The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 10 Mar 1879, p. 3

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, ter Esti- you it would contsin s report of these two Sodom t ' The following 2tt..t the Supplemen , Mr. LAUDEB wee pleased to leer-F whet we- be-. . motes 'm then a." '- r in done by these Aretsut1ttnq end believed they T Administration ofitioss 'lt't, should be supported by the Government. F ' atheitem Miscellanea. ti, It M . . . r. BOULTER laid that for the Hurting: dip . Mr. umm'rn and te .9 "plugging? gt A trio: lost your three-quarters of s million its." j, mm of8t,81)0 to aid in "abhwmu Il'", roduets in worth of cheese wee shipped end if some moons of l T .. I tario """mm' "d agriotRtiu p . improving the quality of the goods monedtenth ' , I European foreign countries. could be devised, " would result in e ct gein ot . a ( m.w00Dssidthst In con-owe". ot 'tnt, "5,000 to the 'tsanufttotartret. no fartmad the IT L',' I cess of Mr. Ker-sun, Outerio Commissioner tl tl e irroirosed grant. . :, a. I Perle Iixhittltiott,tn ttttttttStieff/Ad,',".", The item was peeled. m":: . " T ments Into Frsncesn o ere I . F wt: mttnt tf4't,"gte"Ltt."tft2,udh"t,t'u't 22222223221229.2225"-.. " . _ . em or . . " - - , e,- ' 3331... use of that warehouse foe storing their ditionel grsngto be psid out of the Andrew Mercer Jr. t _ implements or other products. There "1111:0310 estate, $1,000. I . '.' expel!" to a" Grvtrenment in "mum" _ t . . Education 33 Mir. _ ' w ouse other than its qratatriisttttttrttt end not: ' , ' tax-Pee, " no Ontsrlo omwrwould , ttttled,; . supper BILL. . Tram" M,,ttt/d's'iuY","ill, 222..., Ltd "new? .2... We... . 31.... to 2.. m, t ' "'m" s' cc em sums o mono or ex nos o he thought it would result to the bargain olthe ( ','if'/Cl'2ll'l,I'l in 1879. Carried. PO . . oountrr. _ 2 1 fl st in ' i f Mr. unknown esked who would hsve the or- my: Bi lr""" I . , WW d, and third time . J , , pendingof'the mount of the gum . . ' m N .R L R In ' ' . / T , l Mr. WOOD we that the appropriation would be ONTARIO m E A A WAY common; "£13 ( R expended by the Government. Shae-Rd" If, the Bill, "l.'l'l'ftily the Ontario Min. v..-------" l " - i Government do " 1 '3, o, 'I' let: . ' , " m,ttd,efth%?d 05331.35? (Laughton) OTTAWA mean-sous murmur, Il) , u when the inter- The debate on the Bill respecting the Ottawa Cit LN _ , T " '2t,rlg'tfeieg,1eggdgt1'11'lg'l' been) Passenger Railway Co. was resumed. , t ii, . 0 Mr. BEACON seid the Bill would evokes st " If [ On the item Public Works, 85.00 , Ianation ot thl deal of discussion it it were gone on with, and 5:" t. , =-, Mr. LAUDER aakod ttrt m "it; would not be time to have it passed this session. ' : grant ot'o'S,000 for Trent River '0 l " Mr. O'DONOGHUE. Bftee tt few remark tttttrod E g I Mr. FRASER said that the Trent River works t _ . I, . s, I r a; _ l t sierred by the Dominion Governmentto the that this order be due arsed. -Csrried. , , it run I , 3. and.) Government. on the tt,'gt"ltue,tott!. F LONDON JUN0lla0N .BAILWAY. I , the Ontorio Government sho h t hich they I Mr._SINCLAIB moved to anchor-go the order of i bl. tor no sum farther than: . :tstions hsd ', the Bill concerning the London Junction Bsilwsy, . , Fs' "m trmpamd to "Mai with. on the i Mr. MEREDITH we this Bill had been delayed [ 4 I been mede that "In. g", d they", . large I 3 " the instencemt the hon. the Minister at Edna/- l ' , the, coaldbe done ""l' 'd." It mi ht he ne- I i Hon, and " would like to know the policy of the , it? "" ot lend might bo rec aime . 8' inor- , 5 Government upon it. The Rsiiwo Committee had , - cos-airy else to widen the churn" If, the P'" l l p the Bill slmoet u Only. rr -- d" to tscihtete thet tr/Ill" C'2",'t Government i I Mr. PABDEE did not know that the Government , a Mr. soon sets] the e h ld no, tro 2 had any special policy upon this Bill. It had been ' had atmuned tttyytl of the 'gt,','e,tt,"t1tit1', them , delnyed from various "Fhonit, and as it was Jt08r a r I, my doubt thst,tho "a" bur on o t The 'll2'lffl.'. i quite apparent that it could not pres. the hon. mem- , ' , would devolve upon the Govern-sen . d , her wes doing the wisest thin g possible in moving " . . ion 2f',ttnt,ltd 'g,'lNN2tr'itt' mag-Kat for the discharge of the order. 3 I no . . . 2cld until that event undertake the responsibility The motion was cerried. . tl Q of the maintonantmof the works. It was 'dt out: Pumag HEALTH. I to, ,t'rg,'t"St'ige "m mentioned in the n tmth Mr. f,e'ie,Rfltt,1l,), sskted whether it wss ' , g , we . . the intontiono t e vernmen to introduce.nm [ I . Mr. MEREDLTH said that the House'wes netted this session respecting the public health; and (ur- v ii ' , to vote the sum without P,'.'." information, for the l that, it it was the intention of the Government to 'd l Cl ' purpose. he thousht. of males the tiott. "NEW for , establish eOentrel Board of Health. clothed with . a . , . Nortluuaberland in his election. I ('powers to enact try-lows renting to provincisl pro. (l , . . Mr. FRASER said there wee no ground for the tection and sefety. 'fait',,',', ' I W22:°""°2°"-8°22'°'a22'.2222222h°2222 l an. new"... thomrgatirr. w , ter had a H.P? "9°". ' - ' l mums IN scum swoon. , ', I bore of both political parties. About S2'd'f, of the l . Is M 'f,AAlliiRfi1 Mked if it is the Intention of l I ' sum would be expended on the dense, And the Ir the a; erument durin the present our to . tat L. . I mainder upon pie-s andsurveys. _ ov . . a . y . typo , rr 'E uld th 1 kmseters any additional ','J.'f,fttihtlf, the South Bidiisg or _ , , Mr, SCOTT asked wh: weif Po! 6 4;; ti it Simcoe, and if so. it what municipality. , . Mr. FRASER "a t at .upon .oxa " on I . MOWAT said that licetione for such " ' ' ' were found that the remuneration of the loekmssters l pofit'iod h ed been receive 6.91;!" the "toot of l '4 2,, " w" a Ita', two" 2th't'."2 '/1'i'g,",n'1'U'ltt ' making appointments was under oomsideratiois. . i l vision wo mine e . ', , [ ,tl3 . : paid anything for that purpose. .3 l 21200"an uremia, run TEMPERANGE l ' ,.._ J The item was carried. i ' . .'. . . l .MEREDI'I'H asked whether " is atpro- , d Nr. CUB-REE 'iftdiht,1ttt,t lt/tfr/tht' a: N N ' 3 ceilings have been bt'te against the '/i'o',rsl?,r,tai,'o,i,l of i , airy associs ions . _ '. ' l of Yon e or t o recovery tt any por- _ _ " " ' r bovine, and G"i'di on explanation. , t,1e,rhe1',u't', of 'lSdgn'l the Temperance Act in , i . it Mr WOOD seid"there were few, if any. who Ithat municipality; whether it " it1tattdodtoprotse- l doubted the advisability of aiding these associs- l i cut; the proceedings, it any, which have been taken ' ' it: tions. The com"! ttgrioultural mum" "Wind 2 l against the said corporation, or whether the some , "i' T grant' ." high " 'i,400. "ef... in o0mparuott $0 \\ have been or ere intended to be abandoned. it . rf2,",'liiJfll ft,t,ftlg ld't'f'tat"vlJ'a"alJ,te; l l, m-.2'"222.:22222.22"2..2"2.2252222112222 .lll? c . '. _ . r' = "9°: 'uemfgg dulrying in vsrious places where ; ttrfci2iadn't.l Since then no further action had ' cheese was made, and ,"glg'f/d'." Gee was carat: _ been taken, and the time for doing 80 was new past. ( 's. pryim.r a" tlTeny '0 fl? 1 . m w" . THE R00ND-1toPaN. i, . ' 'it'lt'2.'t1 't,2h",iU,'.itutetrt't,'1,t'gt,yri'i"tr Mr. CRF,TGHTON asked whether it is the in? l l t ' V . C f tl ember for Uentre Wellington to y Mr. BALLANTYNE said tho vaitte of 2het fixrtvLOSHZ seslsgohntlw motion of which he gave notice _ ', j . ducts oithe dairy depended altogether uponh 't "we 27th Jay of January last, M. an wnwWHW i, " l _ . Quality. and therefore " was neoeisegdb e e wee. roumAissiml, or other pm" tiled m the , H, thorough knowledge of the business , o e For office or in the possession ot tho &Atprtterthraurrh l , l h" , ceased by the dairymen of tho Irovmce: Having cum the "was" of Hessionsl Allowences o i E , I ,I this fact in View, the Dsirymen's Aseocnstton of On- ',,t'stfe tth H of Aseelnbl during the ue. i, , , , tario had engaged s gentlemanwno we: the west t pdf,' bl fr/l.' d it ni t ','d not? I I , _ competent authority in America, if not in the world, I one 0 en , an l o ' r . [ 'tt , , . to deliver lectures on the matutfaetttrtt of tt?tirr.rrro-' Mr, OLARKE (Wellington) replied that it w? ' , WU : ducts at the various cheese c -ntres of the Province. subject which would have his serious consider? on: t , . .' The expense wus'sorious, but they were prepared (Cheers end daughter.) If e Ntirs.g optrortuat I of! , .'.", to beer it, "New"? tnat It would bring forth "N curred he might take some action in the matter. ud , , moqttrenetioial rcsu ts, It was expected to reach the .0, in the language of the question. 31031,!fo "a h - 7 _-. . , , mess of the people, end it was s well~known thet and lo ,Aelie.traamF5atqttiuE0 l . ,3 among dnirymcn that this would have the effect of N--., Mr. BELL uked whether there we! in ex! "on" C, l ' _ improving the product or the cheese factory. A. dairy ), . Board of License Commissioners for the city of ... tl, 2hu: ', ' i l . frir'hnd lately been hold in New York at \Bluch ey- ,, , . / ,J Toronto, If so, who mp0s. said Bonn}; end irhr f / J, f V ' l t I l . f is: i ' hihits were .ehowtt from "a, titate m m" m L r i i," had they not been gazetted "other Boards were _ "-re _ V _ , i (M I' l a f , _ which 2,"le, wort, rconducted, 'aged A' "a '. Li L this your; slso, whether there Ttytf'a'1f,r, M ', " , l l "'v . Ir .23 trom is es manu no ones in 'l, a n, . t .' ' ' J the Continent of Europe;' Beside; the. other a .- _ t 'dt"" ttre Wert York, " Ito, who M . 'ri t" , (p, ct, ' i " "? in or , . _ N _ r . priaes titeres 17tl 'l'll $rlghll'fl'tllll tul'.'. The A ' Mr. HARD! replied that there wee eBoerd of ' _ 1 J . ( ,1 f _ , 'tSI','):',"','.'?,', 1'Jerty on English {inn I but the . License Commissioners in Toronto. and their nemes ,3, - . I i a . I Judges, who were all practical menxend the most had been gazetted. There g"dn'a'2 endings; w. ( - L- t r / C . thoroughly competent for thcir pesitions that could ' tor of Income in West for ' s lulu tming r f a , th, . have been selected, thought it their duty to name Council. ' tw- _ . --o'em- .-. -p-- I l . H it) 'lt ttte, tret "Nib at}? tl', Lt',, t?,,'t,'dr,1,ht,f, renounce not m re.'?,",,',?,"),',',').",,',; . a, I. "C / stinct on to some c eese om n arm I me . f the Ho use or 7 ' t; he had himself selected, and he felt it); very great ', "$328313 'tl 1fg,y,'ytge1,tt and from J. a /, compliment indeed. As to the manufacture ot but- whom, on account ot ttstty, and costs in W" of a t , fg, _' tor, all were swore that the Province had A very convictions under the Tempcrsnce Act of "" lathe ', 'fs.' l ' _1'i-..tttt "e poorrttpatation in this line. What was needed was" West Riding of Peterborough during the yeer1878; i ' ,3. A . x g entire change of system. All knew that it eves stone l elso the expensel in connection with the "no, nnd , h _ 't' time thought that butter could be produced "I Orange " to whom at d, and the mounts paid to Commuter ( ' I and Delnwsre better than anywhere else; but, by I ers TIN,',' Inspector in respect of services 0! 'e . I, F . the introduction of the creemery system, Western s d 'suohyear. Car rie d. l I , F batter if..." J'fngl"1'h,fpedto ',iLt,'J,,'atl','d l comm. rumor: OFFICIALS. if. ", .- is he: re s s u r _ . _ Im, Pte manufaeturs varied iriiGlar, " that tho Mr. BELL moved for " order am. Home for s _ a f, magr'mmz"?$222.'h°2222"{.222'2'.:"222 2t"lg2"igir ttfytet'au'yptg"1'g',' or"... - c as . e _ . 'l 'l,'S'lt,elu1,i the "h of the "of, " that it was t/r'itdl"ira/ll we: 'dl t'f'p"fl'l','L', offences for which . m . high etendnrd should i" maintained. they were dismissed, the names of those who were , KI claimed that the Dairymen's Association had a": dismissed Ind we" eftorwurds either "inatated 2 I. 'tsown 1"l'gy,htte,t, tttld ifditttdr2d tlttir htt "term." t2vlg,f,tgye't"21af2'at,' i ' on n men e ions w r gym"!!! ls'lt'a'llf. (Charm) whet sums weret givenrby t"ti'gt,',1 6109 i [cigar . I , , til or uses 0 trans errin em en - r ' G Ir._CUl!-RIE eeldhe was glad hehed "0'?" lieor 'it') msny of the gueng or other omeieis 1y I this discussion, " be trusted when the resort It the l iiGl, been fuuid for whet olencss what sum such . , I e Committee of Agriculture was brought own next l ttnee amount to, a," hubecome iWiii money w l , .5 , . I f j 'tr, ' ...e,.-..-., - f9t,

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