The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Mar 1879, p. 3

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, , la tciimidri iiisicasi,uipus,ia, "T . in ' the Home adjourned at 1 o clock. J It were 1°0ng ary In the ti'ttiN,ffa ' ' T "TERN . u anot er eeinooity treat in , 0 t OOH Cr,',,',',,',, States, fe', possession of the Mug Itil',," , ninth; , F . ' k. menu ever in obtain n it. no or a van a l the feet." took the tAtt',,',",') CANAI would be that " would cgnnwt the tytniny.s.of. the l HUB0h' AND on " . Paeitie Railway with Lake Ontario. It w0uld induce J, Mr. WIDDIFIELD presented thet 'erttrt. or, tht immigration both to Ontario and to the new tern- ic. Special Committee on the Micron and Outage tiling: It?. lg"; to the Et') The expenditure 015.320.0015 ' I , f "ch the fotiow ng" . synops _ i t e sum w in it was suppose to can . r i _ _ 'dttt gangrene" with a recital of the circumstances ' l'glf cost, would, Hupposingihe sum were to be ' . ' , i which led to the appointment of the U'onsm.ittee, and p ded at the present time, go very far towards re- I .' , "out"out?i°oii"in-'lr"'o¥'llfftr3?et 3313323}:$3Z'fa'fi'fii'ii'éi°5:é2§io§'§;"dén£i§?$ . ', 'dhultll'tlroitl'd ettortato mung)?" Pariltuuettt. were also very rest. But the most Important " t recognition in tho old Canadian Parliament, feature was the JgTad' of the route from the I ' tg Dominion Parliament, and the Legislature West to the markets of the world. A cargo of grain 'l Ir r Ontario. The report candid" " to ionrg ".- shipped from Chicago through the Sault, Ste. Marie , are!!! Committee have also had tutdttr eongid. Canal, Lakes Huron and Erie. and the Erie Candi, tion the important "Mm" of the WWW" eta New York to Liverpool, would traverse a dis- 31.1200! the scheme. It appears from i12,iftJ"el: tance of SQ $1,101,. Il"', "ttte tPit ,rts'tinf2rf'gte, - the documents " once an " the ro " "m, an in: y e . awrenc gr2trt'lutfu,t croissant mange" as Meitgnt. l'li,'l'l 'l,'f'l' Quebec: 'dlltl only have totraverse a 1 line ' Tally John moruhtoé, A. M. 1psniUl, distance of 3,760 miles, a saving of no loss than 834 . Walter 5nd,, Col. M. B. Mason, and the late miles. (Hear, hear.) Even compared with the William Skye! have " various times rsstrorted Welland Canal the gain in distance was very great. , in favour of it. ' Tho great dithotrlty in the way in From Chicago to Quebec by the Welland Canal was i the all who!!! to have boon ttui deep "In"? I t,600 miles, while by the Huron and Ontario Ship l _ e whiei would be necessary in passing through the ' Canal it would be 1,150 miles, a saving in distance I , "0.3 ridges" in the tosrnutip ot' King. " ordor to 3 ot about 320 miles. These decreases in distance in l reach the level! of liake 'i'it1'riutti,ui1t,l,t,t gait]: l gigs fast cg: represented £11513; tre, $313!; £02526 l ' o ram ' . , ' 31?: 'tgif ,'l,,1UJ'tll advance-gent of en iucer- Certain???" M last year fur which he had returns, 1 "I .ciesntis appears, however, to have fl'llllf; was about 12,000,000 tons. A very largo proportion ( t' overcome this Mtic1 ty. Your fgeetipt have attire work connected with the moving of that vast l A had before them 'tl').' "Mk rumor, o, Fr, quantity of sin would be diverted to the people of , ho 8'" full explanations cmusernitttt ttttt h . I Canada by & construction of the Huron and On- l ' goalie tiRUoeit which "ems to bo u'll'dlf; tario Ship Canal. In the same year the cost per ton L . ads ted to ii'i'i'i"ot this kind. From hia testimottr, of ahipp grain from Chicago to Liverpool was : ' high was supported by ample documentary evl- " no. ttl, the estiinattd cost, after making due , , ' our Committee tind that hydraulic power allowance for tolls by the proposed route, would be l a L'htd atrtyd in connection with tteting docks for but 12 a5, a saving of a: M per ton. The gain upon 1 number of years, and that the hydraulic lift-leek moving the same amount of grain as had been moved ' ' lied to Canada itt by no means a merethco- through the Erie Canal in 1874, if it were conducted l 1htllti in-int. Pmmemi but haa besn peace by the way pro outed, would be $36,000,000. It had l M! Ul .uccs"tally tested on thtt tanal been estimated that the saving would be greater, F lat "demo on the river Weaver, in Cheshire, that it would be she t $100,000,000, but even if it Garland 'il, three yours tmet. IV nteang only amounted to SSM,' that sum, the gain to the . 01 Wo ' hydraulic titt-iock ttte quantity of country in one car would be tnifrioiout to defray nxcavatlon in the Oak Ridge cutting would be re- tho expcnlcs of this great national undertaking. t duead three-feurths, the .nu.m.try of. lock! required Th. ,"/7,ig in le, let equally as great a" 'fe/lf/i,'-: , . on 'd1tt,yait,e. tLd,,",','":)','),?,'.',:',' agar: grants; 2, (in, to, stlti',ti/r'"r'ofi"a1i t $21.53 ff$§§o l will: 5; rope ion, erewon At a son ' was 0 ex eye it 01 . I . a:vatcr at all except that resulting from evaporation, ' by the 'e'dllfl'll'l't the Georgian Bay to llink;Outage , "It! the total co" ot the undertaking would be dd. it would take but titteen days and aha . fem! M) I creased by one-hair, Ot' from iortr, tho original eati.. thputss he had given he thought it'was quite c ear , mate to twenty millions of dollars. This that not only was this great work imperatively de- I ' guru'edly places tho project for the con- manded by the interests of the country, but that it l , .. "motion of the Huron and Ontario Ship Canal would PBr. The question ot the practicability of t In a very much moi-o invourahle position. In the the scheme had been raised. . p liitdbeen considered l, . documentary evidence submitted lu'nilpport of Mr. feasible by eminent authorities wnen engineering i t Tumor! views as tothe practical utility of the hy. science "l."m so highly developed as at prose-ii} . . : draulic lift-lock, it appears that such a high autho- The front dimcnlty in the way of constructing t1no " rity l? Mr William Armstrong regards it as an un- cane w" the 91|itena of the ltr, Bridges ','di'ltl' E , qualified success. .Mr. biiienqhani DuerhA.i..(J..|_e_., township of King: The Tttlt I'l", shaming ', M of England, who, in communion with tr. Edwin that would be required there wou fl'll', ttin . . Snark, M.I.b.h., designed and ctsua.eteditue lift- and ninety-seven foot, and the length oft , cu . g ' 5 . lock at Anderton, "140 cotirtt8 tuis .tiyn and 'Y" I would be about nine miles. But these fiifticuiri.ts ' i,',- certs that he .. has no fear about the lifting oi ships oylld beta . Irreat extent overcome by advances {In ' F ot anr "it" N.r. hand Roberts, L. Ir, 0 1'oroato, end engineering. The invention of the hydrau e tl"e 2ituiiartestiututt lift-lock had been antimimlense step lathe digest: . Tho evidence adduced before your Committee on of cheapening the cos o t e cons we ion o , . this point has sutistied them that the hydraulic 1itt- , ltr he: look t1'guuttl,/etu"t1112ily it 1oo.k 'i'gi",,t,t,t1d be "Mud to the Huron and lht- l ()'lf, gug'ihg? it 'ldll'h,' been 'auri on a small if" by") (Sm: 2h'/'d2',",h','"tiat1',2gi'.gge,'y scale hitherto but it the principle were once fully l a trump our": ' r c . _ , . ' . . I ,'r'lvJl'llill,"li'll, iteelt is one of vast importance to the l established there wal Scareely any innit to its capo. ! hi ' "; d d id I biliiics A large amount of testimony had been peopleoh is trounce, an nerves every comm - I ubmitted to the Committee and they had come to arationatthe hands of the Government and your e . th the l draulie lift-lock was honourable Home. Your Cottunittec' are precluded l the conclusion at th Y t re of the country t by the rules ot the House from recon;nie'iliding an 'l,'t , 'trritlt1,',,tel'ti1 1'ul?d2lt P351 The apinlica- _ , reprintio t for a re-survey o t 0 pro use i . . . . i: 'kr/lt',', but M trust the. tinto is My farl 'th/d 'tt t1ffu','/ltt J," ttPr'ugifaitlit'i ' i 'ttruff/UW,' h' J/eu' $7133.: 'li,', i township of King, and would decrease " more Sign ir r" for .tl.te "tp"?iTipe'f, tho "g-tet?,' of the a: l 'i',"ttfo,r,e,r'tth"rhtt2TtTl't,'g, 'lt,il,tflt1 5:. a i". l,ilu',t"a1r,it"r,trut,',Clitt/'e Jat (p't,t,,t.,'trt,l',t l logs of water, except that resulting by evaporation? 1 ; lion. Your Committee, in conclusion, desire to ex- I whereas under the old Irtt'lt cognate twig"; .3 press their high appreciation of! the "tl"te,eet I Pt; ""h'l,efil'T,,7ie,. a Ctlli1td engineer, and , taft',',',', 'Q se, militate: 1lrsitdufi"g't', l Sim-1;; tho application Ui the??? kick]: is iiegtlt:' i , , . n - ' tone-a. in ens-z guinea! $015225"? seg,'.' tU "19.33323: age , 1:332 'ttg't'htlftt'ld would have to be ellpondjcd l . has submitted to, and the indomitable energy he has l under the old 1'i'ht. 1'tut1t)0sog,0gtt gli emu": I t displayed in promoting an enterprise iraiight with , the new il wouumoage to see 'iitlii,'ia' Li the House _ t great moment 2ithig'i-', Sgiht'"%t 2tgly of 11','ii, one :S'udices from their minds in the con- ', both f't',gti'l',fei'e, m 2ltt8i, to Sl,',',',"',',"),',',")',',', on? ti n tl the uestion and if they did so he had C. . lathe position oft e out :1 a in; ' so IT" a u e a o Sll , to the conclusion that ' eudcnce adduced before this Lemmittce, above no doubt they R, ". f2,""ldl would be bezteiieUl. l a referred to, is herewith submitted with_ the Inga the 'triti'lirt'lt't It',', Government might more"! i. t fatten that the whole bo printed and distribute not oug " tt om lete the survey ot the . , or the convenience and Plfttt"1 lot "ffli mag" Te,", $3303"; 11%;. party our it was a ' ( tl,',', "t,g"C,"""Jpa"lu1"et, @1933 Siemens] e221: an international, one, and be trusted . ways . bilit of tha ttchem" of ttotttttrtteb. that the t'GirrUiiGii' would see their way to coun- it/u. Ta'ief"f/oilf the Georuian Bay to Lake tenunce the scheme to tho extent of granting; a Ontario. The length or tho canal proposed to he smallsum towards the completion ot the sun Y- built was ninety-seven miles, but the portion that (Charm) I . woatid require l? bo "eartbtod "mi ltowerer, otsly I Mr. CALVIN said that his experience in no car- about forty miles long. The scheme '"? not by tying trade had been that craft had to be built to , n, '9'" . new one; it trad been 9tyrrabttn" i suit the water on which they were to ttoat. lie PM" - to the in Itil',,, "it had. ever "nee Draphesied that if the canal were built to-morrow it In." before the fou? '17 ' In we.) tgtJottunittee under I could not be put into operation, for the reason that the chairmanship of ttse tate Chief Justice Harrison boats tmtticieutly strong to stand the voyage across M an oxter'ty? "rm recommending . l the Atlantic could not be taken through it. It was Wfll land grant m aide" It scheme. In 1875 the 1 idle to talk of constructing canals in the present charter ot the Ctmtrtuty was "tnewest for teu FMrtr. . age, when railways were so much more reliable and u" thought there atald b. no doybt that the an" economical. The peninsula-the necessity for got- etruetion ot the canal wouldbe "3 immense byeiltto ting around which the canal was designed to ob- Canada. and'cspecially to Ontario. The vast [rain- viata-.wttq already traversed with railways, which bearing P.tritorr in the,West had, for tlh'lf,,",Q did away with the need for any other mode of coin- "sau" of itq productions to the markets of "mm" I munication. He would not vote to set apart fittoit.n the water highway afforded by the great Are',' and genta for a survey. (Hear, hear.) the St. e,t2'/hhtrc t 'f/tttnit'",)',',,'),"',,',',"?,',' Mr. MORRIS said the matter was beyond all 3 could tutt matcria , 1r21 ta I would be ug question one of national importance, and he hoped ; F 'd'lt'ot'?fdd'ttlu wouldvg 3.1:." as to semi the 'get",)'."", embeddied' inf the report Tate, , ', concurred in. reat ea c ver mpor u an "' f,htiN1ett""vt'2, Jlt'Qt"Jlfell"t'ig'gt'fde, interesting evidon'ce had been il',?',) by, T300"; i. " 'ttce which it was dctrirableto nveprm e an the moot important, WI". only on. or thtt "my mt t e an ttho rules of the House should be I lti'lt,Q"on1"ph l,t'iu,ci,'il,F1r',p',rh'r,,ts'/'t .,""leftf'g2' Egtngigigc not: " it: allow ot the immediate printing of I t ' . l d t ear the trade the report. Jt',tdhtflflfl, bp%?;:zlog ro',('iise'ii?ei'ieiiii'i.-' Mr. DEROCIIE said that there 'ptgth"irhl 3:0. " ' h ' g . . at . ' a air- rain - Al's: 1h'tet2l/l"loterlrl'l'"ll'lST,'d ' "'3 Tt"."atis'dli,'tat'ltiT ix: illdltirliritlll, of the i 'lt,2hfl about 130,000,000 bushels a year. Age, llu'lJa'l'l he had come to we conclusion that ', "uro' would give some faint ideafoi; the "f,i'tl'l1'l, such was not ttu, ".191, "an???" tg,1tt,t',lhlt . of the Wear. but ly, capabilities o, lint pfirtlof 0 had "most unlvergg y bgon yo 0 l"lUlgll'l1'l"d'l continent were still undeveloped. Tttetuttuta value theoutset. Ithat1 clan mean" 2ti if new but of lltttrItin exported trotu J,.uelT,'ttT,',rat'. ttte,Uhg"t,t'/f2"Nt new." a... ',fl,fef'",t .de tunic: "'il,o13'ol,"ltl a "y they eofsld le, Tllll, 'ltul'dT1 whirls tire canal would present I C'. . . _ t.el'lu"letf' throuch 0.11.41. " 'tttl"'. Ontario. to the Province wiere incalculablo, and It"? tttet 1 'th practically him ml with" ot tke commerce it was quite noes ble that Toronto mtg

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