Fourth Parliament--First Segsion . The Speaker took o'clOCk. The following petitions ed :---- Mr. MOWA'T presented the report of ithe Committee appojuted to prepare and report lists ol S:anding Comunitteecs, as foilows:-- By Mr, Sinclair~--from and others, of Wiarton, for corporate that village, By Mr. Parkhill--From the Township Council of Essex, in the county of Simeos, praying for relic{in the matter of Hamil.» ton and North«Western Railway Company. By Mr, Morris--From the Corporation of Toronto, for an Act to amend the Act respecting the debenture debt of the city ; also for an act to revise, consolidate, and emond the several Acts relating to the iaid city, and for a charter, By Mr, White--From the Windsor and Essex Centre Railway Company, for an Act to amend its charter, and to make valid certain by--laws grauting aid to the said railway company, By Mr:: Watterworth--From the Port Stauley, Strathroy, and Port Frank Ruil~ way Company, for an extension of time in which to build the road, By Mr. Lyon--From ratepayers in Buniab, for an Act to create the town. ships otf Blake, Crooks, Pardee, Paipoonge, Necbing, dcKellar, and two islands in front thereo!l, iuto the municipalilty of Neebing, Pruviugaes axp Engcrroxs,. -- Messers,. Mowat, Awrey, Ballantyne, Blegard, Hon-- field, Cascaden, Crooks, Fertis, Graham, Mawley, Lyon, McMahon, Mack, Nairu, Neclon, Paxton, Peck, Robinson (Kent), Robertson, Waters, Baker, Bell, Broder, Harkin, Jelly, Metcalie, Mouk, Near, Rich-- ardson, Tooley, White, Parkhill, Rosevear, and Scott ; quorum, nine, Prmvarse Brurs.--Messrs, Awrey, Badge-- row, Baxter, Cascaden, Chisholw, Field, Fraser, Freeman, Gibson (Huron), Graham, Mardy, Harcourt, Hawley, Hay, Laidlaw, McCragaey, McMahon, Mack, Miller, Muar-- ray, Nairn, Neclon, Patterson, Robinson (Kent), Sinciair, Springer, Striker, Waters, Watterworth, Weks, Widdificld, Basker-- vilie, Beli, Broder, Calvin, Creighton, ONTARIO LEGISLATURE: French, Markin, Jelly, Lauder, Lees, Meredith, Merrick, Monk, Morgan, Morris, Necear, PaurkhLill, Rosevear, Scott, TFooley, White, and Wigle ; quorum, nine. Raimways, --Messrs, _ Appleby, Ballan-- tyne, Bishop, Blezard, Caldwell, Chis-- holm, Cook, Crooks, Deroche, Drydcu, Gibson (Hiamilion), Hay, Hunter, Liviag-- ston, Lyon, MceCraney, McKim, McLhaugh lin, Willer, Pardee, Patterson, Paxton, Peck, Ross, Robertson, Robinson (Card-- well), Sinclair, _ Watterworth, _ Wells, Widdifield, Young, Buaker, Baskerville, Bell, Boulter, Calyin, Creighton, French, Lauder, Lees, Long, MacMaster, Meredith, Moerrick, Mcicalfe, Morgan, Morris, Park-- hill, Rosevear, Seott, Tooley, White, and Wigte ; quorum, nine, Srtanpixg Onomnas. -- Messrs. Appleby Badgerow, Bishop, . Bonfield, Ceidweli, Cook, Deroche, Dryden, Field, Freeman, Uibson ({lamilton}, Patterson, _ Hunter, Luidluw,hiviugstou,Lyon,McKlm,Murmy, Paxton, Springer, Baskerville, Bouiter, Broder, French, Harkin, MacMaster, Mer. rick, Metcalie, Muck, Parkhill, Richard. son, Rosevcar, Wigle, and White ; quorum, vine. P rixtina. --Meesrs, Baxter, _ Deroche, Fraser, McLuughlin, Robingson (Cardwel]), Sinclair, Young, Baker, Boulter, Creigh. tov, and White ; quorum, five. Posuo Accovxts.--Messrs, Badgerow, Ballantyne, Ferris, Gibson (Huron), Haue court, Hardy, Ross, Striker, Wood, Young, Creighton, Lauder, Meredith, Merrick, Beott, Long, and MucMnstur; quorvum, STANDINXG COMMITTEES. Lxomscartiv® Asssacouy, --_January 14. ar took the chair at threo PETITIONS. James MceKim au Act to in« were present--