The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Jan 1880, p. 2

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, y _ - C _ . , " I t w . 'IMF, ' til j; . v- iZF'itCiiCj"i"J" _ ' ' a _ ." f, _ tak- part in mun cipal or Dominion elec. l John Sign thereto, and copies of all tions so lonuDas there Jll1 In; general " letters and documents aecompatVu" orders of m" 99mm" "tuttg such a . . the same or referred to therein. proceeding. With regard to the elections 3 . I". object in bringing up this matter was to this House there ought to be some i to elicitastatement of opinion in the general and well-understood rule. This l li House and the country as to whether ofti- he considered was due to the House and i j, core in the employ of this Government 'ttt the officials as well, , 1."; should in allowed to take part, first in Mr. MOWAT in reply said that with re. J', Municipal, second in Provincial, and V 8"" to this case of Small it was quite rea- . _ third in Federal elections. The case re. "name that the mover of this resolution 5 ferred to in his motion ptacticully ia. shonld refer to it, and he showed his' eluded all these. There was, he believed, gratitude in speaking a word for Mr. Small, . wide-spread opinion in favour of the ex. who had spoken so many kind words for clusion otscnie classesofotlicers from such him. He Oir. Mowat) Was much sur. ' contests, such as license imspeetors,ticeuse prised at seeing this notice on the paper, ' commissioners, superintendents of colu. as he had rather believed that his friends ' nitration roads, and otheis, who by virtue would censure him for dealing so leniently l . of the ottice they hold might exercise un- Wm, Mr. s'tnaIttrattser than that his op- " duo intitteneet over their fellow.electors. ,ponents should seek to condemn hint for I ' " But there was a class of ofticere with can. his action. '1 " gentleman was a taxing ", aidcrable time at their disposal, and who officer, and had a .pOsi'tioli of great deli. might fairly use that time in the service 'cacy and power. Having been credibly t of the public in other capacities. A informed that Mr. Shiall's occupying a' . . registrar might, for instance, hold a posi- position as alderman interfered notalittle ' 's tionas mayor ofatown. Ihese others with his duties he could hardly do less 7 asarule Rttht iutoliiqettt In"; many of than write to ndvtse him that sucha ' them were property holders, and vitally course could not be pursued, and that he I interested in public "airs The question must choose either one position or the , ' thus arose " to which classes Other. Had he done less than this he _ of oNoerg should be allowed to take part would clearly have been recreant to his g F in such contests and which should not. trust. He did not call upon him tore. , r. 'lhis was , question completely outside Sign. nor did he dismiss him, as V / ttto domain of party. no doubt many in his position would Mr. 'i'ltAtililil-What about potruntustertr. have thought fit to Ito. (Cheers, Mr. MORRIS said postmaster-s in the as to the letter ..of w, Dalton) , N rural ("SHINE were not exoluded irom quoted by the mover or the resolution, taking part in Dominion elections though It was can enough to secure ilottt the, A _ those in towns and Cities were. ' He did head of a, dcpartmeut tt statement that he I not, however, think that the latter Should was not aware of any neglvct oi duty Ott y be excluded any more than tulperiuteam the part of the officer. dents on colonizition roads should L Mr. MEREDITH~Did you make MW than: Provmltiial elections. llc refetm investigation , ' re to t e answar given by Mr. MOWA I'-lf by that it was meant t items qti'.1§3§'..;3°1'if"i w "'u. tttltiwer toask whether "W m called with the Government with tel r": 7 tt rule 9f F reference to the matter he could say that matter The leader of 'ill',' cum: .t.e this he had not; nor did he deem it '."".'tci"y: had there given the lion'evto [0Vcllllncnt I in such a matter no private indivnlual " that no general rule Was '/'l'd'uQ1'l?1h"/, nor Government would evor think of i he said it might be well to int' Id,',",,",!? following such a course. Had Mr. a The fiends of the De t'dt"t,,"lt'2hu.fdo.1e: Small been dismissed it might have been i' structions to th tir uhpt ii . 5 er".'.?', 11r I proper to ask why he had not been heard " . e i s Ulf'lnuths to iefiaiii I in his own defence. What would have . from making any outtside engagements been done " rcntlcmen o )osite in a _ _ which twould interfete with their ofiicial Ui . - 'r.i "' . m . use such as this. Ihe, policy of their duties. He was afraid the leaders I . . . . ' . . party had always been to dismiss such an a of the Govertttnent, would hardly exert oiticer at o l . as their authority to prevent the of. , "it" x, ticuus occupying time With poll- Mr. MEItEDi'rfr-.Ntumt one case. " tical matters if their influence were Mr. hi0WAT--1t is their ottnstant habit. . exerted on the side of the Government. I defy my hon. friend to point outa single Particularly in View of the interest, which 3 instance in which a public ottieer taking an ' tue, Whine" tltetmuslres had taken in active part against a Conservative Govern. ,' Dominion elections, the subordinate; meat was not at once dismissed without trr might with some reason believe that they on opportunity to defend himself at all. ' might. e lthe same in Provincial and (Chet-rs.) l _ muniCipa c ections as Well. Coming 7 1. , - t , i the case in point, the gentleman "/'/'l.le'dr ' h L LA I}??? "NO! no. . F had resided all his life in this city: he l " hir. 5i0.waT--ri'iuttttittsretraiirrlier . had been tor twenty-five years in 'the of the friends of.gentleme.n opposite at public Service, and had performed his Ottawa. (opposition members-Nor. no! duties to the satisfaction of all concerned Name! name!) It would be well to re. _ He was a property owner in the city; member. that by law many classes ' he had we contidottce of the people, _ of public ofhcers were excluded from b-, and was elected asaldermau for lit. Law: , V h taking part. iii political contests. It ", rence Ward, which the Attorney-General l \ might be said that there were many rca. l _, had also l't'pl'esulltoti to the Council. 's y""' why pioiie oarerg Should be dis. . This position he had held tor three years trauchised, but on the other hand there 3 being much respected by his a/a'. were other reasons against it. As to Mr. '~ members. The duties ot his oftice Were Small, he had never spoken to him in " - tiaitstted each day " three o'clock, and he Illa". The tumor of this rowlutlou took V ' (Mr. Morris) could see no reason why on ' a dlllcrent View of this matter now from 4 otiiocr in his position should be excluded wltttt h" would if tht, country were b'O un. i from the privilege of serving: his fellow. fortunate as to ure him in power. I citizens if he chose to make that disposal I (Uheers.) l ' of hits than time. It the llouse hail dis. ', Mr. MEREDITH charged the leader of .. cussed 'tlle matter, and had come to the l the Government with having changed his 1 conclusion that he should not pe permit. 1 views on this subject siiiCo coming into i , ted to do so: it would be quite batistacy power. llis action in this instance was a , [i _ tory. But this gentleman received from l small piece of revenge on a political op- . i the, Attyyty-utnora1 intimation that lie 1 pututttt. With "WWW" to ttttt charge I 'ttlt/l',',',',,"',,')'. [dour the electoral contest 3 that the Government at Ottawa had given ' ' ff tha 1mo pea tu'-t,or foy.eit his poet I ttttt Preference to its political friends he , tiou. He decided to withdraw, and, as dcticut the hon. gentleman to point ton F' 1J,'li'yct,1eful,o,, :10. 32911511? an address tsittgieiotance ofthe kind. .. b' s e attainr scans of r H. ( retirement. The letter if Mr. than? inniilitnf 1Af'li",1.'r, Woat about Mr. ilucio.l the chief of the Department in which iii, g an Nr, Bodweu. _ was employed, Went to show that Mr, MLMEREDITH did not believe that Small had neVei neglected his duty on ac. Te'.?, person Uoldtmg an oitieial position count of his connection with municipal would be distranahlsed, but that a gene. fat". Ty". Attornvr-Gentuat said that oral rule sliouldbe laid down as outlined l " was only In case an oiticer m'glected his l / by the mover of the resolution. l if"! that-"slum instructions were SW." I Mr, BELL, in reply to the challenge] , tttt as m " ca8e. lie (Mr. Morris) from the Attorney-General stated that . would like to see a return of those so in. Mr. Mussou an employee of, th T to l s structed. He believed it Would Shrink to Post-0mm 100k an active e own i the smallest passihle proportions. lie him at the last election 2351' "zit-ling: T held that Mr. buiall had a perfect right to scrutineer for " oppéugu: in St. Andrew's Ward, He was enizagod lot I P, - H__- 'e-F -...-====L--.-..-...-, - ..._..;"-~ _ . - fl FM A A J

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