The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Feb 1880, p. 3

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R B B C ol o. eeeeeen e e e N 00 MR P ND CC OOR -- "*s -- «s PB 3x yog" "wage a,~| ; C C oonication between the head of the Gov. | _ o f 3 *_| to the House, for the desire hg had ex. [mn.mlga%wi}:?'t!'?:n lilluu'fi, fuys tlmt(%hey § 4 s | pressed, and for his action in sending a 'fimmcll.d d asconstivtutional declarations of . 4 cheque to the Treasurer, 'They held them. ; it ceown, suguested by the advice of its weees EP selves responsible for the ,estimates which | the (,rq\};,r;é Miniuers by whom they are h. @ the Lieut..Governor had. recommended to | responsibl« io P. rliu;wnt in compliance f . the House, and when His Honour recom. al}llounCte'.t') l-t i re 'nnd (hev canniot ; | mended that those estimates should Sbe re-- with _ -e't:l;t.l:u:(; nto hiy mterierabee with » f duced -- they held th'emlel'v'en responsible be mh?oc i ues of Partiament, In view ' for that recommendation. There was not the pl?i Ll- atigh of the 108; THC Altor. : "ge a single word which had been commen. ot the deciaralto K e Guvet n edt assunmied P ~a dated here as the word of the Lieutenant nxey.Gencr:tl.tlygttncf ;)]\_elf;[ J aPe tom-- 4 § liovernor that they did not take the full the responsibility o d (tis tho on':dment k | E responsibility for either as advising it or munication, hn regar C r ?k*" C def , } as accepting it as if they bad advised it, A of tho iwmembet tor North York as in order, suggestion might come from the Lieut,-- w\ Mr. CREIGHTON regretied that the | Te Governor to the Ministers,"If they aid not name ot tlis Honou; the Lieutenant.Gov. "a act upou it "': was an end o{ the matter, ermot had necessarily been brought into but if they didfact upon it, they must take this discussion through the cowardiy aclion t 29 the responsibility for it, 'The usage was of his responsible Ministers, (Cries of | h that the name of the Lieut.-Gc:vernor < Ordet.") | a might be used without any formal writ. *' DPRA KK 4.+ G i w | tuug communication, -- A% his | recoim, | Ml'. SPEAKE® raled the language out | p mendation -- might be made verbally, | of order, J e . § f so -- long as the Ministry assumed Mr. (JllE[GHlON,_ continuing, argired t E. the _ responsibility, 'The question of that the trip was an indetensible one from | f whether the Lieut..Governor's communi-- every point of view. It was not of any i k cation should bo entered on the minutes \ bencfit to _ the country, _ If it was : was another patter, but he quite agreed an _ official _ trip, _ there . were . too § ;f ' with the speaker's ruling that it should many _ gentlemen conrected -- with it ye d $ not be entered on the journals of the who were not ol'{iciu_ll{ connected with h t House. _ If there had been a resolution the counliy,. It was a holiday excursion | NB k. dealing with a matter which they could trip which the country should not be cailid + B U f not deal with unless it was recommended upon to pay for. s yee , d ?}_ . by the Lieut..Govercor, then there must V Mrc. SINCLAIR regrotted the flippant { ' be an qnt.r_y u_uou the Journuls, for the mauner in which sorae of the hon, ggu:.le. | A h communication in that case was the foun. &®n had sooken. It was tinfortnate that | | { !i * tdation ot their action, _ He held that the :'i']';"mme éf the.Licutcnant-G%Vemor Lady | " ) : .\ | amgadment was perfectly in order, J been dragged into public notice in this AR L f b Mr., MEREDILH said the whole point | "'be : i y ©° f pfaprv'm * connection, and nothing less could have ' § | of difference was that here was a private | esh expcc{cd of him as a geutloman ot (B . , communication fr.on'n the .,'["elltelm[.ll- | spirit, when . he foundsome. jof thisg ex. W f gt:i:te:l"oz;)n::::u:i:altl'l';:e ;:gg::'t;;n:m:"a: pcudl'tm'o called in question by the Con. ;l : a * p o and individuals thron $ constitutional way, upon the advice of his :;:":;L"n'u!;';t':au Ne .Should at onCce signigf: § f Ministers, -- A clear evidence of the private , e o " relieve . thei:Provi r 4 F nature of the communtcation was the fact -- llllll: c'i'::e"rl;e o(tf payitig . for. thoge l?tceem: § that it did not appear on the journals of s & E ( CE o § | the House, and 35 effect was to influence ' From the publhic:l p:;xil:;';: civcocup:e:! to | [A il f the Honuse in (hilociding whether they lh{)uld 'ffi";"'j':,;f':{:,g'refi and it was nlo:'l;:)ratll:i . }'l' & absolve the Ministers from personal re-- 10 s t Y E sponsibility in the expenditure ot an un-- l_['":'fl:'t;:; o?:l'u:i':'ttly" t:g:p';'g:é:'""'fl': . t authorized application of the public money, C L-('ml c aile reletred 10 Th Chicsp pt 15. -l"n f He contended that the motion of the hon. l 'i'l:P '::l;ich :. (0OK BA And 'r'enixafrloi':; L i f member tor No'rth.York was out ot order, teporta in the public press of the day 10 _ o Mr. HARDY said that the hon, member 5 show the manner in which the party U# in his statement had entirely left out the .,em,ert'fined and were enlertained, -- He '} fact that an official communication might charged the Government of that time with | $ ~E.{ be made either verbally or in writ. f having charged part of the GChicora ex-- | W £3 ing, 'The Estimates were recommended \4 4 penditure . to colonization roads, He 1 0 by the Licutenant--Goveruor, and the same \; & justified the trip on the ground ot public t power might recommend a dec;':aso. 'l'tl:o "\ N interest. # -- Government, in speaking, spoke in the w 4 a $ name of the Lieutenant--Governor. The _ Mr, BRODEE would support the resolu. 3 M letter wa%communi;:atc;d b&'tlge Gov{erttx:r "0;;'. HA Y desired before referring to the § ~ | C for the official use of the Minister o e Ar. d " ) the j . Cro«n, and therefore it was public to the &A question, nott ttbeb ¢Y€Cd',t10u, P T « exteunt that the h}i:inlo:tmrado use of it :':'h:: ;:xv:pz::'ll:c::i;;et:';t; ur.le l{ol%t::j ? . / | ml;;'rml"'lt:f\;fflol{):a(::i' ilovv:s e(o.r the House left home with a friend to_spend a week * & * to decido by its vote whether the expres-- or so in tire Manitoulin Island district, f § C ine ros as it nd happening to be on the same train | ¢ sion contained tn the resolution was trite & A t'nh Lie;tenuut Governor's PaFLY "he t y w i * . : 'r,:lsel()l":)'u :lepoir:tl "g:at:':detl.'. I(lv::;:l?ouu received an invitation to join them. He at '_' & the House to decide as to the truth of the fi;s;el(miliitgvd&s':xoc:tb:i::::ec rl:sntehz::%h:nt"hce fr: statomon ts . C M i pmaigaiga A o § 5 ® Mr., LA UDER said that in every case couut of l';'::;'i':( :"'l':'l':'l:i': r;;;':';:";;"g;]:'l?' : JE wheu an official communication was made aflercou::;l i l-e C herHVilATION UY 3 6 to the House it appeared on the journals,. l:o'l:"mlemn: ::an lheb N if n ved a(; ' k He had expected "m"t M'w" th{.? b*}m"k" '?hu&ficr Bay he had boll?uo his own ex-- 4 "Y¥e o ;:.':vf:t:f%':.l::::(:hfi'l[vfioh'l:o"::; L:'f,,:';i(? | penses, Before leaving home he had not §# o Wwigh 6t 1 4 s slig i uch a trip being in R that no wish of the Lieut,--Gove:iguo: gould "::':::\:c{::::l'::ito:fe:n(:'t;&y ne:rd él ie"'ghcn x2 %'e' in a resointion of the House | he met the party on the traimn between . & \ A in an official form. k % |\ Toronto and Collingwood. 'The object the 8 >. ~ dW & Mr, SPEAKER said that from e pre-- | Government had in view in making this | o i 4 'M | vious tone of the dc_lmte the objecu.on | trip was to see that new country which t y e takon by the hon.member tor East Toronto | they had obtained under the award, and , ss. C was not eutively unexspected by him, and |\ as a matter of policy it was desirable that 1%,f e OS . that he had given full consideration to j it should be seen. It was necessary § | '\ whike . . the points now raised. _ He had previously | E that the Government headed by the Exe. ' . C $ Agt declared the communication from His | culive should obtain some idea of the 6 4R 268 Honour the Lioutenant.Governor, and mincral and agricultural resources of the € €0r* read to the House by the Treasurer, as ot country with a view to any policy of set. | 2 .;:_ an informal and ""Um'v"'"l, charu.cter. But tiement that might be adopted by them, | < MB A any difficulties which might have been Taking a deep interest, as he had always o % f suggested~ to his miud by this fact done, in tho settlement of the country, he , s f were enirely removed by the t,lcclara. {+t jastified in accepting the invitation he 3 a e | tion _ just _ made -- by _ the _ Premier, ut reccived, and the objects of the trip 3 $ f that full responsibility for the communti. | were of such great public interest as to x cation made to the House was assumed by tully warrant the expenditure. Me had no 1P ° 3 4 $ the Government, and that it must be hesitation _ in -- saying thrat under the Bd W i \ theretore regarded as made upon their exceptional circumstances the trip was a ( advice,. Under such cireumstances, the more _ jastifiablo _ than _ other _ trips a abjection raised by the non, member for which had been referted 10 _ dur. j l East Toronto fell to the ground. May, ing the debate., _ There were other rea-- A C [ in describing the several modes of com. sons which would justify the trip. 'The ! es < F ' T BE n oi o hss N

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