The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 16 Jan 1880, p. 2

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ber represented, -- Ferhaps with som 'ther amendiments this Bill would o bye be pur in such a shape that t; wcould ger some advantage from it. _ Mr, GRAHAM assured the hon. mem. "ber that the Act had worked weil during the past year in his county, and it was going to uo still better in the tuiure. _ Mr., CREIGHTON remarked that this Act was yet so imperfect that of the $200,-- 000 set apar. under it only $700 had been applied tor, aud that was by the township of Warwick, in the county the hon. mem-- ber represented, _ Perhaps with some fur. _ Mtr, MEREGITH thought the Treasurer should give itne House some imiormatiou as to how this Act was working. CC ._Mr. WOOD did not think a motion*for a return siould call for any explanations from him. _ ie could however see no objection to amending this or any other | measure whose practical working showed l amendments to be necessary ; for they ! 'could no:w expect their legislation to be | {perfect from, pae boginning. 'The Act had | not yet bad a fair trial (bhear, hear); for | during the very depressed period oi the past | iwo or three years the farmers had quite enough to do to keep themselves afloat, | Nevertheless, there had beenu severai ap-- > plications un @¢r the Act. + Mr, MEUQEDITTH--About how much ? Mr., WOOD conld not say precisely, but something line £8,000 or $10,000 . The motion was carried, | JNFRINGEYENTS OF THE LiCOENXsre d Mr, LAUDER asked the mover to state how this measure was working in Woestern UOntario, as it haa been a hobky of the Lon. member's, Public, Separate, and High Schooils, LCONVEYING PRISONERS, &c. Mr. CASCADEN asked when the return stating in detail the name and cost of con-- veying each lunatic to the dificrent asy. Jums ; prisoners to the penitentiary at Kingston ; prisoners to the Central Pris on ; boys to the Reformatory ; for the years 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, and 1878, ordeted on the J.d March, 1879, willt be pre-- sented. * Mr. MNOWAT said the information wouid be contained in a return ordered by the House yesterday. . The moti--u was withdrawn. TILE DRAINAGE, Mr. GLLiAIIAM moved tor un order oi the House tor a return showing the num. ber of appiications since last session for loans which have been made under the Tile Draimnmage Act of 1878; also the amended Act of 1879 ; the muaicipalities by which such applications have been anade ; the sums actually paid out of the fund and the municipalities to which such payments have been made, Mr, MEREDITHA said he did not know the object of the motion, but he would ltke to call the attentrion of the Govern. irent to the course taken by License Com. missioners in some parts of the country , In London the Commissioners had em. ployed a mau named Donaldson and his wile to go about to induce People to in. fringe the law, and then inform on them, paying them so much for each conviction . Some people not at all in the liquor busi. ness hau been cunvicted, but a charge of perjury was brought against Donaldson, and it being sustained he was sent to pri. son,. -- ie betieved that the county of Lin. coln had a case ot a somewhat similarp nature, and he thought the Gorernment should adopt some measures to prevent the repeutiou of such fHagrant abuses, Mr. BELL _ held that license affairs in Toronto were in a disgracetul State, For some time there was OHly &\ Mr, GIDSON (Hamilton) moved for an Order ot t1ne House for & retucn jor the years 1877. 1378, and 1879, showing for each Lnceuse Dusirict in the Province the number of couvictions under the Act re. specting the sate of termented or spirit. vuous liquors, for:--(1) Selling without license, and (2) scliing on Sunday or atter seven o' clock ou Saturday night, or during any other days or hours, contrary to any statute in toree in the Province or any by. law in force in any of such districts p showing also how many Of the latter class have, subscquent to conviction, beeu re. licensed. rought against Uonnlfison, stained he was sent to pri. ved that the cou uty of Lin. LAW,. THE LiCENSEG DV --a ns tavmers one _ Commissioner, and hbe _ doubt._ ed ifi the fall number even now was appointed. . He claimed that the power of licensing had been used to in. Huence eclections. _ If this conduct on the part of ofticials was without the sanction of the Government they should look into it, and the officials, it guilty, should be dismissed, -- lic had charged his opponent with this as tue clection, but hs believed that personaliy that gentleman was iree from it, © Mr. HARDY said it must be plain to eyery hon member that in mauy Cases the personul vhorts ot the L'lCc'usc lbuspector could not secure convictions, even pf. people who | were flagrantly and con,| tinuaily & violating the law. Petec-- | tives woie therefore appoiated, particy, | larly in the cities, to secure evidence against such people, These detectives could only be appointed by resolution of the Board, sanctioned by the Department. They were, he believed, except in small places, paid a stated allowance, If, how. ever, their recompense was condiiiux_ml upon a cenviction being secured, ihs in« structions of the department were that & conviction should not be pressed upon the evidence of the inspector or detective alone, but if possible to let it rest on ollle side evidence, By this means also those officials wore gaved from considersable odi um which would altach to them were they with the believed ven*r by the leader ef"thes QpposttiOn, sa@fiion had beeu given toasme puyments mads to the party spoken of, fie believed that the cases mentioned by the hon, mem-- ber were the only ones of the kind that l had occurred, and that with these excep-- tions the law bad worked with great sates faction, (Cheers,) Iu reference to wh;u! bad been sarid by tho meimber 1for| West Torouto, he believed that it was only for ao-- short Otime that thete Were I With re loroni altoge: man w tind ti holdin nolding dicenses in LForoit»a were goou Couservatives,and this, it anything,shoutd disprove the allegauioos made. There were, pr n;?;,_',', cases n w hich Conserva. iives had not been granted licenses, uut he bcelieved that the refusals were based strictly on the merits of the several cases, The hon. geutleman -- should not, betore he was prepared to make a specific statement, bring forward general ac-- cusations of this character, _ (Cheers.) With regard to the candidate who had come so very near defeating the hon, member, he (Mr,. Mardy) did not know of auything biameworthy in his conduct. Tue License Board ot Toronto was, he be-- lieved, generally regarded as a gzood one. and the Inspector was beneved to uave performed his dutics with alt diuizence. Mr, LAUDELR--Thece is more dissatis-- faction tnan ever witlt the law, Mr. ELRAsEli--And more convictions by means ot iv . (Cusers and laughter. ) Mr, LAUDER attacked the cousse fol. lowed by Pr,. UOgden in becoming a can-- didate agmuinst the present member-- dot West Toronto, cluim:ug thiut tv. Ogden was a Governiment official up to the ver) aay before the elecction, Mr. HABLDY said that if his memory served him weil Dr. Ogden -- haa fe-- signued his position as License Inspector immediately on becoming a candidate tor election. Mr, LAUDER said in any case it was no credit to tae Government to have bad as a candiuite on their side a man who was a Government ofticial up to the eve of the election, and whose resignation was not published, aud noi generally known by the electors even up to the day of the contest, 'The Provincial Secretary had accused the member for West 'Toronto ot reckiessness, yet he himself was guilty of the same in saying without any authority that tweive out of fiiteen of the lhcense Mr. LAUDER --Aad with very liitle success., Mr. HARDY--Considering the difficult naiure ot tue work, 1 tunk with very great success. mt nolt tWo regard to ito officialh: het box 11 NC ils the ves 100 i U OA al( W C ( 'en muuet i statemen If the r t! ( n 1N h« U Cl ss10nge's, d of the ade were sentic-- U ood 11

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