The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 21 Jan 1880, p. 4

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( ' . h _ . - I, / p" 'V . " wi . ! to ith t .. ' '/'2, Wttrer be "We . ve I ttt th 9!" "um T' 2U"K s _ I e dine tsrtt. _ . 9 I" F ' on I we it tl ti ' . to "I: tetr a 9'10"!" _ _ " , N . "but .- "Hus "m . _ . _ V ' ' P. "A Lu) ' but I' In; v, J " _ . '3hugmw mu" ll "tum LI' a NIP". . " ' 'T" I "grime?" was 1'it that th asthfuily Ttl V . l . ' ' ortt Ott tl r are' tt m . ' . , , i_'t=Lrie1reerry_% thatt tho leae " 5n. " d by u. "my in "mud n _ . w lt. . W til 0 h tho h can oald Bttor " w . my 1 "Pan," and We" ttt d " Sync . ' . w tttrt " ot rttte aet Kb "Mitt I t i to h m. M with be . the . n, and' gut o be rot of thi a" tho ttttt or t th 0 tin paid "hm ho t * mo sh " tro thw tte m . aught " Wu. until Ctor w sad no tttlt ould not ublesorn tsritrrtttttt "NO-p . . Mr tn. mon "Hm "We t'n'd.,'f,yta//lt' doubt "sunttrtt w "0" be In" quetttiort "Sum mam", a . the 'tr'l'iii'iiliii': tttmst 342-» 3:: Ia/dell,'",',',".:', tge2t at!!! tti,hy'tl'g,rif 02:21 tutr 1e',ti can "are .' my. l 0 be th iss tat "I! i the . " fri "'50 th " I . L" l 1d .u r Ol tlt id an en Paid nod, " bo 00nd ttterrered . imspoeto 1011.2. to ttCrue e J 'ttttttta w "to the It T,lla ' lotta ""1. tt so" . tsrnned "1 pour " or an tho ins . e 1 Ho . r w . tune . 11 ieal . I 0 pee- Ill. 'll',',", "and?" Swizz: hompxlivynuen b otsaniret' dh' 'ti,de2")rf: 'tttatt',')", tat, public e noun-£3313 "In: com" tntut 'tlit "C"') h! tyd; On ttl",,":,',:',',',',", gym". 'iil?'?iiii5, 'tthe i Mr bio It gist th . "an; l "acted wi questio whieisw sm;sio Mud l to t . HARD "I tr It fen .. and othor! the '3tt, wlsiel on, fo n, trom t '13. Y... rovidcd "II-pm . (01m, loom . up" n wt" ttndtt 8 , culed I mm . . id th for mUed rtr.) evils 8ston so i . Mes- f a for tieipalit It. the t . '9'. _ Mr C ' they 311 of orimo n.timait1 l my" 1u'il 'Ill/lla", 2d'n'l"l'l would b tf fact {EEIIGHTUN . ould use 's,'jiiii,'i's',r': j , i '2t'e, 1epe, mommy", all that $3340 "Iv .,',i.Ufi','i'Jicr"l /sy,,g/"'i'ef to m. ttarty. , n. b pon th til Mr I"! to uud " t l ii',Jiiit:ietit? /,i?1rii',i'n))"i1s,i?li?st?, obti Mr (I: \RDY Said": 'i,":?),)',::,.?,'?).?,),?'),':'--)),.)',;.'. Mo ould " ot "In t ittatttt . . 'Uiu , Xe: . In . Ste . pon thtt ha "A. o m "I h "if . e wa Nort ' ru- t Wight" no: '13:": 2,IT,f, scan"??? 'Ire, TI!" f'h'ilf,"/l'1fc'f,lt'.t'. "1:10 "M"thfbmy' I tty. ouldb on. "ma mm . 0 temr'tt ertaiuly aamit 0 tae, . " ' Mr A tt 'nu-zfi'upfi'n'fteli'é'...",i333" "é r'igi"i'eltr/a,1'2"t' 'til',',,",' ITIettg rim; ' E "ri; Witt or o q tiutir a ' RA.._\ F ost Ott cancd. th0 211)/' 'd'r1'J,r'lt,"iif,t, it "I: mummy? 1/'ie irfi, plalev'1r."; Baker 'tisis,',,):??,,';?:':,':',?))'-.', the a "J ( ad raw hi In ho Wok" - l l "I" Le tt, t'reiur ' Mike . ' Wisi et> r, F In gull: ""111 tt. me ' be Mouk ' on. M: .' glttutt I' rvillts B 19ik'.-- i il l'ropo- filmed t when mber f a gracor 301 ' Mort "ex, M , , "renvl ' ull B " mum "Ion. o mom I . tlte Prq .t or Non-u ul t, 1'"ch 31'1"" Mu ..' erediUt i, 'iii', oulter , the Pmslit! " tht, n. Vi v/tttcial - low), N ear, 1'uro', "ts, N . y Merri ' tn, Jcl ' I 110. "" n hull", . "It. I been. AYit - 9lt" "u . car. it iclr, M . 1y l tho] rmerl H". I _ er ot " "on tary Ttali; . 31% ' "it b ' arkhil ' "um" I ' r . and: . , did. "win-d "to: T ter WI , atstyn Ali5. A L', W! I l, Ric e, E itat "re.- " lag. "u its; 'ay. "We! . P, I: WM) g ot-eu' "hard _ b Ion w (I btsli Alq- [Med , "den u uxtr'r . y. '0' - t Cl sh y " A ' ttte [0'- tltu fr . ' lhs c h . Aw mm! ut, 'CCI,",,':'.",:)",", r,',?,r,tii1,ialil,').?.i,,',ttli'i',l. f/lit",""" ii),"):,,',','?'))).'),").)")' "a," Iltulgertsw 'v'h",l,'dr,'ftio'/, in pcoplu "CI. b potiti . Ctttt Mott i, .awie ("MIN ""13, Fr' ' iir,'Gi . ent this wer' ' ttt t "lea - M ' P'" y, "a s). Gr Md t eld ample In": "Hang with H he , It ' ahou ' Met) y, n. Asa, ' x'rn ' . . . . I. . M I rune Juror I], ll '50: ' 'v',',),'?,',',",',)',',,',',',,' tbtstirjtt r rtrsl tnMow you", "who. t "Jar , y, Mek ' In" ""30 ' ' "We", [and In, Cd Hm, ' wau'er of ac Ad- We" __ ' Patter ' Now:" tut M l law, I . yrt, I l . Mr '- u tts q. nad no Mlil In tho Go ti ), I'srrut son, Pax ' i/ir/l,. C1lfl'llvu'lhf,vilr't ', I it Si/i,":,".',',")," nun. doubt tui prrmrai - . prtnicer ttrOtt (K . trm, P ' y, Nai In. M . ' . _ ' w , Wat on.) V eck f" N _ Ce tite 'd', tshown t '"ldx r " little 'lllli ood y a erg w y RUIN; , no.>1 ' ' ciclttrt " 'upt hat tl ontrred ill ' 011m. - L", ater tistttt I "strtt (i) ' it nuall , of L " an Ion. . Mr ' " 0"- wottlt , toss q', ard- _ r. eed Vin . . atiati . Scott , We ' Ntnc ' . . E , Mr. MET' . s and 'c're,t/vei/,h', oi,',),,?,',:',"',",.'.':':,', t',lf, 'i;iQt)M'J., tho M IIs, 'i"vi"jlTii'1idr', . q e s . ' _ "an 30 u " In: ." . ' m I Mr L JhLhT', w... $s7r u" to 1 trud or the -- in fall F ped W ' F) _ . . . ' . " . o 2o ' lam . b'illt. um", ith M , . vieeaU by") tho "polled aa- I Cal g , an . 1713's . , get r. St . '_,' . . . ual u: , . I ' dwell q gaiusri um W) "I rm" "her . " , trnu ' aluto " n th , L lull In]. '(Hh t(pr" , .O--tl 'wr 'nt wer I J, ' 12,tf,'d ter/pe, " J2 I: rooks Act. NEIL 1"":'Vilqv':run.("Mu:Estttlvu:wly)'.\([s:"Justin?" 'if. 'i':.11t'ii?iirf"t, :32: tttty "dg,ef'"t, have". 't.aef,,riisr,l,iti,.t,v,l,i,/?s)rteit",t1ttti,lif, '10 to, " kne hon thu 'ring i ' 'umm w. the G . the st~ t 'resented r'/iv1'u"i'i tyr,'? (f C iii/ii".'. i obtait w tltat , m. Ua " It [ml hr a l""" teri; reugth of " , this Vi Veil li; . r 31"" k a l .. . t m l _ 'lt, _ II nay of tl . private . iat, GO; Dam. . "tu Go Mm. " " er eoustit Ila In", . qutu'tsot up" til an Mud. p, , trtrpusi . " In ti um so .. g3, wl . , I I . ' ' . t le " ' . "c , . a. lo _ T ou . , ,' r.ME ., "3E, . --r. . MT." "Mm" "aut ltutt kin?" "nigh?" c,e,'ir,l"t,',i,"l'ri,hTy ml I"""mLYs 1tuit- l _ b 10(er _ but" otutg " _ u, Mr -- hm tttbt . (Ml whr 41 . I f v4 1')11"f,' l"l N" for 'l, fault win A1uttt _ .ru'r ii ile,,'rA'i' 1 yet. been 531"" l"Mic A I 5 "Lire. lic, ttn' m appui . "Wee . I n. a.". y tunrcc N to 'c Moan l t 32:]: 1ii'i?ilvl'/ afl'sfu-(i-TEH"gxil-tlllz".ln of 1J'.',t,i.11't I "3'". "AR!"- staud r. In; ttc,' h 1 fl F . ft' q J, L Y C w". 11.. "In. ' ouub rec Dre . . cu c . ' w", . rreasod "la 'nl/lil',', thow: "um " A cl ', Oit0t', Len d Mm alied _ A ' xl.- Jim.- V "ou .- ""In-l l . ocirnttst . tl b l l re.t f l thar 1'h,,1"d tue J r "r_llu|." .ln.¢,4 I. . "In" "I"; Itod the 1: ul 14.le: he Ct'owt urn. tshowi t I. I .k tat Cu J u _ . , u ' t l l w 1 let,",.',' " a tttttUM h l list." for (lam-.1 "'1', " "MVP". liveitwti 2ttl. aecl/,rii'pu"i',1'i'," ("Nib Det an" the I i, .ho "v n. ttio, wl I l irwr . "Hut '! -< hle - ' rrt 378 tuo 1 trad ' ' rune l _ . . V t . . . "'0! Wasod ' "' Wot "" 1110". . 11ey l -. . gnu-6 I" ) "t ot tal J. ct'.t Ot In tiw In t I "gym, tld sh oude adi ec lived . Ittrit: I tiu: .- jk Ian. tintaini t,,kit Ac ully tnt ow I Wuruud "n sl ' ' . t'gt's l ' ' 5" Stu "K In ct W. ltotMr 'v, at IO:?, tot' _ Mr tht; Jelly,' an" oi t721,"1'"l" It d,', torcv. l, COMMITTEE 1tL1t"'. l 3 itou '1. . TIHI . o "leg . Harm I" "it": ON 1 TV I. . ', . ' ' ' e In . r, a t R '1 tmutt t . I', Wo "l 'p,'yl, from Jivuluam tul trat- DEN AILWAY l , Tr / of tua "Phi: cttti ot P3ti9 it po bud "' . ; . At tue rs. ACCT. l ', l La 1'rovtue I "I ""Ill'u'l I-'m'u'wr 'tt spree.' I "U: M _ firat meeti - I l l 1:/lh','?ll', forc c, J" tuat rpm th" c',', tbe tr/ep,','. I iw"/.ii,e,U/.'g',7t II"' of this c y F!; "hm , ... aviop.wd ' "Cull ll iBttti,r " ' w; , on tio its clec _ orutni , , _ , tshould I "mun!" ." . " w: no pr" . syn". l J) bral; "I the . 'cted ..l 1:4." tl . l , i " u , .01 re _ ity thet" . "NU-I 'rr " [ Ctr, rec ttrucers L tttitt'e "is mo . V __ :1" ut tho per _'r,'t,r/f,i't,):'i"iii,l,f, 1jf,i'v,i,'tirii'i'i?t)i's)i".?iii, I Mil L "in l C L" tf,",',,':,'":.',.'),'),' 'ill Act " J7 tlvu1lovt d "Wu "J that "T _ ---- " the "PP I pateut J.T, k o t w c' ahtics. ' y on '-'s .. "Hm" t: "'1!st -e "'u... A v, . '1 ') t,l1ttu'/'t,i,t, Act tlAmi'mgh JI,')! ""3619: wl!.crc" _--------.- i,),"), tttit Mn: 5" Yonlu'h my Wcro 17mm wc"." 'h',;?,', "on. t " if ' we any r',i,i.ij,'a,'i:'iiti1vltri'ii' lulu", do? a, ii/Lo/tll',),',','.' I ttl "r t'ore Vi "(Winn . t 1-] " tt't't' . '3 It i - oh. )1. tot..' . Arte Mt. - I. i, Mr ',t1ti'f,"f Ir tl.u lull, 'uit 11mm, f)':" Elam"- . 1 . 1 . . lo . I le 1v')l,'i,'y"'/l' thottr,r.hl "001d il,":,','. ' sidcrabht ' y thit 14."? tlu, Ilotre m . , and o Imus w. tttV' Act ruruetttl . L tou'. l"'. of th to "krill . lu his kid made _ . ' c, . "Quins: '. m "in ' ." "mm. V ty'""' . Drum "ho I ' .1. Ut "up, y cou- tsul t Itil 1.. "Mary. . " 'nst"' .. " Mr Pl, .0 may," "vans. the tum, Ile, "in". J o1',2i,'i?S"di1 elaitn a ' ' ' , ' Hm Cr " ad 3 I tatt In a r ' 7 'f' t'at . tt'UD IO ttWI _. a'oyit. T l I it" kinda oath)" "a'htl'l','l'i ll,'fur"lf",', 'tr.,"ai'i'i' on ti _ e ' y Honda", "Ninth", "u" that A o.,iautiuntl " t " . date to IT/l In U 'Iqu". woreaino a: "a: "Minn Tr a the tuutd4 02} wa' bad ', In". hat ":51", "Fail":c'} . E \- PT. meat o' Mi the new" "11. "mply w "my did it . -,t' , 1ir ttratther; .trcrl to v, In have..." tlrat it "i" 'f I ii Kin-c" "trt' itw; ("yf, um lb ""111. mul put In '., f " tho \Cllnrlh" 'i/d:',":,':') in "we" 21vi,y?.',1lti 3v . , ' . r - l r _ . 1' . I a tltoro 1.1lt gin." p"'l" a'l','i'ul',1' "5" of l "tad , been tou; lulu" ' al 941.", '.'l to ("tr gocd 'Y F may wd to luv. cork."'" ii .aci:on, and ry oat , ' l '1" III-"MAT J auwd In 'CII "HP in tif white ', ' T ' h r. w . y tutpt Win. ii r I tiso Ce; _ "CHEM" _ ' uvuwut or" ' '~" "ch orvod "11- 4 "mod 'a':)",)",',,", by" WU!" hunv , ", . 300.1 ttttrab't constituents I'm." to u.,?"""""°" T" _ t I At. ""m \'J'hwo Nanny?" llter "(Nah-cum. 'proot. i .. rT and the "1" an U _ ' "In: wl "no - . _ 'll l ' with m: rem 'tati',,",;"-,').'"',))' 'il,').') thcy 0115:: an , 'il . imam 'i'iiiiiriisj',i's'fr'i',r'ti) no had 2,"ll tc/h",,",',,'),-. £3 _ et. bat th Mom." r the i attlt t J' . " - ' Cl . n d, "hm-- , Ind _ , & l hood I law :iif,1t,td to t1fil,"u', vi,t'iif,ii,cii:riii'i'vi' In; " mun MACK u "m of tlto to; m" 'l:ifi,1'thi' V' l, , - at tho ttritt . "with: it w- . a ly In if}; " = 1neatstt y.'.u'P, or I ""'Ono- \: NA. ovo.. ttttq 1.. ad" I.,. v. ' w" " for tl ' ',ctw ' on al i) y g tt nag a . H! Bil a, a ' Illa" t A: h Act, whi nding I lou n srood 0m, (la ' r ' he thou :ch . up In tavlt \vi'ufwl'. iii/iii; Mn C .' " ths prays " it would oorted "I tho C: "as T f the " t thou: of this 3f" "WHO "roughly rooke' f 'gt ' - pa a" "Hint mit tal r cottye" . Mat 3 3-5": l rtarmt. "u w o bt tsimply 'rl tuid 'Cie"',').', "In, i Ti .blt. Bus]. ve, ould "no tor "tl" moms "(part of I a , With tho h; ',AR said he 0 "all the De- . , . more they "Airman m h',,"",' porting - ielyf, ttot tti'ti'il "Kain-g. "fhllgr 'l) satirdtott I, -i UOVornm . aaughttsr " him u' twautrt, r . " ' ent wer . I) It in. m In" tite I . u siould " atrt LN.» Io . l i be . iatrotitse'3 a raid that I U13. tho votes ~' . lulu," We 'if, 'Vlymnng i he Coo ugh tho, " C . - would but l 01M). It . "totlus tatrvati . ' _ i ' tturls tltig ' Hou thurt' ' ' ' good ody b ihit ' so tor BN l "I. u ' at would do J'"'lJ 'i,'af',eJhfi J ' . . . lo- F' . I i . 2:" JN,p1 he would ' M Ueat ot . . d . cretary b to Pro. ' "'0 V ' " . e I III Ole . the 1min." oaurot he '"l of on. l, for this ' , it,tit,".' ham, this r,',', tho 'f,'J,'i/'l it ',t',i,'"ti, " , t T . . 'i "Hind iii,2i:,,edfci"/tlJ'lli one that M "l . , cc; Ir . " rote they r . is " rre _ "th' from th ed to tho r' _ 0 old mu. ll, r IE I ."! _ 4; _ . V g 4 ' i j , i Pd l '

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