The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 27 Feb 1880, p. 2

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' o aiarage | WWeae ' e eP v'.'-"--' e "-».r '7-.-;'1-;,.."..'&"?%'; Crey a .77 _,' B iss | is ~G s y y es o. c wPBe a g}" l'.' 4 + * PR 1 R F. + en nbrea : [ s «l 7 H 5+ Lcadls ' ty _"J »-j,"'v 4* s i | B ; , es ; -- regate $7,100 per annoum and it was hss RA | motion for the return, 'The necessary :%f ,,E.,po.,.{ to supply their places with papers would be brought dfwn. f new officials, -- He read from the statute to s k JURY SELECTORS, show that the Government was authorized 3e | Mr. ROSS moved for an order of the to make this payment without any refer-- 3 d | House for a return from each couuty and ence to Pavliament at all. KR city of '(1'1. number of days during Wwhich Mr. MERRICK asked if the hon. gentle. §" the county selectors were engaged in the man meant to say that the items would selection of the jury lists tor 1880, giving | not appear in the Estimates under that the date of each sitting, and the number head . _ ol ; of names selected at each day's Siiting, Mr. PARDEE--I mean to say that as a * f the total number of names selected for the matter of law there is no necessity for . different lists, and the total number te-- such a course. _ It is not the practice at turned by the municipalities on the Ottawa to bring these items before the 4 jucors' rolls, u!sohthe amount zald :;' ns House for ratification » c tion. -- Carried. * f selectors for "S'BL';le;I"I):LS » Mr. DRYDEN thought the principle of : P C * giving gratuities to public servants could % The following Bills were passed through not be justified on any priunciple, Theso . # Committee with some amendments :-- oflicers occupied their positions' because , i To protect the goods of lodgers and they cou!d not obtain any better. All of | | e boarders against distresses for rent due to them received good salaries, sufficient to _ -- | K the superior laundlord--Mr. Monk . enable them, with ordinary care, to lay up 7 t ' s To amend the Assessment Act--Mr. a competency for old age, It was gener-- ~WKV Sinclair. ally believed that as a class the Civil W k P % , Service employees were extravagant in & Ro%;a::;:t(l;gndtltchmg watercourses--bMt: their style ot living. He was perfectly t C )« £ i willing that they should receive good | T Respecting the support of destitute in-- l salarier, but beyond that he could not see, 1% sane persons--Mr, Waters. only in exceptional, that they had § ° | To prevent the spreading of Canad» any claim for retiring allowances from the '{ | thistles--Mr, Hay. Government, d !1 Respecting tile, stone, and timber drain= Mr. MILLER combatted the idea of the Ed age--Mr. Hay, previous speaketr that employees in the [d t k To amend the Municipal Act--Mr. Ross. p"bli:h'":::e';:"":::;"?ln'- !ie hela B H To remove doubts arising out of «ho i riduals. . He did not Bidk that a Gov. 18 Revised Statute, respecting mortgages and nt aflioe was a good thing to aspi * | H les of personal property--Mr, Meredith, framo #-- § ho Aspi¥e tB} | s¥ to. If the best position in the public ser. ' §) MECHANICS' LIEN ACT. vice was offered to llltllm he would not ac-- 5 C P cept it, and he would rather see his son 18| Mr. MORRIS moved that the Bill taking' a buck--saw to saw wood than take 1,1 f s to amend -- the _ Mechanics § Lien Act office in the public _ service, No '-l d be _ referred _ to _ a 'Commlttee con-- matter _ how _ useful a -- man _ may 31{ * sisting of -- Messrs, Crooks, .Meredlth, be. he bas po chance to raise himself in $ El # Bell, Metcalh-\, q:bson (Hamilton), and the public service the same as in other | $ & i; the mover, -- Cartied, branches of business, but he must stick | B6 ue sUPPLY . to the same thing all the time, and he | | ! T P s thought that they were deserving of some | t x P On resum:nz the dobate' on the motion recognition of their services. He knew | i | AB to go into Committee of Supply, some of the men to whom it was proposed | f ' Mr. DEROCHE said bhe did not wish to to grant money, and he thought they well e s / re--open the discussion on the expenses re deserved the graut and more too. Dr. N lll' the Lieutenant--Governor's trip, and in the Ryerson has been a pensioner on this coun-- | \ ) I hope that the debate would not be con-- iry tor many years, arawing an annual t y tinued further, ho would refrain trom sum of £1,000, and yet no thing has ' (" e C making auy remarks on the subject. been said ub%ut it I | E) ' ) The amendment of Mr. Meredith was Mr. MoLAUGHLIN--It's all wrong. _ | & | [ Y j put and lost on & division,. ¥eas, 54; \ Mr. MILLER--No, it is not. He gets 18| d nays, 25 \ his $4,000 a year, and has been getting it | * oA \ i i he Education J .. --M . Appleby _A . Badg + t ever since be was in t | ' B.!u':\.tyne,.l'l.::ter. Bip::;p,' Ble-;r.;? {!onflold., :,':1:- I Depa.rt.ment, and he was no more desery-- 4 4 weoll, Ouc.donl: clhdi-m;:n. cxook;. Derocheb Dry-- ' ing of it than some ot the °E;\:I»lit:lutnnt.s ttco | h a Ferris, Field, Asor, reeman, ibeca s 0 k y 4 \ ( e oo ie o. ols ie' Ts hoger vim ogh comon ouies BB ardy, Hawloy, Hay, Hunter, Laidlaw, Living-- e thoughbt _ P h » l aton, LYOR: ho meoer, g roher M&l:r?a'flh;'. rvig represented Bir Jo:n as banding u?mf , 000 e Mahon, Mack, Miller, MOWR, » M Seemea t the starving Canadian to the Irish. ~ H . ' Pardes, Patterson, Paxton, Peck, Robin-- pas s a § . "fi :'o.:z'(,):rd::m, Robinson (Kent), Robertson &i.fl« man, wAs & good one. He did not believe ] ? ~p#X -- 204 3 ton\, Ross, Sinclair, S'Prinm Btriker, Waters, in sending money Over to Ireland to , ; wote Watterworth, w"':;k"' * :V i e% --5:" Seif Bous-- relieve the distressed. 'They did not need 4 «a s Nars.--Messrs. or, erville, % to go that far to find people who were P 40 b , Broder, Calvin, Creighton Fronch, Harki 6 s | € Ciuss sosk mone maramater Meredith, sermioes safving and in need of assistance, and he ; | uo o Metcalie, Monk, Morgan,. Morris, Near, Parkhill, thought it entirely out of place for f j 3';:""""- Robertson (Hastings), Rosevear, Wigle this Government to make a grant of|' | mAE / . »r¥e s A $20,000, If he was enough in the House { i Knd \ The House then wentinto Cominittee of to defeat that vote it wouid be deteated, . Bir:: Supply . ue but as be was not it would have to run § 'The item of $5,571 22, erpenses re vislt its chances. 'Phe British Government p n of the Laeut,.Governor to the horth-Went, would hbhave done better it, instead of and reduced by $350, as per resolution, spending such a large sum of money in was passed. the Zulu war, they bad given it to relieve fi- sUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES, the distress prevailing h:: Irolalnd. Any. . s did not see that this countr 7 a The following items, undfr the head of :.:'o"'"%' u:xd money out there, as h{ w 5 "s"'wl"!'"t""' SE"'lmlftei,' were passed thought that the British Covernment was * c\ t in ColmWitMON 0+ SbA Y :~-- s wenalthy enough to relieve all the distress 0 ; Crown Lands Department .............. 200 00 that was prevailing. 'Where was no need 1 uh Py t ; IOMONEL . ... ... .le...} ... _ $,089 98 C f | -- " i':fi::::";ma::mmq...,,....... u."ggz 00 ot looking so far for people to keep from 344 e Ontario Sc.l;::gl qL Autbs .cc inscc c rcrn es i2188 3.;«3 gg starving, as any number of them could be ' i | M @8 . . .e se w en ut 66 t ts n a w ks 1 a i 6 'r(':fl'oil.cneom 47,374 83 tound in our '_"y midest. P | | A K f Pllblflc BUuildiDG$ , . . 2e se e es se n e es e# '2."_325 00 The resolution was c.rfled. The Com-- | | m =-- f:'\:'l'l'c'r\.v'(i);:l......:........'..........-'...:.. ....'.:..-.'...l.. "A.'-a")?) (&(; mittee 1080 flnd fepott"'. ! { i | Under the item of " Miscellaneous," b'lrh: ";m"l:d" of this report is unavoid. ' a Mr. MERRICK drew attention to the ably heid OYvEF) ______ ( f ; _ : yearly increase in the amount set apart for Friday, Feb. 27. < ' gratuities to the public servants, who re-- The following is the conclusion of Fri. tire from service, 'Fhere were Persons on day's proccedings, held over for want of 4 the list who bhad only been in the service space. h for a ftew years, and all of them had re-- CONCURRENCE. i ' V' l ; ceived good salaries, 'The House went into concurrence on 11-- kfi : Mtr. PARDEE remarked that some of the the resolutions reported by the Committee A E [ retiring officials bad spent their lives in of Supply. The first item taken up was j ; the service, sud It would be unifait o that of $3,350 to defray the expenses of the permit taithful servants of long standing Lieutenant--Governor's office tor the year l ¢ : to resign wnthou:fia ronring_ allowance. ending 315t December, 1880. i 4 ¥ 6 J ERrty p! the officers received in the Mr. BELL moved in amondment that the itomot} c 5titHNA TT c c en en nsl lt im o s s J

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