-- x.:.v' k y al * + '- x A% e ; T w 'A ',_ % % v F ,. s C e "' »; F s T ';'J» P ..' ".v'{';\. --'-\; ': + ' ; A~_' m . & ~"" y 't"'-':.' 2X 3 Coat "all es . > >,~ * $ d 'obsiad * r s > 5 i3 e s is' §# . F3 > .. hat tho Licutenant.Governor couk <a 4 PxF Tt es ns e +2 C on fact tha A e VA:: E '??vunne a body of Indians whose allow. vfise to recommend the wrongful expen-- sate:> > ' i1ce !md-bccn delayed was provided with j ure of anv public mouey, Supposing hss :;'lfphes by the Lieutenaat--Governor, and ( that His Ifonour had discovered -- before a 33 6 4s )roat'tcou" bave been better calculated to i & 1 the Estimates came down that this was &A . s KR . lmp; inte these people? He went on to \ wrongiul expenditure, it would hbave been | ? P :_ 5nenu odut that expenditure similar to the 4 'his duty to siy that he could not have s 'haw s Takix > nd nder discussion had been incurred consented to this particular appropriation, td .. ; ++ under _ tho© Administrations of _ Lord .. cbBrip i § uk > ¢~ ~ Monck Lord -- Elgin, Baron -- Lisgar Mr. MEREDTTH--But he did consent. $ t sbd *EKarl . Dufferin, 'und "tite resgenz Mr. FRASER--Yes, and that proves F was the first case in which Purlyi)ument my argument correct, 'The hon, gentlc-- F hnd descended to tarns'to ns for. dbeile § iese expend.cure T | F4 ® rbegy Ar t k liquors had been supplied on the occasion he had full knowledge of all these items, C § f of the celebrated CYCOM trip, because Where was the proof of that ? Bupposing 3 their beverages had betn supplied in casks IIcr' Majesty the Queen were placed in the x:;xd b.-ui:'e(lls, and, by the way, every one of g;)emolil din * Wh(ll':hththcslt." hton. icatls- M «l iem had come back empty. Loud en had place e Liculenant--Uuov-- f laughter.) 'The account read " ,-e(f,(,dh, ernor of -- Ontario, _ Would . auybody ments, refreshments, refreshments, &c.," l.muglnc that her con_d'l'zctw would be all the _ way down ; _ and pretty 1cgvulatcd by such decisions as those B much all they knew about it was which had been quoted from May,. Would | e $4,172 84, and that according to the public she not sav, "1I decline to have my name | . o8 :tc:i'ou.nu (tlhat'exgenditurle had been incur~ (\}\;ag'rl;sd'limo 'h? 110350}'"! thl(:' way?" e in eveloping coluonizition roads, V ou she not do as the Licut..Governor | (Laughter,) 'The whole affaitr had faulse. had done in this case? (HMear, hear, and | I ¢ hood written on the face of it Retormers -- loud cheers.) 'They had heard the words, | I | i might be right or they might be wrong " contemptible" and ©" cowardlv'"' flung at ; | e in the view they took ol these matters, the Government by the hon. gentlemen f f but they had too much respect for them. ; opposgite, but he would like to know if | EB f selves to descend to the work of public ' those epithets did not apply very forcibly | f scavengers, and go into the Licutenant. to hon, gentlemen who attucked a man who f Governor's kitchen and pick up pet,ly1 bhad and couid have no voice to defend him-- * |(aI0 | F details 10; the purpose of making a point | self, He liked a man who when he struck a { g' § against their opponents, | | blow struck it at one who was able to | 4d is _ Myr. LAUPER thought it was a highly i return it, and struck it openly and above | ' j ' improper t.lun% to b_n'ng tgq opinion of board ; but there was not a man among } the LicuteRAit--Governet (_:;{.her into the those who sat on the Opposition benches, ' , ol or this House:." Rig rged fom May t Wamtobn down ta the tovess amone them, | : * rgad from May to | Mar * 4 j € «& them, d § show that it was not proper to bring '1'0:. who had been manly enough to take such | ' wzm_l the name of the Queen in a debate in a line as that, The _Lleut,cnunt-Go\'cruor Parliament for the sake of influencing the had a perfect right to say, . @ I ( Judgment. of meimbers, and that Her Majesty object to your discussing the de. | | could not ll;:i supposed to hol;l an opinion tauli;l ot" my }):trsoxnsl ;rxpz:lr}scs, and I c 107 t -- upon a public matter apart from her re-- settle ie matter by banding you my o tb\ |-- F io it Tiks princiore es soerane Ti foutubls wore iiot a7 Andeiaiiiach idg soke M 1a s principle was correct with ourna & t S{acitIng JUHC Sibb i || rcgnrd to the Queen, it was also correct ' Government as they were the Licutenant. f' j *i" !t F gnt.h regard to her :fiprcsenlmuve here. l Gfiver{xorl, Hoe coull)d ff'mc();l the rea:o:l1 i ud 14 ke f Jommon sense wou teach any hon. why the hon. member for Glengarry ha v 308 | gentleman that the opinions of tne exhibited so much animus against that ¥ t | U Crown or its representative should be gentleman, for it was well known that in i sipeLIP|| rigidly excluded from the debates of A his constituency the friends of the Licut,.i *' hq f Parliament, and he thought it was the Governor had taken a course which was ts E duty of Mr. Speaker to protect the rights adverse to him. They found the mem-- $ P * of the people by ruling the motion of the bers of the party who always te-- ® f _ member for North York out of order. 'The ~ garded themselves _ as _ the spcc_lal wholc_tpmg was a scheme to prevent the 'dcfcndnnts of | .Her Majesty ue}nb- 1 a | Upposition from exercising tl.mr _consti-- ,cm_tcly and wilfully using expressions & t.uuo(x;u'l miht of _plncm';fhthear views on w.h;lcll; clhullclllgcd fthfi mtg,-lm-.xty; 'aud ;hec 0| record in the motion, 'he Government | rightful conduct o er_ Majesty's repre-- were afraid to assume their proper share sentative in this Province. {\((;pposiuon | fes 4 ot responsibility, and tried in a cowardly cries of 'No, no.") He would quote a 5 mauner to shclt,cr themselves behind the | tew of the ex'pressious used by the hon. Licutenant--Governor, | member for Giengarry, and one of them Mr., FRASER said he would begin by ' was that the party was a carousing party. n $ referring to the high _ constitutional Mr. MNoMASTER--L called it a carouse | ground assumed by the member for East oftlic Exeautive ; Grey. 'That hon. gentlieman was usually i iaanmnann ts f astray, he would not say intentionally, Mr. FRASER--If the hon. gen. + n A because that was unparliamentary, and tleman-- was a Jittle better posted | 1 when ue tried to be logical he gcx'xemlly 1in conslitutional authorities he would ' e succeeded in being nonsensical, (Laugh. | know that the Lieutenant.Governor was ; ~ 3 es i ter.) _ Me had quoted May to show that | part of the Esecutive, and when only | i i o Her Majesty's name should not be intro. \ one member of the Government was pre. t f k ., duced into Parlhament to influence a de-- | sent it showed very clearly against whom ' bate. -- The ex--Licutenant.Governor of | these insidious little charges were made, E. > Manitoba was oune of the leaders or deputy ! charges _ whose . character he _ would B 0 5+ o leaders of that hon. gentlieman, and he 'dcscril)c in plainer tc_rms if he were in | | 4 '*"fi"'; wished to point out that the friends of the | another place. And it must be cemem-- ' o ? } % 5 z> ' hon. member for East Toronto in Octawa beied that the hon, member for Glen. d mss . / / had taken the ground that a Lieutqnant-' | garry had not begn _ speaking _ off-- t : ~A Gove;'nor was n&g the r:pmsctt;m:lt'l? of | | hand, li)ut had n:;ulcm)];l: rcn;?:'ks"xz:-sig | BE i Her Majesty in this country ; that these | carefully -- prepare cs. . _ w | HE ' k. oflicers,Jin no senso whatever,' represonted also read the opinion expressed on ' _. #1 i Her Majosty in their respective Provinces, | this subject by the leadiog organ of the . [ | A He (Mr. Fraser)took the opposite ground, party of the hon, gentlemen opposite. f t i« . " & * that as towards this House the Lieutenant. Here was what the J.la_il of this morning 1 3 } e $ Governor took the placo of Her Majosty had to say on the subject :-- 3 #| -- f the Queen; but it would be well to enquire Was Mr. Mowat justificd in paying His Hon-- U i: 3 (9e how the constitutional principles laid our's whiskey bills? Did His Honour, as the first | [ 1 [T down by the hon, member for East Grey citizan I'll this l'rlovin(l::, f;ut,. a good cx::n:ple 1in | l Me a taking his frie relatives on a month's de-- ; f ' aPP"ed to the case before the House, Not b.l;ukc"h, alx:?l tllln;'l:( Sn:l'g'ing the Premier to make the ' ; ¥ only was the opinio®. of Her Majesty ex. poople pay the shot ? : q ercised in the House,. but uc_tually whe He would like to know if such allusions U h 3¥ money Bill could be initiated without her as "a month's debauch" and "*His Hon-- i e consent, The tact of the matter was that our's whiskey bills" did not establish his ' 4 the Opposition . were notd.lo much charge that the Opposition were making a 3 | C . troubled about this _ expen 1lt'ure, k cowardly aad contemptible attack upon f how it was incurred, as t ;yd walt the head of the Hxecutive of this & over the tact that :he'f nfide:::; Province. -- TLo-- Government -- shielded tended to move a WAD d° t'l"°" ce 2 themse'ves behind nobody. They staud , 5 motion, and they | had fo:u th ema.m: prepared to sccep! the full responsibility, § oul#"""""g'" I;het'b:(::onoy':m:o:rong- and to justify themselves before the peo-- tional ground tha he »le of tnue Province, The hon, memboetr \(uh)' spent, and that was based on the ¥ ' s o ' R .