' B ___..____....__ --------rrrreztT=:.rr2T. ' . cd ir: 11- or'conS ' thoO - Strre"rlr.5 _-_-_ tr-m ---.-. .---. "'Mfl-"l 'ypl,t,te."h"li11jt/lif:.',; 'iiij.iiiiiiitPt'irtrtllfi1lr:. E n I t LATU RE I 1x13111011 hail sixnilled Isis "0"";qu much. an they 0 NTA ll I 0 L] ' containcd in the Hili,ttnd this "tr 10t7iG)iiiidi! l "umlmlttod iii,r,'s1,ii,i.iii,tivigty'n1?t?,'f)r:s'. 1.iyil//i','il - "vytbsplorvtl 11141111." ' ", he Ittorttr'y- len- ' __ , N. 1 , I. M uv l,uttheliri.l"', C, . l? 101111111 PARLIAsriNT--SEc0tl0 SESSl0 I y/i/tit/ly/J/i',',':')',',,) " lastitta' t,ij,Fj:iili:e/.i.1//t'. _----------"-'-- I ii'. , . " . wrthc 1-1111!) 1 1 ' ' V TORONTO: Jan. M. l, ',Titti"/rle.t 'i'ii')11'2//.'iii.', rtfij,j/i.hl."1,"uto"ii/'l tii','. , , '- 'u. ', tr Cook H11- phuir .1! Js o'clock. 1 "1'11' "ouiin',t 11111111 trom thte 111111 Lllw country It". EPALA'LA . 1 ii'r/iirs',Q stuutt had i,r'.','oriirr,'ir/rttrrlv.1',ii/ Cd "HI". lb, l f . I . .1 . 111111 11111' Jurlze turuld WM"). l1111-11115 already i'ivet'ol.'rowrn.,'p"i'ii'_ wrnclryt-'nttut.' - ,.;/i,l'nt,,r,uc:rci1u"uit'y ho Il.? 13111-14 with [11.1 sic. \11.1--'.~ 1'11" 111-:1li1111 ol A. /l. "("1511 an," 11.1w! tothe p.0',,,.»...1 srwilwttl '/'d')',',,lih"/ird'd('ftiif. 'l .- 'm, ' 'llini.',uu.ssiii,r tor.i"'e",ait"'lt' P/ill? "unudiart Pat 1111:1111" yiit 1111.1 11. ' "tiotth" J , I . t . . _... 'Lhe ho 1's otclou . . .1 . b ', tl . atti'rol " 91111111 . ,'r ll... 1111111. 11111. Act 11.~11~11ull1. u , m1 ":1: 11.1111 l.' (I 1): It', "/f trailivtiy in Chttarit ~11 ', "'00" c-ii/M," lil", . ' l; T I ' l'wll tveiitiortof'rlioruat It. Gibson ond I t111111 " t'tucsr'.jun P116111? 1giilytav,CI'l.l r",, 11-1. 111' 111111111 ,:iotrrtw.sit1w'.ytl,1,"1. ' l I 1111' Hirl of I Lt. w:rrl 2'.,e/fll?, 1%,'i','lll?iis'i'G 111'. I'N'umil l pt"ltiott ot Ir. "lhglmm tMil t ol. tieatluu-dtotbshgrit2LtLtP. 13.1", 11. t',yi't.ftvui.lotlis'.s'.tli"t tP"1. r l , , 1.. 1.1111411 'l'lv. 111-11110" of tlu' "VIN-9E9" I .. ' II 11.1"! 111.... "111111111114 1Hnlratty, 1r/yy"ir l ., 1' 's', VA". VA." to ciutule, thcut to run-1 a ' "' :",?"Y.' rvttr,vi).')hi,,.nofth,, 'l'uwn thsuncil oi l ' tr.'. NCu/ Tlit' , t' 1111 Act Itiity' Hum. 10 (111.11'2'" I I 'ur. [112M111ng _ . ' .. Ni y . F: Il,,."! . iutollctlo . "rat'" a [.11 i."',",'.',','?, ly 11.1.; , !II"iI11111 of ir_uitrliosaur,tr, , .l! Pa:-. "", if Pr'ay'tr-',' ter" cv:riittuuiud, ', 1."! [111:11 I 1""). "1151111 A,-', 'yil','.'."iithi the tuiwrost I CC',',:", '/'d.1l 1111.11.111111- '. A)1/') ) 'ruA!yilyy In": I Inn-11.11 Hr' r... loss "hipt 01111111 ".' u Uitchtitih ' l .111. l11-r1111'11'. t..' .1,- towrrst,ir, ol hulmlne; Jlv.. ; '.1-;1v~.111' ,'_,.,_.,"-,_"_,1111., J, r111-z Mr.lrctu_.oi 1 tut-loss-nr,-)-'" [31141311111111 '. Jiv. '51"? "I 'liri,vrtstsi,, 1'1111111'11 "2. 1.11111-1'14'I1: \lr. loom). ' 111' "-rl',rvliot'oi_l of 1.1111 lon; M _ Hitstssr, 111' 1911' 'rovvr.,u,ot'ouruul In: rrt.lit.c:t ". Mt'. Ulrkhlll: I 111~ ti. i'osr,sii:';r1'iruus'iloi' l1111i'tili Mv. Itoc,rot 1 111- 1111\11 11111 1211111111 111 w. 1uxsauooU: Mr. , Neil ttl I---- l'nwnahip t'ouucilof ll11111h1:1'<1_1111': , 'tiv. fun-11', ol 1111- 'l'trvvitchr:ri'ouritul 111 Mu111lur1l; i " . 1:11.11 of tits. I'or.usltiy l'1111111-1I 111" Hullyy ' 1 .11.: s-sr-rt-Towns-Iii/u-ii/rift.'.!'-,'.'?"'):', I 1lr. "1:11-11". ul' the. Towrnsliitt Council ot Port- Y rail.: Jlv. Cools, of th" Townsurp Couucu oi '; ttrcliu. ItjA_tyi'MF'.NTAL 1lr.l'1H's'l'A. Thu Pruyviruiul Snt'rvlul'} brought '.lovyn .the rc- D-rl o/thiatt-Ott-iron at Public ll OHM [or the ' 'icstJu'irr. ', Till) Altitltr'..cc. 1 Ilr. 'ill',uttN'tllivsudto:srroo. to muw' th" "l 131-14 111 r1':111 1-1 t'.11 311111-111 11-11111 tlus 'l'hmmn In 'lrurc: >11 111 li.', 111:1: intiulv,.itio 1111111 Int. Hir,trs" 1111114: tri, 1141111111 sict'ittoIrct"ott- 1111011111111}; t't-ratiower.'.ir '11' ,1: 't,ottiirviictucuin, 11+11111» 1321.1 h, h.111;.111 v/xi-lvl-Hs,'"").".", 11 (tor Hum ntirncirv.r.i',h. "1111-21 tlrsrtrhcvitllJoiit 11' :1<11:1:!' inc,iur,vvtuir.tircrhe 1,ictt'-tiovcrtro.- onhi, wp'oirnm-yilrclir.tho0ic-.owytu: 1111-11. und us 11:11.11 i'n!d-!ortrritu1r/y//y,',,!"i,! of 11141113114111 ,11N11'1111»: .11 1111-111 1< titrwrtilh .l1y 1111-111111--~1111' 11:4 1.1.1111}: H14 ions: PuNi:vntcrt:try 0-K]: 1211110 01111111111!) 11l111HHI'1l him for.tis" /ls _ 1 111131-11 th-u',":-;),:-'-;),)'-'-; whirio, its tltr. 1'1:-."1-'~111.111\1- ot' tht tYowtt. l woui'ltllsulrirstr1o:irfoyru, 111111 whih 1111-; 51111-1111-21 1111.401} 111111 1115 1111111 ot' 111B1~111111hv L:11h1-1'1111.nr.11 111111? 111143.! Print' itll " ii"" ahh' .1111! ,111-1~::11; 1-1111'h 111 tlo. lisrr, of himuclt'and lri, ' 1111-1111:. tnt l utr-tliteral') p.tmrVtthuttollowirtc:tn Ilo. /,nt.t,-,, 1L his prtul1uuss,irry', lu' "(Mild 111-111 111 tr,* 1111 "rnlcoritl.s cortiiitutiuttui Hm- 1'111-11'. ll" {HORN o,' H11- 11111-11111 m H11- 'srtr 1.111 .11 11-..- 1-11111111111111 cviult'rtr.es. ot' the 11:1 1.. "".' \;11-1'-1_'. in 'h1 l'ruvinl-v. 111111 t,r,'r 1 "r-'.' 'io. I' rirrler:lyr.-ermiou "11111) hun rt ' , 'i,-, 1111M 1111 \'1'11'~':1 with iuti.4f,artion _inrt::rvr,vrs:iietl,os,r. _a\':'1;1V111n:. 111 'irriittglu'o - trr-' . '"c:unrsrh.trltu,rirt..u ttsu.hless,arl, wilhmmd 1 ' 11' " 11'1'.I'Ii '1311111' '11 wrt fu.'1!\1'il' 'rvtciu, c. w,'wt' lv. .'111'1.11 1111\1' lu. urrauutvllytoii:irhulto l'tr ",_-, _. i '1 1-11-1117 1ltrtutrtuiiiry tstiti,itvti<iosnt, .1 _. '.. 'r_ri.lr',o!tbcrril:tluxurrul \11311-10'1'1'1111- 111' . 11-2111.-- 1:t'rrishcdot'tlo-piu,rmitc.:urxo:, 1111111- 19111:" 11.1I1~11111tl11-1:11-1111.11 err- I . , P111111 :1'1 1111'1"1-"-'?1111" _ 111- 1111111» I' 11211112 "nd 1321' t 1 'lt 111111'1'111' '1"1-.'11 1"."1121111' tv 11'1"» h.1\1' l, I1 '-~.f|'~ 'sxis,stsrr.He.vtwtrtrtuul; 'th, -..111|1l'1',: ink-11 :1 .1111! ~11M!h:1' 1lcstin.," 11'111'1-"11 TTas 11111" ".111". -'nruit,to :1111r1n.u~11 _-Orr-tintra' war :11" .11'11».-1'\.1.1"~. lit-11111 1111! k111n'.'1h11' 1111-1 trrrpil,l,u',ru)ru',, '111< Irrrssitivi'ry Urun.1 I'tirtit'ul,iy t' tti-o . l'.111'1- 111 1':-H;1-~1- ho Lmcw who,usiwilrol 1111-111 Li, ml": 111 V 1111101011 to 11111' Hurlivllluf' co: 1'1'. 1111' N-nn', 1'11311\ (""912 Iouv, too 1hr 111.1111 11111111. At 1h:- sit'ttt' tim" h1- hud Ito hs.s'itut'soriiti sitrirr,' H11.) H111,~1' cviurmtus ot r1-~ turr'irir/p'isttt-yirry.tttivirir'h hr had rsI"tially PI- .1111". 1-.1-1'1-111111- r-uIlyilrutuirieto tttty 1111111.- p1111-_\, 1191-1". h1-111'1. Anlrou. Mirrnlunm "HUNT in wit" of it. "1- 11.11 :usiemr'iul to ttie fynturio Boundary Award. 111111 mid thul all tiouht or' ,'ite attiruV 111 tlu. Itotniuion Govern. (110111 1111 11111! 11114141011 "an tioH (li-'mlH-d. "rr.'thi? M111: that ttmt Govcrtitttrrtt stood in un- 1:rctornisttitotli b, +1 11111-1'1-515 of this I'rnvinu- f 'l'hw "wutol Irv! 711* MI tinuui'tious.itntl "ttsed 1111 .1 't;'tlcttv-'-.rFkiiowlu'c,:eoi",h" 1111'". and Itt" 'ova-lt-tobo)','-:-,-.,,, C)rrtuiirartd of . thr' lhr;ui'nu.m.uot hr 1111111 1111: Humor-11111111 why 1! 1111-1111:? 1-1111111'1111'11 ty the Itrnttiniott Govvpu- _ .111-1.'.1111 w,cilrr,'iioutatuot;ovrrrovnot. Po b "lr'iyorofthtn 1110.51 irupyrtan.t tnti,Ut'ro4 to h.- -1!,'1:1'11~11 lop the consult-111111111 of tlu. Houso. 'V 1111-1 'o, 'thIulh'uiurv Hill. providing for thc "otc,oi'dati,,rt of tlo. ~.-11'1-1-11l '-rlltHs of htwurul tuiuity.un", 'lirtcia'olic'sinrntor'it uniform 1515111111 oijrttetici.und Islr,viiiv/. Laityvarthic, Hill had .11 ocencurrGul toils s"'uritlriudirig.lrut 'irtdi-rererw" ' to thc {emu tratctmity. who 1111.11 1'v"11'1:51-ntu-1l that Hre tirne for it-; 1-111131111'1'1111011 WM too short, 11 had 111-111 hold ori'r. it would now h1- 111::1111 ,uhrturt,"i, ict4 iruorovvU. nnd '.t had no 111111111 11111 that it would hut-111111! hos. "WI'I'U'NIY ~,\~!1111 1'1'1'1111'11 in many "nd 11111111" way; 1111511111" artddittiulticr:irttliue wluttnic, 11'11111111 11".111c1i1'1- 11111! thr. "notrtaly ut'juslim- lit 111111 11111111 not ho-lngglhlirr 'tttmother, 11nd what . tuiurht he crrtrcitituvd un1-1111111'~' property in Otis. . "our.irurtptlhtspropitvyw' 3011111 11m- 14-11111 unothcr 1'oi:pt would. Ite trusitod. soon Irvuthiug "t 'ht'.rcr,1, I!" 111111111111 out thut the .hlxninisn'u- 11011-11 .111'111-1- Act of 1117.". had in a grunt I111';1~11r11 !,ivpacru' 1111- 1111.1 1'111'1211- "V now [11111NN1'1L and '."ms-yu'uttl.s thr ilitlicultiv, "xpurituicrul upon tlu, intiyiittrportot'" --1111ih:1' Hill in England would ' 1111! I111 fclt. In 'ru'rty:lanualvsothto' laboured utultu. thcdrcrtdvant.ug" oi'urii'nsctm'icninttrtrhvrootusod,