The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Feb 1880, p. 2

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Fiomi " e 7 ea P " ({\'.:).t*--mwwi 7 I + x waee i thought an" Association receiving such a | whiskey into 17""1,71 (laukél::rd) lauM;xd / P large grant should furnish the fullest in-- bhe bad'to pa) d.'.o_ . l.hOl(' cutlenfer; -- 7 formation on agricultural matters, tor.'y "\/ He advised N ols f l c [ who -- had.. goune: on that trip to ; # * * ,_ Mr. K_A TERs thought the most ample \ the North. West to turn their whiskey and * x:\ inform@tion should be supplied by the As-- their wine and their rum and cigatrs into sociations. vats (laughter), and the House would pay +. > The motion was carvied. | the bill and say no more about it. J SELECTION OF JURORS, _ . _ (Renewed laughter,) -- He would . fight J Mr, RICHALKDSON moved for an order whiskey as long as he lived. (Cheers.) ' ¢ of the House for a return showing the sums Mr. GIBSON said that on the promise paid in the several counties and united made by the Provincial Secretary he * counties in Ontar i to the county sclec. would w'lthdmw the Bi}l, but if the measure tors ot jarors for services pertormed as of the Government did not embody the & such, between the 10th day ot Septeinber, amendments he . had suggested he would f : 1879, and the 10:h day of Febraary, 1880 ; reintroduce the Bill next session. * ( E. such return to show how many and which The Bill was withdrawn and the order k § of the selectors acted, and how much was discharged. paid to each selector, | RALILRLOAD CROSSINGS. f 'The motion was carried . Mr. PATTERSON moved the second LODGERS AND BOARDERS. ' reading ot the Bill to amend _ the 4 The House went into Committee on Mr. Railway Act, _ He pointed out that | Mouk's Bill to protect the goods of there was nothing in the Railway Act | lodgers and boardors against distresses for | to compel rariway companies to build rext due to the superior landlord, | crossings for the convenience oi farmers t E. Aiter discussing several clauses of the | whose lunds they crossed, and the object § é Bill the Comunittee rose an d reported. | ';'t"": Bill was to remedy this important LIQUOR LICENSE ACT, |CNees t | Me. Gigson (ilamilton) reored ts | , Mr. PARDEE suid that there--was a good i. second reading of tae Bill to amend the deal of foree in the rcn'wrks of the mover $ E L'quor License Act. Lt was necessaty that of the Bill, but the sul_nqct was one sur»-- i" : legislation should be obtained in the way | rounded with great difliculties, At pre. B f of increasing the penalty tor a breach of s e e Acce refused to make | ET : the law by those who had no licenses, as i emeapmedinih ivabdl pmepets on o 5 .Of the '?"i f the prosent penalty was not suflicic'utly dland .\l\hh(:q'lll'.'lll to the construction of i f severe to secure a due observance of the l c o l'l'""l' 'wi..qq:fi:;ora::'od:i:)lxrsew?? x H law, _ One of the greatest eyils i iss o en M oe, COuRSCHOL s §E f tion with the |'"lug0l traftic vWalltl.lhzo:,lr';gc "-l;'l" .th(n.lx';h legislation was und(ou.b'l-' ; 4 darried | on dufing the hours! between Ud \"u-qul]xud on .thm' and (l'.itlr matiters § § Saturday night and Saunday morning. The h .'l W «'« .Ilfl; the l'olzhlm'l.s (.)t rali way C(Jmh;h | ; Bill propos>d to tuake away the licenses of »'u,- with the pubic, it \Vl\'\l'd e | a ; those kssping open du'('ing prohibited / \\cl-l_lo pass an Act of this !u!m without 1 hours, and to refuse renewing that liconse (::u'cm_l cnrysndemlmn' and wnthou§ con-- 0) for two years. _ 'The Bili was not only in c uulurutmn with all the parties whose 1n-- ' A the interest of temparaunce men but also in tereats . w 00 0008000E ol es . (99 hOils {| ¢ the interest of those who aré engaged in _\' u'wmber would withdraw the Bill t'he ' *& the sate of liquor, _ He had readouetoknow | Government woulid endeavour to Qcal with 4 j that there were not a few in his own city o th_o matter carectully, Aafter consulting with 10 d who were engaged in the liquor traflic who f rellay.mes «snd: o1R st oxpenenced . p 3 ; t B >L had come to ths conclusion that legisla-- _ PC R § tion imposing severe penaltios would " Mr. PATTERSCN thought the subject 1 Bt have the offect ofi not ouly ensuring ~ was of suflicient imnortance to entitle it 8t a better obscrvance of the law, but would . to the present consideration of the HMouse. $ \ have the effoct of putting a more respect. \ \ | Ue did not wish to withdraw. B | able elass into that particular business, _ _, y Mr. PARDEE pointed out that the mea-- | 1 [ t & \ _ Mr. MHAkDY saud the Government had \\ sure was not one that could be dealt with i B f uuder consideration the question 0 bring. by merely altering a few wordsin the Bill, | t t 1 | ing the licenso law, ifpossible, nearer per. 3 as great injustice might bo inflicted on me | C§) \ fection. It was probable that the machi-- W railway | companies by . making . £uCh | nery which had been introduced from time changes without due consideration. 'The ( AX to time for the detection and punishment whole question required to be dealt with f . } of illicit dealers in liquors was being better in a caretul manner, and in a way that would ' understood by magistrates and people from ensure perfect justice to individuals and ; $ year to year. It would be.a serious gbhlow to railways alike, ] s to a dealer to have his license removed Mr. LAUDER said that in Lower Ca-- ' 7 { o from him for two years, after which time nada, where the land was divideqa up into t is business wou_ld have all vanished, and small holdiugs, each resident has a rail-- his means of gaining a liviug in this way way crossing. He hoped the Goverament 3 a 'would be destroyed. A{ the hon, gentle-- would not overlook the importance of the : man would not vress his Bill at the subject . teseat stage the Government would, dur-- + tw tal e f ' tflg ethe rl:-cuss, seriously consider the | Phe Bill was declared lost on division . } ' in'ny represcutations made jto them, and | _ The following Bills were passed through |\ try to make such a provision as would | Committee :-- | s weet the wishes of[ alt concerned,. ! _ Respecting the removal ot persons from | f se Mr. CALVIN believed the license law . | county gaols to Provincial institutions-- ' o > | was defective, inasmuch as it held out no | Mr, Wood. | | bounties to informers. _ He thought the _ Respecting the Ontario Retormalory for | | complainant should have one--half of the boys--Mr. Wooa. |-- 4 s amount.rccovcr(-d. ' y erybody xu_imiltcd l DILVISION COURTS. | 3. P that whiskey drinking was an evil ; the y k } s M | Wh! > Es bost proot of it was the fact that he was : l'.lc1House went into (°"',""."e9 o8 A¥ircd x 0; _ here in this House at the age of nearly 82 | Ihrdv_u'B.Hl t? extend the ,unsdnclnon of | 1. $ * years.--(heur, hear, and cheers)--tor he | the Division Courts. A number of gmond- } ; O Pss had not druuk & drop of intoxicating ments were proposed by ie . ho ve L of the;j i @5 + liquors for 52 years. He was sure ho B'llland others, in co'mpll_ancc \s"n'h sugges-- I s > would not have been alive if he tions thrown out while discussing the Bill | is had caurried on throughout his life as he | in its previous stages. Considerable dis-- t % had carried on during his younger days, cussion tcok place on some of the changes 30 & 9 (Mear, hear, and laughter.) _ He could re-- | 1utroduced, . L . c Call the names of fifty lumbermen who | l!, being six o'clock the Rpeaker Ieft the 1 io: drank _ whiskey, _ who had _ started chair, when he _ did, _ and not . one: ot Afier recess, o them was alive to--day "('Ice'_"' °:'°'J" Lo« The House resumed the considezation C tieman in Detroit--and for a g00¢ mans of the Division Courts' Biil. A few fur. § years back hbe had been a temperance man ther amendments were made, when the * t too, Some of them had cut their throats, Go it Eand tepot + 3 \othel's had died of delirium tremens, and A sovidk fhragt qapaie tm veported'p vof!ERs: j R P | others had drowned themselves. When y NEW PARI&'MPE{WQ -B,':"ltr_"igs r'.i + ; | he was first clected a member of this Mr, FRASCR w'-vcd the House into Com-- o al > House he had thrown open 4 large num. mittes of the Whole on the followin ; | & \ ber of taverns (lnrmgl his elecumlx-;t was ' aesolutions :-- T Ee 5 -~.-.~"":'" | f | not ille sal then--and one n}au iad pre= efl /« Eht 4 A \| I e .. \ :enled L" bill for $600 for liquor, 'but. he i'léegfig,\&fgl sg%g;'?d?dl'&l;eg:gli)twt&a: :\:(;v n!e':(lllft\lul : would not pay it (Laughter,) But the l actommodation of the Provincial| Legislature, and e ; C tavern--keeper bad gone and changed the the Departtments of th¢ Public Service. 6 . 3 * ! p $ _ ? 6 m F , 4 R } }

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