a gratuity equal to ' klon was more tempsrate than that on the one month's pay for each year of an official's k same subject a few years ago, it was be. service when from no fault of his . .: wcause the management of the Model Farm own . he was discharged. 'The hon. , t 'had become better. He was glad to hear gontleman contepded that it was right j d 'eren members on the Government side to grant a gratuity to a servant whose | bropoae improvements in the working of kervices ua_d been dlspensad With,. wliile it | $ ithe institution, and believed that the was not right to grant a gratuity to the ' C puccess of the enterprise was assured, Tlf'l:l;y- 02 C ;'hollgtlad dned.nlx tll:e oinige ' f 7 s of the': country. e principle he argue : f I The item was carried. L for was that if an official on hijs doathgbed bConcerning the'amount ol $11,500 for the resigned his place he was entitled to a |-- i f Ditawa Normal School, | gratuity, and if he failed to do so he was sn f Mr. MEREDITH asked if any additional | not. +33 8 * expense for salaries of teachers wou!d be ; l Mr. MEREDITH said that payments as 3 '-' occasioned by the Model School, and if s0, gratuities had been made in 1877 to classes ~ 2 sisess what would be the estimated cost ? other than those for which the Act subse-- [ : Mr. CROOKS said that the salaries to be * quently provided. He asked that if these & !|# a paid in the Model Schoo! would be met by % * gratuities were to be paid the ratificaion of | . { & ' the fees received from the pupils. the House should have been received. The f L ts i Mr. WELLS said that the number of caretaker in the Education Department had ' e uts pupils in the Model School at Ottawa would received $1,000 as a retiring allowance, f # mot be sufticient to enatle the same system Mr. WOOD said that a carctaker was ® xt to be carried out there as in Toronto, equally deserving of a gratuity if he had 2 8 Mr. CROOKS said that the number of smischarged his dutics well as an official of 'a> puplle at Octura--three hundred ----was sitle S Nss aiie io tae sns hy the aoe \MI w% pioent t? put the system in force, other servant of the Government would e 3. i x The nteu.n was passed . %€ , have been, t Es , On the item of $73,000 for Charges on _,L _ Mr. MOWAT did not think it necessary (% Crown Lands, * that the payments for gratuities should be * Mr. PARDEE pointed out that the | specilied to the House, as they were not * amount was $16,000 iess than last year, anticipated. When cases of peculiar hard-- | s l the decrease being in the surveys of town. ship had arisen the Government had al-- '1 x #ships in the Lake Superior, and Lake Hu-- lowed gratuities to the famiilies of officials . _ #on, and Huron and Ottawa districts. who had dicd in the service ot the Govern-- EtE . Mr. LAUDEI thought it was a useless ment, -- A report upon the circumstances of V * expenditure of money to survey new town-- each case had to be made before the gra-- || ships the soil of which would never be Auity bad been granted, valuable for agricultural purposes, He The item passed. I read from the report of the Crown The Committee rose and reported, ' Lands L'ummisslone: to nhowt btlmt large MORTGAGEES. |-- | sums _ were _ spent _ on e -- survey i J | 16 ot townships \3)!:1'('. there was little The f{]on;;:.uw;ent into oCtommlttee t'::fd ! valuable timber, and where the land for passod the Dill Lo m:f n: :g:gge? P o _1tn | 1//0 farming purposes was utterly valueless. "':::'" ';?rw lf:':';:w $ HSCPVeC ADIALOLEr NWP ) "The sum of $14,180 was spent in surveying l ina Hannmtthoa 2t 1| into lots " howiing wilfcrnesses * whicg. ,f::e (fiommlttsgoll'osee:ni rltsl?{);ted. | e 111 could never be settled upon, Not the | o Ho980 MAOULL 'a MA # )/ slightest vreturn could be expected from that | CORRECTION. P# utlay, 'The Commissioner should first The remarks of Mr. Sinclair on the Bill BV k gend out an explorer to ascertain the cha-- relating to ths incorporation of the village + t racter of the land before expensive surveys of Tiverton were inaccurately reported in were undertaken . yestcrday's issue. He had intended to j Mr. PARDEE laid it down as a broad pro-- convey that it was .reportcd un the local l position that every foot of unsurveyed land press o_f the county of Bruce that the County j A along the shores and west of the Georgian Council had attached the village to the ¢ f Bay had to be surveyed, It was no reason South Riding of the county contrary to the ' that they shouid not be laid out in statute, in accordance with, and not con-- townships and lots that they con-- trary to, the wighes of the inhabitants, as | tained no settlers, [Ihe Government | the was reported to have said. *\ of Sandfield Macdonald had surveyed whasmecemitient ktownship after townsuip on the north shore NOTICES OF MOTION. I of Lake Superior where there was not a % settler to--day. His hon. friend had se. Mr. Harkin--On Monday--Order of the . ® lected three or four townships which thg House ftor a return showing the expense -- surveyors had said did not contain mtlx)c caused to or entailed upoun every munici-- ' good tarming land to expatiate upon i ut pality in Ontario by the Courts held under *L3 be should remember that no townships, the Voters' Lists Final:ty Act of 1878. ' BR F however small or valueless, could tbe Mr. Grant=--=Ordst "uf'ihe Houss for & f j skipped in a general survey of the coun 'i'y return of copies of all correspondence in C If the Province could spare the money, he reterence to the holding ot Division Courts A unhesitatingly said it would be 'd'";,b" in Lancaster, county otf Glengarry. that all the unsurveyed parts of the a l;) Also--Order of the House for a return t s f wince, including the territory acquired by of copies of all correspcndence in reference BP the late award, should be surveyed at once. E