The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Jan 1880, p. 1

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se e -- pomanwrrean® t1on of the Government during the p;cscnt i ession to introduce an amendment ONTAR'O LEGISLATURE' :o tho Election Law -- in the direc-- * o C ion indicated, _ He dlg l:thl thi|nk 1 P : r it was expedient to amend the Election Fourth Parliamsat--First Session. Tew hok you o. Hhar) "It Milauibe weemmgeceanian proper in the last session to see whether Lraiscarivs AsssxsBuiy, some use(ul amendincnts might not be 'F Jun: 19 introduced, but until then he thought | Toronto, Jan,. 19, they had better postpone any legislation Mr. Speaker toox the chair at three on this subject. o'clock . GRaAND JURIES, PETITIONS®., Mr. METCALEFE moved for an order for i The following petitions were pre-- a return showing the cost of Grand Juries sented ;-- s for the years 1876 and 1877 reqpcctively \ __By Mr. Chisholm--From the Credit ' .\\,\, in each of the counties in Ontarcio, / | Valley Railway, for an Act to amend \\"\' Mr. ROBINSON suggested that the | Acis respecting that railway. \ \ ,' t khould add to his motion, -- ""Also | _ By Mr. LaiJlaw--From the County \\ the number of criminal charges preferred, ' Council of Wellington, tor a change in the | \ A\ / and how such chirges were disposed of." system of conveying convicts, &¢. ) / If, as had been slated, two--thirds ot ail ' By Mr, Mack--From-- the Corporation of ' 4 the charges preferved were dealt with by the united countiecs of Stormont, Dundas, * the Crown Attorney, it would seem better and Glengarry, for an Act to provide for that the work of Grand Juries should be the keeping open of roads in winter, placed in the hands of Crown Attorneys, By Mr. Gibson (Hamilton}--From the | or that we stould 8d0pt.tb° system which North Simcos liailway Company, tor an , | had been guccesatully in existence for a Act to confivra a lease of their line to the | | long time in Sco:land. Northern Railway of Canada, &¢. | Mr. MOWAT suggested that the sug-- Also--From the Great Western Rail way gestion of last spceaker should be em. Company, that Acts applied for by the bodied in a subsequent motion, Lambton (Central Ihulway may not pass. The motion was carried . Also--From the same, that Acts applied # 5n | for by the Port S'.uul::y, Strathroy, and NORTH.WEST BOUN DARY, | Port Franks Railway Company may not Mr. YOUNG moved for an Address to pass, the Lieutenant--Governor, praying that he | Also--From the same, thatan Actapplied will cause to be laid before this House any for by the Brie and Huron Railway Com-- papers or correspondence which may have pany may not pass , | p)aslqd bethen the UOle'nmo'nt. 0(: the | By Mr. Striker--From' the Village | Province and tha.t. of_thc Dominion in re-- | Council of Trenton and Township Councils gard to the confirmation of the award of ?of Murray and Ameliasburgh, that the the arbitrators in reterence to the north. ; } € it > + + west boundaries of the Province. _ There . , charter of the 'Treut Valley Railway Com-- s uid ' Te 4 | pany be revised, had been, he _ sai ew _ que--tions | | 4 R which had awakened _ a more | | _ By, M«, Meredith (for Mr, Scott)--For general interest in the Province than that | | the legalization of certain by--laws with ot the final determination of the arbitra. reference to the 'Toronto and Ottawa tion between the Dominion and the Pro-- Railway Company. vinee with respect to our north--western By Mr, Meredith--From the Dominion | boundaries, and when the award was made Grange,for a reduction of the preseut Pub-- | there was a general fecling ofs;uisluction, lic Schuool midsuminer vacation. | he bsiieved, among men of both parties By Mr. Deroche--From the Lambton | with the way the case had been placed | Central Railway Company, for the revival | before the arbitrators by the Aitorney-- : of their charter. * | General, _ At the close of the last session By Mr. Ferris--From the Sheriffs ot l of the lU_On'l'."i:'" {)u.rli,".l.l:c")t "".:'J Yucve several countics, desiving to be heard genct® t_"'"'b §¥ "L'l" C '"t'" & '(l; tresult before a Committee of the House with of the award f'"d Nob {ormsil¥. Dted AC» reference to certain alterations as to feos. | knowledged by the E ederal Government, o 4 w & s Prior to the 5th of June last it was stated j By Mr. \'Vlddlficld--l' rom the County by one party that it was absolute. Council of York, for an appropriation to ly necessary to bhave the Dominion and survey ths proposed routs of the Huron Ontaro Governments in accord, and there and Outario Stiup Canal. had been some who said that the Do. By Mr. Badgerow--From the same, for minion legislation on this point was with. an ailteration in the Road Company's held until after the time of the election Act. with a view to influencing the resuit so By Mr, Patterson--From the same, for as to secure this accord. (Cheers.) He did a clearer definition of their powers as to noi clum that this was the case, but the York roads, &¢. whether dthe l)uuufnionl Uodwl:rnmom had m CECES Ch e any good reason for the delay--ard he INTRODUCIION OF BILLS. had sgcu no such reason ndvuuied in any n w -- BE f of the public prints--would be shown by "n(ih:::m{otlll'g':-::;': til'[:'l(:':___"em introduced ' the _ returus when they were brought 7 vide fot the divigi ' down. In a question ot such gravity -- h 0 l:fli' ide for the ivision of the town. | one in which the rights of the Province ship of Luther--Mr, McKim, * were at least temporarily withheld--they To amend the law for the protection of | should forget party and work together for game and fur.bearing animals--Mr. Mere.-' the bencfic ot tha Province, (Cheers . ) dith (tor Mr. Wigle). | He trusted thatithe Attorney--General would To legalize certain by--laws of the tow n fully understand that men of both parties ot Oriliia--Mr. Cook. nonhld sgppurt him in any measure he iicrras 6 Tw might adopt which would secure th THE LICENSE Law, rights of the Province, ° Mr. HARDY drew attention to a misap-- CcoUNTY JUDGEY FEES prehension of his remarks on the infringe-- { ments of the License Law as reported in Mr,. HARCOURT moved for an Order of.the ; Tus Gnoms. We desitred to say that whore House for a return showing the aggregate deiccrives were paid for securing a con-- fees received by cach Judge of the County viction the instructions ot tne Depart-- Couri in this Province in connecticn with ment were not to let such corviction restl his dutics as Judge of the Surrogate upon their evidence unless it was corrobo-- Court tor the years 1878 and 1879. He rated by others, lu speaking on this puint' ppimcd out that in this couutry the prin-- !lu bad not made any reicrence to the ciple was admited that Jndges should not luspectors, who were paid their salary be paid by fees, yet there was present the | ivrrespective--of the result of the trial, ?xaou;':xly of the County Judges receiving @T Rop ges tor services under the Surrogate Court. ELECTION LAW . He did not speak of the judges' fularies,for Mr., AWREY asked if it is the intention | whether they were or were not sufticient of the Goverament during the present | had nothinug to do with this case, He be-- session to introduce an amendment to the | lieved that in some counties the judges Election Law, so as to change the mode of ' received as much as $1,000 a year under marking the bailot, or to assimulate the | the Surrogate Court Act, and he nheld that form of ballot used at the Ontario electious it would be weil, if necessary, even to add to those used for Bominion cieciions | ' to the salaries in order to abolish these Mr, MOWAT said it was not the inten.| | fees, _ _Mr, MOWAT, whilo not objecting to e i Hemmmmmmmmmmmme.llllll

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