"3:- ."~ _ 1ft2 [e'M_ltl'Tll'e,lK'io'er, The 'titttlt New. .oapocnng' the quilt; _ _ ttttation of 'tatsrers, Wei struck out. oh'tytg, dlscuulon took place until _ - wee was errmn at. Thu clause relates to the making ot appeals, in which no change in made from the existing law, x/ Mr. MILLER thought it would be better to make the upbeat direct to the Court of Appear, with a view-of saving law costs. la the majority of cases the spin-ale ulti- mately reach the higher Court, after har-. . tug passed through the intermediate Courts at on increased apnoea. y Mr. HARDY said that in going to the Court ot Appeal it miter must enter in the appeal book, which entailed consider~ able cost. He knew that many suitors Were saved the expense of entering in this Court by having access to a lower tri. banal. It appeals Were carried past the lower Court; the: Court of Appeal would not be able to do all the work. i i'.?: Mr. l'AX'l'OS Was in favour ot carrying appeals direct to the higher Court. I l The clause was allowed to stand for ( further consuieratiou. l ' The hour of six o'clock having arrinti I i the ltouso rose for recess. 3 i Alter recess, ' i The House went into Committee to i" resume the diaenssion on the Judicature ' Bill. I , Mr. MEREDITH objected to the tenor. V ration in the tint Subsection of the 38th 1 clause of certain matters to the jurisdtc- l tron of the Court. ol Chancery. This . would make the fusion one in name Only, _ and as the rules oi practice in the Court of . I Chancery had premixed where there was a 1liiier"nce, he Was afraid that Court haul 'r, swallowed up all the others. , Mr. MOWA'l" amid the object of tho i 7 clause was to give ouch Court the particu-. I lar class ol cages with which it Wu; most familiar. There WM a class of caries min i which the Common Law Courts have no. thing to do, and with which they are not 1 laminar. There would be six Common Law Judges and three Equity Judges I associated in the High Court, so that T the Common Law Judges would be in the 1 majority. ', 4 Mr. MhlilluCJK thought there should be a one Supreme Court for Ontario without) any Court of Appeal. Nomitmlly by this i Bill the Courts of the Province were _ merged in one, but by this clause the fusion would only be nominal. Mr. IllillOClllC thought the feeling of " the people Would be against the enact. . mum. of this ttub.sectuou. T On the suggestion ot Mr. Mount the ctause was allowed to wind tor further cousidvratiuu. Clauses 45, 46, no. M, 59, 72,73, rt, 80, and 82 were allowed to stand tor lllltlI'Jl' I gunsideratlou. The Bill Was culmiilnrcd , up to the 85th clause, when the Commune _ rose. ' The House adjourned at 10:15. , NOTICE OF MOTION. " ' Mr. uoutrttson-lieut - On Thursday, l next, Bill to amend cap. 119 it. ti. o., re. l, .pgcliug the sales ot personal properly.