The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 10 Mar 1879, p. 2

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Bib' pr U ' rr - . ' RBI! ,'Mx. . "NF", " a ' i ' 'r" "as , ~ - ' K w . .l'u>.'.. "i7PF' ' - _ El J' .. K. ,v _ _ m'r" y " " .WPr" V _, .. _ H . ,. v.1. V M-.' l ' w.r I l . I ' ""4" Dell. ton. It Kr Sr,tt and thought they would likely get along all Isl-ea. we, ma. Prom. sl'll'll'lNl ' $3: tttttr Iatriaratitm ttt the tttmi momb'r for Nave. m-Mt-g. Bella Biehop, Bengal 4 Wilma ii5isi'iiiiiTitS' Cantu. groans? adtgl,htftef 'ti', fdl'rigtt't?it,t'Mhtt,rtg :' . " 0. "a, Mast _ " , Pam. iii-on} durum before-rule House the vi f i r l 6raham,Haroouut Hardy, Harbin. Renter Kean " t"r.o " Lane, Lander, has: Lyon Seeth/ge, (Hutton): 'Jltltt'h't d? an: 13:0an titfdt2t,t te',',',',',',; "ifi'st1'c,si',',11ffl'hf, gain..." than??? buttie thought the hon. gentleman deserved 'g,'2t ', a M. O - ' ' . itgtt %'tt Bodega? am talt swing; i It2'e ' "I"! which he bad brought it for- ' ' tn or, '10 i . ill I 'Food-dr. "T? ' m" itutA oe,tlghe,"ati"igtntt,t, tltt,_ttnett.detpt, '. Mr. BELL moved, " That the Bill benot new read emu" 8501,31 '.','ltllf,"l, that 333332.?" the t ammonia. but that it be referred book to a Cout.. . a. , . br the Briti North America Act. " the principle of th , sruttee or the Whole House with instructions to amendment was acorreet one and could the tt ' amend the same by providing that nominations and wided for the whole province Ti rheuld b" pro- f elections ot Public and Separate School trustees in the city of Toronto if they dos'ired it. e given to l the city of Toronto shall be held " the same time P i and place. and by the some derrtutrtetttmlpieottioem, . The,amendmeut w" lost on the following dirt. r' " and be conducted in the same manner the voting 'gon'.-- B. king by "mammal; '/tret,th' and tee," f2 "As-are-a, Bell, 8inolair-t. l ~ ermen. e ve s was on o n s t . b' - duty in bringing the matter upin 'MA',' bee had 'd,'ttg:iil,fttgi',; 'deeat,2ligt't, Renaud, r Mi-" _ done. He had been 'equeatedtaidoso by numbers "i u , 001 Cs; t (I: 10; t Clarke (Wel- l br, of his Catholic ','atttnt and indeed ever one be "2:32? me. u , we it ton, 'ey', Currie, ' ' - . {a had spoken to, with bat a s nate exception, had sx- h Hereo 'lt'for'l', d" "h 1tt"ugtt'y Gra- _ " V T" incur-d hnnsell' in favour of the oonrsebe had taken. If". L d union " it arkin, unter, Kean, l ' _ ' to made the motion altogether in the interests of tht"lltt ", Eh 'dt CAltrputo, Lyin War. . . and Separate Schools. in understood perfectly well 'th. gum fyry' ' ?ftsLttti, yeritoy, ,. t how the petitions against the use of the ballot in Nessie. tr,,',",,'; 11g,yie,, Miller, Monk, yorritsi Sons: ate School elections had ttt got up in the city glow". no " ht Pardee, Patterson, Pup": , grt Toronto. The Roman Catholi ergy,by themselves Wd,'.",', 1:".an eukScott, Bt.ti.rypsi, Mrikor . and by their agents, Mood " the church doom and atterwort ' White, W difierd, Williams, ir-ra - canvas-led for names to be attached to the peti- e66. , "our. They were got up solely by the clergy, and 4 Mr. CODE moved to refer the Bill hack to (low I a in many cases the signatures were put down very mittee to b" amended by "Viking out the amount to _ much against the wish ofthose who had reluctantly be paid by County Councils to Collegiate Institutes l to dish. On the other hand, the petitions aski {or In, cisimed that tttt they had "Wadi! to duplicate the F _ the ballot were signed voluntarily, and those are" Government grant to High Schools. it was too much _ A names appeared on them represented over $2,000,. to make them pay $750 to the Collegiate Institutes as 1 000 1.'gfu', ll,',',',,",',",,',. ff, the change were not we". V ran ' esnpiorto t l areamonn of " . . . ' 'J/ll') would he 'gd'd'dl',d from th'e 'srl1h'l,Wugft Ito, amendment was declined lost on d'rvisioa. t which would dwindle down into a state ot iiriifi7il '1 he lull WW's mud a third time and ""5""- eucy. and the burden of their maintenance would be ELECTIONS TO THE ASSEMBLY . thrown upon a law who would be unable to bear it. I The Bill to make further provisions reducedr i Mr. FRASER said mm when he recollected that _ elections to the Misti" Amati, "a tthe up: ( _ . 1"a1's2hyoe'g"yrltytn gm hon-t annihilation who back to Committee oftbe Whole for certain "new j . n e umce in e t . city park " which a resolution was fdled'd'ou",' 33%,,sz having been made. the Committee rose pared in the direction of abolishing Separate M , schools. and when he recolleotod that the hon. I. OHIGHTON moved that the Bill be referred i gentleman had made a speech on that occasion and bye? to Committee Of the Whole to be amended by l ad taken part in the roceeedin s he could rett 'mkmg ot1t Section 13. so " to leave the village of . _ p g r P y . . well understand his position in regard to Separate Births in the Riding of West Huron for electoral '1 'tttlt, Rough. Fraser) did not doubt that he Till',; ; was we " u motion in what he believed lob omndmen wing vi- i the interests of Pitrg,t, Schools. vim. that the; I eion 1" twag 1ogt on tht toth a e on not cris u when he further recolleetgd - a that an IS",.', (it that! hut". gentleman's party-the l f 301:3; 12:33:: 'tld '1lg'tP'af,ltot't _ m not {an ins - on for weeks and month - ' t ' ' ' .. demanding titat they should be abolished, h. coal; ttrg2ee,iii,ts?lisiii,lt: Monk. Morris, h"- ; quite understand why he should be champion- _ , er, cot 'tw te--i8. hug this question of tht tieparaU Schools. NAYI. - Moms. Ballsntyne. ,e1t Boni1eld, i And he could fully appreciate why the Cbl'mm, Clarke, (Norfolk),' Clarke I t11iagtort), ' hon. gentleman rejoiced at the idea that b groan, (urrie, Finlayson, Fraser. Gibson. Graham; . "gown" ot the my of Tortmto representing so Larcourt. 'f,tfp, Hunter. Lane. Lyon 5ngoma). l large an amount of rateablc property as $2,000,090, _r..o.u turlton), oLows,McMahon, Mauro, Master. I i, Ind who now 'utTortedSeptwitt, Schoole,should ca " Miller, ' mowat, f),'Id,ortN"lt Pardce, Patterson. _ m do .0. It was "u... Hid ot th h , . Roles," blnolair, Striker, atterworth. Widiiiiold, --. . W f V811 eon.gcnle Willi' mun was so serious in promo " the change he I "a," Wood-at. , sought. because he knew perfectly well that in the a The Bill was read a third time. d .more he lamented ttusdutleu)tnttse more he disturbed I A - RETURNS and disgnieted the matter, the nearer he would come 1 Th f ll . ' warming the cried: he doubtless desired. He told 1 f . , ° t"rtttit "W" '0" "limit"! by tU Pro. the bon.'genllernun that when he asked that the l Fs. "mm sec""" "' city of Toronto Separate School trustee elections ' _ Statement ot the receipts and expenditure of the q ' mdgowswn ht sag"; any " municipal elec- e Province from 1807. " t 're. . Morwa Olowhohadai "a; l . , i the petition did not dorm. lfhr wished to limit: the C 3011:3323 Jl2lt"gpor,t,tT"u of aup"I m the ' . l Separate Schools in Toronto, an easy method would ', ', ' ' . _ y be to increase the expenditure. and one way ot doing Tl" House adJourned at or" tt'otopk. ', .. ' _ as: would be to hold their trustee elections on the u --.-.- 'lh"l/l day and Ith "leg', " which municipal _ AFTERNOON " "Iotr. * cronswcre e . " atf-tr' - . z Ste, the 3m!!!" Scion $9. "33:11:: led'; The Speaker took the chair at 2:30 o'clock. ' n e proposalo the hon. gentleman struck direet- I A " V at the root of "up"... Me had iton the Torr TORONTO C0N8oLIDATI0tt ACT. 1 best tttttt that many of those who had signed . 1:110 Bill repeountt the -ttrtqtr1idatiort and future l the pet tions did not kmw that thor were limitation ot the $ten6rtu debenture debt of the city , asking that Separate School elections should of Toronto was read a third time, the title being ' r be held on the same day as municipal electionau] _ given. "An Act respecting the debenture debtan - _ b and though the hon. gentleman had presented a pe- 60mm Property in this city of Toronto." gluon samba by two t'dt'ittitil'tfig thdis change, I MUNICIPAL ACT, ere h eon proton pe ions no by eig t Y Th Bill to d h M . , hundreds net is. Yettbehon. tleman's position ,' . . amen t ' nnicrpal A,et W re 'erred ' " 'rtg'tlgttt2 eight 'l'lu'lttrlh'l that they did I to Committ" of the Wttttitt for trttruitt tunendmentg. l :otnovawhxa: they mm tttht,',; The ti'htt',t,t', I _ Upon "ation M, 5 ' ad sai t t he met onyoneo sCatholic Mr. M ' I constituents that did not wish the changer. He could l lmlll srt!etlh'Ji'Megit'Jit','"r,',ht1,g,%'1aut , _ guy say that the hon. gentleman's knowledge of his I' and numbers of the police force into the hands of I ', ' "mummy Was very limited- ;110 oo. Fun!) we! i tha City Council,» there was a Board of Police Oom- i ' aware that numbers were opposed to it. and since missions" already appointed for each city and this the matter had been introduced he had been deluged would simply divide the responsibility Gia do- uith "It,", and kilograms 4tht til? it be not lug any real good. Amado. o creator ow con s to a ainst the a k serum: schools of the city of Toronto that to carry "tforay,,',',',,'.,', said the vote in Committee had been , out the object sonata lug the hon. mem- girl 'IG, Imago" It I'." thought that m small i , her, m. position was t " it was new..." 'lll'llhll s a 1'l1g,',"'tltg too extravagant in _ 'd , to protect the Catholic people of this Pro- ex V Ithlf, ttl eyusdded unnecessarily to the i vines easiest their own clergy. The Catho- mam. heeotho 0 ll' $.11 there was to be a motion ' , lie clergy had madeiarge "eruuera, and had been _ j in ' wh 111:" on. member for West Hart. . g'gt','d."ia2 their tsfroru to snake these schools a .' 'fdhilt tt 'ugtmted the amendment, "Wild in _ i success. 'h' y had put their hands in their pockets ' l . = ' , a. oootrittuto to their aid, and there had been no ', Mr. MEREDITH said he did not desire to make l diligence that had not been exercised in ) "Y motion, but limp" to call the attention of the ( l their gum" The mm who. knowing wtttrt l, Attormttkmrratto"uia clause, " he thought ita ' l _ mugging? canals?" ter, fg tin Separate Schools, l mischievous one. a e at in poop e o t a Province had to Mr. ' l be protected action their own clergy, uttered a of 1'iuWldrt5't,Nt',utg,? J'rlherg,'e'gtt', [ alander for which there was no foundation. Wear, 1 the Board of Police "iGGiirii'o,rG in those 'l,tt','l ', been lie was not prepared to stand there, " a 110- ' mightiest " well be wiped out. and indeedp that I man Catholic. and allow such an aspersion to he would he the practical elect When the wer to l _ t'tftc'i'lae resenting it as it deserved to be re. _ " the number of policem'en we the ".32? their l m . t hurl-i will was taken from the Boards he had no doubt they i _ / Mr. IoMAHON opposed the motion, as he did not wo d - to "ut. ? T ghink at: shonlli} it: passed ",t",S't the city of The clause was carried. l C ' v'ttle one. 0 . mt tn god for ' The Committee rose and re rted the Bill " , "2'."tilrif4 t iiii'it?: It"', Prov cc. amended, and it was read a this: time and passed. : r. RBI no " special in is] ' [ _ Jim should be passed in the matter of extending tn: ht MO THE MEDILAL ACT. , 't ballot to tuparirto Schools. Should he become cen- r. WAT moved that the order for the second i; vineed by next session that the Catholic eople of the ' gums: tf, if" Bill to amend the thttario Medieal ' : "lr,'Slii'de, 2, ',geg, of the ';)"4ll,1t'll'd"lt,r, N I F th Gfetlg/tfufi"2tf, 'ttttf, $032333; It [, gear.) " W 9 ensure in mqrogtinir it. "liar, I the proposed legislation and be had tberei'Ore deter- L in, - mined to allow the Bill to drop, and to send a de. I. n'igalggg: 2'l,12 gmhiuoathe haillot, 'lr,ehl'g'gir,1,', the LieuttttuuttArifvernor to the Int. l ' s . ' . , _ titan new no... ' we fl"lltlfttl,'xl'tth'A,leutrth" "mm"! s. 'DOKOGHUE knew something or the rela- Tho motion was Mud i, li '-.. _ . . . - l"""" the COME ml. or the city to their SUPPLEMENT ARY 1t8T19OTE& '

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