lots. . I . Mr. YOUNG" believed that the purpose of vil- lages and towns in extending their limits was to rope in farms and make them pay at the rates of village properties; ir Mr. MILLER oiuld see nothing in the argu- ments advnnced why their farm lands in villages and towns should be taxed according to their 1 value. i Mr. WOOD thought the cases In which farms were within the bounds of either vil. . J logos and towns were rare, and he could Tim-soar, March 4. trdl"/, sweater abuse would creep if: if fhr'in , i an I in some own or Vi .tge at: ua , war " MORNING SESMON' _ $1,000 per acre should only par an assessment . The Speaker took tho their at It o'clock. l equal to a farm in the country worth " an acre. EXECUTION CREIIITORS- I Mr. GIBSON (Huron) said the hon. gentleman Mr. MOWAT moved the House into Committee must know that the harassment in n township was to make some verbal amendments to. his Bill to , frequently one-third less than that in a. village. abolish prl nity of and among execution creditors. andthat a farm property which was not incrou~ed Tho Bill was re orted as amended. lthI'Ille " its position in a village had to pay . p . ilt thisincreased rate. 2 1'irlii2,"i;fi",,t Ill,','," following nmesul ' t On mottonjlwdebate was mm, -- ---' _ r. ' mov- it . p, r , ' _. " F." _,..-' . ttttest:- "That the said Bill be not now read tho C. '; - s . M" MERF'DIT" asked Wuett the order el-ity- third time, but he forthwith referred back to a s y." the when of the Lml , rvlou under the no. Committee of tho whole House with instructions to . I lie bervioc Act would be laid on the table. amend the Bill by providing that. ddbt, WNW" Mr. HARDY said that the ela"it1eatioa had not . legal or equitable, duo to an execution debtor br , been completed in all the I.ep:trtntrenth and tho / resident of the county " Jef." tt writ order would "tdeg2'ii', be in time to brine down it of execution has force I a! ' I It". no- this session. C "t0eatior" would he made onl tice in writing given I, stitch small"): after proper examination. 1lV such debtor. be bound h such noon ion, an - T . _ A _ _ the sheriff may em; for the recovery of such debts in l . sanrt2'dte,112,tieg',1y", sh: 'ie.,','.;,",' .of tht: "- like manner as a sherilI may sue for the recovery of l I 53'" tt 0" ' Wou'. " brought debt due to on abeooudin debtor. tt ' . ' Ti: . d b t d l dl st on a division. Mr. WOOD said that they would not be brought C INOJ IIILD was ee are o down this ttttgttMttt. The Bill was read a third time. The S . ' pea'er left the chair at one o clock. TAXATION AND EXEMPTION. AFTFUlN00 l ' ' . The Home aentlnto Committee on the. Bill re- , . ','f hhaSlON. speed" Municipal 'l nation and Exemption. The Speaker took the Lhair at three o'clock. Mr. M0WAT explained the tirtt section of tho I I'BIVILE .. Bill and how it amcted incorporated and unm- I 'r " corpurated compinies. and defended the principles " On the Orion of the Day being called, Dr, \Viddi- of the Bill relating to these. l field '0" to it qu'rtioa of rT.i,Tiitste, He stated Mr. Minimum moved to strike out all the I that he had been Nimrod in Tns CLUB! cite-day words after the word "bulk" down to and includ- l , " h.avi.ncspokett in .Ollpplltlon to the extension of int; tho word "annulment," and to substitute the ' T the Jurisdiction of Diyisioy Courts, while ae a mat- I Word. .. aud railways." l, tor of fact he had spoken in the opposite direction. l Mr R055 3 id thee sult of such an exemption Hott. (Entlemen "my! bear witnetr, that he had ' . a t . P. . . always eon a warm a vocals ct such extension would be that tho ttttttr ay"'lefe,', of thunk or , 1 He had felt so strongly that he had even deemed it ra'dwttr #rott d be collected at the htrtuiquarteo ot ' his duty to vote sgxinst the Government on that "u. column}. . l mint. and in favour of tho amendment of the hon. Mr. MEREDITH "id that the last speaker quite I member for London. " the Vote: and Proceedings misundereood hie amendment. I . ' i of the teg",Tc',',ort,d, :35": llelbvlieved the Bill ' P i . . . , was a a op in erigi tree loll ut re relied that it" ttttd/tici',,)',,',':'",',',',') i223: te',)"':',,';,,,,, _ the Government had not neon its '.'J3',1','fltri to ex. r. I ' . III t I , ' isi F 3 _ otproporty wlticU (,"u'll'// ...... ero'"tpt. Theyre- t attire" onved no beneht from mimic pal 1mprovetrtent+ .' . . . C. . Ho hop d that in the fronting of the itill this inter- The consideration of tho Irunieipa1 and l Illllou "st, winch ll.t(l milk-rod so much of late, would be Ir1l V" resumed m Conur.itter. attlult'd the "x uuy.ed properties. Mr. GIB'BION moved at} am width!!!" to strike out . l I, . N . . . t 0 mo ualitii" in . the word» on account 0 such property tt in sub- "muggy? h coruplsiutsd of b q section 20 of sectiun o of the Act. Carried. Mr. ltth" wished to endorse the remarks made The Bill wt" finally Wt orarl as amended. conuurnllig Veulo? proprrty. Ve~ttels really got no On the motion for a third reading Mr. Meredith honetit from many of the ingest municipal cx- moved that the Billion not new read a third time, peudrturmr. . taut 1that . it .e,, refgrred 1t',atilt, S",',',"",",,",',"",', of the r, t .' . . ' t . t t w "on". N 'ho e, wit t ins rue ions H) a ri e on I " proviso ol','..,:,,"',)??,,'.? hh",) J,2'ri/sfarg.i/i'"ut, rer,r,r/r,1,il orde'r for "WWW"! the p'rsonnl property ot companies to lilirchztee a who). and if more wero no exomp- investing are Ely/lt or 'l1'."'/,t.L2'g.' of their main.- _ 'tl v l t -.~rt both v-aeel and farm trt till-Wu! I. Watetshor 8, p no or gravel roar s, 1:35:13 t1"'ta2U11//fl) toytlio ownr'r. Vent-ls did li.irboure. or other works requiring _llie "treatment not bonetit to 'ill "rent extent from municipal ox- of the whole or par) of their meat-n in real eetnte, pcnditurt: niid shots" not be burdtut-d with muui- . t.sud "I? to "is," "Mtutntt derived by Stockholders ' in out: comp: is. t :psl taxation. H . . . F Mr. citizioii'rox pointed out that in the matter "m Tteerie,' wa8 declared lost on di ""00- of harbours municipalities spent large sums, which Mr. Mhiltlhllllll my". " that the 4th section, he should think vessel owners ought to bear their which provides for-tho doing away with the pump- shore ot. tton at 8400 of the income of persons whose incotues Mr. WOOD admitted that there was much in (1000;! $1.0"), he shtick out. what had bin advanced in favour of exempting The amendment was lost on division-yas, 15 . 2'tlhTtrdt,',; iiie1'y, 'tl,',',",': too, Whichdlflgh: Ken. 38. ' not ca l at t o pr s w ere iey wrro unease WM: If 1 ' ' " . ' during the sea-till, certainly received lose bench: t,d',rc/j,),"v'ire2,"r'g1/elyy/i'g, elliltllul- 63:15:33: than steamers 'r"ttiatt . port a" by Pr new of any person from his per~onal prom-xi, and In LONG also held opinions similar to those of that he be only listened on tho balance. Mr. tieolott. Mr. MOWAT, in speaking to Mr. Cannot Mr.NEFlLON corrected some of the statements ptneudtttemt, said he thought 1hr- members had not made by the then-her for North Grey. He wanted quite understood the force of the nuanment. lif- vcesels taxed on thi, net earnings of the. rise]. hum: if Wili' convinced that no ittdubteu'nvss, should Mr. NIMthlttri'H'S amendmont was lost. 3:01;; 2333;120:931, 22;: J,!','. V311? 35):: ul",',', 3333:1312: ,' Mr. PAXTUN "tttred that the words totsnq and humor be referred luck to Corttutiitee at the Whale villages be struck out of the seventh clau=e. to have the clause inserted by Mr. Calria smirk Mr. HAY called attention to the injuetioe done to out. formers owning farm lands within a town or Village Mr. WOOD made a few r. m irks in support f the having to pay large sums. Attoru".v-thtnvral's amendment. in. WIDDIFIHLD aid that he know I Mr. MERHDIHI said that the. prhieiulo dcalt cases where farm properties, uittiotod in I wi'ii in Mr. Cutvin's Nation was one worti'ty ot turns and villages. were frequently very support. highly asetd. {Hid thits ttt "a" wtieret 'It P."" Mr. MILIS considered that til-'1 was ono of the petty in question Could never be uteri for bluildirig turrgt importn't: mocm- of 1.33;} lion ""1. which pul'pou-z. He hoped the 1tPPtrrPyyirt wou d "my had had to deal this "an. He ttudertrorut done: some plan " which this evn could be reme- that theltsadtsr of the Government had 'tigatiied his died, intention of leaving thio, all open question. m, in- Mr. WOOD said that it was necesary that this . starlet-d several cases. 1uywitu.ro" the clause ofthe species ofproportr should ho described so as not to A Hominy-General Would will merchants _evoiy. allow acres of properly to escape taxation inn Til. where throtulltottt the mutiny. It a Ini'lt'i indom- l.igo or town by being called farm property, when edncns were deducted from his personal limiter-(y it it was rcally no anon thing. It would be wrong to would no the most eqititnnlc way of settling the enable Int'u to hold property for years at a merely quotation- noniina'. assessment. Mr. HARDY said that at the fag end of the see. Mr. MERF. DI "I said that if tho land wait as- sion this matter who rushtd upon the House with. sent-d at what wasite value he could not lee any out preparatory '.toue. l'lus amendment mytid i-justice done " all. . the end g 1',rf,',','2git,1r, 2.oiiit,ig, of] exemptions : can ex en " . 1 is won. rats. lcOm. Mr. WIDDIFIELD said that In his constituency PM." ua. _ . "t . . motion in the menu). He hopod that tho amend- she'r'u'"" 'lTl"rh"l',tt', land was :'2,'2ilf'/."f,hl inent of the Attorney-General would be carried l 'f. anteligfehtd 'ld'tu'Ieflyl,',llro." taxation, an until at least they had got the sense of the country l . . on the point. I . F i Mr., ROM, thought that the ideas of the member 7 Mr. GRAHAM declared that the amendment put for Lotttlots mm tsound, aad he would 'upport thon. in the not by Mr. Calvin would be withing a We. V Mr. HARDY said there were two sides to this miuin for traders to got into debt. 'llli'il""/,llt Ai', ',ti'l,ft'r", in?» I""',,', can I', but}: Mr. CALVIN defended his amendment. Lad}, a"; 12,' Britt aa. ' wore " W" J Mr. Citiciml'i'ox expressed 1:03er that the At. Dir GIBSON (Huron) l-iiew cases of farmers t,rceie,t"irgl balloutmk "ow 'a'lt/.'"Ja1 !0 mum the . . . vo e were its con a on on r. Ja vin's a not - being this??? into a Vllh'o, asilith were, and the maul. I d revenue . 1 tr property "Y""": t ereby. . Mr, anal'i amendment the carried on division Mr. PA90s' said that often it was impossible ~Yoas. M: hays. '11. for tlow, mm" to "ll tireir proper , " town The not was then read a third time.