The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 21 Jan 1880, p. 2

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. . _ f'i i "u i" P ".' "n w Irc It pr, i. " C" C .C' f'iif?c".ri s'1"k'tv" _ " 3""- _ _ "e, &1, . . _ ", . " 'firF1 Il xi. P5Pt C", Q,' _ "If ' , . . . V . aspessiblc co . .' . ___ \ , T " -.- , ".9dout, and the Uannd . __' t . ', _ . . :y 'fit',','?,,,'?),?;,; the Olly books in Nights $335: .' ' , body "mill" with tho motory or these pfmie knew V cal ttterite Tst?,,':'."; With regard to we mmmnh , , that very many ot them were utterly no: do to lietrt ' Partuteut w t'tt there was an onion in the De. T work, and in the ma.nitsirttlit.r. ianliich he lived making book. ucquunted with tir' businou of r, ' the Corporation and private ituiividualst bad to pay I ot' books p, who took apart one of own an". tosetnd than people out of the country other they I '. . orb}. ex 'u! thoroughly examined it, Thu-result, nod been not here at the expense oi our people. I _ I iii/hu",?'.",':",'.',',',',', was placed [Mum the D-'puty- no out not makoInny attack. been": he did not "the who": "termini. before himself. And one think the Immigration question u tit platform for _ . Should i','r1'hef nuthririzition was that no book such it tooling. out he pointed out that every man t waa o 'old by a publisher unless it who ttauto out midtown! 'imunill to hue been de- . ' Intamped that it was authoriz-d And solved by the irresponsible Iteainboat wont who a IlIhut " had gone through the regular examination lad "(laced him to come out. became on tttttive y l "N only (mention for him tT'l,iriiidri. was the "out hinting the whole Dominion. and wrote at . r . ' prim at wlucit authorized books should Le sold. one? to his friends to worn them against coming : '. ' He had Poiutvd out to me publishers tuat the to Condo. It was claimed by the Mail that the . a greater p." of the value ofthe books wltica they mount of the aqatUted portage was not paid by the " honed won in their being authorized. lint he could Dominion Gave: ument until the party had settled , not know that an", In" a certniuzy of ttrtsat prac- in the. country for some time, but be read the war. , i', T ttgal rBsults, no notwithstanding alt that had been rant. which contuinod an agreement signed by the done the PublialusrsuadcouabuUd with ariow to itttcntrtrrtr, "my?!" that he would repay the ' . union tho price of the readers. anion-it sittiieInairtance ff, "1111311 three months he . I 'Ar:-, Mr. MtsHt"acK-.aro the rioo b . c i not y t eth econ: Iry an follow agrieultu. V _ " " I for books and? a, 'ldl','ld'Jld 1 tda cng f: rmleurium. when") flue Untuilo Government tiilEi , I F" charged than " others. 1nty2a"re,f1t/,Tv') vpcciui agent at Quebec tu Mop I - _ , _ . ' u ' l l . I s. an f Mr. CROOKS "id-Ulf his regulation were curried 'l,21U.'s' to this 'le/IPI/that/trt/tl mm?" ,.,. out each book wouldlbear on imprin', showing that hundred noo~ ie . , '" ttt tiet'eu I » it wu outlioriled. and the prion at'which it was to K I r r. .. ' ow'.,",,, be sold. Nowilm hit Ittclition but! been called to $bur: "AitI" "5"?- Or leveli hundred heads of 't the _t\mouiit r'busineu energy displayed by tho "mum" WCrd they 'autt _ T ' ' F Publishers it . ould be necessary for him to wow it Mr. i1hY--Wall, We'll say simply tix or a _ Te I i " ,t'gt'.'n'tli,", t "within; the action of the Depart- I hundred people. I would rntlnzr be 'u'Uf/ciC'l ', P. ml]. " -'r otrrotrtr. .).;. . / . T honour of the zubolishzn t,"2rrrli'tu'c""rt,,2e i 'i7,:r'sy/c11'di, Eltfli'ir'JliWQrG quite ready to .' 4 one incised but if "COO-Sat h " a I I -:- p g . ore Wlttt were needed, but , ' y 6 would it." could not pa7 out money to encourage the un- ' ' "0|! be [Nimrod to have the D.wtrtrutntal stirrup I migration of those who were not needed its0 who . rr l upon each copy ot every book tuned. (Cheer: hal ttot'oettbsrgaincut'ur. Yet notwititstaruti ' I it" tug,u2'lit/,"iyt, 1,',Ai the argument its to tltest) eirot"_stht, Dominion flovernimmt hull 39!le _ r- I . '. . ' ', . ai+ n I C ot book! was: be 'l,v,,'e,1"te'Lf. 'tyi/le/ite)':','? that? 'li'1'f'/'1i'i", /h Its-ctr own expense. But of I I ' teacher: who were thoroughly itcq'taiatod '?.,rfl" 'ji'l'2i'd, w. BlSTSEE'hjét gammy a lou/il,',', tiliatty of this . g t their duties was io use the backboard very largely I} $1,151,)" come ii the 1"2Ul?,y all" tf, tltege ' is no u substitute for bouke. iiu was oieourmat tttttalt of the Notional Polio o- . f "1hf, as o . gt , liberty to secure the beat tufornrution he could upon can-3o he believed there Was in," "1'01: w tatarer . ' P," "" suhieet and impart iturhis punil'mndeuro Dion:- Py'b for labour than t l', ',"tt',,e,"e.1,. and - , N must tre takmt to tavoid "W danger iu"iittid rc'rpeet III'II| will He doubted event! :1 "no ttithin being [mild to'dh'",oe,ie,iotut of the Lepartrnev.t 'l)l1'd) 't"iiri,"/iiiiG7iii to 'Ill',','; atld"l'l"l,i')tui/trih' l ' uiiuiitiorm-i tOO a min used in the tyeltoo . r F, . A textobook mutt bo Clio: u- one of "lot-cw}: f,'h"i"'t Jf Stl sum. Pl5.1,P. be brought "ck ll F, T merit could ttot be produc.-d to order. The din i . '. l . 1""",'rl,t It " mod 'tirittitenteetrttom, among . which he proposed to pursue would, he 'd,"lu,l'/d I 1uJ/:"2'i',",i,'i, "#31121? bail? 'e""1g,asgdl [gull I ., Icliiove bc.h merit and chtsapnes., in tho tcX '. on vattly . I ' '1", r f ' l; books. The publishers theusolves were urti- , " 'E' 3 very I'?:'!'.?..", so Ily? "i?" would po ' ' patrol to have tin tuattue to the decision 2f tl o [to I '/','t',/go:1, "for 'frgg? of! "in on" than duriui! ' parttuent, tta to I," Winning.) tiioy "In": by the I ly at a if": d t st,,/"/y',t,,'y.idt0Li,1t; hep-Ins utter- I T , atttupri-ttron of ihu books on the our inmd, and tlto minim Tag "I; (reliant why the; Dominion tlor. j return which tttcy silo-lid gun in mi-nt and rhmi-i- I iii,',",", re' Lt or",. I'M'Hor "3'" t1"? pttsisted ttt 'II "Phn ot work m. the other. Me lcut "hunted ai/G, I ','dllrd'l'l. an Po my: -l e bolmycd it to "f' tho most A, w new word: ofcxplanir:iots b tonne utauypeupl" no _ iiit'2 a 'iot"wr,'l', mum any 1ioFernmont had lol- " E believed. had too "tict idvus " to 3:49 /. gr I." 1 I " Gini ran it. surdlto speak of on! mean: of " , ' mountiny which could be roach-ll in the pursue ttttsit I l 1"lllilllio; Gayle" PLOII'O a air they Elmer Dual!" il . . ot' thew works. "my Fun" to "In," t'xicot to I l "I 2,.0 b t 1'.e."y'..y. J",',)',, stop tie evxl mite I: I , = lost, eight of tlw bs,vto vi Which to irabiiaiier l . In" I y airing on ty tie pawn-r of the steamboat " j mourned. of the CI. '.. sled and mi on" _ agents, lie tyrttyyialsotyptuo very close whom it; C'. mm and care r. . ' "I i: . ' ' -. it). " might tro docirablc to assist were not Assistcd- , "d ' " i ILL -- . . l Lililyln... on his vim-- femnlo domestic servants 'ihe only reach which by in". may mu t not, a an. rorcvt the talent and he could see for this omission was th ttl 'irll " . ', labour of the author exp .ndod in thy: first Produc- were not mentioned in the e q. I g m 1'l I l-e _ tron olthc work. The text books used in our schools - Wit-lover iii ht be the to u I???" want: tr, i - . were of a tttore meritorious ciao now than ever be _ could be no and" that 'dltflh' o "hf2,"'lth',S,2 I :'. . E tore, and would compare favourably with those in rstted by it we", lhe "Dumbo ( pm p "P' to dub I useiahugla:nlorclscwhcre. tit, had Ilium: to imi- the Allan lino did the bulka tco'll,1?'l/t,"l'i,', m I', ' r F form, and he Would tli'liuvour to do Juistictt be. them partieultsrl Ho [Rhinos m , 'll", anti"; tt . ' '. twtttrn the publotlusrts and the public, and he would ' 310.000 to 820 Wilbur! been rude 'l,',' the a; m't"l I _ I , I endeavour to 'eott re the bent clunofhonits, MlUll I I authoritios iu'allnglo yenrllnd {his mo": 'ell ir"t' l I ." would ertuemsad tuetyt'iyes to tlo Caeltert, in ' I taken from the D oplo of. the Dominion. ylie . .13; Ir,' Blen,Ul'i. llIo teiyr",li/'cii" vi'/"1td'/'ettic1'o" the I ', however! expressed the warrtteigt anprobo: I "hi' our!) ortomiueu am Lli .Ll'llt, (l, Huh) I tion ".1 another portion of the Domimon 'tt Mr. Mr, ii Abbi: wt, cla I to hour that there w" I l emigration politt-that ot bringing out (16ng than: _ P13. I inclining». ui m'wiliilu ttitlrttstitv'ttn thuprtee ol au- I of tumult tanner: to personally hup'cct the rc- ." l . lhurlk-d seiilul in is. it . l' ..lld n a dam, that tho N I sources ot the country. no had no doubt that "7 present books, w.~rc in nil eases "pm-u: to thine Ns, I though the report which would be made by the 2" formerly in use, particularly in u... l, m, of "relling I N t delegates to their {Hands would not be so lull as 'ds.' noon and tooth". He gun- the mum-r oi Hilu- '; l i it they had resided in the country. yet they would 5': cation eevry credit for who! ho had dour in the l , reeturo far more credence t.!taa those ot "tetvaliy cf; cautustrf education, but he thought much may" yet I l ar'pc.i!ttc't1.astortty. He behaved that the "names; , "it"':, be done to clieupen tho prices at school bookl. I "f""dmll"; ',',ndle,1t,', o/ Po t/:',Ut, of 'YP, Pt?- ii F» r'. , . , . Vince wt're, no o 10 common lororument at in. I ' ya." I Ibo motion was cur. I. Wino step which they had tikcn. (Chow-u.) He I t t . IM lllUitA'l tr'..N. dcsircd to give them full cri-dit fur this, its he did " fit', 't. ' to condemn them .or their tetncloig handing over to i it k I Mr. HAY moved for an order for a "an". for tho "responsablo partwa of such pom-u as they had A 'IE' ' reds 1876 ohowing 'i/.1id,"l,' lilimbcr ul' emigrant done. (Chem-3.) I " Ti", {we pus-en gin-n file "found Agent at Hid-hat! . ' . V... - a in" from that port to points of destinatiou in /il..f'r'i"oc. iPa,%1l"c,',rtl r.t/d"tl,eJ,,1'('J',',t,'t'/,'tafhY fy, . " _ t m." . _ l oi . . ' ' . t . t _ 3': te') 't,'yti"ed" /t'1'rtt)lo'li', tlt "t/"a'tg,"iscif rcpt that running to the mnounto of moricy brought I ' . t'ti'iir'iiiiiti',arGTed' at Quebec. 2. ii,' number or out "in" 'euattt (Home. wluih could only bo t ' ", emigrant free panics refused by the Ontario Agent . t/'/"it,x,i",',tt/iurtt"x,t'i, ithrsutiiouaht M: I"??? I g r/ (a. at tan-bar; the grounds of such r frtsat, the name t re put" 0 Y' J",',2'elt . 2l'."tT1'll o 1'i . Uc.'; I _ oi'brat and b "mm owned, be wltich inch oini- , con inuo a iSllIlt pusdgel, on ' new. ore, u I 'bt/ii." grants Jr1'u'iUl1";'l','d',l,'. 3. titewaruuevdt tenant "h? were brought out -la".'°" were "gifted f .3? Cartut'r4 V th capital, and the Sillvasml amount I exclusively by tho Dominion tiovcrryn.i't.e. lid. an ' _ "f. T', thereof, arriving tttling mm") tlr, Province, arrangement 'ef,drelyet.. by which tho prioritize II F . "if," in i370. He said tnas. rarveCourruleration there won from QuPbco ttt gown") of Itmmtgrante mg'nd'Ing .1 [l!) r5 _ p. lurg ' demand i'ur lulmlil'cl's. and unwind paring" le, "ttie m Odutarlo h1'lll t,eit'i,-ta'i'/',ig,f' f, 3N": , - & I won: given to both agricultural and Skillcd labour '1'lllel' '" . "M'th r, I, "e 0min 011'. f lrl _ " I i emigrants by the Proyuttev. Afivr several yum, "ttttttt d, hanever,t " t tat r"llUf'l2'l re en It I, l ' . "owner, when the "sN'ct'ndtott conduit was found un- only to domestic. "run" ttstd form la _ourell. 'I- i ta' desirable to continue this policy. As tUr,back "1872 w" thought "e'igattlo that the Ontario f,'T,'h't a l" f " . change our: made. to air " .thljlt'il plunges only ment should have m "tttt at Quart: who "to: f" ' r" . to agricultural liibniiri-r. and lunatic domestic 1osom.telstoit on tho conduct ot t It agent 0 m [. " 53""..I At the "a" time the i'roviacia1 tlov. Dominion Government, nndIMr. Porto wu there- yi; . J. eminent adoptld the sum! policy the "outinion torn out down. 'llic very ou'iusea--ski1ied labour. I IQ ts,, I I Homanmnm um l'rorn" cal imvcmmcu, new": era, clarity, o c.-rrferred to " the hon. gentleman ," I ',"u' A 'eu. l "one 'ntd the right to must "manna. but the wero tho|e_wliom the Government had agreed with ":fN r,a, c, Mil-ct it the prewnt lion-iniun rohcr,was in put this . ttus Dominion Government not to Bttsut, sad ttt- it M i T. i pow d into llhl limnluit 'steainltoat "o1uPiUuteB. In "etut ot "W" being 602 "id Too person- Inhaled, It to CH I i _ 237:, under run Cottesrrative, linvniumcnt, great thou figures referred toheadg of laminae. what I , I a." ' '..m werirtakerttoooo e only lllOiI' for assistance the number of person! refilled won more like 1.2» VI r :4 wnowere ortho limit"r elastett. tio careful were or 1,500. _ F a, they that certification ha l to "'2' . granted from local Mr. HAY-How much did you PV of tho" PM- " L clerzylncII-' I,'/"2, "I?" ot 23:33", PM?" w'erIu use: t , t r"; on o l "than t I "In: no tiettt ttt . . l ' , :31?" Nun"). wat' uot "seyoicsilnrs for tiris, as a"; Mr.IKABDY can! they Pt1!tree,1,r, paidIIIoei'l; i I _ A British Inland: were full of alumna" agents who per mite, but this you the qrysud fith,t aim ', _ It' worked on conunission and 310'. all they could to one cent and two-thirds per mile, and t P, 'l,'l"rh',7. I I come out. "a noticed that the Nail claimed that I bovernmcnt auctioned that chm-go wiIihout ":' or- i r' L" tho priisolit policy w.u more l'L'IllflCHVd thou any I Choc to the Ontario Government. ,i2,fge'l'hud,'tl'; Miran. toying that Itcainbout agents who not wero now in progress batweontlsig Government on I T . h_cuul.ued_ But ho chimed that never in the that at Ottawa, and between tho litter and the . I "so," of the emigration annals of this G'rand irunkltoilwny. which" the ln- , calm"! 'rere them, apcttts rccosttiucd Or paid erase. the UOVeruinvm did not trul.stoyeeato : i aimuuhiom by our tlorcritnsortt. A passaiigm. person: to come here who were not going to settle in 3 I i warraut adopted by the Government in ly78 to Come the 1'.rcrrityys r batsf they czprorsod f desire on T F l into force in ts79was With-:83"! to tyarieatlturtsts, rcuching Quebec to come welt. " qu the H l (alum, and other: intending to t'otiow farming. common practice ot the Agent of the Dominion I J, , This, it would be seen, opened a very wide dour to Government to send them to Toronto Bl the expense - :5. . all clonal. Hts did not "on, to u, that pauper. it the Dominion. In that way this Prcvuice was , t i _ new mm out, but many of them were mechanic: frequently burdened with the expense of more very , B. t q , anti many of them were booked its " Iabourors," class of immigrants we nought to .diseo.uryrts: 'llicy ff, , . I- . d of tonne they came out with the intention of had to be outlined at the immigrant ohedl here t__' r" gamut; "the" could not get nothing clue to do. untiltlmy could he sent to some other part of the i't LI :3 i I '1'th Were all brottght by the assistance oi the . "WWW, cutircly at the expense of tho Ontario _ " . Dammit"! Government-say .9ialsead--bat ony- ortr.utaeut. Alamo number of person, to the E qt"rrttott put to them st Quebec u to whether they I; " l l (, ii l, _ "

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