F: Y. - 'ng'w - _ V wr y V J, Brdr. 'TE?? . " PJ: '.'"' ', . j' . " - in. b , AV , 'trr a: .3. 8 p , P ."w _ , member ot ii, 05.1.5: ll C Iaiili' if" ' 3' 3 "ir- n , ' Yi 000591" with bit. He WM Willis: Ao F WN." ae 'r.."'"-' ' "' similar deliberative body he knew of. At 'r, acquiesce itrthe most direct and 'lle'lf, . . _ '. _ V the motion Was unnecessary he hoped it _ . ' r route, tad he hoped the 'a"r'h"ll1tr'h' would be voted down. _", . 1lth,tir,,ttt,'g'ty,ft5t back. it; an". Mr. MEREDITH am it was evident ' , make an apology. that the Gotrevtttuettt were not prepared ' tt . SANITARY REFORM. to accept any motion, good or bu, '. Mr. ROBERTS _ . that ttt.',',t.t"t/2",e, the hon. member tot ' l i the Intention ototrl'ie 1t,S'2',',tt',ui/i2 North Grey. be reason why Private Bills .. d , l the Present sesaion to Introduce any the: were not brought beiore the Private Bills' ' i i !sure in reiereuce to sanitary melon: and Committee was that they could not bi _ is , to tuithor imhiove the means at iiGiUt brought before the Standing Orders Cots g. F ,iuloptcd for obtaining reliable vital statis- initteee. lie thought the motion lllllSI_ 1 I tics tor the Province commend itseli to every mcinucr oi the i, l Ir. "OWN" l" 1 - th ti House. . a , _ t »r'6k..FA%. ~1-ei:c.in enczaive. . , , 2 ' a swan»; oliv voilaiw LISTS. com: {REBOUHE thouaht t/O Irretyriit i' i I lfy ' _ ' .t" . t e uerored from this motion. . . l l l i... tcistaO inovail for an order tore No delay was toectssioned by "mg not z E return hour the (lurks ot Ws tau:sicipali. being brought before the Standing Orders , § tics and county treasurer: of the expense; Committee, as that Committee Ott me Incurred in each municipality of the Pro- first day of its meeting, had only, four or virice. under 'the Voters' Lists Acts, shown (fire Bills beiore them, and they had _ _ Ing the rc8pective amounts paid in each 5 promptly attended to all hills that had sub. " for preparing, printing, publishing, dis- l sequeutly been brought before them. The _ tributing, and filing the Voters' Lists; i, real cause of the delay of the business o. the number of appeals to the Judges' ithe House was the negligence oi members ' .Court, a?" expenses attending the bean T . ' in charge of Private Bills. , ta),, : mg an isposul of said it calls . and the Ai' H C, 0 . . . . , _ .- umounts paid to the 'llu1'l"ii'litud,' of tho 2iit..tccl o2t1fdtLteLt?t",1'l"i: the motion was ".8." f1tf, i _ said Courts of Appeal tor the year 1679. v- "' ' v",-'-,'-,)',,'?)! dinners, _ ~~7';I':2li "-r,'ii:F_"-"ri-'i-FPlt He said he made this motion in conse- C, ' I w, HAWLE Ihortil for an Address (Sr/P i '. t, ""1943 I quenco ot complaints of heavy expenses '0 , J , ," Ito. the 1%utt.-uorerni/r'ilr'riThrmist itt "é AtAC/ NI, ' incurred in the printing oi voters' A" I V _ ' l i -g', e I will cause to be laid before this House: , lists and the hearing of appeals. lie 1 w, return ot the report ot the Cotmuission L '3' i thought a measure might be passed ':appoiated by the Government to investi. iilll to mitigate this evil. He mentioned 3' gate, into tlttt financial affairs of the united a E cases in which twenty~hve cents, which courmas.?.f Lennox and Addington to; 2? Was intended to be ciiarrgrd ior liling an getuetwitlt the evidence taken at 'Sald IE ohiiro voiors' list, was charged tor tiling a investigation by such cotnrnisslon. lit 'E g portion oi it. said that a general impression ppevailed . Mil Mr. basses. said these excessive ia Ltrt,rlux,, apd Addingtou that. the fin. ' ql charges certainly were not contemplated nancial affairs of the united counties were ', by the Act, and the Act did not make ttth Tery bad Mate. , T , liruVla'lUii ior them. He thought a respon. Mr. DEROCHE thought this an impor. f " ' 7 sibiliiy rusted upon municipal oilicmls not x taut matter. Mr. Hooper had been "I. I" to inane the Act appear an expensive one, treasurer for many years and was even 2 It as it certainly was not intended to be. the representative in the House ot -Com/ 5' ' Mr. b'ril'slliti unwed to add to the mo. ruoms,t.usti a great deal of ooutideuce "N 'i. 'ii, tion the words, 6t also all correspondence reposed Itt le. It now appeared that g _ that may have passed bctween the judges there ,atsadtsiif.it.ofv0p.00. 501110 time, agt gt" r and the 1iotrertttnettt with respect to the $8,000 was paid " for him by his iriend. 'T m expenses ot holding the and courts in the "I'd be had tuact, resigned his position. 'i "I said year."Sotne oiticials might have acted ' in" confidear,tt "pond in Mr. Hoopo l _ i in a way io bring tiic Act 111.0 dismount, somncdnto have betn s'eilr betrayed by u' l and it was well to know it such was the _ l l bun. .1 he system ot audit employed in: , i case. * exceedingly imperiect, the auditors tits, T , At slut suggestion oChir. Mcrcditli the '4"ng Jr", all" Hooper tor thtri( inuiioii was made to coVer the your 1878 gtateuaea s, an ll, th retttr o, ". as well as 187:), and thus amended was tact they. unucrstoo but little o 'h catried. , bookkeeping ", get they regularly. F , . 'L' "' 7 , , r , ' NiN commended Mr. Hooper's system, and in)" EDi'l ION Ot 1 UltLiC BUs'1NESB. complimented him upon the way in which r Mr. Cltldlull'l'ON moved, "That the ' he dischargedhis duties. (Laughter) It " a ' schral members now composing the \ ainost important thing that there should ' ' standing committees of this House do , beacheclc upon county treasurers throughi . continue to compose the said standing _ out the Province, as they held a large committees, respectively, during the con- ', _ amount of the peoples' money. He trust. " i tiniiance ot the present Legislative term, "\ ed the Attorney-General would see his ' ', I subject to such alterations as the House l way to sending a copy ol the report to the 3 ill may own time, to time see tit to make; 'is,, Council ot' Lenaox and Addington. . ' and that it be a standing order ot this Mr. MOWAT said that the law undo: 1 It, llousc [lint the several members elected " which this investigation had been made ;"' compost-sine standing committees at the l was in force long up," he came into ', l; I iii-st sexism" oi each Legislature do con. power, and it provided that the expense 0| i I i "(we to compose the stud standing com. it should be paid by the municipality j g l iniitccs' respectively, during the their No Copy of the proceedings had been gen, ; ' legislative term, subject. to such altera. to them. bo far as the motion was con, ' l lions as the House may lroin tiinc to tune, cerned he did not know that these report, , , isee tit to make." lie commented upon should ire printed at the public expense, ' I i {the delay that commonly took place seeing that the information would benetit , l at the beginning of each session, only one section. , tl . ' which he thought was largely owing I , , , a " l It, ' , I to the coininiiiocs not being able Mr. y/iyfly,r.," Obvicfi] 1ifee1e,t,itit " . MI a. " lto begin ~Work until some days after "'a.4 r't'),1t,',i1ig,'cieftt'a1),il..1'ucu"' b' a u - ' the opening of the session. . Private Bills uo,tcl."'/111"jl-cestl"s't1l"i'. 11th the expense I' (.i' , could not be intioduced until they passed A _" . . ,; _ 'i, . _ ' . ..' '.. A ofthis investiuratlon had been consider f, . the rounding Onion. and tho liivatc Bills ' t mr ' ttrata CO v would In P. y'omlhittccs, and thus, by their not meet. :iblche was 'l?, h f F i1/"t'i'Ca'.'s' a mat, ', , i . . . n att the llousc the! legislation tuynislsed in any C130. w nu: , mg as so: I ' ter yet to be considered. " I a Wag "11Cu: 'tt . . Tm: MUNICIPAL ACT. I ' , _ ytihurhlly1's said the-is would be no Mr MOWAT moved for the appoint- , oyjcc.tioy to this motion if it Wonk} PP:':; inent' of a Comtuittee to consider and tl . dire business. But it Would not," it oniid report upon suagestcd amendments to the v' xi I apply only to the three last sensuous Miinicipnl [tensile stated thatin appoint, I l of any i'uriiaruent; and as the House was i"iririh:otumittee theGovernu1eut didnot _.! i t2 him: power to alter the committees) shirk any of its retspomubtlitics, but hold that iVouid have P b". done at tue ocgin. themselves quite at liberty to act as they T i ning of each session, if necessary, below ttttW tit with regard to reports made by a , the committees could get to work. The " this Committee. _ a . V busines' of the house was delayed becaum Mr. MEREDITH said that be was menace Private irtlig "'"I' nor ready tut presents. to doubt the advisability of instituting , iionto the committees as soon as thcy met this Committee, as it looked like a general _ ll Until to-day the Private Bills Committee ( invitation to make a new municipal law. 7 gf. p, had only one llili to considvr. The ex ' No new matters should be brought before . iii 3 i . who; ruto was " good ou0, trtid u" this Committee, as he believed that lasl 7 ', i I business of the llouse was'piishcd lorward year amendments were made to the [My , y as expeditiously as ?otisilsl.e, and more i which had not been discussed by the poor ' if "peditiously than that ot any other , ple, except, perhaps, in one small district. i'rrC,., . s' a