The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 4 Mar 1879, p. 3

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. T 1 " _ . _ . ,. " pt; ,1.» "3'3;qu v'rspa' r,8,ei'F'iTit.'r"-' ax": _ we. 'rr, , t m ." 1fijjfii"ii'ti?':11" , . .517 ...' . ..31 " .' whiohhndlatelv been decided tttsfittin t - lo Md Di British Mi " . n, u _ T N, I» " on and western bounderies of the i"//lhet 303:1. wllg was chosen from smug gnu clever men at . . ' '_bas" .tuio,asit wssnecessary that this Act should be their command by the Bel document. to .., ' peered Wilma the. result of the award before watch their interests in this txrbitrattott. There . mri'i$..l, t' the province could really tulle upon it the sdminis- wee no reason whenever that the Dominion Gavel!» , _ P . ' tmtiotttrtthe allairs of the new district. m de- 'pentwoa1dnotstandttrits tttttmt-tatt-tletter. T i 5,- _ tttted the terms under which the arbitration Arrest tual 'ragto be dom, beforethis "w counts! e 'm ", 'i i' had been .sntered into by the Dominion end oouldbe developed. no had been fortunate, enm I l. p, ' the Province. and proceeded to datim, the todosotnethlng toward deciding the question which t; k, means which had been taken to secure a docioion gsve the territory to Ontario, but he was. more I .. f, l favourable to the Province in the present limits as "no" that hia mm" should bd associated Xi/t its d", .'U detitted by the arbitration. The northern boundlu- development than with its eoqurrement. (Omit) . t' of tho prom." irat new the Rh," Albany which The population there was small. and they merited P _ " t1awed eastward Into St. .13me Bay and in lish the respect and core of the rest of the not); A as the _ River. which ttowed in a contrary dlrbction, meld): pioneers of a new country always did: been men, _ . 11,?pt', the best natural boundary that could 'IP,'. who were in the ndvence line in carrying civrlizatton slbly ave been suggested, which ".3. no doubt the into the wilderness, were generally the mostlener- reason why the arbitrator. had selected it. There getic in the country. They were, and must be in_tho . .. could be no doubt that they would have been quite tt1tt1pr,targrsiy made up of pearls from the older parts , . (tyrtt%urytpuikittts the boundary on a line still fill" of the country. Those who immigrated into the , ther north if they had chosen to do so. The wagon, country were not the class to ma pioneers; it ' limit could be evon more clam-1, established than would be better to hare them occupy places in l, . the other, so that there was no doubt that the award the older sections, allowing the sons and . r. woe quite within even the 'trieuatwotuttutilkj brothers of those now living" there to in back of the evidence. indeed, as a matter of and reclaim the wilderness. He desired t tt the . strict right, we were entitled to a more House should be quite alive to the cleanses of the l extended boundary. though he did not believe it... one which the Province had been this to lay before ' .lg . people of Ontario esircd the limit to be fixed upon the arbitrators. The Province of Ontario hid, pro- . 3 a line fttrtltettwest. The care presented by On- perlr Speaking, tho same boundsries north end west ; tario was so fair that her rights to the icl'rliury which Canada West had in the old Province area- l granted by the award could be shown to in (lemon. node, and the question was, what were the limits of '. titration. While this could be. to clearly established. the old Province otiUpper Usnsda t The mud ot , however. there was reason "Ir the Province should tho arbitrators gave it great deal less than the old , puss an Act upon it, for until this was donc it might Province of Canada, and the Dominion lifter Con. give rite. to ttitheultiea. For indutio, a person on federation, used to claim. In order to prove this he ' ' . trial for is criminal "Trueo, alleged to have been quoted from an off1sits1 paper of Hon. Mr. Caucbon, . _ committed in the mew tcsrritory, might misc in.- .' Commissioner ofCrown Lands, that the Westerly f: ' question of luminous; which \Vi'dltllih win-o, in: 3 Boundary bribe Province extended to "actor as ~ 1"itrssmvly irttvtIvt:r!i-rii in l~lli u mun W..' Mimi ( British territory not otherwise organized would for 'uurdius,ttViwrtstion of'hourrdary Wastryi uni. and ' out] it, which would be the Pacitu. or, I the whole nutter had lo he argued before the I if limited " all, it would be by the tirat waters . judges. Upon tlizit occasion n'o' able counsel I of the abilitiesippi, which would be the White . E were employed, and very learned summarily Urged, Earth liver, and this would, in fact, correspond . r . but the most important evidence, "you "lush the with the entent of Canada previously known to the . ( notation reslly depended. we! not fortl1eotnimr, .5 ' French." Ho quoted also a large number of other " itwss unknomi to the counsel ail wtsll a. the j odicisl documents to show that the boundaries "ed . . rt (mart. But this evidence had been placed ltd')', under the award were not more favourable tothe _ z tho arbitrators, null upon it the one had been da- l Province than the evidence would justify. .110 be- I . Ill . clad. It Was of the utmost importance that this lined it to the interest of the whole Dominion that I i ' et question of boundaries should be settled so far as the Province of Ontario should be enlarged. The ' l a the notion of this House could "up, it, {or all timo. expense of obtaining this new territory he believed i , , He did uot Pretend that the conclusion as to the would not tttttotutt to more than 820,000-atrtert, . I r l ' " correct boundary was easily arrived at The Lower bagatcllo or compared with the value of the aooer- . I . " . , Canada judges in the case referred to had come to l siou ot territory. The United States had paid _ f is? . the conclusion that tho comm? of Upper Canada $200,000 for Alaska. which territory was not nearly 1 I i Ci l was notso large as had been given mum Province ( so valuable " that added to the Provmcc by this. . l VI ' b, 1.h.e. "ant-that the western boundary was the [ decision. no knowthat the Province wouldnever ' t . Mr, _'e',P,tite of the cottftatntce ot the Ohio and be deprived of this newly acquired region Without , . a l ?'sspt, rivers, or about longitude MI. Since their consent, and trusted they would never cede it ~ I I . r , l that time however al t . " o . , awn own on 'terms whatever. He moved the ' , t , , arm quantity ofmateria1 had y i . l . ' ' i been collected, and during the last few years an ex- second reading ot the Bill, (Loud cheering.) l , I 'ht','):", discussion ortho subject had taken place. Mr. MORRIS did not understand that there was l 't , . l 'lll'l'le, "arch had been {nude among the public any intention in any quarter to deprive Ontario" , - , , on YI', ty,','.'.),?!?.'?', N'otwr, and 0113"". In the any portion of the territory conferredpn the Pro- _ r . lil l w i'i"2,! the HadKh tlay Cromirany in Lnglsnd, as l viuco by the. award, He certainly did not think that LW.', m the qoyimufunii Ollie" in London and _ there was any such intention on the part of the Do- f h'm'd he might new venture to say that no i million Government. He could not congratulste .1 fl ttrt " light of_ureat importance could be thrown l the Home so equrteoasty us the hon. leader of the i . i V a?" the 1ue'tion by 'urtlior exatttirtatiott. Br l Croverumenthad done upon the accession 'to tho 1 . , ' ' Mdrtioual material wl.ielt had been l Province of this large area of territory. The conu- A Item?" the whole matter had been made l try was tsiillutt_dertthrpod, and would, in all probe- . y ' . Pd ' er.r 1rtsar, and the doubts that had formerly ( bility, remain inthat state foracomiideriurH time I l I. J existed removed, Hundreds of books and ' to come. In alluding to the Bill which it was the ' 'll ' I' ' snaps had been read and crammed in selling 3 itrteatitutoftho Government tointroduco respecting I ; K 391130 ei"e,.,atyt the wliolc,si far as E the administration of justice in the north and _ _ r l. ' ., LP, 3 Icon embodied in one book for the information of i Westerly parts of the Province, he would warn is; " , tie Home ttnd country, TM! included not only i the Government that it scale provision were not . {twig = what w." favourable. bat whstt TICt8 unluvourullo, to ( made for the suppression of the serious crimes that 3. I',' it A ' F2 the thu/tus of. Ontario in the ""W- Tho, taken in l occasionally occurred there very great difficulties, , t; t P, v'",; . connection .sritlt the map which was being prepared, would ensue. The establishment of a Court of J us- . rl' . or containing information from till the maps examined. t lice " Prince Arthur's Landing was absolutely ue- l S' .' "uv,, - ll "Dd whicti would, he trusted, be placed in ttte. hands cessury for the punishment ot crime in that distant » y i - . of hon. P_emlrtsrts lenorrow, Would show cluarlr "10 part of the Province. In the James' Buy region very , tgr t . ; = " catut Which Ontario had placed before thoCttrbitrMors, little crime, as a rule, was committed, but the case . , " F l 'Et, It 'yot.thl be ibt36tt hy thits "up that the Proeiutrs of was different in that part of the country through ' , ' " 'd 2'd ~ of Ontario now covered 200,000 square miles, being al- _ which the Pacific Railway would be built, and [i . if more" 13780 " France, and larger than Ureat courts atFort Frunccsand Prince Ariharu Landing " e 't Britain and. Ireland together. The Provmce, with would be indispensable. lie urged the Government _", MW .it.s new additions. would trtcitaitt M large a popula- tomakc provision to prevent the accumulation of t; .' ' 7 non " either or thes, countries. Its lung"! ftoat the mining and other lands in the new territory in l I . east to west was 1,000 miles, and its breadth varied ' the hands of speculators. The example of the Do. ' ' . I.,,," from 100 to 700 miles. As to the value orthU toui~ minion Government in that respect should be fol- I l . if." .. '01?! nobody doubted that that in the western ; lowed. and no more than six hundred and forty . ' ' lf 'rr, I Portion was of it most valuable character, as vulu- l acres should be allowed to be held by any one indl- i of; able, probnbly, on any part of the territory in the l vidual. "Hear, hear.) Unless the Government made I _ Mir" I older Portions of the Province. The north-easterly these provisions at once, the progress of the new ter- . ilk E Part, of course, he had no ta'ght to prououueacqtuxllr ritory would be very striously retarded. As the = _ i llr5 P,. F Valuable, tytt tt must bt, considered it great addition keystone Province of the Dominion, Ontario had her _ . ' B' P, ' 9.the territorial wenlth of the Province. It was responsibilities and her duties with regard to this ' r I " . . Nt, I this portion about which the lludson Bay Company territory, and it was duo to herself and to the terri- 'i i l ' , Tmr, 2:31:13 old French htrad'itiiii companies had bud so tory to discharge them well. i ' i?, i' "M? are, even w on o r res cc ire notions wrro l .,. ' - ' ' . ' r» , Il :31. at peace, and it was fair to 'liC'i,"Ji"i,1 that any territory _ Mt. t: r,ifiiryri/..r.oiyyt.). Hailey if.. lt. "ef. 8-? tf, I I . ' F whi h w: . h t . . . that the boundaries of the o ratiuoc 0 mm d , _ I , . c at wort so ninth bitter contention run he _ f u stern sea, and the frown ocean tt l i) , ' ." one of great value. There were throughout it noble extended to t ttt we?) ham". connected with a," 1 ' it I g, T _ ' rivers, and there were some sections of it that would there was souio' Jeiil','11', of {he award. The late T ' I af _ ,' well repay cultivation, and a large ttow of wealth acceptance by this . " mode the threat that Al- i , ' 'P. ' might be expected from its fishisritsst, mines, and member for lugging in... - 7 . , 'rr ', forests. It would be impossible at once ttht til-lit foolitlmx duty-lo esiubllsli horse-ll lull) l, . , 'C." "r to do much toward. the development of the f: separgao Province, and they hurl :noard that l . , _ w, at? country. The pommion government had not threatrcpuated since. Whatever might be the out. '= , I Lk." ret given their recognition to the $9511" come of that threat, lie concurred in the sugges- F, of the award. lie did act blame them for this, no tiou that the new parts of Ontario 'shouid be r i i no doubt everyboily woul feel that it was a mutter evccted into a scparute judicial territory. The ' l , i ' ' l towhich they could ttot pt 8qu the" attention. ilts appointment of stipendiary magistrates or some i , i , had. on a former occasion, lpokcn of the rumour other thorough prom." for the administration N I " , which had been .oirtyitu.od. both inside and outside of justice there was necessary. The Province had I 2 'lik, ' , ' the Home that the Dominion b'orerumont would not also a claim to territory further west, and he advo- 3 , ' ,' ' , recognize the. result of tho torard, and had said that cated the urging of that claim to the utmost. Thor-o . ' 'ill .. he a d not think they would refuse to be bound by were at present no gold-rearing lands in the pm. E ft. the decision of the arbitrators. Nothing could be Vince, and he thought the Government should do all i li IV. more disgraceful than for, 8teta to do 80. .He had MO Q in their power to obtain the possession of the vast l . . c. idea thereon-r young Dominion would 1yrstin.tlta.y.orrt l storehouse of underground wealth which existed in 'P" of rspudistmg the engagements into which ithad I the tcrritotT, to the possession of which he believed C, i'cr_ tsnttrtd W191 ttg Provinces. t they were entitled. Themescnt Province of Ontario ' k ". Mr, MEItEDTTH--rratruterty been any correspond- ( was naturally divided into the west, central. and rl , > I .; ' once that mum you speak of such a result ? , eastern .,S'r/,"t',if,','."ii, 1'le westf 12l ii grand sud pro- T t 2 a, it _ Mr. MOWAT said he swim, ttusrelr tlb Btt8wer to n. l with": hell): 12322; J,'ll,'/'l'fd'lf, "llthr1gelitp,tt',e he .- statement which he had seen in the newspapers, and l the Province had any right to. The central is: l" l _ ,rlsictt I" had heard in the House. ' tion had done its dutrlin developing the Wealth and g, MnNoRRItr-Wut statement? maintaining the Pt'tn"C',t, 1:110 Province. The IMr . t s n thi wk th hon. oat-tern district. on e at er and, then h it c " _ I m,eiil,YLtl slid} Tr/tfl/A/U/i' igloo: why 91th more fertile 'Tots., ":35 not the {lemma} 3 l" this decision must be maintained was the character ftttff, "will /,'hie,,'rgte,u 318%?! expected. what- .' _' ot the arbitrators. One was a gentleman nilo had "ot e e m g '?'" ore. "J, _ become Obie! Justice of Ontario, .t' gentlemen ot Mr, cmmHnoN-Ttat wise men came trons the l g trrtsat "usury, ondoo't' the "IT', fghml ,a1il,h'pl,ttiti,r, east. (Laughton) 1 , now in POW" " t ttWB. . no " was t r PSP' Mr. CLARKE said that ttnforhuutN t I.. ii Wrtttkg who had been in the Qovcmment of fur tution of the House proved that the i'a"1u1"tt l l ' John l. Wdonald for some time. a semicolon not come from the east. (Laughter. J There were of . I thoroughly footerynf with the attuirg ot Fl" ttottlt- course some notable exceptions but among the m. H; " f try, of nothing inftyttr, we tt'gtli,W, madman; 1ifio productions of that part t of Ontario" were lin}. l . - the third WM "Pings" an at' "I, o the Imperial doubtodly to beclassed Conservatives. (Herr. hen.) . - E t F throrattt"rnr--tr" . We" om Ott, Who had so He did not think that the Province was in a correct l " , E I '

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