On motion at Mr /eiod . . the II Uts' Mont. Into Uonmti'tett of s'upply out" a . . ..' , _ . Sinclair 1.. i!"' LL", and alter passing tho formal vote tur tJteit GOvcrnment the Committee rose and reported. THE LIBRARY. Mr. MOWAT moved tho appointment ofthe following Committee to act wtth Mr. Speaker in the care of the library .'- Messrs. Crooks, Deroche, anson (Huron), Harcourt, Meredith, Morris, and Boullcr. Carried. The House then went into Committee of Ways and Means, and adopiod the, usual tormal resolution. COUNTY COUNCILS. Mr. CIIEIUIIION asked whether it is the intention ot the Government to intro- duce during the present session any man. lure providing for the rcdyction of num. ber of membeis or otherwise slteriug the constitution of Couniy Councils. To Amend the Division Courts Act-Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) The following Bills were introduced and road the firot time. To Amend the Municipal Act-Mr. Calvin. Mr. SPEAKER called the attention of the House to the fact that certain pcti. Hons which had been received for increased grants to High Schools Wt'etr irregular, because they wrote addressed to the Lieut.. Governor instead of to the Legislative Assembly, and that they asked for aid, which could not be granted except on the recommendation ot tho Executive Com- mince. Mr. MOWAT-1 have tho pleasure oil saying in reply that the matter is under cont/adoration, (Laughton) GOVERNMENT COMMISSIONS. Mr. LAUDER moved tor an ordor for (1) names of alt persons appointed by tho Ontario Government, as Special Commis- sioners or Committees of Enquiry regarding matters penaiuiug to Proeitanai affairs since the year 1871 , (2) ultatcmcnt ofthc subject. matter ot .uwstigntiou or enquiry in cachcuse; (3) a smtcmeul of all ex- penses connected With each Commission or Uornmiueo oi Enquiry in detail. He said he deemed this to be a matter of great public importance. IIu blamed the Gov- ernment ior being eminently a Govern- Br Mr. JIarcottrt--0t A. G. Hill and clue-13,." Cli!ton,for an Act to incorporate the Niagara Falls 8treet Railway do. Also of tho County Council of Welland, fora Change in the present mode of conveying prisnncrs to we pettitens ttary. Also of Rev. John It. Battisby and trustees of tit. Andrew's Church, Chadian), for authority to sell certain lands. By Mr. Robintsoa-Ot the County Conn. oi; of Kent tor an umendmcnt in the Ditches and Walter Courses Act. By Mr. Morgtus-0t Wm. Collier and others, for the incorporation of the Port Rowan and Lake rhore Railway Company. By Mr. -8trilt,t.t-0t tho Corporation ot the county ot Prince Edward, to cot1ttrtn a certain bylaw. Fourth parrdiLLTLFir,t Session. The S . . . V t'eloek. maker took the chair at three ONTARIO LEGISLATURE; PETITIONS. The following petitions were present- INTRODUCTION OF BILLS, "HUSH l,? LAP. PETITION S ' n ot Mr. Wood, the House Uommineo of Supply, Mr, {he cy::", and alter passing tl Pi'LY Tones ro, Jan nary 13. Mr. MORRIS, relerring to the remark made by Mr. Ross, assured that gentleman that the Upposutiou would welcome that return. Air. Blake was ot opinion that minorities ought to be fairly repreSented, um would no doubt bring his views, with his accustomed ability, before the House of Commons. The Opposition in this House represented a wry large proportion oi the people of this country, and when this return was brought down it wo id show that, millmlly as they Wow, they were entitled to just and fair deai. ing iron! the majority in the House, where they Spoke the voice of more than 'heir number indicated. Mr. M0WAT assured the hon. gentle. man that chn it he had at his back only 'ne-ttmth of tho number he had they would still experience fairand just dealing trom this side of the House. (Hear, hem-f) [lo was glad to know that the hon. gen- Homnn was grateful to the people of this :Ountry for the result of the last election, 'or he anticipated with great joy what Ihis return would show. (Hear, hear, tttd laughter.) It was a feeling that they wind hardly have expected the hon. gen- 'lotnan to possess. (Hear, hear, and re- newcd laughter.) He was glad to know 'hat the hon. gentleman had become a whiten to one of the views expressed by the lion. Ar, Blakc--thear, heau0--anii he hoped this was just is beginning, and that 'hu hon, gentleman would soon become a woven. to all the views of Mr. Blake. 'Uhcers and laughter.) Mr. MILLER said a large number of votcu had been pound in these districts which did not appear on the Yotera' lists. He, howwcr, conscutca that the motion would pass as it stood, and he would makuu new motiuu (or the ialonaatioa he desired. ment by Commission,. and said it was necessary for the country to know the objects for the appointment ot these Commissions, the etrect of their operations, and the cost incurred thereby. Mr. MOWAT said the hon. member seemed to think that a Commission was a bad thing; buttit' he had studied what had been done by Commissions in other coun- tries he would change " opinion. A Com. mission was a regular, a constitutional. and an eminently British means for secru. ing information, and sometimes ot even preparing schemes on the basis of icgisla. tion. What the Government claimed was that every Coinmicston they had appointed Was a proper one, that there was a neces- sity tor its appointment. They Were quite willing that any investigation should he mode, but Would like the motion \mciuled so as to cover the whole period of government since Confederation. With this amendment the motion was unanimously carried. ELECrIr)y RECORDS. Mr. ROSS, in the absence of Mr. Derocho, moved for an order tor a return from the records of the elections to the Legislative Assembly, showing the aggre- gate amount of votes polled for each can- iidnte in each electoral district in which there has been a context, the total number polled in each division, and the number of names on the voters' lists of the same respectively, and the population of each constituency) shown by the last census. Mr. Ross remarked that he had no doubt t the .Oppomtioa would read this return; With considerable interest. (Hear, hear, 1 and laughter.) I Mr. MILLER thought the motion ought J to be made to include the number of votes l polled and the number of inhabitants in ' unorganized districts, such as Algoma I and Muskoka, Mr. MOWAT thought that the included that. information. Mr. MORRIS prcccoded to express regret hat tho leader ot the Government had not not the overture of the loader oi the Op. woman to avoid asperities with a frank ind generous response. Mr. MOWAT said the hon. gentleman must have boon asleep, or he would have land that he did respond to the offer of he leader of tho Opposition In a Mumm- pirit. The motion was then carried. UNIVERSITY yiA't'1ut.AJLAN1'tJ. Mr. METCALFE moved for a return oh -1, The number of regular students, if motion