M C ul c a c e t * e ... C C [ o_ n mma < 2 f a separation should take place. He could | | ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. n attecation should toke piaot., He seult | o en ccauny e eiillee en ienctinly '% should nol;P b? reterred back to the Com. | « « ® mittee on Private Bills, and hoped tha | Fourth Parliament--First Session, hon. members on both sides of llfo Hvun: weemammnneemelfgemenes mc aae would assent to the motion, | Learsearive Asssasor, * Mr, FRASER said it would be highly | February 23. undleslr;nll)lle a:ithi;ifiugie of the session to I o deal with this n the manner pro-- |\ The Speaker took the chair at three | posed, seeing that there could be uo opgor. o'clock . tunity of obtaining the views pf those PETIITIONS. most interested. The following petitions were pre. Mr, CROOKS corroborated the state. ented :-- ments of the mover with regard to the in-- Mr. Harcourt--From the town of Wel-- % barmonious relations subsisting between land, respectiug the Bill on market fees. the two portions of the municipality Mr. Merrick -- From the viliage of which it was proposed to separate, . Kemptville, praying that the sale of in. Mr. AWREY said that an addmo_nal toxicating liquor be prohbibited on cortain reason for brmging, about the separation holidays, of Prince Arthur's Landing trom the | RETURNS 'Town Plot was that a new and expensive \| 4 Town Hall was being crected at the l Mr, HARDY presented the report of the Landing, which the people of Fort William | Engineer of the Public Works Department would hare to help pay for though it | and other papers relating to the crection would be of no benefit to them. He read of Partiament Buildings, a telegram stating that the municipality | Also--Report of the Board of Manage. of Shuniah was not opposed to the sepa. | ment of the Western Qutario School of ration . | Arts, * + Mr. PARDEE said that as no possible Also--Return of the names of persons, disadvantage couid happen to those in. firms, and companiecs indebted to the terested by allowing the matter to stand Crown on the 1st of January, 1879, on over for another'session, he thought that account of timber dues, wouid be the most prudent course, so that MUNICIPALITY OF NEEBING the views of those affected immight be fully Mr, LYON moved that the fourth re-- °x,p'"'"°d' Cesd > s port of the Standing Committee on Pri-- The House dnvx:ied on the ?)ouon,wmch vate Bills be referred back to the Commit-- was lost :--Yeas,AZ'l; N"I',' , 36. § tee, with instructions to declare the Yras.--Messrs. Awrey, Baker, Baxtor, Boll preamble of Bill (No. 53), Municipality of i rqvimes, Cibsup (ithron), Atinam, Hevwicy, Hunt 'Neooingu proven. Ho remarked that ter, xm.PLut:ger. k".::',"""':n"'::'"-, Mgcmiamr, li a x Murray, axton, obertson alton), Sprin Cr, e putoanal poho aeter Favomioarers ighons, Seriee ate certain townships from the municipal-- siBe Sonbald, Houlien, Broges; llahoien Crongs. ity of Shuniah and form thosed townships flerril, l';ielldl, l':;'asc;,e :.-rex;:né Giblonu(ll;mibl;on), into a municipality to be called the muni-- | Marcont!, Clardy, Loes, MNcLranty, Mac ere-- cipality of Neebing, 'The population of | hew, Neciom: "{f;':li;e?'°{-§:.':;r.§.','"i€:ch','.'&".';f' Prince Arthur's Landing was embraced in , Robinsou (Kent), Robertson [Hastings), Rosevear, Prince Arthur's Landing and the township | Ross, Sinclair, Wood, }f?uxfg--sc. of Mciatyre, and the population of Fort !__NEW PARLLIAMENT BULILDINGS,. William was embraced in the townships ot |__ Mr, FRASER moved that the House Ncebing and McKellar, 'The distance be-- would on to--.morrow resolve itself into a tween those places was fige miles, and this Committee of the Wholoe to consider cer. Bill provided that the division should tain proposed _ resolutions -- respectiog tuke place about balf way between those new buildings for the Provincial Legisla. places, 'There were five townships to the ture and Public Departments., Carried, ;YL"S"{ of !"ofi' w"m'\f'?,' bu:o t::i:r: wcreouo CORRECTION. f ettlers in them. ere could be no com-- ihia A 4t plaint as to territorial extent, as the ofi!l:c: ilhk"lb (fie:llx"dziotc?"icc 'the l:ppor_t municipality of Shuniah could attach new Fas Atat a(; % t C ths dl_us ., in which it townships to the cast of that place which u" B?ll tbat, in the discussion on the ' contained equally as good land as the ""."d il!, he was the mover of the township to the west of Fort William ; NCR mett)xt restricting the usc.of dogs. to and with the municipality of Oliver to the e mon.t . The amendment in question | north of those places it would be hk n,l?' ed by the non. member for'North 3 seen that no otherdivision could be made. Lanark, .";"d he (Mr, Lees) was quite op. | The population ot Prince Arthur's Land-- posed to it. ' ing is much larger than Fort William, SECOND READINGS. | whicl_: cnnl;lcd them to clect a majority of The following Bills were passed through | :_bc l(,'.:ufucl:l, and gavelt:xem %ontrol ofttlu; a gecond reading ;-- ; unds of the municipality, and this contro »specti i f had been used for the benefit of the former Colti;t';eatz;:li :gel':(ot:')iouv:fluo ilf):;{:ortlg f1l04k | place, A by.law was passed granting a&a Mr. Wood. c 8 w""_', :)r%x::s 323&3.,'3?&::1 ':gn':,'::::e. Ar::ll'::,{ .Bos_pecting_; the collection of taxes ix.x the Landing, thereby deteriorating the value T intricts o '-. fflzoma' b,I ."smk"' l 1 * of Faaroied / s o n Bound, Nipissing, and 'Thunder Bay.-- property in Fort William. and increas-- The Attorney.--Gencral ing the value of property in Prince Arthur's > * s § Landing. 'The peopie of Fort Wiilliam Respecting the proof of proceedings in were not satisfied with the way the funds Provincial and Colonial Coutrts,--The of the municipality were expended. They Attorney.Genetal, contended that they did not get a fair pro-- INTERNAMONAL PARK, portion of the money raised and expended The Aitormney--General's Bill respecting in their section of the municipality, and Niagara Falls and the adjacent tetritory when separation took place they could was passed through Commuttes, manage their own affairs more economical-- ly than they are able to do at prosent. DIVISION COURTS. The proper notices, had been giyen The House went into Committee and in the local paper and in the resumed the consideration of Mr, Hardy's Ontario _ Gazeite, and no _ petitions Bili to extend the jurisdiction of the had been presented against the Bill ; Division Courts and to regulate the officers and he was in possession ot letters from of said Courts. Prince Arthur's Landing, and nog one word + w was said against separation ; and, besides, l{"wveral ol:luaeln :;e;: :lcls::x:;:d, and a fe he had sceen parties from Prince Arthur's ag on regpiemight ds Landing hore since the Bill was before It being six o'clock the Committee rose Ahe Committee, and they were in favour of aud the Speaker left the chair, the Bill, 'The provisions of the Bill were After recess fair and just. It provided that up to the 5 A ; time ofj upanti!:m each munlrcipalitv The House azai: wl;tlnlt into Commitles should pay their share of the debts con-- of the Whole on the Biil, tracted, All that was wanted by the new Aiter some unimportant amendments, municipality was that they should have % Mr. WHILTE moved that the clausee control ot their own local, affairs, He was providing for the imprisonment of judg. cognizant of the facts with regard to this menat debtors e struck out. separation, and as there were two rival | Mr. FRASER pointed out that under the towns it . would be better for both that | Act as it stood every possible protection