The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 10 Mar 1879, p. 1

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n--------------,-.--------"'"""""; ONTARIO ' LEGISLATURE. _ --r-- ' 1'le PMtLIhtiEttr--t0tltmt SESSION. ----""'"'"r e . LEGISLATIVE scenarios. ----i---- manner": Aunts-or, TtttttttNot March 10. The Speaker took'the cheir at 11 o'clock- JURORS' ACT. Biil Tho order for the third reading of this I W" discharged and the Bill referred back to Committee or the Whole,to be amended by the addition ot flttt as that " should come into force on the lot Nei; 1 t s' and to provide that " may be cited " the stars Act of 1879. " Mr. ROSS also moved an amendment to the Bill . to reisethecherges for fees of gators from 1 60 to til 00 in the County Courts and tom $2 50 to $5 00 n the Superior Courts, bat after a short discussion the motion was ruled out of orde,r as there we" no instructions to the Committee to make this amend- snout. . The Committee rose and reported. Mr. B088 moved that the Bill be referred back to Committee of the Whole with instructions to ob tect the amendment proposed. Mr. CURRIE opposed the emendment on the ground that it was ihdudioiomr, and that there was now no time to discuss it. The amendment wee lost on division. Mr. HARDY moved the third reading ot the Bin. M r. SCOTT moved that the Bill be not new reed a third time, but that it be referred back to Commit- iee of tho Whole House, with instructions to amend the third section so es to give mayors of towns separated from the county a seat on the board of county selectors. "The smenduient was lost on the toiletries dirt. on _ Ysss.-Mcurs. Baker Bellmtyne, Bell, Coutts, Creighton. Deacon, Flasher. Harlan, Lauder, Long, McDowell, McGowan. Meredith, Monk, Morru, Preston, Ilcsevcar, te'eott--t6, NAYI. - Messrs. Bishovp, Bottftstd, Chisholm, Clarke (Norfolk), Clerke( ellingi/on) Cole, Crooks, Currie, Finlay-son, Fraser, Gibson, Graham, Har- court. Hardy, Hunter, Kean,Lptte, Lyon (Algeria), Lyon (Halton) McCrauey, McLaws. Mo alien. Nessie, Master, Miller, Mowat, O'Donoghue, Psi-doe, Patterson, Paxton Rosa, Sinclair, Springer, Sink- or. Watterworth, Widdiiield, Williams. Wood-38. The Bill was reed a third time. DEATH OF MB. HOLEOD. Mr. MOWAT wished to allude to s sad event to . I {which he had intended to refer before the order of he day had been called, vis., the death of Mr. John McLeod, member for West Durham. The hon. gen- tlemen had died last night " six o'clock, and there- Ioro since the last meeting of this House. It would be remembered that he had taken part in ell the bottle of Thursday. A cloud had come over " hon. tristut during the letter years of his life, but he Would bcjudged and remembered , what he had been before that period, They all new be was e snsn upright in his dealings, a mall ot sound Jude meat, and of warm heart. He had many friends, _ but no enemies, (Hear hear.) He (Mr. Mower) , believed that he would be kindly remembered both _ , by those on the other side "the House and by mem- bers on that side. In consequence of the state or public business-the sessiOn being almost at a cloaevit would not be possible for them to adjourn, l and to show in that way the respect with which they .3 usually marked a sad occurrence of this kind. He _ bad thought it iitting,0towerer, to say these few wards ' in reference to the demise ot " hon. friend. . Mr, LA UDER said that the deceased was one of l the very few members who had entered the House at CoutedorBtiotn During the earlier part of his i career " a .lcgisletor he had taken is very active l part in all the proceedings of the House, and for a l urge portion of one Parliament had occupied the 9 Very responsible position of Chairman of the Com- mittee or Public Accounts. His failing health and increasing years had prevented him from taking the some pert in the public business but he st . eu- te ed the very highest respect of all " fellow-mom- I 'ers, and they I: knew that everyvone had the very _ kindliest feelings toward him. It. cry one regretted I seq deeply'llil sudden departure. Wear, hear.) THE SCHOOL ACT. This Bili' was referred to Committee of the Whole {or certain minor amendments. which having been . made the Committee rose and reported. ,1 Mr. Bum. moved that the Biiittsetrftsrrad beck ' do Committee with instructions to amend it by pro- claim; that the voting " elections for both Public and Separate Schools should be by ballot. l Mr. FRASER seid that cutsideot Toronto there - wee no agitation in this dinette " least " re- garded Separate Schools. He will good reason to elieve that the petitions from Toronto in favour of " were intended to ask for the change throughout the Province, and not in the city alone. he strongly opposed the amendment. . Mr. LONG thought the present system worked very well, and was opposed to making say chenge that was not naked for and was not required by the Severus School supporters. ' Mr. CURRIE held that nothing should be forced upon the Separate School supporters thaq they did not want. " the amendment were con - hued to Public Schools he would so port it,es he was in favour of an extension of the ballot system. Mr. {sIIOLAIB thoughtthe feeling among Roman Catholics in favour of the ballot was stronger than was generally believed. He therefore considered it ' his duty to vote for this smsndnsnt. i Mr. Pty, was prepared to vote in favourof the l ballot " Public School elections, but he was not in ( favour of forcing upon the Roman Catholics anything which they were not prepared to ask for. ' Mr..IILLER thoutiht it not advisable, from the experience we had had in Parliamentary elections. to extend the ballot any further in either municipal or 'ehoot elections. so"? CLARKE (Norfolk) also opposed the amend- en . The amendment wes lost on the following /

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