e e t CC C ap -- . "C/* £g * : Province of Ontario had just come into posgession of that country undet .the award, they had appointed a stipendiary magistrate, and adopted other legislation for the administration of justice in that district, and the Dominion Government, then meeting at Ottawa, had not sought to confitra that award. It was then a matter of public policy that the Un. tario Government should take steps to assert thoir claim against all comers, f And in that way they practically took possegsion of the country, (Applause.) In reference to the manner in which the exploration was conducted, it was a cruel and indecent thing for hon. gentlemen to say, as they had done, and as the press of their party had repeated, that the trip | was a '"*drunken spree," and an "Ex-- | ecutive debauch." A large proportion of | the luxuries charged in the bill were | used at the different points at which the | party -- touched in the discharge of the usual hospitalities incident to an officiat visit of such a character, 'The only spirits taken with the party over the Daw-- son route was whiskey. (Laughter.) He did not know what the party coutd have done without it--(laughter)--in counter. acting the effects of bad drinking water. His hon. friend from (Glengarry had re-- ferred to him in the debate of a previous | evening in a way that had secureg for him | (Mr, Hay) considerable uotpriety through. | oat the country, The hon. 'gentlon?a'n had described the trip in a jocular view, which, as well as the more serious part of his speech, was rather overdons,. In con-- clusion, be would ask the Houso if there was anything morse contemptible or more cruel than the line adopted ; by the hon, gentlemen opposito toward the Licutenant--Governor in thus drag-- ging his name isto public noticec. It was all done for political capital, and it was lamentable that the parsty should have so little regard tor the position of Her Majesty's adviser. Hoe was pre-- pared to justify the expenditure betore the House and before his constituents, and he would rather boe found supporting ten times the expenditure than attempt to justify the foul expressions that had come from the lips of hou. gentlemon opposite. X (Loud applause.) V Mr. WHITE wished to know i it was a necessary part of the object of the trip that the party should go to Manitoba and ceturn va St, Paul and Chicago at the public expeuse. -- Instead of attempting to justify the excursion, or show what pubile ovjects :t had accomplished, the last speak-- er had made an insulting attack upon the meimber for Glengarry and other members on this side. The member for North Bruce had first justified the trip, but in the end he had tried to balance himself carefully on the fence, HMe proceeded to criticiso at some length the remarks ot Ministerial speakers, and said that if the Government pretended to justify the expenditure they should justify it as a whole, J' Mr, DEROCHE moved the adjournment of the debate, -- Carried. Mr. MOWAT moved the adjournment of the House, The House adjourned at 11:10, En _2