The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 4 Mar 1879, p. 5

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' _ , melt asntanraie, mum" - I ONTARl 0 LEGISLATU RE. oe'N "P Tff,df'.'1'tdt'sfu1't'S"t'g, politloe into ednec land been -----_-. 'a'ru,tt,t Jttttfl'tid'd'tir, "mm ace n ." mm PARuMWIT--F00 8TH SESSION. an mm be tom to " " gtt'tlfattt . . I 2gt."litt'ttg,Q were-new put Meantime ', 1'7: t . were. chum the "tg-tdt-" of the hon.' momma-in ASJEIIFLY. ' "I" ll "" "mm to diet or the A Toronto, Inch 4. , . the Went Home, been" he the . new taqoet- of out-Mn u hr. ' neon, l tthi'e'i'),'i'i',ii?,,'r,g''iti'i'et, Boron" y Th Tn]; mow ACT. Alert. number ot Senate Selma our _ th , House went into Committee of the Whole on when" m foe the eungis andttn Wtiq we l 2'.ul to mend the Juan» Attt--Me. " May. T f- MI! 21r,t,'l'lll the cheap pm. _ . r. RANDY moved " mend " t l'-h would _ . ' "Muhammad we Eve the eleet'oi ionviug the 1'ltl11,1'tlgh'iuTtr'i _ my" tint had fallen him the 50:- ',t'g',Shtht'gt, townships win-nth. - eminent would i . 'Jing,',",', pointed out that the hon. lumber to: "elude . la, to "who! of Utt you" from in?! I" Went mu we: tfe/ttre, hie mm vim vice to be noel-tamed by the am mew; " wot. new two in" Mo Voted eyeinet eexteneion of thicken;- troeUed by the existing in. Thin would obvinto 'rttiArhpmrriienortsite, no we: now ttdrooatingthatttur tt 'd,fteeal',tf It', 2t',', pointed out»: hie hon. 3:33;? "Mimi? for tracker in the millet of I 0 'on row. - m The amendment we: carried. meat. ' would "no" " ad. Mr. MEREDITH all! that the matters dceit with Mr CALVIN edvoce m. . ted t g: the mood part ot the Bill might better he treeted lot to "heat electionc. and 3131a "lento" the hat. gm". Act. and trustee elections held simultaneously see echool . BI)" aid he would censlder the enun- Mr. WHITE 00 t ated . glen: in the mealtime the Bill might all through absence TJi%d,"I'lfi,21t,t ft, non... " tt . Committee. lie had nice come,» dll conclusion of educational "mm W ' 'msaiderttt IIT ttrr-tations that had bean mode to him aoqlulnted with the cute of f lr,', no one who wu _ (ct thlneen wee too small e number to form openel tricts, he could ray that than tl lag in the rural du. q Ttf,ltpihte tte therefore 9,090.04 to piece ballot in school cleet' no no demand for the the "In rat teen. , to limit tho ballot itt"ad."l'ty,rl" the PM" The mndment wee curled. . mtrnleiotu tttttbl "10h ligating; "gc/Pe, The Committee roee and reverted the Bill M uniform, and afreetirlt tttttttions of the 1nlll'd",' In}: f -aded, in did not ecc the utility. of clinging the d f . ' rm: sonoor. ACT. tl?il2 Ichool elections. " " l The House then went into 00 itt ' n 88 pointed out the lmpoui Oth the Mill Immune Public. T351: ','t2httd'J2t, Iryt she ballot" to rttral tsoho-tl 'e'l8oe?"t,'c,'f, artitr. l schools-Mr. Crooks. ' ' 'SI', tn"; /rteg,'g, would in 'd'l,'tllt 'Ili V l: o t , - . b Pi. BELL edvocetcd the application of the not being 21,2a'ft2t of the wheel action. 4. _uo.ttosTarot? School election, and would prefer divlllonl. He wu' w "on of Poitier lub- l 350 disco-clan of the ueetion upon the clcuee rout, "to Separate Sch .not in favour of t'l'la,t'lllii z "ttt to Public and J,','),',','.')')', Schoole conjointly the Supporter: tttlt mm" ha undw that I rather then on that "odtinq the Separctc 1irGifl Sheraton he propoe a" school: did not " foe ttut I alone. Thepoeiu'uu he had when had been etrength- the chugg of In a. . Me dssfettttod hlmcel: from l ""U'Ilultwns tom the City Council and in. chi-o, cane mmmmm' " ttt ttttt "W" "W i Public moo] 5mm of Toronto, and from Uetholic mulch" voten' mm. the "he, day to ntaite the ', "fallen" ct the city reprelcntin. $3,090,000 mm}. . ll C l e list foe school election. 1 o prueertr. He was aware that petitioue ngelnet e ' h at. OLE objected to my mm" in the law , tttee, been 'g',t',','e,h but the name iniittotum he no?" tusder the preecnt u." the bott ' a _ ttl been at work o procure elguntureu to that pistt- and eir w" to lmeteeehlpe. men 3 not)! "Ml boon used hitherto to defect the Bill. Mr, DRAGON pointed but that an i l in tum" tut "madman: to the hill to the effect .tette.w"es often ttttt Wits-bod. end if" a pal m" be; alt echoed trustee elections should'bc held by holding gchoot elections were ohm d ther day ot 'lif.'lgl Ott tiu, new» dar " municipal election. , Ite, (ll btt lierrrttatred, a the 'tfat" trd1"ll', a _ s. 088 was in favour of o u cant ttue to go on nttteri ding n "Mu"? (m the "mo day and 'i't'"tt,cter,,e",',,t',t,'e ' mum"! election "'0 br 't,t'eltt,f 'hat the i 'tld'2llfeQ electiouz, but he did not wish to I Mr. HILL laid that the hon Me .b l at"! aerial tf,",',.',".'",',',,', of conducting Sepnret. lg: "at?! had forgotten "let t1: 1u,'t,,'ed , . p.e u s an manner which mi ht Ito" OB1rtt Wt . "eeptatu to . large number of the 8.93:" tte, t ( with the double t1,'(lale',ai."l'?1,udti,Tiatjr,itli,iii, supporters. Me moved in amendment to the unend- l behind hm gentlemen, wttioh Ud the e Mt new. P.""" .ff.,tttt hott. ttttttttbee for West Toronto c ttttH ' the amendment hts had 'rorosod. tOrd m to Op". Leon cumin; to met geutlemtmu, 'rat differing in not _ I hm" or, "a hear, ""08 applied to Minute Schoall. 110 believed tint M om ' the Amendment were carried . much fuller vote m , 22'tYy,,eha,', no klso,rudea of " d _ :muo:florcht out at than" eieotione. end the chin. in 'll8ute'tft't t$tthoot "er {gr t , , meme: won bit i . 'tsrl aw, and . l, 3:353:30 td there was much me,'i',"iyl'd' tole/ie, I ttl t,"tg'rdtogg than 't'lh'g'l,f,r'g 113:: l would M 1:10:53; that political tttttttence tttttttraised hon. . mom I for Wtttt Torimto, which , . ' into trustee .ityc.git. , F.tNntlttrr?er? in oppeein the r it the: were held on the "m" ""88- m did not think " Proposed , da . . that when those a , would"! electionu. Pvliticg muff. Ir no he Ute alterations, are!" wished th import. , 1:!!th new "a on id b k y.e Molly u, law they would adopt a." 'h . 'P to bucolnc , ii,iiiici,iijii,ii, 1tirett .33.... 'dd', ral'd"og'dri/,,r i ""i'l,t."'l, for w... 'is'o1'/o,'l?o.' " mouuqriece tlst, tum. ' e nutter of expense war 1 , t'. BELL "id Ut . new .. moms the ........ .1: "sesame: T .m-m ot tl1"dllal2"aiM,ttirfaetg11t,t.te t','l,u'tUte't'r.tarrt, to ulnar udidiliir"titi i"o'"tm"n". 1lttttaolio one in . . not of ballot boxes. ould be "I. provision in . new i t2"ivieNffylNttaie, that the hon. new"! - Mr. DEACON thought that th V o ted , w" mm, litmrat h d . che. . it". hom his . . ' I at: tltt;',,1d'g.iodl','),f tha Jeule,.,teiS'h'1t',at t11,y't,'e't.'e, Ire ttad 2l7.'yhey,'2,tl,ott,'h1ife n- o voting by ballot, and or 1mm- t or . U' mule in Toronto b . re the election aimultamrouai . . " I othe - t ut thero we; acne in til . y with them T parte of the Pr tb if?" He invented the former, 'dlutli,tllft'i, He did not bczlcve tfdl'llfift, l',', t,', " m hrtew. tee cha'e. . l Mud were asked for by the people Judi?" pro- "fags: tfd lt wee not in fsvotsr of holding l _tih2litrt2,ttitgi?d'iiiiiii.i'i":, Wheezing: '" B mu tenouuely union: the lmlilt e l . e t 'tle education" . u.endedto the trustee elect _ . , . ' " re _ -tooprmsiousto 00113ng " th UPI; hem n "It". 'as. all the park politic. Into . 0 iateodu ll of {mangle end expense of e double cleouoll would be change he v,.';',)',',",';"),,,"),',",')?,',,), m, "ha that n° Hr mu '0" "him: "had for th tt w "a the 'totutteT " . CON thought it would be lmpeeeib'c ta Mr (mom: em. ti [mute pom". from mm" ttlootiot" it the .1. . ! 'ln 8 mid he only introduced ht on were held sitnuluuteoasir . eo I at": in: Pulilunont during the FWD: Td: . . . n l . Jt'a',ee,1?,, ory.reuel to tha two elections being . ttt the qghool Jd,',',' ,d,t',,gid'e, improvement. that 'tt%ede,et,t,'it i'fril mm. Mo was of Opinion , {taught it forwhrd for the more" 1Wa all}. had ttot e l . . . . " q ' . e t . school election 'l'cifl"'l,ttid1ehct"1tthiti,', Into hid 'ee'edl?,nge solely to "moving tt'dit te', .Uqtiorta on the lune any. I? diag the machinery whom" to traigt ttt the odueatiotsat l Mr. GIBSON "1 opposed to e change in the is to b. mm.' T)": "ttred, "ld2tt use". ootrght ,'dht'tt',"g that would be gunned by the chug; Inching then, end them had been no an..." foe ,'21 d be Jfaerd end the'cry in the country now , 'ttttll/he, Tld the manta: for rennet: tf no we: Ill oitrntlrlaro, Hush" . e men-arc o hed t gm 1'tteh'd . "n, Mum." . t d b' . a proposed to extend mm mm It tttted We no it held on the JI,',',", u e politics from _ which the oil f . nice the, cl'm'md" . my, . d _ y o liorouto held elections. end tf the dar of 'l',,te'lldle1,tt,tefl'tl and which he thought would JU','",',?, "mm" there '3 "NO need at the ballot. g , amnion" of the ootystry. The "managing: Mt leNtrte, ttttt Mme lied come fort t 'l'lttS,'t'W, it they became luv. take the qotttttrr teg tt 'let,', me t"eolg',i/nigt',t but did :2; which , ,"d,"2f,i,tfShg,', w" 2U't',tt,tf ttt "bone to old the mullici l a proof em 'ttt point cchool election: eimniteneonei . " fwd _ that thor would "mut . a It Depots; ttttlite glittering" Lima? 'get 'ede, 'iftttdt QI at??? tf tt 'ad'.' A"i"g PM" on w . ' r lo . . men (or truce" we: that: Jg', tjl,lf 'll." the best mm between tho fuactioo of 1',iitftv2igt ex- nlnntelpnl I'm. out in 'dl1Qg'1t,1',','ei11,tit, and " otWrotmt to "In? . . Mt. Btat would have no objection to divide "10 I tent, oortfertyutittg tlt t't',t,ttchr to . NM ex- clone" in hie meudment, but the clause in the um proposed chug" would be ot interline. The which hit mtttion would affect placed tho two clnuece I deteriorating "Atteet 0n the em like], to have . W. and it we! almost immediate to: hint to i wuotn would" summed the m m, of then to common. growl. He did notthlnk t"lAlT'l,"l'l,1','/, I', 1wheel m. count}: had elven m in m u . e/ee "who the mall gut -°" in malt! 'lla 'ttrel,' .itte ','ii'e'ii:'i?'ii1 $1.33 I 1igtitl,"Uge'tiif H". hon. ffdturg,y1il,e . . or umtl " on." . . in hie city during the late U,'dhteloUe,2T: ml) be prevented no 1ht'd'i'craremetl to: would hove changed hie opinion u to the introduc- " ivy?" h. attvanotrd we: on intus "a ',"',Ultt, tic. ol the ballot ate wheel elections The tattuitsipttl do; Thetoohe) Would Pa" by " on"): o w quertiontt were a?! mramntr otmterted, bat were eon- ( duced into "mud. on Which the bulot " of tut. ducted with lit mrmou,whilo the coin-oi election. l ".30. . 'ttser?) elections were tho "We" intro. tg,'iNItid the. hat Th. 1"2 nmromptutitsd TG' _ evils 332i???" adamant! 'pilt,3SlUgt . ton on no co hotl JU The point-cl "when. a cumming 'tll, ','gett',h an? m nttts tloylrt "ltd it mail? mo,',', Htel m" "m! 'rtttud, he "lured, ttondtg" to - ball l"',' ttpNitsdtud been in exletcn "cam that Mesh-the truce election. . tt 'ras introduced tho hell ce before the an. (new: um for the neuron - i 3:31! ill}; been in gt "W 'tt" or"? l all 2t He did not think that the 'o1,r,t'i'o'e't,t'di i applieetlel ot 'fl'dt'g12t 'allot, " 'm "m" the '- N W "W" had and: rum. end would tlt "will: not be "id tMtttu, ne,', far, ' e9eeee on of o . " rod . who who Mot. u . a...

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