The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 Mar 1880, p. 2

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ticn had been held into the affairs %fipor Canada $« y¥ o4 ~n & (: lm:. fearae 3 I Collega. That investigation had then shown that S p there was a necessity for the continuance of the ONTAR' O LEJl LAT UR Eo Coliege, and he supposed that that necessity still en td Gigeesareria ies al existed. He wassatisficd that the feciing of the 1 M country was rather in favour of the College, Our M C Shalh + 1 High Schools could not exactly fill the place that Fourth Parha'me :t Fl rSt S@SS[OH- this institution did. w=--_-- e f Mir. ROSS thought it unfair to bring this matter F j s § f f p/ so Inte before the House, 'The investigation allud-- Oc(l!(;'(:lrl,]!nw' g is tho conrclnsion of Tucsday*s pro-- «d to by the former speaker had taken place some 1088' f twelve years ;ARO. and at that time our High Schools After recess, were not in the state of efficiency which they aro The Hous i J itt a Divisi | now in. Matters had now entirely changed. 'The Court 1;.1)'7 @webnt info Commitfee~od ue ririton ' ' High Schools were cheaper, and quite as efficient > as Upper Canada College. Besides, there sould be Mr. HARDY proposed to make a foy amendmonts ho doubt that at no distant date the ground which to supply some omissions which had inadvertently the Collegs covered would be taken up for other been made. . purposes. It was now too valuabile a piece of iand Mr. LONG moved in amondment that the Bill be , to be allow«d to remain in the position it was now. not now concurred in, but that it be reforred badk He was in favour of waiting until the sense of to a Committea of the Whole Houso with instruc-- : x the couutri,v equld be gathored on the matter, tions to insert theifollowing resolution ;--** Provided Mr. HA CguUuRT from his ow n personal knowle that the jurisdiction of Divigion Courts be extond-- could toll them thas the ltu(?enu from ('Ou.l:lt':; ed to sums not '('xcoodmg $200 in the class of cases y Grammar Schools took a higher place at Toronto in which such Courts have now jurisdiction to the ' University than those from Upper Canada. He extent of $100."" The mover thought the Bill in its compared the High School programme of studies presont shape would not meet the wante of a large to--day with what it was some years ago. He could g}au of people having businoss in theso Courts, point to a fow Collegiate Institutes which could The only reason the legal profession w ere opposed to give a sounder and better educatior to a youth than the extension of this jurisdiction was bec--uso it f l{ppcx' Canada. _ As a feeder of the University, woutd lossen thoir practice in the County Courts. # Upper Canada Collego was getting behind the age. Nr, MOWAT hoped the JHouso would negative Gentlemen could be sure that the number of Chairs theamendment, 'The Bill as it was at present went in Toronto Univermty were far mure in need of as far as was proposed last year, A good deal fot support than did this Upper Canada College. He attention had booen bestowed {xpon '1!, and the k ;g:)ko of ;ho.c_ducauonal tendencies of this age. Government was strongly of the opinion that it was nmei::x:c:n:n:::'t';;:":::?:;::d o(;.:p%mye exami-- not desirable that the experimont should be tried .. Ap4 c n' s r% t m by 11 . ap thorities were unable to follow *these te:xrl:l:::;:s't:'y :(;k:;dg:("l: ('}"e'::t: l:(: ':""'l":'li':'::ifl'l:l{'l 1~:§)110.»f.'\'. ]_llo ' reason of the poverty of the institution, Let them this jurisdiction at all _ they w wmdu) g o'll"' "v"g give the sum spoken of to an institution which was number of learned and ablo ,',', § t (,",n' o oms y so desoerving and so much in need. wiso in the interest of suitors ;,x? oa;oe':g :h\::csol:n'l\; _ Mr. GIBSON g{;mum") said he was also in a po-- amall suma were involved. _ HMe could nol say sition to know that the work done in Upper C >« that in thus going against the opinion of so da College was of an inferior nature. This lh(:nl.d meny loarned judgos that the change was going to be considered before they granted the large .'; work well. At all cvents it was too much to asked for to this institution. First, lot a th%ro""l: ask tho Houso to go any furthor at pre-- searghbe '!lld. as to the efficiency of its work,. No sont than the Bill proposed in this direction , considerations of its history or its age should suf-- Thoy bad opportunity every year to advance further fice to keep it alive. Let them know what is being in the matter if they found that an advance was done, and have full particulars before they nsedod, Since the Bill was previously discussed commltted'them.olvg. to any definite mode of ac-- in the House ho had received a number of lotters tion. If Toronto felt the necessity let its puople from exporionced men, giving it as their opinion establish two collegiate institutes, or as many as that casos involving large sums will receivo the it educationally required, sp(\c'ilul attontion of the judges, and thoso involving Mr. MCMAHON was im s small sums would bo lightly passed ovor, It was ¥ of the gentlomen who h:aeu:goklelko tlomo tound by experionce to be the coursa which judgos fact that the ussfulness of °U :r oC the unconsciously foll into, and it was only reasonable ds College as an -- educationsl p?oroe 'ana-- to suppose that such would be tho case to soine ex-- goue. He would support the Minister of F\;n tent. Upon these grounds, as well as upon others, k cation had he brought down a resolution to ab i llx; he would urge upoun the House to accoept the Bill in hs colloge, but totike action to peFbot olis the form which they had deliberately consiqered io would néever consent, . He agreod !\)vil;ll?xou'l'lam it he be the bost forim at prosout. timents expressed concerning the Uni"";";";} 'The amendmont was lost on the following divi« "lorpntto.ko:;ly a certain class of the people of On-- | sion. Yeas, 19; nays, 46 :-- ario took advantage of Upper Canada Colloge [| _ YX®as.--M rackorvi R | j g.--Moesesra. Baskorville, Bell, Boulter Cal-- v Mr. ROBINSON (Cardwell) beliovred that it | / | yin, Creighton, Fronch, Korr, . Lauder, 'Long, would create great dissatisfaction throughout the Meredith, Moetcal{c, Morgan, Morris, Near, Park-- ig;:'l:;r{ l'f this %:":\utt. wore' to perpetuate this ) hill, Richardson, Rosevear, White, Wigle--19. 5 cratic institution. Teachers i * &--I aby,* rilancr n tnis" imatitution "mearly dgatte that B | .( minine tm Sn enc besions on grammar school masters who had no greater claims caden Chishoin l.)ur': loP. uez.(';r' + '.on (;0 d." Cas-- To scholarship or anything ol if s *) 1, che, Dryden, Freld, Fraser, P esolubion would be Withdirnwh so. e hoped the > :'}rexl-lnun,u (Gibson l(lh:lron), (ibson (Hamilton), v raham, Harcourt, Hardy, Hawicy, Hay, Huntor | Mr. NILLER would like to say one word in fa-- * % Imiuluw., Jaiviugséon. Mc(;r.'uwy, l\{éh:xuzillinu, Mc'. f | vour of Upper Canada,. It was not alone I Mahon, Mack, Muller, Mowat, Nairn, Neclon, | a Provincial institution, Thereo were _ stu-- \ \ Pardee, Patterson, Pock, Robinson (Cardwoil) dents from all parts of the world there. He k Robertson (HMalton), Ross, Sinclair, Sprin ror, | :g::e(:::?"'f.: ""{,gl'.:u: institution which he wo'fifi 3 Striker, Waters, Wattorworth, Wood, 'You'ug--%tfi-' | Colloge. o the abolishment of was Upper Canada \__ -- Tho original amendmonts woere thon concurred A | 10. | _ Mr.CASCADEN ; ~ oap sls % 6y members of e Joff,';", ?)?l.l? 2:','{_",{"'"9 that many APPOINTMENT OF GAOLERS.= Mirmk y x rous manuer for Uppor Canada Collup in a chival 4 In the consideration of Mrc. Woodi's Bill to " was the ouly plea which hon. ROflllel:g:.oo{:lud' tihvx: amend the Muntcipal Act, ' :::fi:gh?g;'fen?e. Upper Canada compared sery !!r'r. ng eBeq th mov'od o inpeentonly nnoloiauy Instit urably with many of the existing Collegiate C {li to the effect that ali appointments of gaolers by I was map and Migh schools of the Province. He -- \ i ths sheriff shall require the ratification of the | d" & :d to have heard the remarks that had been A Ligut,.--Govarnor. In rising he asked the indulgence | roppe"by hon. gentiemen concerning the Univer-- and atteation of the Iouse. The mattor upon | sity of Torouto, and would add his voice in favou \ which howishod them to awell was the relations ' ;'Iggg"""' liberal aid to that most desorving ) ff."'""fl betwoon sherilfs and gaolers. For one ©j | s \ ming, there scemed to be no surcty as to whom the # \ rosponsibility of the mismanagemei 5 y _ Mr. BADGEROW was astonished t! l k ) M mismanagement of a gaol rest-- ister of Education had so far misiutlear:)r:}::dm:l? I 4 wl:m' B butsugh Havent t1t5 eapeerPhe Savier feeling of the country with regard to this qu--stion . Sara 1 shorlff; but such was not tho caso,) The gatler The University of Toronto must look to the othn' :)nl' o wiy »nor mhan iike ths beeomeyiotany | educational institutions of the country for lmdenter L:ul) o eminih orthe arnern mnviat eoueriite faclpwod" and not to the Uppor Canada Collego. 'The college indepondout of the other, What generally followed had been sustained by a system of gh:mdcro college I .fll;:u(l)lltho ctmnlcg ion betwoen shcriff and gaoler was * & dious at ang > s Mr. CROOKS denied that the remarks of the ho connoctm;'\:v(ith .!:fcio'l; o oo io sectenm midthe mclmbar were at all applicable to the Upper Cauu;; : bost for tha ixlt('rc;%?);' lo"u{'m::x%rhsyvfiv'flnn '::;gnugi' Cullagse. proimotion by iori » | rotion by seniority and merit. Mr. Harcourt Dq Mr. BADGEROW did not mean "plundering adduced many instances whoers the a"lo":'a';:lrlfl in its broad signification, but the word was applic-- sysicm at prosont in vogue was fraught with con-- | able in a certain seunse. He intended to oppose the :.der.;lng. injustico. lion, gentlemen could sco resolution firm{ly. t"(:('wét f{:;mm'i-:u ls]:.;eriff could make the nosition of V Mr. MEREDITH thought this discussio N on O on Lo NC anrkor. ow BAEAAeT utd do much good. It was a pity that this q.::c:ti;::ox;?l t';:-lx(tn:)l!'i::xr':'?'ufit('icn d qunelndnto'.eral.le eapinet nvorh not been placed earlier on the table, 'The Minister m{h or geutlemen would treat the subject more * austively than his stroag y bir k S orshos $f the Upoar Shomde Sobegy. "Yat oil 1e * Aimainrale . "aaaud ' would advocate the postponement of the :)rlelexlx': Mr. DEROCUHE had spoken twice this sossion on action, and rofer the matter to a committee, ::"' "."'j'_"':- lowever, he wished now to endorae Mr. HARCOURT wished to make an explana-- M S y ae Enfiiiiche ven uts on h )ot in ipraus s eadiveniigi id tion. The Minister of Education mllunderltou.d Municipal Law just read by the hon. gentleman. his allusions to Huxloy and Tyndall. What he Mr.HARDY explained that Mr, 1Harcourt's meant to say was that the scientific teaching of amenimont merely advaunced the opinion that the such men reached a class of people that cluafcu Licutenant--Governor should coincide in the ap-- n:tni'nm;nu l;:d no pleasures for. The explanation pointments made by the sheriffs. of the honm. Minister quite changed the question. (RE i i He was not aware before that the mgney !obg gnnt:d ganv{:.imc}::}:;l#rg 3 C tiro v'"m"d ment practi cally | for the purposes wanted were to be taken from the na o hands of the Government the patro-- funds of the Coliege. This fact entirely ch deee. tbitt Govirnment snnatarbe cour o onney | the complexion of ings rely changed vince. 'The Government should be courageous and C on motiou Of M M. i boldly assert their desire to ceniralize all the' .uu':'e'.o u of Mr. Morris the debate was ad-- patronage of the Province in their own hands,. Ho | ¥ J Hi'r:fldu'.';og'ftfluamsz this underhand way of set-- PARLIAMENTARY BUILDINGS SITE. flls { Mr. CROOKS moved the following resolution ;---- :f:e c:.ause was adoptod., | * That this House doth ratify an Order in Council 'he following J[Bills were Jom-- | dated the a""id" of, March: instant, authorizing | mittos and repurt'oa Frad passed through Com | certain resolutions of the Senate of the Universit \ R lori ; ; of Toronto, respecting tha proposed lrrangel;eutz di?uorit:('i:llll:h:::o"t' 0& a?d argong cxecution cro-- E: | between the Province and the Corporation of the i# ornoy--Gontral , city of Toronto, for the erection of the Parliniment-- To amond the Municipal Act--Mr, Wood. p | ary,bmldmp in the Queen's Park, Carried, TAXATION AND EXEMPTIONS. |\ _ It being six otclock the Speaker left the chair, B_'fhe Hou:o wont into Committeo on Mr. Mo watl's Aunanememecmaszenemanamuamenanaamameamemememmens | Bill respecting municipal taxation and exomp--

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