; | expensos and traveiling exper | se esn ( _ * 1 peases. [ x : Mr. P *4 $ that a \X.?r?'?n"'d it had beon estimated | ARLIAMENTARY COMMITTE OuTiclg number of lunatics and I RAILWA o ES . ould ha::(: b'?ys for the Reformatory :/ /*Ihe Comnutt Y ACCIDENTs. | --| sach, Nnoun:in; cair;wd at a certain cost commenced to.;: ot':, Railway Accidents | which wiil be _ paid mb, °':b°$5g50. managing (hserp 0f vf.:if,;':""!tion of the s r sramont, and refunded to them s Mr. W. J. Srioer, Superi Ailwars. i d gs tt;lnntum. Under the present 8y8 the Grand Trunk Raiiwg,p ntendent of Es e same service, pertormed i = at considerable length r , gave testimony i Th: :;'":':}et' k:hemulv.. costs $16,00 oy f;r of accidents ocom-rine :'rdgs ;he dan-- aking one boy t >A tk at the majority c ns e believ f | story reached as high as es t nad gearderiits asoss from the carele frogs ' | _ Mr.HARDY explained that M of brakemen and others e cavelessness | the iagant of the manufacturer i;- %Ormnn, track tooclose in front of walking on the I | rece ved no sala urope Brakem o moving t ° nc Which ouF paid is aree Govern: | to guide uce Phk Jarpoupy use a stick en e j i u on oA thiks prorring to ueerthe mark, tron B m. _ Part of \ aving th , even at was due to t the expense Th 4 eir finger j f exported fro :"c::::.li:c ot heavy l;oom mlé:;r:;: ';L'f' [ board lho'.udgn:t l::lficll. | gg agricultural lmplo;.fi'::o"" includ. be too high ab;l:re';llx(:": ooffitg edge woglrg rerament thought i , etc. . The believed that 'oof of the car this expenditure fg it expedicnt to incur coupl at T5 per cent, of th Lai w ing this new (adod the purpose of o plers attached toj the I o eoroninl , e in m pen. Railway cars whi ntercolonial f with Europe, as anutactured goods Trunk ich came to th i afford to do ':) D-O manufacturer could ] t were found to be out of e "ikdd t is ons way of on his own account. 'Thi platform at the end of the car t order, A ; $ & urers 1 giving a bonus to manuf is man to stand on wh r tor a brake. | f Euro. in order to guin them '°tmflnumc- dangerous, since f::i %oup"ng would be f o Ml'.m WIDDIFIE ; potteg as United States roads wogulti cars from the introd IFIELD said that i on, and brakeme not have them uced a de at he had just ® n might ha . General, part putation to the Att jus crushed by standing o ve their legs : renewal of of whose business ornoy: couple instead of u n the track to fe * thll qr'nt' II\ 'a' the Somewc Slng 'he la | eling am here wa idents would platform [ 1 that this ong the manufacture s a strong 'vented by filling th no doubt be pre' f grant sbould rs of York bu g the frogs wit f ' _ ' / Mr. MILLER obj be renewed. Tl'ltl tll:"' was not always done on tll: aOOd, | a large su objected to pa 16. e Grand R ~| public bu'xIl as $20,000 for l!:my:ng on Mr. H, Warus, L o ildings and rance on d , Locomotivy | vears. In his Opiniofum"um for three oetllt of{the Grand Trunk :hbul)erlnuu. F -- J should be pre n the Govern n nly a few Lappan co , thought that £ lo pared to s ment |» been test couplers had $ sses by fire, which wo tand occasional bite & dCd. on that road, not en likely | amount to le uld, in the ecided opinio ough to | 4 sUran ss than the ag end, two brake vans n on, He though | ce premiums, 'reg'te of in. and the other in' one in front ot a t gt | y¥X wohuflr& YbOUN_G said that the G g pended on to sto;hi rte:lj- could not ben:il.:f | " the peoplt J on cpubter it io ereany of uic un nore saiety en weare Pauls j is country i crests of | | wou e more 9 s avy, The , insure the public bui y it they d b e safety with b ere . | buildi y did not | the top of th rakeme rat in i | e c n 0 | PoWs. Bs auo tm $ EpercORNT poy un | could be applied ts Lhe engine 4t k brake j tives profe:;:(;l :h": while the C;)E::ran. \ ?gfo,""(""'" to stop the triilze n[ should 4 ' | > im erva-- | e dangerous 3 & _ It migh | manufacturers he(; c the friends of th the b 6 to pl'ovldO hi ght | | K | keman anything f0 . opposing the ex ound here that the . |r re to catch whe g for s +A | aSgist 1 penditure y were | from ona car t en passing assist in openin ofa small su w s 9 aunother, as f s nyg the g up a forei m to | M ould not have t! v oreign cars "(')-:::d mkie was sure that i;'f'a market for & ! would be thrown o?flf,m on, and the me'n 4 the mar efe' with the comme OJOrpment N * ; in the dark . y missing their hold " course ':L"'-""rcrs of this counl:rmflon of | x [ Mr, F. CumBsa ' taken advey had taken, and my or the | \ lof the Norther Laxp, Managing Direct ' aftorded o? 2::?21011 °"§bc Oppol'tuu?tnyy ul:ad | couplers usedu' o':'d tl:h" the Lapp:z: i ag their us | not at ~r ' Mr. FRASE goods to Europ \ | more -- liable to oad _ were * ter of insur R, in referti 1 E: \ order _ vhan get':: out 1; | fereuc:,n;fumuc-e' said that &irto the mat-- | He thought tha: h.en ordinaty coupler: f 1 [ cument opinion as to whet e was a dif. | & cal contrivance y particular mGChan" t l or insl:lfest!:]ould incur the risI: :felr the Gov. -- a lines would co.u::nt:arl-belongmg to t,runll; f r6fh Goume uf'e"ubzl'c buildings. .l.:;:)';{n fire lw'h"en interchanged w Il;::;'e foreign lines I aud insure, thei Vowmin. i0t ensure wl vans w { pr m?ige'xjx:ilo"" by fire 'hhoe'l'rubunlc_imgs, ~ \ | would be ,.r;t:;p':':spplng of trains,°a",,'3 ; ing the buil?lg so. In addition ie wisdom . * ot rails along the ru ive, No disspproved § ; . | t ihe baitns sher Hat to Meat »aole; Poild be is o en por B renuy ' ; which ause fires migh y strict | clothes, and owi in brakemen' | which ao besuruee would par tor. . i mapipmainanee | very unwi said it I | dian cars the me orergn and Cana.-- | the Coreratadtt _ to"fl(l;usiue::lilxlx% s move daogers Tnensighout the Falle, -- to \ | insuranc 0 for Mr. E. P f e rails, | k | stroyed ; 10. the b"ildings'm" with G. T.R a&H"M"o"Do Engineer | j ie e.-- iL k at i e | 5e dlrecqy fAire t Goummow'sre d rail lm;"mmmed that if, the old fot th ? for the losay r:{'pon"b" to tbl:t h onl "08" and gu:rsdtho'lqu rail " were uos":: offi a good idea to e thought that paople danger of f rails there would ey is have it wouid b eet being c A be less on th * a mod 3 e thou aught i cedb e buildings, and tro erate insurance 508 gm that any change in ': them. He Af:° the risk, m year to year wo':l;'fa""[)t that of leumnl"l running-- . $ s er the Treas t il to lessen dan e,n ng then; tions in refereute to had given expl hrow of switches coulgde r. 'The present item was e to other plana-- tended, us it w not well b t passed . matters , r 2 ould require '1l be ex-- | The Hous , the great a length to all a rail of too > e adjourned at 11 o' bend, 'This would be uow the necessary [ Ko To t H4 $ clock, throw trains off the t able to break and K 1 s TICES OF MoT Mr. Gzn . rack . | MUr. McLaugh o n 19!(. contriunc:::r efixhlb"ed the model . ' for a retur 6 I."',--OI'der of th the guard and lling the space b oi a ' police magl:tu'tl:ln' (1) the "n:'"li(}use | a piece of tmu'i:::8 falles 4t °0noiestt:¢:el: 8 i x o n, t 0o ;" :::: :moum ot salary 'o"( :hil Province, ?2" ?:uxos ot the rails a:nt;':l?e.d to the lower ' c"c'"'g'}nt of such feo:ch' or if by fecs) P. ping towards the ' tion, (;;'ught before each (?3r""n}ber of 'milgr' C. Appisrox exhibited | amount of fi umber of _ cony adjudica-- aittee the models of selt ed to the Com. , § | 1 L ines imposed . ictious, (5) | iflonl to the running bo;a?i,"t"l. exten. it is fiotail:ldflr,~0rdor of the H fl"t;:): fi isu ceig leap ov:r' 'giCh would | | should contr:c':"b_lic interest tb:':"' that which e h'lcxsielr.acti'ng co."plh.)gh.'ll all'so | eroment for th with the Provi persons dan * «imed, would § links, o vincial ges ul Ob & o obviate | (eowe mails v lhieer bulshgine" hi | crashed: rakemon's . Angers --being . s ile they conti onging to .' } C in thi atinue to the | | MUNICL2PA f s House. occupy seats -- | _ At the meeti L AMENDMENTS. { | _ Mr., MONK & | tee s ng of the ab + , of lodgers --Bill to protect Mr \ev'""l amendments we bre Commlls & | the 'up",nzunnu distréss f the goods . Watterworth's Bill re proposed to j . ' | ior landlord or rent due to :';'('1"08- The Act r.:;"l:"""z water. | * t ___._fi raders and ecting transi ' ' B4 s and pett siont Ecce | pimlonanaetnet on Bil i W i ce ind ow > chanogeos in soveral t'-luu..n"d was felt | . §# in the Act ; h ( 1